
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1921 PAGE SEVEN West Indies Sound Position SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE wanancaran THE MARY MULLER ONE PRICE STORE HAS JUST OPENED HATS TO 10 GOLD English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, Embroideries, etc. UNEQUALLED VALUES AT LOWEST PRICES EXCELSIOR THEATRE Boods came, no longer Colonial Bank Manager You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED ID Views order to completel, dominate your afferings is the famous Mr. Charles Hewett Joint HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES General Manager of the Colonial of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Lons of Appetite, Debility, etc.
Bank, has returned to London from the West Indies, where he For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs.
recently spent three months in. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
specting branches. To a repretentative of the Circular. shortly GERVASIO GARCIA, after his arrival, he stated that 68, CENTRAL AVENUE Agent for the Republic of Panams though the slump in prices was causing some anxiety, he regard ed the economic position of the West Indies as sound, Like Other parts of the world, those Dr. Hoffman colonies were over stocked, and the importers were the has reopened his clinic for gen.
that they only received of ordered months before ºral practice for gynocologica.
at high pices when the slump gases and urological disorders of and the commodities were both sexes. Diseases of the blood WILL SOON BE LINAUGURATED required. This was created in accordance with the epocially the case with regard to latest German discoveries. Ap.
Canadian flour.
plication of the Genuine German Asked for his views regarding 606 end ts latest modiscations Best Pictures. English and Spanish Titles the proposal to establish a West (1495 and Silber salversan. Indian currency, he said that he TELEPHONE No. 746 did not believe that a separate AVE B, No. 102, NEAR STATION coinage for the West Indies was CENTRAL AVENUE NO 41, necessary or practical, nor that it Opposite Amador Theatre wou involve a profit of 80, 000 pounds sterling a year, as had been suggested, inasmuchas the requirements in res pect of silver were less than they were some BSXSXSXSXSS years ago owing to the increascistosto orer, silver would have to be melted down when the colonies were over supplied. He did not regard the use of English and American currency denomina tions for purpose of calculation anon as inconvenient; the people were accustomed to it, and it bud never presented any difficulties GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST Resolution MARY MULLER No. 89 Central Avenue Interesting News from West.
Grenada 08 use of the BUSINESS MEN deal wa Lucia ADVERTISE IN THBbich peo live yine bi The following Rosolution of sympatby wis ad pted by Roval Primrose Lodge.
N, 10, 106, GU. OO FES: Whereas Destiny or Fate his ruddeoly retroved from amongst us our beloved ind este med Sister Barclay, and Wherens her relation with this Lodge was always pleasant and agreeeble, maka it incumbent on us to place on record our Forrow, is therefore Resolved, that her regular attendance, the faithful perfcrmance of all auch duties that were entrusted to her, the y interest displayed in all matters affecting this order will be always seand membered, and Be it Resolved hat the vacant place caused by her death has given cause for much grief among us and a loss wbich is realized by all, and Be it furiber tisolved that with sincere sympathy with her sormwing loved Obes, we pray that the All Wise Ruler of the Universe will smooth their path in this their time of trouble, oud ia His own good time and way make all things.
blessing unto them, and Be it it sleo resolved that a copy of there resolutions bs spread upon the minuter, copy sent to the bereaved relatives and a copy be published in the local papers also a copy be placed in the Quarterly Magazine. ANDERSON, CLARKE, (Jamaica papers please copy. WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone. Continued from Pa 2)
clubs where babies can be weigh.
ed and mothers advised as to food, c, annual baby shows, crocher und lectures, lantera Merchants met yesterday and slides, Voluntary workers held a very promising meeting will be enrolled to assist in connection with the establish ment of a Grenada Chamber of Commerce. The idea is foc mer St. Lucia chants to have their own with purely comincial ma ters. In the event of success Mi: William Peteliste siga Bariellurists will have to sin on a Planters Association. The lis ap rotarentaa wener will mean tha breaking up of the of this Legislative Council. St according to the Official Agricultural and Commercial Gizet. Mc Peter was a man Society ber of Council to 20 years. Me.
We understand that the Go the tim of Minvielle and Chate Henry da Minvielle, partner of ernment are considering a revi sion of the Export Daty increas net, has been appointed in Mr.
Peter place.
es made a few weeks ago. We said they were too hasty, and acted without proper study of the questions. In Trinidad, Barbados upany articles coming within necessaries of life to the ple, it imported from British Mr. Inge, the English Mathesources, are free of duty. The matical Master appoiated to the time is come, devoutly hoped for vacancy created on the Staf of by our Trinidad friends, when Harrison College, by the resign Trinidad will be the distributing ation of vir. Grant Pilgrim, market to those islands for im BA. Oxon) is expected to ar ported goods. They work brain rive in that colony shortly.
fully to this end, and we congra.
tulate them on their growing success, though it will be to our for at this port seems to us The newly appointed consul harm. Already, it may be easier be to import British goods from e a gentleman of quite a differ Trinidad than from their sources predecessor and does not appear temperament to that of his of origin.
desirous of impressing The Grenada members of the munity with a sense of his supeEducation Conference to be held read to oblige in the dis Mr. Watson, by his In Tinidad are the Ven Arch: charge of his official duties is deacon Walton and Mr. Felelt and be may winning Nurse, Secretary of the Grenada encomiums to Union of Teacher.
se be assurad that he continues this conduct towards those with whom he is brought into contact he will find St. Kitts Barbadians ready to reciprocats this geniality on his party. circular letter has been is Looking to the continually insperl from Government House, creasing communication between St Kitts, in which the proposal United States and the West Inis made to start a Baby Savingdies it is in the interest of th Lenkue in St. Kitts and Nevis, former to have for its represent where infant mortality is higher atives in these islands gentlemer than in any other of the British such as he so far, at least, has West Indian Islands, the rate shown himself to be.
a8 32 per cent of the births.
is not the canse of this rate It is said that pour NOTICE that disease, 190orence, All Antiguans are requested to ponsible. An An appeal is made to attend a meeting to be held in the whole community to help to the Lodga hall situated on the start the Lergue. It is propos third floor of the Titanic build.
C: 509 pounds sterling ing at Chorrillo, on Monday.
and to obtain promises of at March 14th, for the purpose ot least 200 pounds sterling a year. discussing a subject which is of The scheme of the League in vital interest to them. The meet cludes teachiog by trained health ing commences at 30 pm visitors, mothers infant welfare precisely.
lent the comThe circulation circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, Therefore THE WORKMAN is an Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
the being as as high as 30 erty is CRICKET Cricket is the game of the day In Tuloidad, Barbados and De perara in view of forthcomIng triangular contest. In Tri Nida competitions are being held in order to get good mate rial placed on the Island teain.
11 Cop match in Barbados Wanderers vs. Pickwick, Wan aerers scored 590 runs At the end of the first day of the match.
field fine bowling and. 820 for the loss of one wicket, George Challenor 190 and Ince 63 being the not outs. The led for 206 Cricket is at a high following day Chalienor was bow pitch in Barbados, and we be hieve there are several bats there who can send Kangaroos leather hunting, both in a hurry and for long. Cricket has now taken rank alor geide of cane as a prin.
cipal product of Barbados. West Indian.
but to ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable BOOK BINDING Test Matches Arranged Between Britannic and Jamaica BE NOT DECEIVED. Class Distinction is more a matter of dress than anything else. Beat it down. Let us help you.
THE WOMAN EXCHANGE DRESSMAKERS Up To The Minute Styles largo asortment of Tallored Waists NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
AGENTS WANTED To sell Queen Hair Dressing.
Queen Medicated Skin and Scalp Soap, Queen Face Powder, Queen Peroxide Skin Cream. Must have Some cash to purchase stock of Foods. Queen Toilet articles are excellent and sell well. Call at No. 17, street, Panama, at pm or write to Box No. 17, Ancon 2, for information.
Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly bound at the WORKMAN PRINTERY


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