
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921 PAGE FLY Atlantic Side News Victorin was the first to bat. and after DUBOULAY NEW GROCERY COLD CREAM.
LIQUID POWDER from an Cristobal Literary Associa of the weather, there were not as many CHURCH NOTICES tion spectators as might be expected on such CANAL ZONE an occasion, but the game was well PAY VISIT TO Protestant Episcopal (Ang ican Churches plaved and HOLDS INTERESTING DE.
NOTES (Third Sunday after Trinity)
BATE holding their own in good style, secured Adjoining Bar Cor. 13th Street and Broadway.
St. Paul Church, Panama.
LA BOCA Colon, Jun The Cristobal total of 83 runs. Allen and Carrington PE 111 a. Holy Communion Archdeacon Literary Association st night, leading with 36 and 19 respectively.
Lily Whites then took their et nd at Carson: 10 nm, The Litany; 10. 30 a. La Boca Literary Society.
at its weekly meeting presented the wicke, and were endeavouring to Holy Eucharist and sermon. Archdeacon to a crowded house a very inter An up to date line of every day Requirements Carson: pm. Funday School: 5p.
esting debate which was very surpass their opponents, but their last Holy Baptism; 30 m. Evensong and Quite a short program was instructive and was enjoyed im wicket fell for 43, runa, DeSouss leading ALWAYS ON HAND sert the Vicar.
with 19 ad Phillips following wiib rendered at last Tuesday night mensely.
meeting due to most of tha The evening program opened 15 rups. NIGHTENGALE The members being ab:ent.
with a song competition between Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Moderate Vicar. meeting, however, was very Mr. B Kinnimouth and Mr.
Colon June, contest which will John Reid, and resulted in a attract the attention of all cricket lovers St. Alban s, Paraiso.
interestiu Mr. Jump, the win for the latter.
Society Eneyclopedia of local on the Isthmu, is the match between an 11 Matins and address; p. and foreign news was present The debate, Resolsed that All star Jansiaan team and a famous NILE QUEEN Triniday line up.
Sunday School and Confirmation Class and on the request of the Presi.
British rule in Ireland 30 Evensong and address is justiti Captain Bovell of the All Star Jamaica dent furnished quite an elaborable, was the special feature of The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin NIGHTENGALE, ate summary of recent happer the program ard was ably as well as Captain Hart of the Trinidad Made of oils imported from India and Japan Priest charge ings, local and foreigo. to handled, Messers. B Kinni. line up appear to be both determined WHITENER AND CLEANSER BLEACH Mrl king read questions St. George s, Gtaun.
mouth and Neely, Aring every effort to have their respective win the victory, and they are both mak. HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFIED VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
an Essay by Elmind DANDRUFF. REVEDY 15 am. Holy Communion the Rev.
lending in the Springtelt, arke on the Sublime and Messrs. A, Gaskin and John clubs well represented. Nightenpale: 11 a. Matino and Beautiful and Mr Rchard Kashmir Chemical Co.
Rid in the address: 3p. Sunday School: 30 Verv negatine er Weli known Tailor Passes Away pin Evensong and address nerticle en an Dyke stronk and losical Cantlemen. Verting his arguments There will be an important NIGHIENGALI, were sented by bith sides for discussion at nxt Clo, lunen. Mr Timby Small Pristiharge edhive of Bari Swi sarit luar try Neuren of which will be stucs (1 hunting at the corner of debito min vietory for and sisteet Wat his SOLD EVTRYWHERE KASIR BEAUTY PARLO? DISTORS St. Peter Church, La Boca residenesetry at 02)
as to lives bavite Dufw Prominent Jamacians. Mr alle to the round Passing Through ALEJANDRO AMI CERVERA, inn Wit Cimpikiti RED TANK two weeks nges that having been taken in Cult we foresti at close of Ivens na Prensations are in for tin Cuin June. Among the re to ted, while on the day previous to his The X. IT the litid Notario Público del Circuito de rendre ce on the Rivennt an calitate contriviis in this city as Mr. demiso he received a paralytie stroke of Ruth, No. 925, C101: Walon RJ, Senior Dispen which has end him on Mests and friends should try to be on taille Colon clbrate Rub Dy tow in the ser of the Medical Service in presidit to hear these adires. CERTIFICA: Melittiin of was in the year 1907 that seemed Thres Sixers L, 13th an Jamaici, dr. Scott, of led his native land and migrated to this reets, with or winyle but attrive MULCARE, Svine thi Bagration Oflice, Kosten Quare cum poto Rector mi sonry Jamaica and Men Trencontry and during that time, hy is pr gratis eius ned relationer en serin e ruce St. Barnabas Church, Empire svih RvM. Sain his and thriller yun jovial yt liges like diposition made publiebert Dieser and Supporter in ny friends and customs. w of the motto Bay Public Gen an old faithful theme of the well in da Morning laver and Common horised on Drunk Lid No. 0725 AO. and in church to the citoc the Him rapat ll; Sunya School at pm Lven. Onth CE TUW with the fully and ceremonia ul the will be the BV, and affirmative and Chural an pa ns he was cortiora sa pilih con. Peal the on the to increder Church Mission Mail, Las Cas.
cadas. 1 Bay in dock.
ton. Ten the Phones: courage the Bu ilan with li dans le levend water in istis iliu are wanted to theils pital white he expired a short and can be some and Pro Designs up PER Grunty of trafic VIENINTEL 23: Evening Prayer and rules Clothing with their langu the after MULTI Jus WoO was in charge Priest in charge has been in the Med cal service Colon Poor to get Free Medical Gre, Timm pak to me all as The international Ball Club hse an Da en condits del Tivi Vind and this for years, during which time Treatment.
nounced a concert to take place at the me: de Abril de al zovecientes veinte nur heartily at he has served as District DisCristural Chiu on Saturday the y uno Dr. LORD we of art ien in now, to the prouident Colon, June Through the extreme b ini The program includes feats ALEJ AMIC, of the cul, care of Cube Secretary penser in the Kingston Hospital, Gayle Public Hospital, St. Mary kindness of the Cristobal Women Club, and stunts by Pri. Shine.
Notaris Pu lica.
and HOWELL Annetto Fublic General D: Byrd, Hospital, Linstead Pedro Miguel Hospital. this end, who will be giving his time and This many friends of Dr. Pad Take Notice.
Dentists June 3rd, 1921.
la Mar Hospital and for the past services free of charge, a free clinic for dyfoot will be pleased to kn)w that he 143 CENTRAL AVE establiehed this has been appointed by His Excellency Editor of THE WORKMAN, SX x years at the Lunatic Assy the poor has been lum, Kingston. He is an i8 city, in the old Panama (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
Railroad Sir. Since the United States Array The public is hereby notified The Latest in Crown and entered the war was sleeping, not in degree Mason; a member of the house, nesr the old Royal Mail Freight the Governor of Jamaica as Surgeon Captain of the local forces in recogni. that Mr. Sam Greaves, formerly District Grand Lodgs of Scot Two roons have been nicely fitted tion of his services rendered during the Manager of the Isthmian Unde Bridge Work the Flanders Field, but in the forest of land, and present master of the out for examination and treatment of the recent war.
taking Co Ltd. is no longer in Missiesippi, and in the Canal Zone.
the employ of that Company. All was Glenlyon Lodge No. 346, Kings patients, and it is understood that was taking part in the Memorial He is also the father of several of the city physicians have vol.
REMOVED persons having any transaction Day exercises at Coroas. when the firing 188 Leila James who as the unteered their services free, to assist Dr. KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR to call at the office No. 47 Call L, Bdin those comrades who had passed into the with the Company are requested Dr. LOWE quad furnished by the 33rd Iofi fred tirst winner of the Jamaica Byrd.
salute of volleys across the graves of The hours of the clinic are to 11 TO 106 BROADWAY 8th ST. donia Road and see the new Scholarship for girls went to Manager, Anderson London graduating later as and 12 to p. m, while enses of (Near to Drug Store)
grave beyond, waked me up and directed Office Hourse 30 a. p. me to the Standard Oval, in arriving with the honors of the London tubercolosis, Pro natal and Baby onses will be treated on Tuesday, Wednesdays Hair and Skin Culture, Nile Queen By order, p. p. there found a bunch of kiddion having Sing of this city, which and Fridays respectively, between the Preparations. Dr, Welters Tooth Powder, HENRY SPENCER. Box 798 Office 844 same spirits and Hair Goods, Notions.
little two decades ago was the bours of and p Secretary Ancsn.
Resido1002 Comedian which accompanied Charlie hot bed of fevers, these gentle Much thanks is due to the Women Chaplain in his play The Kid. The men say that the Sanitary Auth Club, and Dr. Byrd for starting such a SSS OVOCX Panama children were smiling becaus orities are to be congratulated good work which is really a boon to the they were confident of Victory, hear.
a few of them say, We are sure to best on the great work they have ac city. As far as can be seen, Red Tank, they live down the line and complished in ridding it of the poor will be benefitted, but others who, fever pest.
though not exactly poor, but who may cannot come here and lick was not be able at a time to pay for private pleased to hear that they were show treatment will be attended without ing their ambition. smiled and valkoi CRICKET charge.
sway, because know that the Red Tank kids were sure to take the bacura Mumming Bird totoated by Jethro Temple Elects Omicers they have more physical training thur the City Children.
Sussex Colon, Juno At the general weekI vas perfectly right, Red Tank best Colon June The meeting of the meting of the Jothro Temple, No.
them with 24 points, how can they beat 931, the nomination and election also Pustex and Humming Bird us when we have: Chandler and in to day e cup fixture on the Camp of officers for the one year period ending Dorsett, Tyrell, Walker oto. They will. Never. Bierd Oval resulted in a win for the form. June 1922 took place to follow, in the er by wickets and 74 runs presence of a large gathering of.
take this opportunity to congratu.
B, Swaly, M, Barnes, A, The logern first went to bat, and Savage, Seribe; Harriott, noristan late our indefatigable teachers, Mr. Myers the end of their inning totalled 76 rune, and Johnson Victory was due to their Petere playing an unusually fino game Poll, Marshall; Waldron. Warden; Nightongale, Tromsurer; credit. congratulate the parents as well for us the children who have taken part.
Sussex in due time went to the wicket, Godson, Chaplain; Christopher, Thomas, O, Bravo for them and hoping that they will do better next time if God preserve and was imobived with the old fighting The installation of these officers will their lives.
blood. Bowlers were frequently charged take place in a short time, Hoping Mr. Editor, that you will give by the wily Hummers in their attempt thle letter publication, to stop the scores of their opponents Personal and General lucreasing by leape and remain your reader, A, T, bounds, but to no avail; the old champs Mr. Peter Payne, P, and at the fall of the 5th wicket bad a total Permanent Secretary of Three Sisters PARAISO of 150 runs at which the game wa declared. Some of the outstanding figures Lodge is at present lying ill at Santo Tomas Hospital.
Paraiso Clubhouse will be the one in this victory were Elcock with 48; Lynton, 48. Foderingham, 20 and Price, Mr. Belay, GA, of Vioof the most unique dance on Monday 16.
toria Lodge is spending a few days in night the 13th. Everybody welcome.
Come and have your picture taken while Colon Hospital, where he intends to Jassing in our beautifully decorated ball, Victoria defeats Lily undergo an operation, Martin will furnish the latest music for Mr. A. Bacquie, who it will be ro the occasion, Whites membered was for many years connect Colon, Juno. The Lilly Whites ed with the Sanitary Department of suffered another defeat yesterday this city, returned on Sunday last from on the Mount Hope Park in their en Jamaion where he was undergoing madiRent Recelpt Books In Spangagement with the Vietoria cal treatment. Mr. Baoqule left this city Ish and English, for sale at the Due to perbape the vulky appearance during last year to accept an appoint Workman Printeryi HEADQUARTERS For Men Clothing members large and extensive line of Scribe; Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
wblch were American Bazaar Stores Panama. EISENMANN ELETA, Co. Inc. Colon SOSSESSE


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