
to other its financial MARY MULLER No. 89 Central Avenue Kitts.
milcohe BUSINESS World of of Ame.
MEN country fies the large 30OSC GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST Seitsed strould be ADVERTISE but also for the health THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 7 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West.
Demerara Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pall appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: Medical Head of British Guiana HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM Argosy Says Feature of For sale at all Drug Stores in this City HAS JUST OPENED the Service is its Present and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez Lack of Cohesion Sole Agent for the Republic of Panama HATS TO The Daily Argosy of Demerara GERVASIO GARCIA. 10 GOLD uded that th peer Sur Res General of Demerara, DA English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, Conyers, is not likely to return to his duties, and the question Embroideries, etc. will shortly arise as to wea shah Pink Boll Worm in covery was first made in Mont. Sea Island cotton industry and be his successor. Connected with UNEQUALLED VALUES AT this question, says our contemWest Indies.
general consider Robson, the Agricultural Super. and particularly for those which porary, is the intendent, the identity of the like Montserrat and St. Vincent, LOWEST PRICES ation of the character of Colonial Medical Services.
Has Made its Appearance being established from depend so largely upon the cultiPaterial submitted for examina. vation of cotton for their means The Arg sy continues: colo In the Islands of Mont entomologist. Intormation was must engage the serious atten ny such as British Guiana has not Ballou, the official of support. The whole question unlimited funds to disburse and serrat and St. Kitts. immediately furnished by cable tion of all concerned, including must necessarily adapt its pro lands, when a similar the Governor and the cotton gramme to capacity Ene feature of the present Med the Manchester Guardian The following is taken from discovery was made of the pest growers. It is improbable that existence in St.
ical Service is its lack of At Mont the present cotton crop will be sioa. Special attention might be Agriculture of the West Indies Watt: state that it had to be year crop will be safe guarded The Imperial Department of well established. Sir Francis pest, and it is hoped thatlanded serrat the pest was found to be very materially reduced by the paid the functions of Government Medic. Officers. These hele teports to the Colonial Office that recognized that the appearance to a large extent by the steps men are paid salaries no zents the pink boll worm of cotton bas. of pink boll worm in the West that will be taken for the control Suspension of Big of the bank was dissipated by a earn, in addition in unfortunately, appeared in Mont private practice, sums which vary serrat and St. Kitts. The dis. Indies is a serious matter for the of the pest Secretary Rudolfo Padró in a according to their place of resid Cuban Bank special interview with the corre ence. When we regard the pub Cook Xocca spondent of the New York Times.
lic services which are performed This bank official, speaking with by these doctors for the salaries Banco Nacional de Cuba, emphatic frankness, declared which they receive we utterly that the business Unable to obtain Loan rica and England was entitled to fail to see how these justify the Is Forced to Close the facts expendl lic work performed by as they were known to The exist. He He used apparent care in Government Medical Officers his statement talked with ex.
TRIED IN NEW YORK treme reserve in reference to the districts in no way justi expenditure which Cuban Government, and gave the their salaries involve and trust that the next Surgeon Gen Liquidation of Assets Interview in English to add to clarity eral will see that the public bt Might Bring Some Relief Five cent fo. b, fugar, bared better served The duties o upon an assurance that the enGevernm në Medical Oficers GOVERNMENT COMMISSION tire crop would be taken at that the various districts migat wel be elaborated and they TO ACT. th tenir plus. held responsible not only for th Patro know that there are medical well being of their area late disgatch from Havana men who cry out against that the standard of pub declaring that the lic dated April 9, states that the statement, maintained and for all Banco Nacional de Cuba sus price must be cents or even sanitary precautions which are rended business this morning. necessary. It is an opinion, bas IN THE National Police surrounded the time of crisis and of a price for ed on extended observation, tha most M. devote but a very bank at an early hour and others this year alone. It costs inore to were stationed within the struc harvest sugar in one sector than small fraction of their time to WORKMAN cents for it The institution occupies another, but the duties for which they are all primarily retained. For our part one of the busiest corners in would do. The Cuban Govern.
Havana. There was no disorder ment, we believe, thinks as we wa should like to to see private me as the rews had not spread far do. That its interest may be dical practitioners of penetratiens the depositors when bank conserved the stock control of among ing hours ended at 11 o clock.
distri the bank has been turned over carrying on must be apparent that on their profession. It An all night conference of the to the Government as security doctor directors followed the receipt of for its depositors. The bank was who is in is in receipt of a fixed sala news of the failure of the mis the Government depository with who ry from the Government and ons of Dr. Ramon Mendoza outle beina uable securities have ама the can augment his income by pri nu vate practice is in an extraordin 15, 000, 000 in ready money in been position. On the one hand nightly influence which has the States the to his secured income from bank over April 15, the date up not been disclosed is in control ernment may tend to make bia indiferent as to the amount of on which the bank, having taken of the sugar market of the world.
advantage of the law for liquida That is American speculaattention he gives to his private moratorium, woula tion in sugar is beyond question.
practice or, if he be an ambitious be compelled to make another pool is a matter for investigation That there may exist a retiners man, he may seek to augment instalment payment of 20 per and proof. The matter of a probis private practice at the ex cent to its depositors.
pense of the duty he owes the The 26, 000. 000 deposits are posed increase in tarif duty Government. When a new Sur is and to those who had an important factor.
geon General is appointed the their funds their prior to last The stock of Señor Lopez public will require some concrete October move was made to Rodriguez, which was the control guarantee that the money now being expended for medical purprotect those who had placed of this bank, cost him for the faith in the bank by depositing some around 190 dollars and some major part over 175 a share, poses shall show some fruit.
with it since October 9, when moratorium was decreed over 200 dollars. This bank was Advertise in The WorkThe sum of 2, 500, 000 was de sound institution. To day we posited with the Royal Bank believe its physical properties man It pays.
Canada early to day and checks are worth an immense sum. The ground upon which issued against it to those who stands, and this is one of Hava.
which this building were fortunate enough to hear na finest Trinidad of the closing and came rushing structures, cost to the bank.
sixty dollars a a Nube Application will be made at an around 250 dollars a Education Conferearly hour on Monday for the value of the building has Therefore THE WORKMAN is of the law for the greatly increased since it was ence an predation of banks. That it will completed, ag as evidenced by the be immediately granted is great increase in rental values.
The following is the proposed conceded certainty.
We agenda for the Education Conmoment the National Bank which can be realised upon by ference being held at Trinidad :Liquidation a. The establishment of a Cen takes control of the bank affairs, we quidating commission, but good results.
e not got tral Training College. Despatch the needed 12; its assets will be held intact and 800. 000 persada April wóth. high cash Secretary of State, 13th Februa pooled for the common benefit to go on beyond of all In that event the deposi Government had responded and General Educational Sub of October 10 is in the same wovld, we believe, have placed jects. Compulsory Education.
position as the depositor prior to some 300, 000 deposits with us that date.
we could have raised the 12, Child Labour Late to day it was reported here feel the immediate effect. Busi000, 000. Business generally will The establishment of a Me that the mission beaded by Jose dical Service for schools.
Marmion which went to the ness men who have taken advan. The connection between Primary and Secondary Educa United States to raise 40, 000, 000 tage of the law for the liquida.
to tide over the Spanish Bank tion of the moratorium inust School Curricula.
had been as unfortunate as that meet at 20 per cent payment Technical and Industrial of Dr. Mendoza in the plea for next Friday. do not know how funds.
they are going to do so. Sugar School Examinations.
The bank officials are certain men are unable to complete the The Standardising of that the liqutdation of the pro barvesting of the crop unless Teachers Examinations.
perty will bring much relief to they receive money to keep the The Relation of the Religistockholders.
the distressed depositors and workmen going. The banks can Some even proloan no more.
ous Denominations to the Admipbesynders veces para tergantne NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
a successful reorganiza nistration of Elementary Schools 10. The Staffing of Schools tion and Salaries and Status of Elelaws for the liquidation of banks mentary School Teachers. when you can have them neatly šound at the recently enacted to meet this very 11. Issue of Text Books deal.
crisis. Any grou Mrs. Annie Lindsay group of stock holders, depositors or creditors begs hereby to notify her ling with local Geography, Fauna may submit a plan to the com patrons and others that she and Flora, etc.
WORKMAN PRINTERY mission, which being approved, has removed to No. 7, may be used to rehabilitate the Street near Central Avenue Rent Receipt Books in Spaninstitution.
Ish and English for sale at The The maze of contradictory in. obliquely opposite the Am Workman Printery, formation about the suspension erican Consulate.
OoooooooooooooooooooooooooooXSXOXO ture. by every West which is read by every Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
to the United ary tide the GO tion of of the a belong The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
the ma Oflice str 18 now a metre Advertising Medium which must bring the ing. Le Commission the tor ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable Schools.
BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces


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