
HEADQUARTERS For Men Clothing 80 lar cerned large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
American Bazaar Stores Il one houses THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921, PAGE THREE Boody and Dogged SDXC Relations of China Notice to the Public gits.
and Japan Dr. BUCHANAN In the cays of fistcuffs when Prof. Sternberg In a Berlin (EYESIGHT SPECIALIST)
excitement in good old maily art Paper Predicts Alliance of is at lever hight, it may not be amire to here reproduce the fol these Two Countries. lowing extract de ic ing the Shar.
wishes to inform the public in general of key McCoy fight which though CALLS IT COUP BY TOKO the fact that he has NO ASSISTstake more than a decade ago still intrest ANT optician working with blm or for fight fans as one also the mos! dogged and bloodiest Chentao Incident is De so om in the cities of Panams or Colon.
figlitter witnessed. The ex.
hie professional service is com tract rus thus:clared fo Have Caused be has NO REPRESENTA Oid Fights.
Sudden Change of TIVE in the person of anyone but HIMSELF We ublish to day the bitter Policy Individuals have reported that they finish of the Sharkey McCoy bave had their eyes examined and treatfiht at the Lenox Athletic Club o Jaruary 10, 1999. The story Berlin, May 23. Dr. Theodore ed at their homes; by certain itinerant, Sternberg, a university profess. or traveling optician, who, so nebwift de lies the tenth and final or in Tokio, Japan, writing in the them with the impresion, or represented rud of Tom Sharkey knock Berliner, Tageblatt, makes the sur themselves to be BUCHANAN or that out Kid McCoy. It was a torr slaughter and proved prising statement that China and they are working with bim or for hm Japan are about to enter an al.
Dr. BUCHANAN does not around Sharkey declaration that all liance agains the Anglo Saxon testing and the science be needed was this treating eyes in houses around he danger as a result of the Chen.
cities; except ia case where tbs ps dating his well knuckled ham.
tao dispute tient must be kept in bad or by call, mr of a right first. The descrip Some time ago so Prof Stern or special appointment. So please do not ir as follows: They came up for the tenth berg explains, Japanese troops accept such a person is Dr. BUCHANAN, ca entered and occup ed the Chenor his representative.
tao district, situated near the If good work is done by them, Dr.
faces were spotted with blood Korean border, ostensibly to res. BUCHANAN gets the praise, and it matand blue with bruises. Their arms were wearied, their eyes were tore order, that territory having isfactory service is not given he gets the blurred by the swift work, been the scene of outlawry and blame also. In both of these cases jus Sharkey eyes was all but closed many encounters between Chi tice would not be done to him.
you nese troops and bandits of rob wish to get the benefit of his professional by the terrific and persistant bers. The Japanese Commander skill. and years of experience in the eye.
jabs of McCoy The spectators were cheering Panama :EISENMANN IELETA Co. Inc. Colon got himself generally disliked, klas work, then mov to it that you get as the soldiers cheered at San especially by Europeans and the RIGHT MAN, and NO ONE else.
Dr. BUCHANAN wieles to express Americans residing there and Juan. There were quick, explo day accused American and bio bighest appreciation and gratitude for sive howls of advice from all di.
English missionaries of being at the largo practice he has had from the rections harkey, caring little for the bottom of the whole trouble. folks who have come to him from all McCoy science, had succeeded in beating down his guard at The latter appealed to their Gov over the Republica of Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Nicaragua almost every charge ile, instead of order Dr. BUCHANAN cupies offiose upA lightning rush, a clinch, and a rapid break away. Then. stairs at No. 182 Bolivar Street (in front Sharkey, with his huge muscles grew worse, though the of Masonic Temple Building. Colon, Chinese troops and the robber Phone No. 409. When you wish to have rolling in colls over his back bands withdrew. The Japanese sound, honest, reliable advice about your drove his left fist into McCoys commander was now fighting eyesight, consult him at his offie.
more or less imaginary Korean HE IS RELIABLE, Blinded by the Blow band of ingu insurgents, which he de clared was For the fraction of a second Mc.
was forming to liberate Coy stumbled forward, blinded Korea from Japanese rule. Japica the Japanese Government by the blow. He quivered like a anese soldiers, it is declared, has decided on a policy of unharp strung to the snapping devastated larga tracks of fertile Even the recall of Japanese Minof fertile equivocal friendship with China.
point His breath whistled land, destroyed numerous through his teeth as he danced and villages, and tinally succeed. ister Obata, in Peking, who had weakly away, followed by bis ed in arousing Peking to make a got himself disliked there on protest. Chlna, threatened to account terrible pursuer.
of his swashbuckling, There was blood in Sharkey place Japan alleged right of was obtained, it is declared, and matted hair as he stroked it with occupation of the Chentao dis all the Japanese troop3 axcept his glove. In his eyes there was trict before the International two battalions garrisoned near an angry glare such as is seen in Court of Arbitration; the Korean frontier were withthe eyes of a hound who feels Japan according to Prof. Stero.
that the game is escaping him.
berg feared Peking was In McCoy face there was a only playing a game for Ameri. READ THE WORKMAN queer mix ure of shame, wound: ca and England, and suddenly ed pride and indomitable resoluchanged her ratitude by a magni tion. But he was not yet defeat.
ficent cou of diplomacy, The NOTICE ed, Sueddenly rushing forward Chinese Ambassador in Tokio, clean left on notified his Government it is Order of Free Gardeners meets The Rose of Panama Lodge, Sharkey stomach, sinking the said, that on account of the ever the first and third Wednesdays glove almost to the wrist nearer danger of war with Amer of each month.
an elephant stabbed by an assegai the buriy giant came out, and there was a storm of fistic thunderbolts. For a while the two men mingled in an un.
DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH interrupted whirl. But MoCoy blows seemed to have lost their When he realized that he had serpentine cunning. He seemed won he sprang to his feet and Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshTHE to have grown gray skinned and kissed all his seconds except Ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget old.
Armstrong McCoy staggard to his feet, Root Beer and all other aerated drinks Mc Coy Last Rush WOMAN EXCHANGE drunkenly, and tried to put up CALL AT THE In the centre of the ring came his hands, not realizing that he McCoy last. Summoning all his was beaten. They fell to his sides. He reeled backward and Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lano energies, he jumped forward, NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA and with an upward whirl his would have fallen had his seconds and Secure same for your Xmas Drink right fist fell on Sharkey chin.
not run forward and caught him The sailor reared back like a in their arms.
wild horse with his front hoofs For McCoy it was an honour.
in the air.
DRESSMAKERS able defeat, for Sharkey a notGET LISTED IN Again able victory.
McCoy sprang forward like a thousand volts of electri.
WORSHAM clty He stopped the big n as Colonlal Bank Last Year a wolf stops a bull. It wa, Mc NEGRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Profllt Coy last rally The development of a personal mode for each Get together Medium for our Progressive On Sharkey mouth there patron is the special function of our Establishment Business Men was a oody foam. rom his The Colonial Bank in her half throat came a dull rattle. He yearly report to December last EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE rushed at McCoy with his arms declared a net profit of over 80, ITS BENEFIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT flying like fiails. The little fellow 000 pounds sterling: From was weak.
figures given it will be seen that Write for further particulars to east side of the ring the the institution is condition. Its Colonial branches sailor caught an opening, and in a healthy REID, Draworz, Ancon around came his left like a trip which extend to nearly every wun exte hammer. It sounded like the rap part of the Empire have contriof an axe on a barrel head.
Down on his side toppled McCoy with a buted very largely to the satisfactory position attained. It may glassy stare in his eyes. His feet therefore be said that the Bank De WITT PILLS (BRANDON BANK)
quivered like a dying bullock.
which has shared in our prosper His gloves booked convulsively ity will be the first to appreciate into the canvas like the claws of SECURITY our changed position when we THE HOME DOCTOR a lobster.
Over him stood the referee, are overtaken by adversity. All SERVICE though the outlook is gloomy this tallying of the fatal seconds year, there is still hope thata well Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of Around him swept a tornado of tried concern like the Bank will their presence in various physical disorders noticeable sound, the paean of victory for Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon exhibit as much activlty now as among which are: his burly opponent, has done in the past. We conMcCoy did not realize that he Our large Resources and well known gratulate the Directors and an.
TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS was counted out. He staggered xiously look forward to further HEADACHES, BACKACHES, SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOMEweakly to his feet, dazed and conservative Management afford un expansion of business in the near TIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OF half blind, and put up his hands.
future, The Knockout questioned security for every dollar BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND WEST INDIAN EMPORI Again the broad chested sail deposited with this bank SEDIMENTS, or rushed forward, swung a UM OF FASHION As no other Medicine is as good as DeWitt Pills, right savagely on McCoy ear Mrs. Wilson begs to and again Mccoy fell prone on start with it right now and watch results his face and half way through inform her various patrons th Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle that she has re opened her the ropes. This time he stayed th purchased there with the great amphi thea.
Fashion Emporium at No. 33 tre whirling about him like a IBAAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDOS BRANDOS Calidonia Road, and that she CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave.
giant wheel. Before him they President GENERAL DEPOT PANAMA CITY were a thousand Sharkeys. The Vice President will be pleased to serve them Trosorer sailor was sitting in his chair.
one and all again.
that he lande a long sin Like an the at the Panama Banking Company may General Banking Business Transacted


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