
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1921 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands JUST ARRIVED of years Cabinet FATIMA IN Moisture Proof Packages The Belmo ir ish of St. Geo stand, has been pi St. Vincent Azricu Loan Bank Ltd. to halo to the people resist in the Estate. For more than half a century the Belmont been rented to to tenants, many of whom have never rasil darany other place. couple of ago, the tenants of the imon Estate petitioned th: Govern.
ment praying that the be acquired for settlement under the Land Settlement o dinacce.
wer The after some de lay could Chase the Este tee its way to pur, and informed the petitioners atcordingly. We believe that the Agrict Agricultural Bank will cut up and allot the lands on the same easy terms as the Gov.
ernment scheme and possibly the period for payment may be ex.
tended for twenty years.
Government age would be SO runs OF thus 20 CIGARETTES Trinidad Sussex Regiment to Leave Trinidad day in THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE erty.
DR. GEMS order was no need such a a step BLOOD ELIXIR Sena sale in hope have THE BLOOD points, the West Indies are more Jamaica important to the Empire than is Newfoundland, which is repre.
sented in the conference, The For Reduction of definite saggestion of our con temporary is that the West In Our Taxation. dies should be represer ted at the Imperial Conference next June.
As a matter of exact fact, there Introduced by the Attorney is to be no Imperial Conference Genl. in Legislative Coun in June; what there is to be is a cil for Effecting this meeting of the Imperial Cabin at which the Ministers of the purpose various Dominions and India will take their place. As matters now The Government have decided stand, the the West come to reduce the tax now payable not properly on Indies would into the cateunder the Property Tax Law gory entitling them to direct re 1903 having regard to the recent presentation at these Imperial amendment to the Income Tax Cabinet Law; and to this end. Bill has represented by the Imperial Gov.
been introduced in the Legisla ernment, in in this case by a Brit tive Council by the Attorney Ish Minister so well informed on General. The measure West Indian affairs and eneral thoroughly sympathetic with This Law may be cited as West Indian Aspirations as the the Property Tax (Decrease of Under Secretary of State for Rate) Law, 1921 the Colonies, Colonel Amery. Section two of the Property Question of Representation Tax Law 1903 (LAW 15 of 1903) is All the same, this question of hereby replaced and there shall West Indian repretentation by virtue of this Law be submight with great advantage be stituted for the following section, taken into the careful consider.
that is to say ation of the Government authori. From and after the first ties both here and in the West in April one thousand nine Indies. Our West Indies contem hundred and twenty one, there shall be paid every year upon all Sir Edward Davson, Gideon ali porary goes on to say: Men like property in this Island a tax. to Murray, Mr.
Aspinall, and be called Property Tax at the others, who are interested in rate of eight pence on every ten West Indian development, should pounds, or fractional part of ten work for a seat for the West pounds of the value of such prop. Indies in the Imperial Confer3 The Property Tax (Increase ard of British citizenship in these ence. But, first of all, the stand of Rate) Law of 1916) is hereby islands must be raised, and there repealed.
must be a United West Indies.
In our small we Jamaica School our best towards bringing the West Indian question to the noBooks tice of the Imperial Conference.
We need subsidiary sources of British Firm Action wealth in Grenada.
All are It is satisfactory to learn that agreed now that we can not deas a result of the publicity given pend much longer on cocoa. At in the Circular of Feb. 3rd last a meeting of the Grenada Literto the fact that exercise books ary League (St. George Branch)
embellished th the American three papers were read on New Eagle, and the Stars and Stripes, hope to deal with the principal Industries for Grenada.
were being offered for Sains in a future for use in the schools, points issue. What British firms are now about stock breeding? We think all British books, that, started on organized lines which, it is hoped, will be sub stock breeding will and under the proper auspices, stituted immediately for the for.
eign ones complained of ada seems to be the natural It would appear from a letter breeding ground for Trinidad received from a correspondent where live stock is always in at Belize that the American great demand. The whole of the books have been used not only southern belt of the island is in Jamaica, but also in British quite finted for the purpose.
Honduras, for be writes. am Lam Conditions to day are favorable glad that you have drawn atten. Trinidad, and we should be able awn atten to the marketing of live stock in tion to the practice of obtaining to turn out salt beef for local school books from the United States. The same bad custom purposes and get a large quantiprevails here, and all the covers ty of hides for tanning. This have designs that must leave an question was very ably dealt impression on the child mind with by a writer at the meeting that tends towards estrangement of the League.
from Great Britain. This is no time to dally with patriotism, Cigarette and Tobacco Facespecially in these parts. tory was instanced by a member of the Grenada Literary League Famous Race Horse Sold, as worthy of establishment here at this time. Under the care of The Jamaica Gleaner states the Agricultural Department that the famous thoroughbred tobacco can be grown and scien.
horse Harry Lauder has been tifically cured, he said. We think sold to Mr, Matthews who is tak this a practical suggestion, and ing him to British Honduras for those who know are agreed that stud purposes. It is expected the venture will be a paying one.
that the breed of horses in Brit Who will make a start?
ish Honduras will be greatly improved.
Conditions in Grenada, under control of the Government, are Grenada going from bad to worse. The Crown Colony machine has broken down. What is wanted is an We are having much rain in an invitation to the public to cohonest admission of failure and Grenada at this time, which is un an in usual at this part of the year. We operate with Government officare having real August showers ials in putting things right.
and then. We wonder what There is wide waste and entavaplanters think about it? The usual gance here and petty economy season is result is Yesterday we saw a patch of corn, waste. As there is a limit to supis wet this year. there, and the net so very green and healthy, that ply, the milkman ought to pull reminded us of July and August. blood in his pail before long.
As somebody remarked to us, some plants seemed puzzled, for Beyond casual references to they do not seem to know the low prices paid for cocoa, whether to lie low or to sprout or and the guess that things will fruit.
right themselves by June, the Governor has made no statesWest Indies and the manlike pronouncement on the present economic crisis, and ImperialConference nothing is being done to make conditions better. It seems to us that those who are the Gov. From The Canadian Gazette, ernment are fast asleep.
There is a good deal in the conly unmindful of danger, but the is one good way of being perfecthina. dian that the West Indies should as fierce as it is real. The exhave a definite place in Imperial periment of trying to keep peoConferences dealing with Imperple in idleness and want in order ial affairs. As it says: In popu to save money is good for the lation, trade, wealth, strategic time being, but we fear that the importance, and many other risk of failure is stupendous.
Gren said THE BLOOD Commenting on the removal of the Regiment of troops stationed at the island of Trinidad, the Grenada West Indian states the following The Imperial Government bas notified Trinidad that the Sussex Regiment will be with drawn, in which case Trinidad must provide for its own fence Force. Trinidad is making the necessary arrangements.
We remember being alone in re gretting the establishing of Im perial troops in in Trinidad for the COMPOUND EXTRACT purpose of ensuring when there was At the meeting of the AS the Associated Chamber of Commerce in Bar.
bados, a few members support.
ed resolution calling for Impe.
rial troops to garrison the West FORIndies. The idea fizzled out. We are glad to find out that certain STRENGTHENING jingling jingoes in our sister isle returned to reason and have accepted the notice of the Imperial Government with a CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL sense of relief In a Minute to the LegislaRecommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, tive Council of Trinidad, the Gov.
ernor, dealing with the subject Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood. The Secretary of State for the Coionies has informed me AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR that the Army Council have consented to the prolongation of the PURIFYING AND ENRICHING service of the detachment of the Royal Sussex in the colony for a short period, on the understanding that the interval lice Force and be used to improve the PoVolunteer Reserve in such force and to organize the way Quality only Is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed as to make the Colony independIn this preparation.
ent of assistance for the Inaintenance of law and order.
The Secretary of State has in.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy structed me to inform you that it is not part of the function of the British Army to be stationed in a colony for this purpose, ant that it is the duty of every quali.
fled member of the community The Classical and to contribute his personal serchce where required to assist the YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT Government in its exercise of Commercial School the primary function of taining the public peace. He No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz wishes it to be most clearly and Box1044, Ancon, distinctly understood by every: That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
ELEMENTARY AND HIGH one concerned that it is the poliWe guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our SCHOOL COURSES to withdraw the troops at an date and that the commu.
constant aim and purpose.
Day and Night Sessions nity thereafter must rely upon For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, its own resources to maintain Geometry. Bookkeeping. Type of the stability of the Government and expert repairing. Call and visit, writing, Shorthand, English, Ele.
che con ments of French, Spanish and are aware steps are FULLER JEWELRY STORE, Latin Grammar, etc. Night being taken to strengthen the Constabulary School now in session.
and Volunteer Day Forces which will. trust, 122 Central Avenue, Panama. School re opens Monday, Jan. achieve their object.
uary 17, 1921, at 30 a.
ROBERT LINDSAY, The Trinidad papers refer con (Camb. Senior) tinually to the unusual number of Principal labourers arriving from Grenada.
Most of these are on their way to THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT Cuba, ard as all ways from Gren ada Dr. Hoffman fied in making a move. Thinking to Cuba, they are satisNo. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE bas reopened his clinic for gen bour Bureau in Trinidad has poit a splendid opportunits, the La eral practice for gynocologica sted notices at the landing place First Class Meals served at all hours cases and urological disorders of informing the seekers after work both sexes. Diseases of the blood where applications hould be EARLY TEA AND COFFEE treated in accordance with the made.
latest German discoveries. Ap Special accommodation for Ladies plication of the Genuine German 606 ard ts latest modifications The Trinidad Press sedres Sir TIDY AND POLITE WEITERS (1495 and Silber salversan. John Chnoellor, the Governor for TELEPHONE No. 746 secrecy in his dealings with des.
SERVICE UPTODATE, patches from the Secretary of CENTRAL AVENUE NO 41, State on public questions. In con Opposite Amador Theatre (Continued on page 7)
of man.
early dow Pary This


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