
THE MARY MULLER ONE PRICE STORE have the dat report No. 89 Central Avenue wa İR dollar.
Francis BUSINESS MEN om dollap story is were convicted island ADVERTISE black which the exper THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West.
Continued on Page Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pallid action with the despatch conappearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made cerning the Trans Atlantic premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: Steamship question received by the Governor of Trinidad the HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES watter was cabled to Demerara.
and published in the Demerara IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM napers from which the Trinidad HAS JUST OPENED ess gleaned the information. It For sale at all Drug Stores in this City held that a copy should and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez bien sent to the Trinidad press at the same time in which the Sole Agent for the Republic of Panama, HATS TO 10 GOLD GERVASIO GARCIA, maiter was being cabled to Dam erara, and that members the Trinidad Legislature should have English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, known of the matter before reading a copy of the despatch Embroideries, etc. called from Demerara papers.
the hope that negotiations would Chon. secretary. and headed by Barbados take place for a trade agreen est Lady Gilbert Carter (the presid UNEQUALLED VALUES AT What in a Name?
with the Home Government to ent. took the lion share in The Port of Spain Gozette extend over a term of at least ten cular of March 31st states that the occasion of the Palace of The West India Committee Cir. carrying out the decorations on LOWEST PRICES of the 13th ult. publishes the years.
following the annual report of the Civic Wales visit, and lately the There is nothing in a name NOTICE OF REMOVAL. aims a securing the beautifica direction of securing for Circle of the Lyceum Club, which Circle has been moving in the but a Barbados contemporary exhibi tion at Bridgetowo, shows that recalls a coincidence in nomenEnglish MARY MULLER clature that occurred at the late Mrs. Annie Lindsay during the year ended October) films to take place of the salaciCriminal Assizes in Trinidad begs hereby to notify her work was ous pictures now so often shown.
done. gardens when two prisoners bore the patrons and others that she being plan toch up Siargebie dode has been devoting date of the repo this n309 of two prominent West has removed to No. 7, matters to and various other its attention to the betterment tended tending to Indian officials. Both of these oficials are at present before this obliquely opposite the Am meist Law, Miss Packer, Mrs. ful condition of which was refer.
the Street near Central Avenue meat of the capital receiving at of the Military Cemetery at West Indian. Francis tention. committee.
Watts. Imperial Commissioner of erican Consulate. Boxill and Mrs. Browne red to in these last year. Allegations by a ed to be the chief issue to per sons of the labouring class gree who recently going into the ques tion of a West Indian Agricul.
tickets, which entitle the bold Newspaper SSXSXSXSXSXSXSSASE ers to a passage on some vessel tural College and selecting a or other going tɔ Cuba and for site for same and Mr. Hector Barbados Agricultural which each passenger is NOW, Josephs the brilliant Jamaican ented as paying Reporter Refers to Rewho is acting as Attorney Gen wben it is noted that for the coneral of British Guiana, Watts and Hector Josephs were cruiting of Labour in veyance to Cuba of 500 emi.
veya the Island granta there is to be paid ten both prisoners, in name, and thousand dollarss, it is obvious of the offences that the one with which they stood charged FOR WORKING IN CUBA more or less than an notidious scheme to get little imaginative argument natives will show however, that the REFERENCES TO THE ACTIVITIES become peons or seris on the of this GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST to go to Cuba to names are not altogether disasso ciated with crime.
Mr. Hector OF MR. NUTTALL, WHO IS SOLI. sugar plantations there. The Josephs as a prosecuting Attor: CITOR OF THIS ISLAND latter is one into which ney is always head and ears in it the.
aod Sir Francis Watts. is an Government is, in our c, bound to interfere. It is agriculturist, is always prochain Under the heading Blak doubt the birding for Cuba. the Barbados iluu Gwent ing against, or hearing lamentaAgricultural Reparter publishe an are being bamboozled and caught tions of the prevalence of prae.
article, from which the following in a trap. We protest that it is dial larceny excerpts are taken. British schooner called the birding a system of down right Leave Railway.
IN THE Farlings arrived at this port by operating Trinidad, March 18. The Port few weeks ago. Up to the time operators are making big money of her arrivaltere she belonged guided persons who contide in blood of the poor misof Spain Gazette says: It is regrettable, so far as we WORKMAN to the Farlings Shipping them. Should the Government neation, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, bled learn that some of our best en but was operated by and gles glect to intervene and put a stop gine drivers coloured Job and Co, of New York, s. to the practiceienced men of ability are serious We cannot be S: lieve lethargic as the Government Subsequent to her arrival, news ly thinking of clearing out for other fields, due to the decision reached the island that she had ls, that it will reglect to move of the new Locomotive Superin been sold to the Nootie Shipping now that it has been called upon Company, which is tendent of the Government Railmake said to be as sure as two and two one of the new mushroom ship distressed Barbadian labourers four, the question of way in asking fort the Indent of nine European drivers owing to that have will up recently up orihMoreover from Cuba wibatise in what he terms inefticiency of we there has arrived here to take the local men. No wonder the a Captain are not need to We, of course, of the vessel Cemigration to Railway is causing such general other Lewis. Some time after doing Cuba or to any desirable anxiety among the travelling so he is said to have executed a public, place, provide the Enigration Master with a Mr Nuttal, a adequate deposits for repatria: Charter Party as Owner and Law is complied with and the proper methods pursued and In his message to the Legisla gentleman described as tive Council on the occasion, of ca lawyer, who is in tion made. Bat But we are implacabthe opening of the 1921 Session, doing some black birding in hy opposed to black birding in and other irregular the interests of the Chaparra erall Sir John Chancellor mentiuned methods gen: some of the uses to which the Estates Company of of Cuba. The erally direct the attention of His Ex.
Charter Party was for the sum cellency the Governor and the 1, 000, 000 subscribed to the Gov ernment loan was being put of 10, 000 and provided for the Colonial Secretary to this evid.
Work had been begun on the conveyance to Cuba of 500 emi Colo railway stations at Port of Spain grants. That is the term used ante. breach of the Emigration At in the Charter Party. The Act. The matter must be prompt and San Fernando, and good pro question which at once arises Mr. Nuttall should appear to to.
gress made with the widening enquiry is this: Have of the line between Port of Spain these emigrants hav have been circumventing or been properly and legally re flouting the law by trickery and and St. Joseph, and with the strengthening of the railway cruited according to the pror schemes, steps should be taken bridges, whilst in six month visions of the Emigration Act of time the whole of the this island, 1904? If not, then to check his career and bring the law of the island is to burn oil fuel. His Excellency tives would have been convere openly and flagrantly floning him to justice. Anyhow black birding must be prevented.
announced that the drainage of and the matter is one calling for Caroni and Laventille swamps immediate and vigorous action Mr. Cecil Henderson Clarke, by Therefore THE WORKMAN is was proceeding satisfactorily, Government. The Emi Oxon. Barbados Scholar an and he hoped that within three Act requires certain 1913; was admitted to practice years ten thousand acres of un healthy swamp would have been to be observed in the at the Bar of the Colony at a o em tination espe sitting of the Court of Chancery turned into fertile agricultural foreign country. No person exHerbert Kt.
Mr. Edgar Tripp, writing on cept a Emigration Government Mr. Clarke was was called to the Agent can lawfully recruit emi. Bar at Gray Inn in May 1919 February 22nd, states that rains have been falling plentifully this Brants in this country; when after a distinguished career, year, and the dry season is only taken second class in beginning, but the water authoriby such an about to into a contract to in Bar examination. He arhabitants to be careful, in view go must be done rived in the Colony soon before of the annual shortage. More after, magistrate; and but. wells are to be sunk in the low.
in case as a result of the bad state case the indenture be for of lands, to be pumped work a foreign country, there his health bis call here had to must be deposited by the em Clarke the success which his be postponed. We wish Mr.
voirs on the hills, and then con.
veyed by gravitation to the City ploying party or that party earlier educational achievements Al the while there is a plentiful agent sum sufficient to cover predicted for him; and hope he supply running to waste in the the repatriation of the emigrants will receive a fair share of prac.
high lands above Arima, which when their term of contract ex: tice.
would be sufficient provide for the whole Island. Important pires or should the necessity arise earlier. It does not appear WANTED from all we have been able to resolutions were carried at a general meeting of the Chamber gather that any of these provi. SECOND HAND FURNITURE sions of the law have been com: Will pay reasonable prices of Commerce on February 23rd.
plied with or observed by Mr.
resolution protests against ship owners acknowledging liabi Why allow your Books to go to pieces Nuttall. In mistake about this matter, be fact there can be no Call at 119 Central Avenue, or Phone No. 130 proves of the suggestion for the cause the Charter of the when you can have them neatl; vound at the creation of a Central Council of Farlings contains the official and and commercial represen.
emigrants. For Dr. LOWE some time tatives of the British West In.
there has been operating here a L, Edin!
dies to make recommendations company known as the Antilla Office Hourse 30 a. 1p. mi with regard to legal, medical, Transportation Company. Ac. p.
cording to rumour, the persons fiscal, educational, police, com.
mercial, and other questions. In conducting the business of this Box 798 Office 844 Sisikes third the Chamber expressed Phones: Company Mr. Nuttall is report Ancon, as: Resido1002 repatriating which is read by West by every Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
in the not distant charge a Jamai tion this island We wish earnestly to The circulation circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, oy the cially excellor, Sir Greaves, Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
persona me authorized agent are recruited as emigrante and a first class to in bis abroad, enter this a police ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable in into reser.
BOOK BINDING One Party of teru 500 past.


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