p. 8


SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS PACIFIC THEATRE ORIZONA KH SEXOS SORSONSSSS ooOOOOOOO their on him letter as 200. 00 GOLD Canal Zone Police CHURCH NOTICES RADIUM St. Peter Church, La Boca win Further Laurels Fourth Sunlay After Trinity Will cure you or it will There will be a celebration of the make such a change in your After nearly two months of TO NIGHT Holy Communion at 6, 30 At 11 feelings and appearance Wednesday, June 22 o clock there will be Matins and sermoo; that you will be perfectly patient waitir. and persistent investigation, detectives Cooper 15th 16th. Episodes of st p. Haly Baptiem; and at 30 satisfied with results.
and Kallay, of the Canal Zone Even or followed by. Mas The Brass Bullet constabulary last Monday, suc Meeting of the Nein Wide Campaign, And it costs you nothing ceeded in running to earth the to which all our members and friends are To Morrrow, Sunday perpetrator of a daring robbery To try it specially invited Thursday, June 23 whose cunning had baffled all The Greatest Photo Play MULCARE, WE TAKE ALL THE RISK their efforts during the period PRETTY MARY MCLAREN IN Recor The Birth of a Race Just write your name and stated Road to Divorce St, Barnabas Church, Empire address on postal card and Van Buren Jackson, emyloved Monday, June 20 Morning Prayer and addrese at 11; mail it to as an operator at the Pedro Migorlicks, was the offender and THE FINAL EPISODES 16th a 17th OF sunday Shool at pm; and Evening BEGINNING ALEXADER BROWN, Igent, Prayer and address at 30 Ott Arder, municipal division The Brass Bullet Ridiun Appliance Co. Iachini of the same locality, Friday, June 24th MULCARE, x, Aneon, tin tiptin. 3240 in cash and Tuesday, June 21 The Universal Strange Serial Priest in ebargo Orto Box 1751. Cristobal. cz Literly Bords, being the amount He will do the rest itd.
The most popular screen actor The Diamond Queen de stored tha Jackson, who HARRY CAREY Church Mission Hall, Las Cas.
Was lot abab tual gam.
IN WITH EILEEN SEDGWICK ber. cesked Arner tolan GUN FIGHTING GENTLEMAN AS THE STAR Morning Prayes and address at 11 Publishes Letter.
Tim 130 cred badly. Mr. H, Tele will give the dire. Arnet promisd to let him have dis. sexsex Sunday Sholat 30 m: Ivering the money or the following day, Prayer and addr. ssat pm Continued from page!
and in heping with his promise.
fook it Jackson riom the Anniyersary Celebrations.
JT MULCARE, mi Dehr in hlar Priest in charge jident than any other kird of Text morning They lived on the same Luilding EVERY WORKMAN The Sunday School departswople, beisuse believa they ment of the Panama Baptist Seeing that Arner had not left citive more and speculate more Rent Recept Books in Span of the Holy Name of God than comes home at times with a lame back, sore muscles oruised bands Church at 23rd Street Gauchathe house to get the money, Don endure it get relief and sleep soundly and comfortably, pali. will celebrate their anni. Ish and English, fer sale at the any other diss of Jackson must have suspected preachers versary on Sunday (tomorrow)
an not blum ngth native preachDr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Workman Printery that he had more money in his and Monday, June 19 and 20.
ers for the y culled their religion, room, and it was after that the will give you quick, permanent relief. You can go to work next when the children will play the thods and their systems 3, 240 van shed. The matter was morning feeling good as new.
leading part in exercises of At p. meeting on Sunday from the established Churches promptly reported to the police Keep a bottle handy always in case of accidents.
those days.
and though Jckson was suspect.
the chair will be taken by Dr. as introduced and presided over ed, the police could get nothing Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Special programmes of songs Connell and Dr. Lowe by the imported preachers.
recitations and dialogues will has kindly consented to preside What would like to see, is that dobie itche inch, cuts, bruises, sprains. Try it. All dsug stores Last Monday, however, as he be presented and an interesting at the meeting on Monday night the negro preachers of Jamaica have it.
and instructive time is anticipal The general public is cordially get together and estabiish their was about to leave on bis annual ed.
own churches and bicu preach to vacation, tho detectives determ.
their own people the real religion ined to make a final effort to get of Jesus Christ him. So they boarded the Industrial and commercial JaSilver State at Balboa docks and promptly proceeded to search maica is so bankrupt that wil have to treat with it in another his baggage, consisting of a handalso social Jamaica bag, a suit case, a trunk, one hope this letter will be taken large and one small tool box, and in the spirit in which it is wrija tive or six packages of household ten, and that critics won try to goods, but apart from two 100 import foreign matter and perbills and two pints of whisky, sonalities into the discussion nothing else was discovered to that will bollow the publication, implicate him, am, etc.
At this juncture, Lieutenant MARCUS GARVEY.
Cooper made a bold move which York House, unexpectedly hit the nail on the Kingston, May 26th, 1921.
head He advised his man to confess his guilt and make things easy as they knew that he had Silver City Band stolen the money, Jackson broke The Dancing space at the Isth.
down and confessed The bonds mian park, having been increased dow were found carefully wrapped to double its former size, the and taped so as to form the above band will give an opening handle of a piece of tool and so dance to night, to accomodate the neatly was it done that it would jazz lovers. All the new hits will have been impossible to distinbe in evidence guish between it and the other On Satuaday 25th, Cristobal ieces of tools in the box, the Silver Clubhouse will be the handles of which were all taped scene of gaiety, and merriment, in a similar manner.
some New Jazz hits will be intro He was thereupon brought duced there. This band has made ashore and lodged in the Balboa it a point of be at Cristo jail. His mother, wife and bal at least once in every month, daughter are in San Diego, Caliso please out for the date.
fornia, and it may be a long time On Sunday the yet before they will see him band will a concert at again.
the said clubhouse, in connection with a Community evening, when there will be songs, and prize giving etc. etc. There will be no charge body is asked to turn out, for admission on the 26th. and hear the band play some of Rain Stops ell Games the Standard Selections, OverLaet Sunday at the Isthmian Park, the tures, etc.
heavy rains that fell put an end to the match was being played between Jamaica and Surrey. Owing to the wetness FOOTBALL.
of the wicket the match was delayed an hour, but when at last the coin was Cables vs. Tigers in Colon Sunspun, Surrey captain correctly called it, and sent Jamaica to the bat. Holder and day Hector opened the attack, and when rain On Sunday, 19th instant, the Atlantio eventually stopped the game, Jamaica Side will be privileged in witnessing (te wickets for 24 runs, Hector of the keenest games of Football (ver bowled superbly for the visitors and was played on this end, when the CABLES will journey from Panama to play the tically unplayable. According to the TIGERS both teams meeting for finished future date the following prizes: the first time in the Isthmian Football At standard Oval the Yorkshire League who was having first knock put up a The CABLES are the present hold.
total of 96 runs for the loss of wickets ers of the shield for the last Football by the time rain stopped the game.
League, having played their way to vie Blackman mede 33 and Pinder 32 out tory without sustaining one los and of this total. This game also will be bave paved their way to Football emmi.
finished at some future date.
99 nence. and enjoy the undivided supe At La Boca, the La Boca succeed port of all football fans on the Pacific ed in dismissing the Vincentian for Side.
44 runs before the heavy rains came and 99 The TIGERS is the home team, and put an end to the game.
are comprised of the best local players The La Boca seems to have got They have been playing in very fine into their right swing at present, and the style since the resumption of football other clubs will have to watch them.
activity and have besten evey team Surrey to play at Atlantic end they have met on the Atlantic side, The Surrey C, the pride of Panama, 99 They are the Football idols of all Colowill be journeying to Colon on the 26th nites and optimism floats through the air in regard to their claiming victory inst to play the Sporting Special that end. Much interest is being cen99 over the CABLES.
On the other hand, the Panama sup are coaftered in that game, and crowds of Surrey dent that the CABLES will half mast Fans are going over to root for their the flag of the TIGERS. Howeverº favorites.
the nerve of every spectator will be Games for To morrow charged with anxiety for his favourite Jamaica vs. Vincentian at Isthmian victory, when the referee gives the Park.
starting signal.
La Boca vs, Surrey at La Boca Oval.
The question remains Which shall it Britannio vs. Clovelly at Standard Oval.
The game starts at p. m, on the BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Panama) Ltd.
Mount Hope grounds and already Umpires for To morrow.
arrangements are being made for having At Isthmian Park, Riplay and R, PO. BOX 176 ANCON, the field in fine shape, and it is enti Hall; at Standard Oral, Williams and cipated there will be a very spectacular Hyatt; at La Boon, Turpin and crowd to witness this game ti is cus. Weir.
tomary with the Atlantic fans, In thirty eight Cash Prizes This opportunity is open to every duty to look render a Cricket.
PIEDMONT CIGARETTE SMOKER had lost lost Vio Each Package Front has a value in this contest.
For the greatest number of packages returned, we offer home One 50. 00 prize One 25. 00 One 15. 00 Five 10. 00 prizes Five 00 Ten 00 Fifteen. 00 Remember this Contest closes July 25th at supporters


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