
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921, THE WORKMAN SERVICE CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program TO. NIGHT Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, at the office Central Ave tion. Correspondence on all matters que and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de PO Box 74. Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Ja Year 82. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not passarily for publics.
Biz Monibi 26 ulon but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake 10 rotura rojected correspondere Three Dar a All stove parts are standard and Interchangeable. We carry a complete line of stove parts. We charge for material only. We do not charge for our labor.
Liberty o! the Press is the palladium of our righ UNIUS The Savage Woman SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921, THE ISTHMUS NEEDS WEST INDIANS CARRY KIMBALL YOUNG AND HER OWN CUPANY porast (SATURDAY)
the Cecilia Theatr to nich in helsest Select Pieturp, To Save Wms, from Francis Carlos CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG adapted for the soreea by Kuthiya Stuart, in a role vesty cifferent from And her Own Company ny which Mie rehre before chea for the veren, take his celebrated star PRESENTS away from her ud iety pley 101 shows Renee, daughter of French trudit, derelict in Abyssinia Wien her father from the celebrated Novel by leaps to his dea the girl niers away and finds herself in the ruif. FRANCOIS CRED palace or clining to the FRANCOIS CUREL Sheb. She is mistaken for ti osted quien, and Renee is hip (SELECT sbe leam. two unbeari.
Don Miss This Picture If you fail to see Bilie Birken BILLIE BURKE EDICATION LL. 11 IN which will the featurett The tre toto Willie The Education of Elizabeth The sprichintale of a chorus sir lawiat she is to Not a little commenting on the necessity for good roads throughout the Republic has been going on of late, the results of which have begun to show themselves in AT different sections of the country where efforts are being PANAMA GAS CO.
made to meet the popular demand in the interest of pro Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bollvar SE gress.
Tel. 798, SERVICE Tel. 364.
Tanama is a fertile spot and can produce all the food that is cessary for local consumption, besides allowing a big margin for export and reciprocity with neighboring countries in our commercial possibilities will never be really known until there are established the facilities for transportation rom the interior towns to the terminal seaports and markets of the country.
The timber forests of Panama are already famed for HOUSEHOLD REMEDY stighest quality woods of all deserptions, and the trade that has beins going on in this line of inLSDS form tired feet, dhe licents of the busin saman vi the natil vite supportuniti that might come through the suction of high ways throughout the land.
There is hardly another country in the whole of Latin It has also a positives quick relief takin America that ab unds so richly in varieties of wood as internally for collie raus und durch Panama, Jet we are far behind in the development of this AT YOUR DRUGOIST, YOU NEED IT resource which promi es much to the industrial growth and pray of the coinmunity: il is unseressary to say much on the question of agriculturelepitent as it is at thet arudy familie to Memorial Service at Nescri! Sovico Erosios 2010 Shut he Screc in aliotola Deras MONDAY st. THIS SELZNICS PICTURES PRINTS ELADE VARMERSTEIN UN FRANK DAZEY LEIGHTON OSMAN The Woman Game There is residentit StoryNocles Chism Heliotrope developed to an ending in this pietin, the main them is that of a fi ther who Sacritices his life to prevent It is the story of a sinister woman.
a place. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY If the Girl OT, are 101 dilihat set to ensolbad Famous Players Lasky Corp.
on lit curs, toung motor trucks and cusut couriers wile the snail like ox cart, the crawling paced by Mr. British Consulate Notice, horse and the sleepy cayuco bo irretrievably into un torcigla pratie mournful sincs is Mint pred ly PRESENTS formation concerning the where oblivion?
run from the veiled canopy of heaven abu of Cordia Mae lotyre. Julin We can almost already see the smoke stacks and hear while the Black Star Line Band added MacIntyre, and Matilde Mitchel (uee the sbrill sirens of active factories of all sorts str tched to the solemnity of the perasion by Robinson) will appreciated. Cosmopolitan Production Theatre for two days this work. While throughout the length and breath of the land. We can Blessings aud other appropriate sele packed: vivid tətil the love rendering Lord Illest Of Showers of the roman of two young people in (A PARAMOUNT PICTURE)
see the busy scenes at our industrial throughiares and we can experience, in the ascent of a modest imagina ion, the fioms. Several persons journeyed over and este in which the added lady Colon and the beatiful was.
disgrace from befalling his daughter.
teaming water fronts with the local products leaving our THURSDAY foiled by a generated convict and of shores. And we can also see the presto of vanishing poverthe happiness that comes to the latter, daughter as the result of his her.
ty as industrial occupation supersedes the baneful condi ors upon the soil. They were happy and contented and tion of unemployment. Why is willing to wager that Pan they prospered. The Canal Zone was not a whit worse of Stoll Film Corporation oie action Thrills a plenty and a finale that is superising as it is satisfying is promama will not improve her financial status over five hun for their presence and things went on like clock work.
Since the services of thousands of West Indians PRESENTS dred per cent as soon as the roads and interior railways ised in Heliotrope.
shall have been completed?
are no longer required it seems to be a natural idea that The Branded Soul The drama of THE BRANDED Now that the Panama Canal has dispensed with the the Canal Zone could offer relief to the critical situation labor of so many thousands of experienced and able bo imposed by enforced idleness. Why not repopulate the picturization of Ritta brothera flere for middle hea tutor. SOUL arises the love of the two died workingmen it seeems only too rational to believe east side of the canal, where the people might easily THE IRON STAIR Geoffrey, but his brother, crazed by Jealousy, has him framed up for forge that every man will be needed for the development of the have their agricultural products transported to the termicountry; and if our outlook is hastened into realization a nal cities of the Republic! However the Canal Zone FEAURING ry and sent to prison. It is then that serious economic crisis will be happily averted, authorities may view the question, the defense and protecconscience haunts him, he changes REGINALD FOX MADGE STUART with his brother after the latter escapes The intensest public spirit should be aroused in con tion of West Indians is their moral responsibility. The into the fog and gives up his life so that nection with the desired development of the country. It people did not come here by themselves, they were invitwill mean the boosting of a logical situation, and will in. Sed and induced, and that is the reason why they are here. THE PRICE HE PAID the two people he has wronged no hors ribly, can take up their shattered lives fuse the brains of our business men with facts of the most opportunities to establish themselves, and the facts that time is only headache Fate Since the work is over they ought to be given other He said The price of a good at last.
dazzling possibilities for safe investments.
they have given the least trouble, shown the best in and his brother united to make West Indians who came here to construct tho canal, dustrial spirit among all foreign colonies and possess no the price a lite bebind prison.
and who have recently been dumped into the territory of mysterious tongue or babits entitle them to the most serithe Republic of Panama from the economic garbage cartous consideration in anything that would tend to faciiitate of Balbos Heights, can help to develop Panama, and their interests and extend the merest privilege that might FRIDAY they are ready to do so. Some of them came to this coun be of benefit to them.
try merely for the sake of adventure and have now adoptAs British citizens, loyal West Indiang, give allegi SAMUEL GOLDWYN ed Panama as their home: some came to improve their ance to a country that is both the friend and ally of PanFaith without miracles, trust with condition (not to seek existence) and they were partially ama as well as of the United States, and it would be a PRESENTS out reward, bonesty without encour.
disappointed, while others are here because they feel that matter of political comity for these countries to facilitate agement and yet this big, brawny the great world is a roaming ground for everybody.
WILL ROGERS westerner San Garten, portrayed Britishers within their territories in any way that good by Will Rogers never lost his faith in West Indians have shown, by their traits of industry faith, good taste and good will can commend.
human nature. The Strange Boarder is an Inspiration to every naturally and their general desire to seek work and do it when they honest man and woman and world get it, thai they are a people who cannot be despised of Panama will be the best and wisest solution to the eco The Strange Boarder hours the that lurk borderland of deceney.
They have colonized Pueblo Nuevo and Gatun Valley and nomic riddle that is now beating our politicians and social Don miss The Strange Boarder BY are cultivating some of the most luscious vegetables the workers. There needs be no idleness or want in this counIt will give you the laugh and thrills soil can produce, they have built and own properties in try, because it is quite resoureful enough to afford occupa WILL PAYNB of your life. It will strengthen your faith in your followmen.
various part of the country and thus contribute as tax tion for hundreds of thousands of people, and all that is STRANDED IN CHICAGO payers to the public revenue; and their familiarization Swindled, Betrayed, Jalled with the conditions and needs of the country qualify them necessary is to open up.
Foreigners overcome by the lure of adventure have And still be kept smiling!
to be most desirable colonists here.
explored the interior lands of the Isthmus and have all In justice to all West Indians it must be said that if discovered that the resources are too vast and accessible Silver City Band.
Captain Fraser III.
the Canal Zone authorities bad placed any moral concep for the country ever to be want. The fertility of the tion on their obligations to a people whom they induced soil is nothing short of a marvel, not to mention anything The Silver City Band will be The many friends of Captain to immigrate here to take part in an undertaking that re of its extraordinary chemical richness.
at Red Tank Clubhouse on Wed Fraser, will regret to learn quired their assistance and attracted the attention of the Panama must look out into the future with erect head rodas 15th with some more of that the is suffering from an whole world there would be very little or no suffering but she can only do this with the true spirit of indepen Mhe latest hits. Dont fail to attack of influenza. We wish the among them.
dedce constructible only upon the foundation of national near the Graat TOREADOR captain a speedy and completa The Canal Zone was once populated by non employ prosperity, which is at her very door knocking and bec Spanish Fox Trot,. which will recovery and that he may soon ees and these maintained themselves largely by their lab ging for admission.
be introduced there that night. be on the job again.


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