
Cubans Complain About Chinese Low Prices Drive Asiatics From Sugar Estates Into Trade Why roll em?
cha clusion 03 In Havana thy are Costerfield CIGARETTES ellere have LIGGET LATERS TOBACCO Co.
They Satisfy Chesterfield rules.
ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY on their to late despatch from Havana THIS 600 TONS STEAMER doved a reliable sem bar the hordes of Chinese labourers wbo have been coming to Cubs for is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins. the past several years are now beginning to awaken in native breasts the same alarm which beam. She has two decks. tween was felt on the Pacific coast in decks ft. high.
the s0 s, and which resulted in.
the passage of the Chinese exact in the Child States fields are so much better.
Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Nothing was said wh le thu yul Buy a package and judge for Ligits, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
low men reusained os the sugar estates, but low labour prices yourself. See how mild and era ing nuchlie vaporator and Distiller, Feed during the p:esent stasjo has fragrant they are! They er heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. criven Wat of them to the towns and clis to inge in мен We must Buy her for our Service before Satisfy and the blend can July this year Orr dhing be copied.
such established me chants and meat ch competition to the Sellers that the latter through WE NEED 60, 000 MORE their association, e addressed a letter to the chief of MONEY They say that numerus dalin nese are engaged in You may subscribe some of this by purchasing meat, tish and vegetables; that peddling some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound these are carried through the each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound streets in baskets handled by each and become part owner.
customers, accumulate dust and create a menace to public health.
DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW The meat men call attention to the fact that the sanitary laws place many restrictions on the Write to the manner in which meat must be handled so as to reach the conWEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
sumer in a sanitary condition, and allege that the Chinese ped 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA dlers are observing Lone of these CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
The complaint has been retur red to the chief of national po GET LISTED IN lic, with a quest from the sa pitary department that peddlers WORSHAM be required to conform to all the NEGRO BUSINES DIRECTO? OF THE WORLD regulations concerning the re tailing of Leats and tish. Get ogether Medium for our Progressive Business Men EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE working in it, even though the work be simply supervision IT BENCUIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT With regard to European employ ees on estates, it is hardly eves Wite for further particulars to the case that banana planter REID. Drawer Ancon bring out anyone under contract: they take nen oliering lucally.
The scale of salaries is is likely to attract young English SETTLERS TO utla th inement in Tut con men unless they are seeking ex ider sa CON LINE 18. perience before taking up land THE WEST tale dit ratis in The warktt. on Bockleep own account eep Anette Cd; able of Vicidirx, ers inay receive anstan from INDIES say, 500 bags would ordinary 30s por week to 30s with house, comına dairice from 10 000 furm use, bedaing, and servants: or even more NOTICE. Info mallon Given io Ing. cent ciuys. But the best interes personaxe tend the el. Ovar meat is 10 are appoint usually by buy an estate yielding the promotion of bookkeepers, The Rose of Panama dyr, lishmen intending to suficient to a sure the oprer an ility bay raceiro From 10 Orioline Gidrere mig Come Out these an income of at least 100 to 30 per week.
Th y act usually the first and third Wednesdays Islands pounds sterling a year, and hav allowed a mul or pony, and if of each month.
ing lands available for extension th y ke another on they are y of the cocoa cultivation and for allowed pas un. The terms on LIVING IN AM ICA general improvement.
sug ir suspendu oh Paper Industry in Canada For the past few years cocoa aurthi met bookers Scale of Salary on Plantations estates have pot been easily on antum, acco ding to tie estate!
anything from 230 lo per ICE CREAM FACTORY Hardly Likely to Attract The paper industry of Canada tainable, even with ready money and and at 13 making Kreat progress. In good prices. They seldom and the series required of him, Young Me chang hands, and when they do ties.
also according also to ineir capabili 35 Calidonia Road 1990 pulp and paper were only the solicitors are the first to but on They have free quarters, exported to the value of 120, the higher salaries feed while last year know of an owner intention of 130. 000. 000 The following article appearseling. It would be a wise thing themselves.
ed in The Field. London) of se!
receive pastur.
worth were exported, principalfor intending purchasers to gec ge for one or two horses, and a WHOLESALE March 5th:ly to the United Stites. As regards the wood supply for paper Mention was made last week in touch with one or other of the stall allowance of from 23. to 33.
solicitors in practice in the colper week for Washing etc.
of a series of pamphlets issued purposes, it is estimated bar in AND RETAIL Ontario and to overseers are usually promoted the Overseas Settlement of do this while he is gaining exper ceive anything from 120 to 250 ony. settler should be able to prom boom by Quobec alone there bookkeepers, and are 450, 000 0JO cords available tice, giving information about various West Indian ience; for if a which are accessible. This quan.
a man decides to ceive any colonies for settle in Grenada he should make per annum, with bouse, pasturthe benetit of intending tity will supply the present outsettlers.
of Canada fors The pamphlets relating to es up his mind to give at least a age, and allowance for servante; Jaor seventy years, ss but they feed themselves, to learning his business cometery while in British Columbia there On and Ny Genada may be spes before investing. Hitherto there some estates they may get per to dict commended, last stat They show sixty five.
not only a a desire to help intend tirik experience on a cocoa es fruits.
INTERNATIONAL BANK uued that it takes a hundred ing seitlers but appreciation of years for arrive tute; but times. settlers in Jamaica who their requirements the te ore informations in Grenada and it is hardly possible now to aru pesessed of capital and at a commercial 23, and with a bana get on a good estate without a there are no openings for those openings for ING CORPORATION poper systein of forestry Caneda should thus be able to supply men aie on cocoa or nutmeg year to arrive is at the end of of going in for pen: keeping, premium. The best time of the without capital have the choice its own paper for an indefinite estates. Such stated, can be employment, it is November. just as the cool sea planting, or a combination of the OWNED BY period.
son is beginning either as an overseer, rising to then has time to get acclimatised The settler The opinion is expressed that a settler The National City Bank of New York a manager or as an owner, before the hot season sets in. 14 tal to combine cattle breeding Runt Receipt Books in Spate An. is a Head Office: 55, Wall Street ish and English, for sale at th from 60 to 100 per annum and is, however, never so hot in Gre with fruit and other cultivation enjoys perquisities ties, nada as it is in Malta, say, dur should do well Properties of 200 Workman Printerv, eredey howed, use por el is tead. even the seller genom en te nemen en de onde from los Capital. Surplus Undivided Profits over S14, 000, 000 if and the wages of a groom are the bot season he ought not to pounds sterling upwards. pen fa out first in ete, would cost 500 to 3, 000 pointed out that the cultivation paid by the estate. He has no find the climate unbearable.
is usually divided into guinea of bananas requires less capital difficulty in getting along, Official Depository of the Republic of Panama grass, common pasture, and sbould have a reasonable pros than that of most other crop, Openings in Jamaica.
wood and rainate. The average Depository of the Panama Canal and is a remunerative occupation pect of promotion to the man value is In Jamaica, as in other colonies per acre for guinea grass, pounds sterling with the result that the number mall estats after Through its Agencies in the Interior and of banana plactations is a few years. It he elects to there is one rule which all intend: pounds sterling for common pas. its Foreign Branches this Institution offers increasing the cost of call bring a little capital with him, ing settlers would do well to ob: ture, and pound sterling 18 tion is from to 10 pounds st.
a settler will find no difficulty in serve, and which is wood and ruinate.
exceptional banking facilities.
not acquiring a small holding cap: phasised in the pamphlet issued possible to give an average for yield should be worth fron 10 10 ling per acre per year, and able of giving sixty to eighty by the Oversea Settlement Ottice. Poss Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands 20 poucds bags of cocoa This should be it is advisable to spend at least he value of estates for crop cal tivation, as everything depends The ti st months in examining the upon bought for about 1200 crop is reaped about a year or fifteen inontos alter planting.
the price varying according to diferent parts of the island be upon position, soil and water Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Ceat be capabilities The price of land other particulis re and bouçan tore investing money. It tempore rauges trom 105. an. acre in the Per Annun given about the different branck.
accommodation. The boucans any employment. camper ubistved interior to or 10 pounds sterl.
es of planting and far ning in Je.
are the large, flat trays, with on in the maica, and also about the cond sliding rools, on which the cocoa farm. so much the better. Ex irrigated area. The cost of lions of living, and anyone wro beans are spread out to dry, perience will be gained not only ing varies from 15 to There are few properties which of the conditions of planting and sterling per acre. The cost of pounds thinking of settling in the is.
do not contain spare lands on farming, but of the people and planting crops after the land has Advertise in the Workman land should write for a copy of the pamphlet to the Oversea Set which cultivation may be extend climate. In this connection it is been cleared (irrespective of th tlemint Committe at their new ed. Unless a purchaser can get pointed out that visiting a tropi: cost of plants varies from to 12 return of 10 per cent on his cal country is very different from punds sterling per acre. It is IT PAYS odices St. James Square, Lut din BIJOU dix Sy They recalia The may re.
Spes is sufficient wood the pripcipal young in two ways son two with en enough capi be a and about agement of a small is rapidly Itis e sterlin 1600, welve Many the residential (stock of clear


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