
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
am BUSINESS MEN of the Depart ment 6, 168 ADVERTISE the few officer was week.
Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pall NO CAMOUFLAGE Some young men were orerappearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made heard talking in the Post Office premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: in Castries and, along with other matters under discussion, one of HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES them who seems to be something of a joker, suggested that as con IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM ditions were so bad and were We want your patronage, West Indians getting worse in the colony, a For sale at all Drug Stores in this City Dead March over the corpse of and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez We want you to purchase our remaining shares the island should be played in all the churches at the next Sunday Solo Agent for the Republic of Panama We have made good and can make better if you help morning services. recommend that suggestion GERVASIO GARCIA, for the earnest study of the row.
We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices ers that be; for, unless they want something of the sort to happen We can do all kinds of woodwork and try and inaugurate some His coming was somewhat sud submitted to the House of As no do: by the experience gair.
they should bestir themselves scheme or other to relieve the den, but in a very short time al. sembly. It is as full of statised and the impressions made on sene ter his arrival the news was cir. tics as usual, and as it must be, the men who took part in the We can build and repa your house and furniture crying needs of the colony.
culated and arrangements were is not devoid of interest, even war. a statement iacking made by the local bodies for look. though it may not be satisfact logic, observation and good reaBeing somewhat scared of the ing after him during his fort ory. Ainong the complaints, soning powers. o the need Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us Seditious Publication Ordinance, night stay in this colony. comments and recommendations for a change in the lighting reg. am afraid to let myself go, but Don tell the other fellow all the same if what have been reception was staged at the hall are On Thursday night an officiall included in its numerous pages ulations respecting traffic so as hearing about the two young men of the Chartered Division, corner to make it compulsory for all (a) the necessity for increas vehicles a who have been brought up one of Reid and Tudor Streets, ing the number of ofice of the to carry lights so as to obviate in all part of the Calony Emmigration Act, 1916, be true ers and members of the West difficulty of obtaining recruits. none the less reasonable sugges; we accidentsbard one of them seems to have himselt into a pretty mess for bury Chapter.
a fact which is attributed by the tion) and (a) the regulation of IG. to the inducements oflered the number of persons, including having taken the word of the Chiet of Police. It has just oc The Report of the Inspector to emigrate to Cuba and the the crew, to use any boat plying curred to me that the person in General of Police on the working in coupled with the for fares by the Harbour.
question, is an admirer of the of the for inclination to go abroad, created Among the statistics of interNo. 47 CALIDONIA Chief but now wondering whether he is not something else by now. Will somebody ask him?
Xocooo PHONE 830 St. Lucia today has a Chief and an Inspector of Police, one of the two of whom is useless to the the salary is already community est in the Report are tho fo: English Cricket Tour earmarked for a Colonial Sur. geon another useless office and of the Finger Print Department Next Year on top of all that, the pay of tl and up to 31st December 1920, administrator has been been increased 1263 persons had been subjected by about 200 or so, if to the process; and with regard done and Sated lowing: Guarantee for Trips am not mistaken and yet mem to the work of the contient bers of Council who sanctioned GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST convic.
The Demerara Daily Argosy all the above increased expendi were of April 21st, publishes the fol.
ture have been heard to enquire At a meeting of the Queen where the ney is to come irom, and loged in arsed, and 2, 025 Park Cricket Committee on Tues.
Well, well monses were 195 into the various Courts.
was collected and paid day the h y at the St. Clair Oral, the question of a visit of sa Dominica It is seidom that arrests are team to the West Indies made in the Central Police Sta in the spring of 1922 was con tion and few that are made sidered It had been suggested By Clvis Africanus.
are certainly not for civil ot. that each West ladian Colony IN THE fences. 06. taking police After a determined fight part in the tournament for representative, Government however, subjected to this hu should guarantee 600 for the miliation by a bailit during the occasion.
Grenada has won the victory Having treated with WORKMAN The Committee was of opinion Hats off to General Marry.
contumely an order by one of that this sum was rather high show and his brave soldiers?
the Magisterial Courts to pay an and has communicated to Bar.
Congratulations to Grenada and slimony order, a commitment bados that Trinidad would be the Grenadians. Congcatula was issned for his arrest. The willing to receive a visit if that tions. police officer little thought how authority could fix a lower figure What wrong with Dominica ever that his privacy eould be as the contribution from each and her Representative Govern.
ment Aesociation? It appears invaded and his liberty Infringed colony.
that her chicken hearted solresting beneath the roof Intercolonial Tournament diers. weak kneed leaders have the sacrosanct Central Station, surrendered in the fight. What The bailiff stolid, irreverent and At the said meeting, the letter are the dickty Negroes in Do mechanically exact in the fulfil ment of his duties was of anoth on the question of the resumption the fulfil of the Barbados cricket authority minicdisper, in a er mind and. of the Dominica Chronicle, in sational by entering the barrack of the Intercolonial Cup Tournayard and laying rough hands on mittee decided that Trinidad was considered. The Com.
formed us that rates of postage both the official opinlon and are being raised. Can any one eleven give us any reason why the person, for the purpose of lodge ready to meet a him evidently in the cells. stood that if Demerara is willing authorities have taken this step!
the next Dominicans, can you see can enrout to the lock up were how. Tournament will be held at the you understand that someone ever hearkened to and the sum Queen Park Oval. some time not of us is waging a private necessary to liquidate the debt during September.
war on us mercilessly?
In view of what has been ex.
Dominica and her Sons, Government was subscribed. pressed in the past, and especialO pleasent Isle of the Carribbees!
ly on the occasion when the With all thy faults love thee still St. Johns tournament originally proposed Pictures que Isle of rivers and hills for February was postponed, With wondrous scenes my eyes you fill Mr. Charles, Revenue commence practice early and it is hoped that Trinidad would With mountains east. west, Dorth and Officer at St. John s, who has thus be in position to displ. y south been called upon to resign his their best form.
Supreme you stand with all your post, will be taking leave of the worth Civil Service in August next. Protest against the Tea Midst the sister Is es of the Carribbean Mr. Charles has beer in the ser Which one excels thee in such famous vice for the past 30 years, and Interval scenes?
everywhere he has served he has In the match ylayed by the Awake sons of patriotic Dominica!
Therefore THE given satisfaction as a competent Australians against Surrey on Ye are the offepring of Africa; and reliable officer. He is is among the 9th of May, Mr. Wars Let not those selfish pale faces, those who will be removed of puh: nor, Captain of the Middlesex lic Regard ye as inferior men.
ourable service and, for what he Post as follows:has done he deserves the thanks One must protest against the Barbados good results.
of the people of the colony he has constant intervals indulged in served.
yesterday. Play did not begin until 30. The Australians in.
THE St. Vincent nings was closed at Surrey going in to bat at 20. and yet there was a tea interval at four Says the St. Vincent Times of o clock, in spite of the Arrival of Rev. Hilton fact Tobit, Leader of Eastern April 28th: Planters looking for stumps were to be drawn at six, a paying crop would be interest Cricket is becoming is this coun.
Proyince of Indles ed in the onion crop now being try as it never has before, but resped at the Experimental Sta such a ocedure as that adopted WARM RECEPTION ACCORDED tion at Richmond Hill. From a yesterday will, if persisted in, cultivation of half an acre, it is kill stone dead the public en HIM BY OFFICERS AND MEMestimated that the Imperial De thusiam for the game in one BERS OF TWO LOCALS.
partment of Agriculture will reap season.
about 6, 000 lbs of dried onions, There arrived by the Royal which at 5d per lb, will real Mail Steamer Chignecto from FRATERNAL NOTICE.
Bermuda on Wednesday the Rev.
presentative of The Barbados ise 125 pounds sterling. reThe Royal King David Temple, No. Herald yisited the station Tobitt. On the occasion of the Convention of the Universal was shown the cultivation. o. of meets every Friday night at Eureka Lodgeroom, 44.
Improvement The plot chosen for the onion of Lane (between sth and 6th Streets. Association last August in York experiment was not specially Colon, of this gentleman was appointed prepared, and no more care was Leader of the when you can have them neatly oound at the Eastern Provinces The Ruth Chamber in connection with given the cultivation than would the same Temple meets every WednesIndies, Central and be bestowed on an ordinary crop.
South America. His headquarBoth the Agricultural Superin day night at the same place and time, Meetings start at o clock. Members ters are in Bermuda, and having tendent and Mr.
F, Simmons, the WORKMAN PRINTERY spent some time there he has foreman, are willing to give in requested to be punctual in attendance, formation on the crop, which Delinquent members are also invited.
come out to visit the various colonies in his sphere where are should be a welcome addition for ALLMAN, operating divisions of the NL.
planters large and small ROACHFORD, which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
whilst recent issue in otembeet a Barbados it is The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama. is an WORKMAN Advertision Medium which must bring that ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonabl BOOK BINDING sold at Why allow your Books to go to pieces New of the West


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