p. 8


Cricket SB SOKKSSSSSSSSS:53:00 PACIFIC THEATRE To night Harry Carey Sat. 29th Outcasts of Poker Flat SUNDAY Outside the Law 30th Featuring Pricilla Dean trilling tale of Sanfrancisco Underwold story thai grips the heart and gets the nerves on edge. great Crook melodrama. play every red blooded man and woman will like Next The continuation of the big Universal Success Week The King of the Circus Featuring the Fons idol EDDIE POLO. Outing end Speaking Seos34oXss803 50 Soxoso: 0055 38 We retrand Surrey cunces Yorkshir The Su rey made its first ap pearance the Sprimon Cup xtures last Sunday at the Stsodard Oval, when it me! and defeated the fast going Yorkshire CC, The day was an ideal one, and the wicket was in per ect order therefore all looked forward at xiously to the openink of the game. Yorkshir won the toss and elected to bat. Surrey fans watched eagerly to see what kind of team the skipper would lead out as six of Surrey best men could do play in that game.
Backman op ord the attack for Sur Ty, and brilliantly did he open that he eruck terror into the tearts of the Chine Yorkshire ba s, who were si cialis et tur 73 runs Steint med runs. Thillips 14 and inder 12 Blechman capiured wickets for Surrey replied to this with exte of 134 Tur Hler 29 Black men 20, Peters 17L06 ou. Murr 17 and Illder 10 Clovelly Defeats Cable At La Bics in Sportman Cup Ma ch, the Clovelly met and de feated the ble Cable batted firet, and could only put together 31 rude, out of which Judge was top scorer with 12. Bowling for Clovelly Men captured wickets for 13 runs and Pål mer for Clovelly replied to thi score with a total of 133 runs, Meare 22; Miler 21, Skene 19, Roberts 16 and Eli 15 Mr. Piedmont Again Distributes Prizes Mr. Piedmont again made his gener offers, and this had the effect of drawing out the best efforts of the bats nen. All through the game could be heard Fight for those Cigarettes The Surrey won three cartons for haviog won the game, Black man five packages for best bowling analysis, and 33, recent of York re five packages for bigbest haiting average. At Le the Clovilly cc. won all the having won the match ent thirre cartons, Mests of Clovelly fiv Darboger for best batting and Palmer esate team, five packige for bo Nr. Piedmont en pain cf Cively said he wou very din printed if he had 10 moked nothing else but Pied and as a verification of his word lived a rearly mo y pack abil in his point was a full one ready to ke its pree.
Surrey Offers Cricket Bat The Surrey CC fers a cricket ba. the winner to make his csoice to th man compiling the highest aggregate of runs during the empetition. This offer is not limited to the members of the Surrey but to the members of all teams in the Sportman Cup Fitures To morrow Games Jamsica vs. La Boca at Isthmian Park Surry Vincentian at sandard Oval.
they like ALBOA EST EER REWEL prizre Clovelly borine self is accept this. Install call out at the puay races will Niarcus Garvey. Horse Racing at Juan Franco Continued from page biry him in Panama he was not JOCKEY CLUB SCORES AVhere to stir up strife; King OTHER SUCCESS.
George bas every right to rule Elishmen and no one sbould last for this month was again Last Sunday race meeting, the troubl, him.
The black mas decided success for the new should also rule Africa and no Jockey Club, who are leaving boiy sboald try t) interfere with him stone unturned to afford the Negroes should a be radicals and clean sport at every meeting Sporting public of Panama good The pic9 of radicalisin was pulled off at Juan Franco conservation which means keep Sunday pro;ram was another ing, and the negroes at have nothing to keep therefore big drawing card and attracted ore a fair crowd of race fans va they should be radicals. They seemed to have greatly cajy ed should no: leave everything to the e day G as some say God is a busy God, He hash given to each man All the events were closely in two hands, some sense, a bra tested, indeed so closely the in and other things therefore the Union Club Handicap co apet.
sb:uld do so rething for our Io Good Time there was su ba ed for by Ace of Trump selves. cheers)
close finish, opinion was greatly of the constitution divided, and although the judge which was drawn up as the con declared In Good Time the vention in August last year, he winner backers of Ace of Pumps said it was si uilar to the consti at the Pari Mutuel bad their tution of Aineric or to that mo refunded.
money which was wrested from King John at Runney mede. Like Tips refrain from making any perary it is a loop way off, but comment on this as we consider Negroes like any one else have it is a matter for the Stewards bet the right to have battleship. decision of the juige shaid be the general opinion, is that the dreadnoughts, submarines, etc, always respected. cheers. The women of the race, the which there was any excitement This race was the only one in spaker contended, did not apReciate themsel 7us enouga and all the other eveats were carried that was one of the chef rea off with general satisfaction.
suns why the men up to the pre OPENING DAY AT JUAN sent had not advanced further.
The progress of th: race a pend: FRANCO PARK.
to a certain usias on the May 8th marks the official openwomen, and 11 like the women of other races, woud re ing of the Race meets under the quire much of the men, the men auspices of the Panama Jockey would be compelled to aim high Club and Horse Racing will start er. If the woman would look formaliy as ao amusement com for a Wellington or a Napoleon, tinuing throughout the year.
then there would have to be a Bg Card will make the open Waterloo. But instead of this we ing day one to be remembered by find that any man who had a all lovers of the sport of Kings as straight nose, and could get him Mr. Kopf Secretary of the Jockey into a ti se suit, he may be a Club has informativa that a cas shoe shine or anything else, he mile steeplechase will actually be di and for that reason run this meet, and all information it does not appeal to the men that to date leads the Secretary to be they should aspire that Good name is a nickname for call out a big field. The Lill putian races promise real conteoa fool Mr. Garvey continued, tion, and a Hack Horse Race will so he did not like to be called a be the fun maker of the day.
good man, he admitted that he is a bad man, and liked the Lieutenant King, has name; be is bad enough, he said, promised to give tue club army to try to get what is due to him. contests which he believes will He then thanked the people of of close finishes atford the public the opportunity Colon for their help and support in the past, and the sacritices The trainer of In Good Time they had made, and stated that informs us that that horse is elthey had not yet gone bull the ing very well and shows inchoa is about to start tion to go whenever called upon Juding in Lbria, and in a few to do so The Ace of Trumps looks well that country as they, a few and will probab y be a big favoryears ago, rushed to th: Panama ite again on opening day.
Canal The first batch of mer be stated, was sent out from the We are all waiting for the final Coat of Arms regarding United States about two months and the Sabsuas Thoroughbred ago, and between tuo ead of th and hope that in the near future present mouth and early in next the big race will be staged, inonth the Phyllis Wheatley, a Entries for the two Lilliputian boat of 500 tons will be saling races, the two pony races and the with about 300 mechanics.
Maiden race will close to day He exhorted the people to take April 30. at p and no en.
their shares in the Black Star teries will be accepted hereafter Line Corpyration as early as for the opening day meet.
possible and be ready to get div. The Panama Jockey Club reidends in the next 12 months. quests that all owners desiring to Two millions dollars is being enter in the races, call at 30 pm.
raised for the purpose of build at the Headquarters prepared railroads, factories, and gen with their enteries and colors etc.
erally improving the country.
Any gum from up may be loaned, tor 5, 10 or 15 years and The City of Bocas.
interest the of per cent per annun, more than what can be obtained when they (Continue from Page 1)
put money into the banks for others to benetit from men was in the entire provino.
He spoke for one hour and 20 Life and property are insecure minutes, and in conclusion an and the merchants and shopkeepnounced meetings to take plavelers cannot sleep soundly at the next day. The meeting was nights for fear of incendiarists then brought to a close by the and burglars. It is a fortunate singing of the Christian Sol Ayon. Onward thing that Peter Williams had to Bocas or he would have ruined the place forever.
At the close of the meeting ce crowds flocked around the clerk The people in Bocas in order to buy shares in the the opinion that unless the gov.
Black Star Line and subscribe ernment see that the town is to the Liberia loan.
properly lighted, the streets reconstructed, and forest cleared of superabundant growth, that WATCH very soon snakes will again in.
habit the place and become a danger to the community. Those THIS are the conditions as found them.
SPACE Without any desire to make comments at the present mo.
ment, it is only fair that soine of the surplus now being expended IT MAY PROVE for road building should go tow.
ards the reconstruction and suni tation of Boca del Toro. This placa bas contributed more to To be your Fortune the making of that surplus than such small backward places like. Coclé. Give Bocas a square deal and she will prove herselt WATCH!
able of development. No taxa.
tion witbout representation is a good doctrine, but this is repre sentation without considerata. OUTSIDE THE LAW AT THE B, P, WYNTER PACIFIC, SUNDAY Panama, April 27th, 1921.
RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY to. news ing Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON beaded not gone to is Notice To Correspondent RH Thomson Your letter received, but as the policy of this paper does not encourage the dis cussion of religous dogmas same cannot be published Ed.
Galilean Day Celebrated.
There is no Better than the Saint Andrew and Southern Star Lodges jointly celebrate the day. What is the Best.
known among the Galilean Fishermen Fraternity, as Galilean day, was duly celebrated on Suaday 24 h, inst by the If allowed to pick our choice, Galilean Fisherman in Panama City. The would have none but the best of every celebration took the form of an anni thing: yet it is sad to say that our peo versary which was carried through by ple on the Isthmus, at the cost of the the St. Andraws and Southern Star health, jump at every new patent med Lodges jointly.
icine placed on the market; especially it The procession marched from the Lodgeball in San Miguel at p it is nice to take.
sharp by the Black Star Line Such risks generally prove barmful, Band, and proceeded to the Wesleyan many of the new dopes are nothing bu Church where the sermon was preached fakes. and should be carefully avoided by Mr. Harris. After the proceso When obtaining your medicine, getsion filed back to the lodge bali where the best. The best is always that whict splendid evening prugtrm was put well tried and and recommended by the through, several addresses being deliver mafority. Remember, don experimented by represen tatives from the various for precious sister lodges. The proceedings were preKnow yo all men, that DeWitt Piided over by Prof. Barton as chiman.
have got the indisputable right of being The special efforts of Brothers the best Patent Medicine on the Istb Reid and Edwards W. Mas mus. Let no one fool you, no other ters assisted by Bro. Burrows, as good. It has stood the test of many deserve much credit for the success years treatment, and holds the Cham of the entire days proceedings, pionship of the World on merit The attendance was a large one, and Millions have been cured, and million all left feeling that a enjoyable afternoon are now under treatment from every wae spent.
This statement is backed up by facta Birthday Celebration.
Advice from the makers reads: Due to the many new orders that are bein, sent in daily from all parts of the world On the 20th inst, the many in consequence of the greatly increaser friends of Capt. and Mrs.
demand for De Witt Pille, we have Fraser, met at their home in found it necessary to remove to muel street to celebrate the fourth Aneger factory grounds at Cherry Orchard anniversary of the natal day of Road, East Croydon, London. their adopted daughter, Ida The right treatment is DeWitt Pille, Dorothy Fraser. Many were the Start now. Sold at all leading Drug good wishes tendered the little Stores, and are always in stock at the lady and quite an enjoyable time general depot.
was spent.
THE CITY PHARMACY, OUTSIDE THE LAW AT THE 139, CENTRAL AVE; PANAMA PACIFIC, SUNDAY, Quillota, Sunday, May for New York direct Victoria. Monday, May 2, for Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Guatemala, Wednesday, May 4, for Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique. Antofagasta, Coquimbo and Valparaiso Quilpue, Friday, May 6, for Buenaventura, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil Essequibo, Saturday, May 7, for Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Salvador Saturday, May 7, for Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajutla, San José de Guatemala and Champerico For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at CRISTOBAL сэрor to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, PANAMA er Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents, Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Panams


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