
They Satisfy The Write to the Chesterfield a CIGARETTES Britain somos ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY als of it, PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 11 1921.
Great Britain will not Fight for Japanese Such a Possibility is Scouted by Ambassador Geddes in Kansas City Speech THIS 600 TONS STEAMER WORK OF BROKEN MEN Why the Anglo Japanese Treaty is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
Solid Comfort!
was Drawn up, and Nature beam. She has two decks. tween of Its Renewal decks ft. high.
FLANS OF THE GERMANS You can rest assured you ve got the real smoke when Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Kansas City, Mo. May 17. you get Chesterfields because Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
Pussibility that Great Britain might be drawn into con Act. They Satisfy. No other eratiog machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed with the United ates, through cigarette can do that eitherwater heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. the medium of the existing An glo Japanese Alliance, was denied because the Chesterfield blend We must Buy her for our Service before бу Sir Auckland Ge ides British can be copied.
July this year Ambassador to the United States, in a speech delivered here last WE NEED 60, 000 MORE night to members of the St. Andrews Society and he Kaife and Fork Club.
MONEY Such rumours, he declare, were the work of the whisperYou may subscribe some of this by purchasing ers and the broken men by some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound broken men mean the Ger each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound mans.
each and become part owner.
Anglo Japanese Treaty, said Sir Auckland was origin DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW ally designed to prevent Russian and German aggression in the Far East. When that Treaty was renewed in 1911, it was speci tically provided, that there should WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. be exempted from its working any nations with whom eitber 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA Great Britain or Japan had general Arbitration Treaty. Such LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Treaty was drawn up between and the United States, Many Favor the The Governor of Ja but failed to be ratided by your. to Frenchman to Win maica any possibility of drawn being into conflict with the United States on The Dope However Points An Administrator to be we then drew up the on any ground: to Jack.
Trusted Commission Treaty, providing for arbitration between Great Britain and the United States. In practically all the articles It is very rare to find excep before any form of force should the vious newspapers there ernors of West Indian Colonies, Treaty stand to day in seems! he decided tendency as can b: glaned from the bu. black and and white, but in the face to pre. the big tiht to Demp. mer uz criticisins and complaints the whisperers have made sey ut further ado. The by the pable press of the variri men belicve bochhere and in my upon which this sporting streak of good luck, any one of ity of conflict between your coun: orting ous colonies, and when en by a country, that is a possibil Wiers opinion, however, is not quite clear. Let those colonies is blessed with try and mine, through the oper us vier the possibilities of the a Governor whose sympathy ation of the Anglo Japanese Al big tight from another angle; the goes out to the needs and requi liance. It is not true.
angle of basic facts.
rements of the country over It is the constant aim of these We will agree that Dempsey which he is placed the press is broken men against wbon we is a fighter; a real tighter. He is the first to acknowledge and give struve in war to set the Nations strory, a powerful hitter, a good publicity to such qualities, recently allied and associated at McContey Entertains.
thinker and, above all, the heavyIn this connection the Jamaica odds with one another to tell weight champion of the world Times comments editoria on Englishmen that the United Saturday evening was a notable one 1: he is ever able to land a suc the Governor of that so doing her share, to in Red Tanks for that evening the Cersion of well directed blows on For our part we say empha tell tell you that England has sinister McCourteys late of Empire gave a Couberti be sounded to rewithle. No time since he cama here when trying to do the same thing to Carpentier chin the end of the tically a you. are burtonighsparty in honor of their body knows this a better than Governor Probyn more deeply alienate France from us and from daughter Beatrice. This party was a Co know Carpentier, brilliant success. The table was taste impressed us a an fully decorated with 70. es, and repleto Ostsetting the above facts, we administrator to be trusted. Tas you For so long as the British and American Nations are with goodies fit for the most fastidious.
inust al egree that musey is is not because we think bim the in world affairs, we whisperers ICE CREAM FACTORY I he mas er of ceremonies Mr: Palmer perfectly human and that a suc sbleste Governor we have had know that they have no chance depu. ed Mr. Carter of Culebra aod Mies so upo cession of well directed blows on to agaio destroy the peace of the une Red Tank t) cut the cake.
35 Calidonia Road his chin landed by the powerful triumphantly honest, both as a world!
Excitement ran high when the word e cake Carpentier will lay the world man and in playing his part in There is no possibility of go was given. Mas Jamieson knife He is honest through Great Britain being brought into champion low. Nobody knows this en.
touched the plate first amidst rounds of better than Dempsey himself. and through and he is destitute conflict with the United States les and of Many good wishes were Mr. Kearns may argue until the of vindictiveness. Much of the through the medium of the Japa applaus.
WHOLESALE at end of the world that this is showered on the young lady after which him is auese.
the guest trippled the light fantasic too a fact, but we know that man unfair. simply because it ignores to the strains of music by the Red Tank ators are managers, and that the vital fact that within the last AND RETAIL FRATERNAL NOTICE orchestra. most enjoyable evening they would be poor managers if six months the financial situation here has was brought to close at 12 m, ey were not imbued with supradically The Royal King David Temple, No. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs.
er wifidence. However, we know Wha the Governor proposed be o. of meets every Friday fore the change is naturally night at the Eureka Lodgeroom, 44 Hud Thomas, Mr. Ford, Mr. that Dempsey is a thinker, and fore hoding Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. Catwell, as a thicker he realizes this per. somewhat bizarre in contrast to son Lane (between 4th and Sth Streetus. Mr. Morris, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Mitchfectly.
what is possible now. This is no Colon, of fault of his, and he would only The Ruth Chamber in connection with ell, Mr. Carter, Mrs. ckson, Mi:88 PRAISE FOR FRENCHMAN be blameworthy had he failed to the same Temple meets every Wednes INTERNATIONAL McCourtney, Miss Jamieson, Mrs. Brown BANK About Carpentier the average modified.
He has not done this, realize that his plans must be Mrs. Bannister, Mr. Buvell, Mr.
be day night at the same place and time, Henty. Mr. Thomas, and many individual in this country includ.
Meetings start at o clock. Members it is vital for those who sup requested to be punctual in attendaten, ING CORPORATION others, ing the majority writers, knows practically noth port reform not to try to push Delinquent members we also invited.
him into blind adherence to the NOTICE that Carpentier pun ing ALLMAN, OWNED BY The Rose of Panama Lodge, a scientific student of boxing: full plans shaped when the posi ROACH FORD, that he is the fastest man in the now existing, different to that Order of Free Gardeners meets ring that the boxing game has WEST INDIAN EMPORI: The National City Bank of New York the first and third Wednesdays ever known; that he of each month.
he is the the ONLY man in the ring that is able to the contrary, there will be a play UM OF FASHION Head Office: 55, Wall Street use two hands all all through a bout for just a slight opening and then Mrs. Wilson begs a shower of blows with two hands WILKINSON if that he cane outthink and out from every angle. which will be inform her various patrons Capital. Surplus Undivided Profits over S14, 000, 000 requires, and, CONTRACTOR BUILDER guess any opponent. He is a sec. bound to confuse. If confusion that she has re opened her ond Jim Corbett, only very much results and Dempsey rops his Fashion Emporium at No. 33 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama First ClasssWorkmanship superior, He has punch as guard for just a fraction of Depository of the Panama Canal powerful as Dempsey s: he can second there will be a crack of Calidonia Road, and that she Plans and Specifications Free resist punishment, and he can the jaw that will be heard will be pleased to serve them batter down any defence which throughout the arena and a new one and all again.
Through its Agencies in the Interior and an opponent may put up. This was workos can beat the combina world champion acclaimed.
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers 15th Street West House90 beautifully illustrated in the Ley. Box 411, Panama, exceptional banking facilities.
intier. tion of an intelligent man with UNIQUE DAY AND NIGHT insky bout, when Carpentier, wrote thahe could not get real power behind his thinking.
Levinsky defence from It has never been done and it PIC NIC Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands The Park View underneath, proceeded to batter can be done at Boyle Thirty WILL BE GIVEN AT THE down that defence with both Acres on July 2, Auditorium The above argument is the best Gatun Silver Clubhouse Interest Paid on Savings Accouat at Per Cent hands from above: until Levinsky 25 BOLIVAR ST. COR. 3rd ST.
dropped one hand, and then Car. that can be offered in behalf of Per Annum It is reasonable MONDAY MAY 30, 1921 quick as a flash pentier, as Upstairs Universal Grocery Store caught him flush on the jaw. to that it either Demp The best hall in Town cool, clean. in the coming bout with soy or Carpentier gets an open comfortable and airy. Suitable for Dempsey the world champion ing for a shot at the jaw the reciDAY. From 11 a. to p.
dances, parties rallies etc, etc.
will face a new problem. The pient of the punch will see stars.
NIGHT. 730 to 12 a.
tighting of his opponent will be Advertise in the Workman something entirely new to him. Rent Receipt Books In Span.
Give us a call before going else where There will be no one handed Ish and English, for sale at the Jeanierre 7 piece Orchestra leads with a hook in reserve. On Workman Printery In attendance.
Universal Grocery Store that there States is is not BIJOU United Jameson pot PL changed of sporting and it is We forget tion Prico. Moderate


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