
Contintted from Page Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pall decided by the court of Policy at appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old man made its last meeting to set aside an premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: amount of 500 000 as a Reserve Fund to be d:awn upon only in HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES time of emergey IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM St. Lucia For sale at all Drug Stores in this City and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez Sugar has declined in value all over the world except in St Lu.
Sole Agent for the Republic of Panams.
cia. The consumers of this com GERVASIO GARCIA, modity still have to pay cants per lb for it.
No member of Council can see the necessity of fighting for the reduction in price of that indis there was a scheme worked by pensable commodity to the com the Canteen Committee of the than 250 persons, and on the 2nd Grenada Force which was infinitely more 13th and 28th instant more than munity. have learnt that a gentleman, advantageous to the men and 130 acres of land are to be sold in discussing the question with a which assisted them by loans, owned by more than 400 people.
certain member of the Legisla repayable on the instalment plan Gloomy Aspect The houses and the greater portions ture, was informed by the latter, over long periods, in the event of that the factories had contract sickness in their families. There menting on the affairs of Gren class judging from the smallness The St. Vincent Times como of the land evidently are by persons of the peasant prices ces for the 1921 crop, and the was also a bonus system under ada, says:of the individual lots. few legislature could see no good in which one member of the Force his bringing forward the ques: received 500 on his retirement sister colony Grenada, as depict each and the others range from The condition of affairs in our large lots average about 120 acres tion. But be has certainly This had nothing to do with bls ed by the Government Gazette of 10 acres down to 30 poles. The his eye to the fact, that the fac gratuity or pension.
tories which are under contract March 15th last, is no pleasant persons are defaulters under the sales, are defrauding the cane Advertise in The Work March last there were to be set 1911 and 1912, whose inability to On the 26th and 30th of Texes Management Ordinances farmers who were in in receipt of for up for sale 104 houses and 624 man It pays.
canes, and this price has now been reduced acres of land belonging to more meet their taxes is probably due to 207 per ton, though the juice extracted from their canes, and converted into sugar is still sold XXXC under contract price.
We want your patronage, West Indians We want you to purchase our remaining shares We bave made good and can make better if you help We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices We can do all kinds of woodwork We can build and repa your house and furniture Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us Don tell the other fellow closed eyes to one.
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
30. per ton their No. 47 CALIDONIA PHONE 830 BUSINESS MEN It is worthy of notice that amongst the young lawyers in St. Lucia, one of the most courte.
ous and unassuming is to be found in the person of Mr. Alick Degazon.
He may not be a light at the as his uncle, the Honourable William Degazon, but he is a most conscientious, and pains taking notary, and notorial efli ciency in St. Lucia is the thing that attracts the members of the public who stand in need of hav.
ing documents drawn.
Bar as XooooooWS GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST in ADVERTISE lew of IN THE His Grace the Archbishop of Trinidad arrived in the Colony on the 12th instant per Canadian Steamer, and is at present on a tour of visitation to the different parlshes of the Island for the purpose of confirmation. period of four years has expired since His Grace last visited the Colony, and the number of candidates for confirmation in the several parishes is rather a large one.
WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
Trinidad planter eled the in the commun The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, to the slump in the cocoa market. Tuesday, in his ignorance of the Though our own condition is not value of this association. Every much better, we hope that the body else is aware of the good necessity to actually sell these work the Union bas done and is holdings did not arise and that doing toward the industrial the government has devised education of some of the poor other means of its taxes and the respectable, as well as getting its taxes than by sale of the properties some of the better circumstancand so avert what would be a ed, but ambitious young women and serious calamity We are looking of this Colony I: has led thro forwa to hear soon from our cultiviti taste for nith contemporary down there that negl ed arts and has developed the gloomy aspect has been is. In many of iny of them the ability to pelled.
be self supporting Ana And the h!
realisation of its its usefulness ad being dismantled. It is under assist as instructors in various The Grenada Ice Factory is possibilities has attracted not a our social leaders to stood that the intention is to branches of art and domestica take it to St. Lucia where there without thought of time or labor.
are more encouraging opportunities for business.
Train Accidents It is estimated by the Govern ment of Grenada that the In come Tax for the current finan Three Fatal Occurrences cial year will yield 15, 000 pounds During this week there have sterling. This opinion is, howbeen three deaths resulting from ever, not general in the commu train accidents. Two of these nity and there are many who wer consider that no more than half were due to the dangerous and indulged in the estimated amount will be colom by lected, owing to the depression while it is in motion Souns a men and boys of jumping in the cocoa marke Alexander Massiah, 19 years old, of Carrington Village, died from Barbados injuries received from a fall from a luggage train on the 7th inst, Deceasel was trying to hp Money Resolution the train when he fell, and ra Among the money resolutions ceived extensive injuries to his on the agenda for consideration head by the House of Assembly are Tuesd. Which caused his death on Clarence Eugene Davis, 20 sum not exceeding 200 to be placed at the disposal of the years old, of Howell Cross Road, nor in Executive Com was to have been one of an ex: Governor in met his death on Monday. He nection with the visit of the the mittee to meet expenses in con cursion party to Belleplaine by Filariasis Commission o clock train, but ing investigations in British had started, attempted to jump arriving now mak at the woods after the train Guiana. b) a sum of 206 68 to meet the expenses incurred Aboard, He missed his hold and fell the train. He receiv.
ip repairing the damages used injuries to his side which tained by the schooners Washing, caused his death two hours later ton and Minnie Mosher, caused by collision with the Water Boed at the General Hospital.
Lady Hay, while on duty, and (c) the luggage train was on its way On Wednesday morning, while sum not exceeding 550 to to town with 21 trucks laden meet the cost of certain im. with sugar and molasses, a num provements and alterations to ber of tracks became uncoupled the Public Market.
In re the on reaching Newcastle siding, last of these Resolutions OM would seem the intention Martin Bay. trolley bəy nam.
of the authorities is to retain the ed Joseph Alleyne of St. Andrew who was sitting on one of the pite the many 83108. toeral of the puncheons and bags its present trucks was thrown off and sevthe it is evident that the mark Be this as falling on him, he was killed inet site is in need of improve ment if it to serve the purpose for which it was originally At the House of Assembly on established. To day it is a drab Resolution by the Attorney Gen18 Tuesday notice was given of a and unacttractive sales depot, and lacking in many es eral that so far as the present sential conveniences! Its illumi. Statt of Harrison College is connation is also very poor and cerned the House of Assembly whatever little is done to give will not insist upon compliance a more modern touch will be with the conditions as to quali6.
appreciated by those who sell cations of teachers expressed in and barter therein, the Resolutions passed by th3 House on 29th June, 1926, nor compliance with the Resolution Girls Industrial Unlon. as to capitation fees passed by At a recent sitting of the the House on the same date. Thə House of Assembly sum of qualifications referred to are the 100 was voted in favour of the possession by masters of univerGirls Industrial Unlon. Como sity degrees.
menting on the above the Herald says. Only one member of the Jamaica ran first in the Shoot House of Assembly, Mr, for the Sweettenham Cup with solu: 730 points, Trinidad totalled 696 objected to this tion and it is not unlikel resoluBarbados 683 and Demerara 668.
he is the only person in the commu.
nity who would have; for we Rent Recept Books in Spanfind ourselves thinking that he ish and English for sale at The must be as lonely as he was on Workman Printery. Association As a result of the presence in the Colony of Trinidad of Mr. Pringle, Organizing Secre.
tary of the parent body of the YM. in England, a serious etfort is being made to resuscit.
ate interest in and place on a in and lace solid footing the Associa tion there. The commercial and element ity is giving the effort very prac.
tical support, and already it has been decided to send to England for trained Secretary to take up work in Port of Spain. The full plan of work contemplated for Trinidad comprises. a) strong centre in Port of Spain to serve as the Headquarters, base of operations, and Model Association and Hos tel in Trinidad, together with a General Secretary and a Physical Director (6) The establishment of in such centres as San Fernando and Princes Town with Sud a Secretary to manage both. e) The provision of trained men for Christian Welfare Bugar estates, Oilfields, especially in the South.
The total cost of the entire scheme is placed at 5, 500 pounds sterling, 3, 000 for the City branch and 2, 500 for the San Fernando and Princes Town branches.
At a recent sitting of the Trinidad Legislature the prin ciple of Compulsory Education was exhaustively discussed and generally approved and there is likelihood of a Bill sanctioning its adoption being soon introduced.
Therefore THE WORKMAN is an Ad vertisin Medium which must bring good results.
that market at its deswork on the contrary stantly It is to ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonabl.
dreary and BOOK BINDING bill to make it unlawful for members of the Constabulary Force to become members of Friendly Societies or Trade Unions was passed at last week sitting of the Trinidad Legisla.
tion. Although the regulations of the organisation were against it, several members of the Police Force are on the rolls of Friend ly Societies and it was desired to make it unlawful. The In.
spector General pointed out that Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly óound at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Skeete,


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