
Many Favor the Frenchman to Win The Dope However Polnts to Jack Oh, what fragrance!
han YOU LL never find another Costerfield UGOT LINERS TOBACCO Co.
JÄRETTES They Satisfy Write to the Chesterfield on behalf of Carpentier it is Klaus, our ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY However, the claim that Carpentier is a second Jim Corbett, THIS 600 TONS STEAMER will not appeal to those who saw Corbett in his prime and have seen Carpentier in action. As a boxer Corbett was immeasurably is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins. the superior of Carpentier. If beam. She has two decks. tween the French man at his best were able to enter the ring with Peter Jackson in his decks ft. high.
would hardly be able to box a prime Carpentier sixty one round draw with the Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric man who was avolded by Sullivan cigarette like Chesterfield.
and nearly every other heavy Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
The finest of Turkish and weight of his tim time.
erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Carpentier bits harder than Domestic tobaccos in an unwater heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
Corbett did, but in speed and boxing science the American usual blend. You ll like em We must Buy her for our Service before cbampion was far superior. they satisfy.
July this year Dempsey Condition It goes without saying that WE NEED 60, 000 MORE Dempsey will not be in the sup erb forin he showed at Toledo, MONEY but if he is within 60 per cent, of his condition in the bout with You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Williard the world champion will some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound quite as much speed as the Frenchman and much more each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound ruggedness. Dempsey is a pow.
each and become part owner.
erful chap and has shown he can take a punch and stand up under DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW it. This he proved when Brennan landed a number of damag ng blows during the boat in the Garden WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. On the other hand, Carpentier bas not shown ability to take 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA punishment. either as middle weight champion or as heavy.
weight champion of Europe.
CIGARETTES In fact the Frenchman has been bard hurt in League Dead in United States habis sen cagement en ceplerin those with two hopeless tons Wells and Beckeit In Says Envoy Harvey to Britons claimed that when he was beaten by Frank middle late London despatch dated humanity from all kinds of Papke; contender for the honors, weight champion, and by Biliy May 30, states that the dinner of menacing perils.
the Frenchman was a mere strip welcome by the Pilgr! ms Society To Save America. ling and yielded to the superior to the American Ambassador. Not a few remained con strength of veteran fighters. It George Harvey, Jast night was vinced that we sent our soldiers is true that Carpentier was but than usually atteuds such a re across to save this Kingdom 18 years of age when he was ception de France and Italy. That is not a stopped in nineteen rounds by to new ambassador Not only was it Harvey first fact. We sent them solely to Klaus and in seventeen rounds public appearance since his ap save the United States, and inost by Papke, but, like all natives of pointment, but there was generale tantly and laggardly at sevehopea Europe he was well would that, at that age. He was proud a fledged middleweight, of ministracion policy the new and fight. We were afraid not to in the same year had hetked and tight. That is the real truth of Jim Sullivan, the British middle Europe.
The ambassador did not disap the matter. So we came along weight champion. Carpentier point his audience, for he brush toward the end and helped you also had disposed of all the French middleweights and Greit Britain for the benefit ed aside any lingering illusion and your allies shorten the war.
a that the United States woula That is all we did and that is all of the heavy weighis.
we. Notwithstanding the facts that peac of the world. You will all agree that we have any relations with the Lea. We Because the Presldent bas Klaus and Papke did not class would all wish America and gue of Nations.
exemplified his avowal of obliga: with American middleweighis like the British Empire should walk League Rejected. tions, it must not be inferred Dempsey, Tommy hand in hand through the many or Ketchel, they had no dif that he proposes to become an Ryan. dificulties that beset us for the The present goveroment, he internatioual meddler. be con ficulty in defeating the French benefit of the clared, could not. witbout be tinued. He would be the last man. Body blows brought him king trayal of its creators and mas: to intervene or be drawn into any down in each contest. ICE CREAM FACTORY feelings of friendship and regard ters, and will not, can assure matter of no no concern to his own So slow a heavy weight as for the United States, and be, you have another thing to do with the league or any commis country, but also no one realize hard enough to floor him for a Gunboat Smith hit Carpentier more than anybody else, would more clearly than he that the 35 Calidonia Road welcome an extension of the sion or committee appointed by United States is. of necessity, count, and if the Gunner could friendly feeling which really it never ceased to exist.
or indirectly, openly or furtive deeply interested in proper reach Carpentier with his delaya economic adjustments and the ed punches, Premier Lloyd George, in ly that the Harvey plain words were a world wide importance under and aggressive Dempsey will also quick hitting WHOLESALE seconding the Duke of Connaught said: revelation and his plea for the discussion and desires helpfully land on the European champion.
closest ooperation between the to co operate.
The war has taught us many As the matter stands the diver AND RETAIL lessons. One of these lessons is two great English speaking coun sity of opinion will result in serithat the immense population off tries was impressive.
Volce of People ous disappointment for many the United States is not of the He also announced his appoint There still seems to linger in persons on the afternoon of July Anglo Saxon, nor even of Angloment to represent the President the minds of many here the im 2nd.
Celtic origin in the United in the supreme council in the pression that in some way or States there are men of every discussion over Silesia, other America may yet be be Dr. LOWE Falls The Duke of Connaught presid guiled into the League of Na INTERNATIONAL ed and Lord Desborough read a tions. Let me show you how L, Edin BANK Nevertheless it is a source of pride that in the great events of message from the American Pil utterly absurd such a notion is need not recall the grims.
America the directing minds Office Hoursi 30 a. 1p.
The There were 250 diners among test waged between the two p. p. have been Anglo Celtic.
ING CORPORATION them the Duke of York and branches of our government over Box 798 great literature of America is Office 844 Phones: the great literature of many members of the peerage this proposal. need Ascon, Resido 1002 Britian is theirs. We speak the and representatives of the Ameri. tion that the conflict became so OWNED BY same tongue. we worship the can colony.
sharp that even the treaty went same great men. That produces by the board, to the end that to Dr. LORD The National City Bank of New York a sympathy and community that Part in War.
day. paradoxically enough, Amnothing can break, Nothing could be more futile, erica continues to be technically and HOWELL Head Office: 55, Wall Street more delusive and more mis at war, but actually at peace, Dentists while Europe is nominally at WILKINSON chievous, Harvey sald, than to pretend that the Americans peace, but according to all re 143 CENTRAL AYE Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 14, 000, 000 CONTRACTOR BUILDER proffer of a helping hand was ports is not wholly free from the (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
attributable primarily to a ten, clash of arms.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama der Finally the question of Amer. The Latest in Crown and susceptibility: First Classs Workmanship It is not, he declared My Ica participation in the league Bridge Work.
Depository of the Panama Canal Plans and Specifications Free country stands ready to work came before the people, who de with yours, because first, it is to cided by a majority of seven mil Friendshlp for Britain Through its Agencies in the Interior and our own interest to do so; and se lions. Prior to that election there The time was, he said, when 15th Street West its Foreign Branches this Institution offers House90 to had condly, because it is the much discussion of the John Bull appeared to Americans Box 411, Panama, advantage of both. We do not date. There has been little since. 1Uncle Sam was real meaning exceptional banking facilities.
of the word man as a trifle arrogant; simultaneous resent being calle by even, as sometimes happens ab inition. majority of seven plan; by single example provided a deBritons as a whittling vulga Drafts on Jamalca and other West Indlan Islands The Park View anticipated but. he concluded, in for extolling aur altruism is millions conveyed a mandate that their places now gleam in person Interest Paid on Savings Accqunt at Per Cent Auditorium transparently material. But we But we could neither be misunderstood ification of our splendid nations have come to realize that ideals nored.
the beautiful figures of Britannia Per Annum)
too often resolve into illasions, It then, that the pre and Colombia, hand in hand, Upstairs Universal Grocery Store and illusions we have found to sent government could not, with side by side, erect and glorious be both dangerous and profitless out betrayal of its creators and on a plane of perfect equality in The best all in Town col, clean. We deceive ourselves occa masters, and will not, can as the eyes of each other and the comfortable and airy. Suitable for sionally. Even now at rare insure you have another thing to world.
dances, parties rallies etc. etc.
tervals an ebullient sophomore do with the league or any com. The Duke of Connaught, in Prices Moderate seeks applause by shouting We mission or com mittee appointed proposing the want war, far more prevalent by it or responsible to it directly health, said that Harvey was a Give us a call before going elsewhere until recently was the impression or indirectly, openly or furtive man who believed in the closest BURTON BRO3, Props.
that we went to war to rescuely.
friendship between his country Universal Grocery Sto and many BIJOU he added.
Pheck in the world, it is reasonable long conoursins hardly meer been Was regarded reward Commons tor Advertise in the Workman IT PAYS


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