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Marcus Garvey on The Isthmus SPEAKS TO VAST CROWD APPOINTED COURT OF APPEALS IN LIBERTY HALL, COLON AT NEW ORLEANS Fifth tes for his very use of North Executive America and the abse through the Was the mother of a verdict this other part.
case in THE CITY COMMISSION OF BOCAS Once a Flourishing Town To Find Solution of Roadis Now Abandoned building Problem After nearly four years of ab. One of the greatest problems Urges Hearers to Buy Shares in sence a visit to Bocas del Toro, to be solved in the system of Confirms Judgment of Judge has convinced me that the ad roadways with which it is proBlack Star Line and Liberian ministration in Panama up Hanan in Case of James Rock 2, 000, 000 Loan severely left Bocas del Toro to his republic in the crossing of abandonment. It is beyond the the Panama Canal Since the re.
conception of any well thinking moval of the pontoon bridge at versus Co.
persons, why this condition of Paraiso in the early days of this Colon, April 28. Mr. Marcus help and help in every possibly disintegration and absolute la vse year, vehicular trafic from one to its former state or condition side to the other On April 15th inst, the Cir. States Circuit Court of Appeals Garvey president of the Univer. way.
edesy the those other was effect cuit Court of Appeals of the is that the right of recovery for sal Negro Improvement Associa.
Four years ago Mr. Garvey should be permitted.
of a pair of lock at New tion and African Communities stated there was only one branch Some years ago, this place was gates at Pedro Migu but a irmed the judgment of Three upon the Canal Zone by force of League arrived here on board of the Universal Negro Associa. a very thriving and progressive couple at weeks ago a Circuiar Thousand Dollars granted to Article 2311 of the Civil Code.
the uxiliary echooner Linda Province was issued by the James on Tuesday last from Bocas del there are 700 branches.
Rock by the United By this case the right of a husStion in the world, but a bere through the policy of the United The Panama Canal prohibiting States District Court of tha Ca band or wife to sue for damages United the of the gates for Tor, accompanied pur. nal Zone in an action against the caused by the death of one of the secretary and stenographer. Mr. are branches to be found in Fruit Company, assisted pose as it was not considered a Panama Railroad for the death spouses through negligence, has America, in much by the previous and Ni Jacques, and spoke on the West Indies and Central and administrations. The competitive safe means o traffic on account of Rock wite.
been established.
Wednesday night at Liberty Hall, South Am and in every part Fruit companies were handicap narrowness of the gates This was one of the cases 8th Street and Hudson Aley to of Africa and it is only a question and The case of Camila Castilla ped absence of any side rails an ever crowded house.
of time when all the Africans awarded to the United Fruit to prevent a swerving vehicle growing out of the noted Gam vs. Panama Railroad Company 1918.
most from falling into the canal. The was also argued by the same atand it became almost Lors befcrų the scheduled shall gather under their own This case was tried before torneys bafore the Court of hour a large crowd was to be stsndard, the Red, the Black and in pang for them to COD only other available means of Judge Hanan and a Jary in the peils on the same day. This casa Ap seen in the street before the the Green.
tinue business and as a natu watu faring the canal was by boat which is brought by Camila Castilla building, and it was with much ral Mr Gvoy next spoke on the out. No sooner hail those wh) by the Military controlled spring of 1920, in which the jury had to pot consequence they authorities at returned a verdict of Three the natural child, ditticulty thate entrance cauld be premore Judge Hanan overruled a motion of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars for Rock, and and the jury ret returned a gained, stairway.
e the place sion to be obtained for was Dollars At So clock an uproar of cheers ingli from the street below announced link bew. com. cn 20 and the left than the Company reduced using samed on acthe Railroad Company appealed that Mr. Garvey bad arrived. He wonkey, but tha they were now the price they were paying for wont of the delay occasioned by appealed by the Railroad Compa. The principal question raised in quickly ascended the staircase upon the world, not as missing prepared to force themselves fruits. It was reduced to such as the constant passing of ships and ny to the Fifth Circuit case was whether under the and was conducted to his seat to links. or monkeys. but as menow standard, that it became al. the use of the ferry by the actual! This case is important because laws of the Canal Zone a mother the right of President Brooks of 400, 000, 000 black men. equal in st impossible for the small owners, this means of crossing of the fact that exceptions were of a natural child, or what is the Colon Division, ver settlers to continue. The people way of little commercial value, taken to Judge Hanan instruc every way to other men.
had tɔ abandon their farms, and and thus the region to the West tions to the jury, and every in. usually known as illegititate child, can recover.
tional Anthem, From Green the speaker went on the British and entirely dependent upon the off from communication with the held correct by the Court of Ap that the laws of 1890 of Colombia After the singing of the Na When the great war broke out, gradually they becamo crippled of the Canal was completely cut struction the Judge gave was The Court of Appeals held land ley Mountains. Mr. turned down the black men who United Fruit Company for sup peals; and another sho Brooks in a short address ex applied for enlistment, but when th Com But the question was brought which a judgment was rendered were not continued in force, alport.
thering, preparing the minds of as well as French and invaded After the completion of the up at the last meeting of the Ro for a Eight Thousand Five Hun, though they admitted that laws the audience for the message of France and Belgium anthes varied great steel dock at Almirante, tary Club and received such con dred Dollars to Louis Stroebel of 1898 were conuinaed.
The in Company commenced support that a commit recently, has been appealed by of 1890 of Colombia stated that the evening and was followed by out for help and it was not until the destructionary the town. cod tee of its members including Co the Railroad, and similar in acknowledgment on the part of a Mr. Morales and More Watkins the black men, the super men Bocas bsuremoving gradually as lonel Sayer of Camp Gaillara, structions given by Judge Hanan motoblar de presumed with respect in same Germans stop ther Geoceans and their Hiw, Super the same exceptions were taken to children conceived by her ped and An anthem by the Colon Cho not been for the men of the Britral Union accompanied by their ish West Indies Regiment and The Court of Appeals has given when she was a single woman, the first year of their re Company. Mr. Electric Bocas WA8 a doomed a very extended and comprehen and that such children shall be considered natural in relation to orchestra was rendered, after other black men the Kaiser would 65 rate was sealed. The govern one of the engineers of the Road sive review of the laws of the lhe mother as if acknowledged ment and Colonel Cruse Canal Zone applicable to recov bye wbich the president called on be drinking pease soup to day in absolutely nothing to resuscitate Legation, was at onze appointed led by the negligence of the Rail.
100 ublic instrument seeing the the condition, did Mr. Garvey who in tones bearing Buckingham Palace.
Military Attaché to the American ery for the death or injury caus by the Circuit Court of the mark of long and trade or to encourage its inhabt is very evidently a mis. began by very In the past, Negroes were tants in the agricultural possibl to consider and submit plan road Company.
please he was too Robow their made Eaglidhmen, erreicht wen, tienes er een evenemel potning whereby the difficulty might be Judge Hanan gave similar in all the laws of Colombia, not take or oversight by that Court spemidst. He had come to speak Germans and everything else, was done to improve the half fin. overco ne.
structions in ard to give his hearers a deeper but thank God, we are now going ished sanitary efforts which were And when it is remembered many Gamboa wreck cases which continued in force in the Canal every one of the cifically repealed, having been insight into the aims and objects to amake ourselves africans awarded to the United Fuse the trio was then untering efter et he tried and this decision, would bone, the attorneys for Castila of the Universal Nero Improve french, Americans and others result was that the city took a Calidonia grade crossing a real in every Instance. While British, the Rotary Club which made that he has been right are a Association which was now of that Court.
a world wide movement, organ failed to protect us in the past, backward move, until to day it is it. the inhabitants of this repub: Messrs. MacIntyre and Todd Each of Judge Hanan inized to link up the 400, 000, 000 the Red, Black, and Green would in a state of complete ruin. Hic can well appreciate the move were counsel for Rock and Wel, structions given to the jury was Nerede Hathon worland made per ample protection to all. am not era mentol cikls, that in pile or of to es in was by in be able to give by one of the Gov taken in the present case.
It is said that the committee euille, represented the Panama Appeals. Judge Hanan gave.
ter Van Dame and Frank approved by the Circuit Court of dan deceacher be they said but charity begins and the demonstra not to expect a a sermon. He was home and must first be loyal to ted neglect of the administration, swing briege nor the widening, McIntyre on behalf of Rock, ar struction of opiniones not a politician, therefore they myself. My father played the that B175 000 to uncertain and to Pan00. 000 were strengthenor and railing of the Rued this case orally in the lindefinite laws existing on were not going to hear a politi. fool, my grandmother and yours remitted the cal speech, but they were going called now a days. a they get? The world belongs to. but that nothing was being Bates will allow of an uninterCourt of Appeals on March 5th Canal Zone touching on the right to aleo played the fool and what did it rupted traffic nor will a suspen last spent by way of improvement on sion bridge be possible on account to recover, and which will be radical The important question decid used by Castilla counsel in the speech.
was called a all. God had created all men to be the the city. There is an acety of the great height at wbich it radical, and liked the name very lords of the earth and not some lene plant in the city, but only will much especially when it applied to be paupers and cringing beg about 24 out of over 150 lights low for the neconstructed to aled by this decision of the United argument for re hearing.
to people who are fighting for gers. Brothers, operation. The park passage of ships. The idea has of a tunnel, however, is not Gala Reception for Returntheir freedom. He was not one (laughter) you find great nations bee Birthday Celebration become a den of women and girls a new one as it is said that of the good christjans who be and Governments in Europe and of the underworld and is a splen old Isthmian Canal Commission Ing Soldiers.
lieved in leaving, everything to Asia wershould rinew startire did hiding place for burglars and haat paidermadit benetary Today Panama city, will turn the eleventh birthday of their considered so Mr. and Mrs. Gill celebrated build a great African Empire believe in using his Jeremiah Better late than never.
of the proposed route, out in a body to pay homage to daughter Louise on Sunday last hammer (the tist) and hit above He had no objection to bring a night at Sp. it was al nost im Mr. Paw mentioned above officers and men, numbering in all Gaachapati. Quite a happy little fat 24 instresidence in and below the belt. cheers. citizen of England, Germany or possible to encounter ten respect with the Commission.
having worked same while about 300, who are returning from hering of the teachers, schoolmates come not to speak about the there was no frlimit set docobo. ou mwithout notilashlight. It is terview all the im rtant person cession of hostilities brought occasion and an enjoyable time Continuing, he said he had any other country, so long as able persons and those whom Chiriqui Province where they and friends of little Louise were meet attempt to go al school around here, but he run as representative of one quite an unusual thing to meet ages in the civil and military life about by the building of a chuich, or industri and he was free if he choose to had come to speak about the of the London counties. or as a policeman on the streets at of the Cana! ne as well as the abdiet by tebe ile bly accupation of was spent.
armed forces building of a nation a Govero. Man night; but very fortunate for me leading men of Panama so as to from the neighbouring republic ment, an Empire second to none should not limit man, he ob on that night. met Lieutenant get as universal an expression of Costa Rica. OUTSIDE THE LAW AT THX in the world (cheens. served. God is the only being in Drake, and the only reason why ideas as possible on the matter.
It is expected that the boat will PACIFIC, THEATRE here to speak to those who be whose hund such power should he was out on the streets at that lieved the hour, job cuid be done for reach here at 30 this morning Was because he was to be OBITUARY man will admit that a man is my married that week and and will tie up at the English Committee, Don Guillermo Arand was com Recent in men who dug the Panama Canal it, but not because his face is ments with his spouse. WAS Miss Philena McDonald, on Feb. start. It will then pro presidencia. Stores will be closed, balconies will the Central Avenue to the Sth. of (cheers. They said you could not white de must be able to deliver in the art of ormed dangurolase the ruary 2nd, 1921. Miss MeDonald North Avenue to the along May Park and disperse.
do it, and now you have done it the goods. There are two types of it a riot or any dangerous wawe was a sister of Mr. McDonald where the men will be addressed decorated, parks they want to turn you away so Negroes the old and the new. of crime were to pass over the of Red Tank, Canal Zone, who by President Porras, then they dancing in the parks, receptions the time had come for you to The old in the States was buried place that the has, since his arrival on this will march to Cathedral Park and and everything done to make the build an Empire for yourselves, in 1914, and he has now come to not cope with it, as only 40 police. Trthmus. lost in the homeland listen to another address from the men feel that their services to the and am come for your financial (Continuad on page Continued on pape 8) his mother, and two sisters, President of the National Defense country has been appreciated.
asked Phoned city, Board As such continued te to Africa.
said, also poseberg notere the over og reglebo do the Provincere le cele mai recente beroertele navor of mattered Couro de Company abaloren lehet hoe te relaborate with. com month lock But what is am lord are in drawn


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