
PAGE FIV Atlantic Side News STRAND THEATRE Commencing Monday uppermost, to present All 23 The Diamond Queen cess for the massen WZM and a fecteven those who Isthmian Organ Printing Office of ol Duom returns to by word this Kashmir Beauty Parlor manner Success in Business president, who in bir urual eloquent of Asso ciation, to stick together in epite of oppoWant Every Body Colon, June 18. It is a matter sition, for much surprise, that in these stort musical program concluded to Know.
days of getting to gether among the activities of the evening, West Indians and other people of color, that the West Indian busi. Case Against omicers.
The Brittish American Tobacco ness men, many cf whom are Colon, June 14. Tbe charge against Co. of (Panama) Lid with ad prominent figures in societies and the three officers of the Universal Negro quarters in London and NW associations where this idea of Improvement Association, which was set York, is conducunt a series of getting to gether is for hearing in the 2od, Circuit Court Contests, boh ducational and apparently prefer to remain by yesterday did not come up, owing to the otherwise on hi va iu themselves where business is con failure of the complainants to furnish the UNIVERSAL AMAZING cerned, in the vain attempt to necessary bond SERIAL brands of cvareits but pria cipally on the end o Virginia grapple single handedly with the is understood that they have been various problems that from time allowed eight daje o produce the bond, Bled, popularly know from. FEATURING :to California as PIED.
time them during which time, if they fail so to do, INT, The Dudy of En selves. One would imagine, that the case will taken up by the Govern these men who claim to know so ment.
EILEEN SEDGWICK Mr. Piedmont is ring the much of the benefits to be de handsome sum of 200 S. in rived from co operatian, and who prizes running from 50 to 1, for profess to have at heart the best confirmation Service To morIN the greatest number of pack.
row interests of the race would readi age fronts turned in by July ly see the advisability of forming large number of candidates will be Now is the time for you to Business Assocciations where the confirmed to morrow at 1pm at the show your mutual appreciation various problems could be St. Joreph Catholic Church by the to the Daddy of En All, brought up from time to time and Bishop of Panama. It is desired that the your constant friend, indeed and handled to advantage. It goes candidates be in the Parish Hall not Fights with Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Thrills in need, by registering yourself without saying that some of our later than 12 30 m. and it is expected a contestant West Indian Business men are that many will be present to witness the west all the way through It is an indisputable fact that more intelligent, and better quali ceremony.
the Daddy of Em All is one of fied than others; consequently the best liked men on the Paci their meeting to gether and ex. Progressive Chamber Installs tie side, particularly for his changing of items would mean a business education for some that gererosity which is common Colon, June 15, 1921 The Progressive Don Forget Monday to all alike. Need we recall the would result in unprecedted suc Chamber, No. 4285, A, at the several visits he has paid in rain regular meeting last night installed its.
or shine to different sections of Up to the present there are fficers for the ensuing term as follows; the country, including Calidonia comparatively few West Indian Payne, Scribe; Duncan, Treas. Brown, AZ. Gauchapali and San Miguel and business houses on the Isthmus, of the vociferous welcome that Jarge percentage of these is urer. re elected. Lucas, Scribe; CANAL ZONE have always awaited him wth doomed to failure because of the Wetherhond, Chaplain: Swaby FOR SALE unbated breath, and of his freebe the Marshall; Francis. Warden; NOTES improper methods used by the Thompson OG. Kerr, ly and promptly distribuing his unqualified failure of these are bound to af Reid, ZPM. McKenzie, z dollars and quarters indiscrimi proprietors; and the nately CM; Wood, who at present are LA BOCA With a view of keeping abreast well, inasmuch as the few the critical times, in which we doing remaining ones would not be able Personal and General The Proprietor being in failing health desires to re.
The second act of the great des matic live. and with an eagle eye to to attract the attention of the Large numbers are preparing to at tire from business and will dispose of the entire play sb itled DREAM which was everything, and lastly of his to support tend the big bara dnnoo to night at the Plant at a Sacrifice.
etag at the L4 Boca Clubhouse rome abiding interest he takes in the themselves and to any Co operative Hall, 5th Street and Broadtim 20, and will be s:aged again on welfare of the legion of his faith arise With way. There will be very kod music, and The Office is equipped for Job Work July 13 b, 1921 at the same place, ruus En Al has resolved to stage ful adherents, the The Dadd: toe constant however, such failures may be refrobtents will be on sale, as well as for a Newspaper. Facul lui Non inch is attractavoided, as improper methods An attractive program is being pre (Size of matter x 15 inches. Anyone wishes to enter Ruth endeavours to ep him until universi attent! or) believing would in a short time be replaced pared by the International Ball Club for the Printing arena will surely meet a splendid bargin.
Naomi Fronz» explains to that it would serve a most usefuí proper methods, and failure presentation at the Cristobal Clubhouse The office can be inspected at any time.
Ruth about Naomi action: Lut Rub purpose for his followers to would be transformed into suc to night.
attempts to make bin believe otherwiso. obtain something substantial for Prof. Shine is expected to keep up a Frodzo goes, Naomi and Ms Whitney re; in his əhaif, and to cess any appeciable effort expended If the business man who now perpetual roar of laughter, turn and find open letter. Mise Whitney this contest is being offered end Sees his way and is able to steer goes to send Gomes a telegram. Naomi his business in the right way be.
The Excelsior and Victoria will starts in house but meets Ruth who falls Censequently it is up to one and lieve that by keeping his ideas to meet in tomorrow cup fixture on the 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon on her crying and asking her why she is all to rally around the Grand himself, and chasing his fellows Camp Bierd ova. Interesting content treating Fronzo in such a Old Man and thus show your out of business by reason of com expected. The Parlor of Satlataction Naomi deny everything and declares gratitude in the way before petition he is sadly mistaken; for Soalp and Facial Treatment. Mantouring. Shampooing. Halr that she is when in the end he is left alone OBITUARY enter house. Frank comes out and YOUR PACKAGES FOR THE is going to marry Pronzo. They pointed out.
BEGIN NOW AND SECURE in business, the few who in this was bes windows. Naomi comes out to way survive, would be themselves It is with the deepest regret that we question him about letter Frank denies SINAL DAY OF RESKONING easily forced out, and trade would chronicle the sudden death of little Wil.
all. When shown the letter Frank at JULY 25, 1921 again be monopolized by those linn Arthur Neleon (better knwn as full line of Human Hair Goods tempts to put it on Kate, the maid.
who have no interest in the West Willie. which took place at his resi Naomi calls Kste: but Rub. comes to Ruth goes in Naomi and Gomes plan to Naomi and Ruth and Gomez return.
dones at the corner of 13 and Dstreets All handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, combed, and see what the matter is. Naomi pretends to run away and marry the next day.
at 30 am on June that she wants Kato o wazh window, CRICKET Ruth takes Kate back in. Naomi He was sick for only about 10 hours.
The play consists of five acts ripre.
He was quite well when he left for the Frank money to go tell Fronzo that he senting 18 characters and a number of ise back in Naomi gives Trinidadians defeat Jamaicans Baptist Church on Sunday. He reRoyal Mail Steam Packet Co. Frank) told an untruth. Frank is told sceneries.
NUR to meet the Boston train to bring Mr.
Colcn, June 13 The Trinidadian Pick turned home before service was dismissed.
cu Gomes home.
He was then suffering from fever. Dr.
yesterday defeated the Jamrican team in Naomi goes in and Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Frank starte down street, but meets Mr. Cross Canal Bridge again the presence of a large number of cricket Williams was called in but Gis act Fronzo. Frank telle Fronzo where he is loyers and spectators on the Mt, Hope in and little Willie suffered terribly under Construction.
Park till death released him.
going and shows him the note. Fronzo His last The Jamaicans won the toss, end de vords were Oh God Over goes past the house and bides to watch FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE when Frank should return with Gomes eided to bat on a vicket that could Yonder. He was not yet 11 years old.
Last Saturday evening a very SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON Naomi comes out looking for Frank and important meeting of the com.
scarcely be considered perfect, owing to school he was an apt scholar, very Gomes, Frank and Gomes arrive and bined Rotary Clubs of Panama the heavy rain of the previous night. The obedient and kind hearted, His teacher first pair to take their places were Reid Mr. Smellie, of St. Joseph Catho Salvador Saturday, June 18th, for enter house, Naomi and Gomes sit and Colon took place the Central and talk. Ruth comes out to door and Hotei in this city, at which tha and Balin, while the leather was entrust lic School commended him very y highly Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, attempts to have Fronso sit on bench; following were present: Messrs.
ed to Motley and Thomas, who proved on Friday the 3rd inst, for the manner La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose de Gautemala and themselves to be really troublesome, die in which he and his besl friend Sydney but he insist on going inside. Trouble Brandon, Gill Barham, Fidan.
starte insids missing the entire team, in an incredibly Martin recited Ho never Smiled Again.
Gomes come out fol que, Duque, Vibert, Lin.
The cortege left at p. m, on Monday.
lowed by short time for the total of 44 runs, of Ruth who urged him to leave do Morrice, Canavaggio, Aro8. Quilpue, Tuesday, une 21st, for It was lead by the Colon Boys League and avoid trouble. Fronso rushes out semena, Haw, Pereira, Col. Sayre which Reid made 10.
Guayaquil, Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and threatens Gomes. They have words Albert Lindo, DeLemos of the When Trinidad representative went Bend. At Mount Hope Cemetery the Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
Ruth taking Fronso by the arm pullo Panama Club, and Messrs.
to the wicket, they were greeted with fremony performed by Teacher great yolume of applause, while the Ja Milington of him on the insido. Naomi Jum pe out of Broomhall, Phiilops, Gregory, The Negro World School and Smellie school Jamaica, Tuesday, June 21st, for She and Gomes leaves. Thompson, Haskins, Jackson, maicans appeared determined to make quick end of them. The Trinidadian. The latter taught Willie ins Garan Buenaventura and Tumaco Propio and Ruth come out, Ruth urgee Scott. Ibánez and Henriquez oł to go home, at first ho refuses; but the Atlantic Club. Me. Hall of however showed themselves to be the well as in Colon. In a very near s. Manavi, Thursday, June 23rd, for finally consents to go. Ruth getting hat the Panama. Sugar Company masters of the situation, and at the call pathatio manner be spoke to the large Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, Machalilla, Manglar Alto, been soored sathering of Black. goes to look for Naomi. Fronzo returns was also present as a guest of wickets, Thomas heading the list with 23 children at various schoolo parente ed and Guayaquil and sits on bench; and while soliloquis. the Rotarians runs and McGowan following with 18, guardians and relatives of the deceased ing, his friend Silvian comes along and an exchange of greet5. Cauca Wednesday, June 29th for entreats to come and go home. ings between the Clubs, each Bowling on both sides was very st of the exets plary life which the little tractive while the fielding of the winners boy lived at home and at school, Tumaco, Esmeraldaa, Bahia. Manta, Cayo, Ballentia represented by its president, father in Jamaica) mother, two ch was considered superb.
and Guayaquil Thornbill was indeed a friendly, re Mr. Gill was appointed toast nial, and social companion; an inde master for the occasion. He real sportsmanlike spirit pervaded sisters, brother and a small nephews the entire match, and the game was and a large circle of well wishers are Oriana, Sunday, July 10th, for fatigable worker in the cause be chose as his subject the road left to mourn the irreparable lost.
espoused. He had won the respect and Havana, Coruns, Santander, La Rochelle, Pallice, and enjoyable throughout.
programme of the Re Not lost, but gone before United Kingdom admiration of all among whom his public and so effectively did he Melbourn. Defeats Progressive benevolent laboro had spread, and his handle it that the matter was It is well with the child.
Colon, June 12 The Melbourne place in the community will hardly ever Jamalon and American papers please For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies be supplied in the strictest sense. Wellsione taken up and was appointed to collect data met and defeated the Progressive in.
today cup match on the Camp Beird CRISTOBAL good man in Taroal is which would be place before the fallen to day.
commission which Secretary of Oval by a score of 207 to 33, On Saturday evening last. aboul 30, The loosers batted first, and managed or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company The funeral service was conducted by War Weeks has appointed to with much difficulty to muster 33 runs, the residents of the City of Colon wit.
Mr. James Trotman the acting Superin. investigate conditions in the gev.
Harris and Cain making 10 each, while newed one of the most imposing funeral PANAMA tendent of the above mentioned organi ernment of the Panama Canal, Melbourne in replying made 207 at the processions as seen for some time in this fall of the 3rd wicket as follows. Simp city. One could feel the breathless silence or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents, sation, ably assisted by Mr. Clarance and which is expected soon to Cragwelt (Secy. and the Rev. Mr. arrive here.
son 73, Seala 33, Bell 22, Brown 68 as the oortage of children, adulte, autoRoyal Mall Steam Packet Co. Panama Wilkins of Panama. The Rov. Artema Among the things tobe brought not out, Miles 14 not out.
mobiles and coaches wended its way Odle and other well known personages to the notice of the investigating past to the Mt. Hope cemetery while the from various sections from Panama to commisson are the needs for a Precisely at me road between Panama and Colon, Universal Negro Improvement passer by paid their tribute to the honored dead bata in band, twelve teet overbead, he did not use a ma Canal, some difficulty presented alock he was laid to rest in the Mount a bridge across tho Canal for Assoclatlon.
The deceased Joseph Thornbill, reei ladder, but reached to the desired height itself in getting him admitted into the Hope Cemetery. There we left him in vehicular traffic from the east to Colon, June 13. Despite the beavy dent for a good many years in the city by supporting himself on a bannister hospital. in consequence of which the the prime of manhood with all bis glory. the west side, and the building rains of last night, the meeting of the of Colon was identified with the reot and one of walls of the house. services of Dr. Hamlet the popular but that we shall see him again on the of a military road from Colon Universal Negro Improvement Associs called Christian Mission and was one Unfortunately, he lost his balance, and medical practioner of Colon were sought over green tion was well attended, and was very of the leaders, On Friday evening June fell with crushing force bestride on to and engaged. As a result of his treat bye, is eboren in the sweet bye and to Porto Bello.
our sure and certain hope.
8, deceased was adjusting an electric the wooden pillar below. apparently ment, deceased showad signs of recovery, Mr. Thornhill leaves Borrowing wife One of the leading features of the eve light in one of the alley ways between mangling the testicles and other tender but surprisingly passed away at midnight and two sisters to mourn his death to Rent Recelpt Books In Spanningar of the verything ring and emphatic the building on the premises of the organs of that region. As the deceased on June 10th, just eight days after the whom tender our sympathy and ish and English, for sale at the address from Mt. C, A, Reid 3rd vico mision. As the light stood about ten or not then an employee of the Pana fatal occurrence.
Workman Printery!
Hair Growing. Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeing. Facial Blemishes removed. Cornared Equipped with electrio vibrator, electrio oomb, electrio hair dryer, and other modern appliances.
Mme. ROBERTS, Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir Institute Chioago, IL.
TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, PUFFS, ETC, treated as the hair on your head.
6: 1921 au worde lo windov.
him to to of After him building at commis.
we may 103


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