p. 8


SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS: Public Opinion PACIFIC THEATRE Of Mr. Garvey and His Aims LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Continuation of the Excit.
Osno We do nat hold ourselie, responsible for the opinions erpressed by our correspondents.
ing Serial THE KING OF THE CIRCUS would like go fail, a ville us tigures, 000, bership made up his Surrey Whips Vincentians Last Sunday at the stendard Oval, the Surrey C met and de. ested the Vincentien is a first class uuteh ia the Sportsmen Competi ion. The wicket was in perfect condition, and therefore it was no surprise when Vincentian elected to bat after having won the tose.
Surrey opened the attack with Rock man and Hector, and succeeded in sepding back to the pavilion the first bata man when the score stood at Surrey y outfielding was rather por, many catch PR ta be drop, ed, and balle mistielded so that in of bo alior changes, Vin centian raised total of 71 runs Joebus.
was top scorer wih 16 to his credi Edwards 15 pot out, and Stue 10 being the principal contributors.
After the usual red Surrey went the wickets and had loat wickets for 17 Thor and Illder met Ad from the featue of pimes changed. The bowling of the Vincentians, especially Morgan s, was excellent en caturly so ing wat slow, but these two bats defied ailifforts until 59 was rerched when Thomas pain fully run his layout, after having given a faultless exhibition of cricket. Holder unde the winning stroke. mighty ex. nid de Surrey two points in the Sportsman Cup. For Surrey Hulder 16, Bradford 17, Blackman 16 not out, Thomae 16, DeSousa 16 and llec or 10, rrey innings closed for 137 runs Jamaica Defeats La Boca At Isthmian Park, Jamaica met end defeated the La Boca in a first clas Sportsman Cup match also. Batting first ainsica put up a total of 123 runs. Van Hirn wis top scorer for bie side with 31 to his ter the recone La Boca went it, and at one time it semed as if the Ratue would le ea wity clore our as LA Doe hd scored 66 runs for the loss of os wicht; but Captun Walker ruse tecasion, and not only cu ceeded in dating the o her batsmen before u resch the century, but is won th: 1, for boating, and we bed his club is scuting Mr Fidmate przy Sealy La Be 24 orubs sul cop secure for the day.
Mr. Pidmont Again Give Prizes Mr edmonte otinued his generus stero the cricke ers last Sund y of is tout boue of bis famous cigare zez toh winning terms as well as the most successful bemen and bowlers At Saudsid Oval th Surrey CC won the three cttons of the famous Cricket To Smok, Holdref Surrey win five rsch for the best bating, and le tor, of the same text, won tivo packages Ir the let bwling analysis At Isthmian Park Jarraics won the three cartons is the winning team, Sealy La Boca win five pekages for best baiting and WIker mosies five package for les! Loxling.
To morrow Games Vicentino vs CD e at Isthman Puk Brdu vs. Sandari at Standard Oval.
certain that have credit.
ALBOA EST EER REWED usual Garvey is to th Ocught on. Lordie, lordie. RENT RECEIPT BOOKS Study in Figures pect? And yet am sure that professional men anywhere have To the Editor of THE WORKRAN not been to prominent in their Sir: Marcus Garvey having ours here in rana?
ranks Why ha should he ease declared that the members of the Mr Universal Negro Improvement tendency on the part of the semiGarvey knows the veak Association are, in his estimation far more educated than our doceat to coas dier uint the of his better trainei tothtors and lawyers and professioner He knows how easily the al men, despite of this college unintelligent and unedusted Ne, training to for the consideration of these the hands or a ciaponta hack or Prent gro a victim to a shake of sos. se SCSS SS. sc Soos wiseacres the following study: It is claimed that the Associa any bluff pretending to know tion now has a a membership of ty and he uses the same trick tɔ leige his equality or superiori.
two and one bai of millions Let disregard the odds and stick to the streets at gain their support as we see on at all times when our round namely 2, 000, down and out The entrar ce fee for men white brother шеш pis 25 cents, and take it wants to get something out of that each member in order to be poor fool. Quashie.
recognised as such had to pony his hearers Why did not Mr. Garvey tell quarter. This repre earers that he considered sents the respectable sum of selt? No, for then they would them more educated than him 500 000 consider themselves his equal edu Futher each memb is sup nard to contribute 35 cents said so of our professional men, cationally and he knew when he monin towards the u. Keep of the he was only fooliag the people. organization. Nov allowing that am one half:f the membership de no man in that velop into sluckers and fail to college training accepted his state pay their contribution, it stili meat with any degree of sincerit leave a million whose iota for a a.
nonth is represented 350. 000 follow this own course and let advice to per moath or 200. 000 a year, which with the enterance fees raking in his dollars in whatever others follow their own. He is a manner he can and he should not Add to this total the extra tax try to prevent professional men ation for certificates, book of from making theirs hönestly, rules, etc. and throw in at the time amounts Yours, sau raised by ICONOCLAST.
entributions to the Convention efforts, such as rallies and Fund. Tu a think of all the shares brud bu up in the Black Star Line Garveyite Praises His Corporation Leader too much tigures for me, and inus quit. But eems to me have figured sutricient to be able Sir: Though am sure that to buy two real sbips, not of the your coming 1830s will be er wd.
Yarmouth class.
ed with letters all telling priseg Good nigt:t.
to the honour and glory of the Yours, first inan of the day, His Excel.
Deney The Honourable Micus JACK SPRAT Garvey, Provisional President of Africa and President General of Marcus Garvey and the the Universal Negro Imp ove.
Professiorals ment Association, that world wide organ zatin which under in Spanish and English Sir, Despite the absolute the victorious leadership of wis and miserable failure which at great hero of the age, will be the tended bis attemps while in the the redemption of Africa Porth salvation of the Nago Race and 399 Island of Jamaica to tarnish the Africans, yet wis wish to bech good names of certain of Jamacia little space well reputed and honoured citi soutogramma just a little zens for the mean and crafty this Moses of our Race.
chlo so that may pay my purpose of turning the feeling of Inust commenc by saying the less thinking masses against that was not at all disappointed them, Mr. Marcus Garvey evident in the man when heard him y did not benefit by his experi speak (and here let me state that AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY. was again seen at his old tricks, this my wife and myselt had the time directing the fire of his abuse privilege of hearing himast the meetings he addressed in against our professional men, Panama City) and indeed no one. thereby the West Indian who has followed all bis Jeansonals of course.
doings and sayings as published in the in the name of all that is Garvey Makes Farewell. reasonable does Mr Garvy ever Such fw of rhetoric hive Negro World could feel otherwise.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co, expect to acheive his highest never heard in all my life, and (Continue from Page 5) aim, namely, that of linking the am more and more convinced inat Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
FOUR HUNDRED MILLIONS of great things are in store for the ings for the support het has the Negroes of the world into one Negro Race through th: instru best respect for he wilfully and mentality FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE great family of this honourable Government of Panama.
Among those present was Ma deliberately sets one part of them yor Aizpuru of the city, who on Else what can be Mr. Garvey that for me it is God first, and in open warfare against the other?
SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FRON BALBOA, KOON In conclusion, all cin say is President Brooks expressed himsel is intentions where he tellst mig after God Marsus Curvey aua eno audience that in his time Acajutla, Saturday, May for glowing terms in connection withe estimation the members of the Esmeraldes, Bahia, Manta, Macbalilla, Manglar Alto, and. Thanking you for space.
Guayaquil asked be Mr. now Yours men with all Essequibo. Saturday, May 7, for JONATHAN REID people dollar with him, what their college training. Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Garvey must know better were they to do, seeing they we e than to expeet that every Negro, all poor people and conditions than to Quilpue, Friday, May 6, for were such: Mr. Garvey replied cated and uneducated, will jumpa! Horse Racing.
intelligent Manta and Guayaquil, a to these parts, and it was not in his power his plans, no matter how good Continued from page ves they may be, and accept them at Salvador, Monday, May 9, for 19 dictate to the people, but as face value and without a thought the breeding of good animals in Puntarenas, San Jan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, he had been asked he would sug La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose de Gautemala and gest that the poor people form and it is certainly shows mean Panama. It is hoped that pnrses themselves into a committee and spirit. it certainly is not in keeping will be increased rig it along so Champerico.
approach the richer ones to start when he rails upon and tries to intelligence as to continue encouraging the Jamaica, Tuesday, May 17, for mative industries in order that belittle all those who fail to do so. high standard of one of the best so. sports and amusements as well Cartagena and Puerto Colombia.
Mr. Garvey then pinned silver Oor professional men have not as benəficial industries arising Ebro Tuesday, May 17, for There is no doubt but what the contributed to the Liberian Loan, movement because perhaps New York direct after which the meeting was not appealed to them, or perhaps day will soon be here when Panas brought to a close by the sing they have not the time to give it ma will be able to boast its Breed ing of the first stauza of On any attention or perhaps they have as Panamanian Horse instead For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies ot ward Christian Soldiers and ber not been invited so to do, but that of nediction by the chaplain.
does not and should not interfere is now termed Bush with Mr Garvey plans and there additions at the track will CRISTOBAL is therefore no reason that he be the Stewards Box and the NOTICE OF REMOVAL. should consider them, as he says, Press Box in the grand stand.
or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Mrs. Annie Lindsay Race.
the lowest type of the Negro Sunday Rain or Shine it will be PANAMA begs hereby to notify her Has not the number of Mr Horse Racing has replaced it.
a big day, Baseball has gone and or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub )gents, patrons and others that she Garvey adherents grown from has removed to No. 7, 13 to 4, 000, 000 in the last four Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Parama Street near Central Avenue years? Has not the number of branches of the A. grown Rent Receipt Boks in Span obliquely opposite the Am from to 700 in the same period? Ish and English, for sale at the erican Consulate, What better results does he ex Workman Printery, Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE my homage to RADIUM is earth most valuable substance How AND THE MOST USEFUL hem gentleman.
with cellaneous Watch this Space is going away and has taken the our professional Mr.
Superior HOR TON For Skin and Scalp Every woman wants a beautiful head of hair You may have it if you use Hor tou a Hair Grower, guaranteed to grow hair in three months or money refunded. Twelve years in use. Never known to fail.
Hair Grower 52c Shampoo 520 Pressing Oil 52c Beauty Cream 520 Temple OII 27c 10, 000 AGENTS WANTED YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY For further particulars write to ALEXANDER ROUDETT 161 WEST 145th ST. NEW YORK Send Honey Ordar who orderlag te has thereformen.
Rent Receipt Books in SpanIsh and English for sale at The Workman Printery.


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