
PAGE POUR THB WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921, THE WORKMAN COMPACT CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program TO NIGHT z ZDU ed by Lewis Wesleyan School 19 season. 223 veil covers waititute of Pablisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies it is a beavy o WALROND, the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters fue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited (SATURDAY)
an unbesutiful lucha RP the beauty of so All copy for publication must be is sheer one and Box 74. Panama 11 y reil written on one side of paper only, and CONSTANCE TALMADGE keeps your hair fr)
RATBB OF SUBSCRIPTIO must be accompanied by the name of Anis veil of en rves merely and Or Yes 12. 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publics IN o emrat. Those are be primary uses of Six Monsta Hon but as a mark of good faith vil. But in Constansen Dank We do not undertake to return The Veiled st Select Picture, in whicitat Ono 26 rojected correspondence Selaniek, pu to another use. It is tha els. Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONIUS Adventure an renturous romance. It I lly gray chiffon veil and SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921, arted which The Veiled ure. SELECT which can be seen at the Cc CANAL OPERATIONS UNDER onight is worn, CONVENIENT SCRUTINY TO MORROW If you are not satisfied we take out the Stove and THE JUCKLING E (SUNDAY)
return you your money rny time within 30 days SCREEN STORY The new administration of the United States has be. gun to exercise itself with telling effect in connection with AT IT A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Opie Read Famous Nove the Panama Canal whose operations and businees caused PANAMA GAS CO.
no little amount of anxiety to the late Congress; and it is is Finely Picturized by Para YOUR almost certain that high browed dictatorial autocracy will Cathedral Plaza 93 Bollvar St VESSIE LASKY mount be dealt a killing blow.
Tel. 798, SERVICE Tel. 364, PRESENTS The new Canal Administration at once goes into the Have you ever read Opie Read. fs.
crucible and must stand the probe and investigation which George Melford Production recklis mous novel of Southern Folk. THE really should have taken place when the late local adminisbe pleased to see those chara tration was in office; but, as it is always better late than The Jucklins splendid Paramount Production of THE JUNCLKLES when that pictnever, the scrutiny to which the present administration WITH ure is shown at the Cecilia Theatre must submit will be of service in clearing up the unfavortomorrow able situation which stamped the Harding regime as the MONTE ELUE Few changes have been made in the story, so that every vital scene of the biggest executive fiasco known to Isthmian residents.
novel will be found in the screen The governmental system of the Panama Canal has THE VERY BEST adaptation made by Frank Condon.
been swamped by an onrush of demoralizing inefficiencies, MONDAY He states that every character creation has been preserved, while the story itselt unfolds on the screen exsctly as bullying mandates and impracticable red tape; and the English Elementary Private School it does in the story.
investigating commission which has been sent down here There are twenty important roles fa will have their hands full when they attempt to clean up SAMUEL GOLDWYN the picture, and all have been develop IN PANAMA CIVY ed by players capable of portraying the debris which remains after the back wash of an ex PRESENTS each distinet type artistically. Monte hausted current has ceased.
Blue is seen as Bill Hawes, the tigh fa preparing boys and girls, white ar black ing sebool master, while Guinea Juck.
The first thing that will probably occupy the attention to take their proper stand in life or to enter WILL ROGERS linis portrayed by Mabel Julienne Scott.
of the commission is the size of the canal force and the proportions of skilled and unskilled labor. It is the belief IN of Congress that the roll of canal employees can be con Secondary or High Grade School ALMOST HUSBAND It was strange that the prettiest girl in Ebenezer, the daughter of a Banker siderably reduced, and it is already known that Governor should have married the homelist Morrow has been using the pruning knife right and left.
through training and character building The funny man with the funny than in town and as poor as a church How much farther the reduction of employees is to be carsmile. When you see him you her father bank depending upon her mouse. And it was stranger that with ried is the question which keeps everybody in a state of will agree that he is the happiest, annulment of the marriage. sb de.
uncertainty and excitement.
swappiest, peppiest male star on cided that she wanted to stay mar NO FOOLING NOR CRAMMING the screen.
The Government will present its own side to the comried. See WILL ROGERS the funny fellow with the funny smile in his mission and perhaps, will suggest certain reforms latest Goldwyn gloom chaser; AL which may or may not prove of interest to labor, while Uneesirables are not admitted if known MOST HUSBAND It one of TUESDAY the finest entertainment treats of the the labor bodies will not lose time in putting the commis nor retained when proven unfit to sion wise as to many things concerning which, in Washingbe moulded WEDNESDAY ton, there is the grossest darkness.
Of course, the representative labor bodies, that is, as 10, 000 FOR AN IDEA much as remains of them will consist of gold employees, while the colored employees may not be represented. And The Co operation of parents is solíciled JESSIE L, LASKY it is fortunate for the gold employees that Gov. Mor.
PRESENTS Wallace Reid asHero of New row has not yet hammered all the life out of their unions JEWALSER, Principal.
Picture Performs a Big Feat WALLACE REID or they would have had a very poor chance of saying anyTrained, Certificated, Experienced.
thing to the gentlemen whom the United States GovernIN It no matter to raise ten thousand dollars on an idea, but Wallace Reid ment has appointed to look into the affairs and workings shows how it can be done in his latest of the canal. THE CHARM SCHOOL REMOVED Paramount Picture, THE CHARM The colored workmen familiarly known by the epithet Seventh Day Adventist Church KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR SCHOOL. In the role of Austin Bivof silver employees. may not get an interview with the 68 ANCON AAE, PANAMA Paramount Picture ans, beinherits a young ladies school from TO 106 BROADWAY stb ST.
commission, and this would be a very unfortunate mathis aunt. He wants to Sunday night at 730 Subject: change the ter. The silver employees are in greater need of repre. Preparation for His (Christ) com (Near to Drug Store)
ution in into a Charm School wherein all Hair and Skin Culture, Nile Queen the pupils will taught how to make sentation than anyother portion of the canal workers, and ing.
All are invited. Bring your Preparations. Dr, Welters Tooth Powder, THURSDAY themselves charming, instead of they ought to have it.
Hair Goods, Notions.
ing for the business world, but to put The colored people can tell a better story of them Bibles.
over sbenew iden, he needs ten thousand selves and do more justice to their own cause than can any.
dtllars, He gets the money and from the one else and it is hoped that in some way or other they will necessarily delay time when asked to repair houses in which EUGENE BRIEN tightest man in town. See how it does it at the CECILIA THEATRE next Tues get the opportunity to do so. The fact which will, probab colored people live and for which they pay rent; hospital IN day jWednerday. Lila Lo in leading fy, make some of the ablest colored employees fail to take treatment is usually far from being the best, even though the lead in this matter is the disposition, on the part of the the buildings are airy, spacious and beautiful.
late administration, to persecute every colɔred employee The commission will, doubtlessiy, he told by some Fool and who dared speak out for the rights of his people; and the people that the grievances of silver employees are imalurking fear that the present administration is no more ginary and that they are enjoying the best treatment that FOOL AND HIS MONEY.
Selznick picture, adapted for the screen virtuous than the last, in this respect, will naturally pl e can possibly be accorded them; but in regard to this, all from the story by George Barr Mo. Cutvent any colored man from enjoying a franchise, which that is necessary for the commission to do in order to ascerSELZNCIK PICTURES belongs to all free people.
tain the truth is to take in the situation with their own cheon and starting Eugene Brien, will be be the attraction at the Cecilia ThesThe colored employees have had rougher than the eyes and see things as they really are.
Tharsday roughest treatment during the late administration. They In the United States people are paid according to the FRIDAY The story setting is an ancient Feuwere badly rated and salaried, and in spite of petition nature and class of their work and there is no discriminadal Castle in the Swise Tryol, whitber after petition having been submitted to the Governor their tion as to nationality; here on the Isthmus the same An American author goes in rearch of peace and literary atmosphere. He finds conditions were never improved. The facts related to the rule should work in connection with the Panama Canal.
Doris Kenyon Ghosts, villlainous counts, and romance.
part the West Indians have played in the construction of West Indians should receive pay according to the work Ho go through exciting experiences, the canal. and the quality of their labor rendered at the they have to do and not be discriminated against because IN has a heart throb present time in the operation of the canal should be made they are not American citizens. Citizenship does not make two, and provides fine romance for Mr. Mo Cutcheon by a labor more or less important; it does not disminish or inknown to the Commission.
winning the only girl. THE BAND BOX. The old Fool And His Money was What the term silver means to the colored or West crease danger or risk, neither does it influence the quality applied to him becsuse he had purchased Indian labor force can better be told by the colored people of work or the price of commodities.
Hodkinson the castle but it turned out to be a fair themselves. The opprobrium which it embodies and the It is the self evident contention of West Indians that bargain after all, and the fool proved rabid discrimination it entails are great scandals to the they are not receiving pay commensurate with the work to be anything but a fool.
known it is certain that it would not be long before the true, and it is hoped that this phase of our economic proba Sacred Concert at Red Tank. Hobson will preana at 11 a. and United States Government. If the truth were really they are performing. The commission will see if this is word would be disused as a differentiating appelation ex lem will receive the careful attention of the distinguished On Sunday afternoon June 26th rece! ve the newly baptized members plicative of West Indian workers.
visitors whose ostensible purpose here is to cry into the en the Primrose Choral Union will Jouanry into the fellowship of the church, When the work of reorganization shall have been com tire canal system and unravel the tangle which the last ad to Red Tank, and give a high Class All are invited to attend the serviSacred Coneert in the Clubhouse ates.
pleted great changes in the canal system may be seen, and ministration passed on to its successor.
Listhat time has at last come when there is a shufflingent will be rendere le in store for all the munie The Church of God in Panama.
that place. All new and classy pieces improvements on all sides are looked for. Poor administration means inefficiency, and this in its turn signifies the cards; and it is believed that they are now in the right trest waste of time, energy and money.
hands. The gold employees have arranged for their own loving public of Red Tank and Paraiso.
Will have their Chļldrens It is desired that West Indians get a fair chance of representation and there is no fear of their doing so half Don forget to go and spend an en Meeting on Sunday night June laying before the commission the conditions under which heartedly; silver employees may have no such represen joyable afternoon.
Concert starts at pm sharp.
25, 1921, at their meeting place at they are forced to work. They have grievances other than tation, but it is hoped that the commission will find it posTickets can be had from Mro. Pond, San Miguel, Street, Building poor pay to complain of. In the Postal Department they sible to have the conditions of the latter section of canal Mrs, Nelson, Mro. Sobers and teache: 18 at 30 All are welcom.
are discriminated against with a fierceness that borders labor placed in some form or other before them so that Myers et popular prices, Come and hare the little ones on outrage; the police have been known to provoke trouble they might be able to collect complete and satisfactory sing praises to the Most High Baptism Service. and tell of His Goodness.
rather than avert it; rough life in the commissaries has data in all affairs with respect to the most important and Colon Baptist Church On Sunday generally been the portion of the colored people who go most comprehensive undertaking of the United States ul 20th Rev. Hobeln omalle conduct Advertise in Tho WORKMAN there to spend their money; quartermasters frequently un tra territorial interests.
Baptism Service at a. Pastor and got Good Results insti.
of qualifywoman.
His Money tre next an


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