
PROHIBITION IN UNITED STATES TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1921, PAGE THREE The Colon Boys Notice to the Public Institute League Dr. BUCHANAN JUST ARRIVED BRANCH IN GATUN (EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Natura of Frogress which the Movement has Undergone in that Country 66 EF ECT ON COMMERCE FATIMA Information Supplied Brit.
ish Trade Body by Chamter of Commerce in America IN Moisture Proof Packages sembled OF or for him Lusas, Captains 20 CIGARETTES THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE As previously arranged, general Watson and his staff of the Colon Boyol Institute League visited Gatua on Subday last, the 12th instant, in response wishes to inform the public in general of to an invitation from parents and guard the fact that he has NO ASSISTians to organize branch of the boy. ANT optician working with him or for league in Gatun bm, in the cities of Panams or Calon The inclementy of the weather early so far as bie professional service is con Sunday morning prevented the Colon cerned. he has NO REPRESENTA contingent of of the league taking the first TIVE in the person of anyone but train going the Gatun route.
HIMSELF To be in time for the 11 train. Individuals have reported that they however, the out going company consist bave had their eyes examined and treating of the following officers and men ased at their home; by rertain itinerant, bled in ample time for the event; or traveling optician, wh. somehow left General Watson, Col. Gardiner, both of them with the impression, or represented the Panama European war con themselves to be BUCHANAN or that tingent, with Major Nubey, Adjutant they are working with him Forde and Brown, Quar, Dr. BUCHANAN doo not go around termaster Alphonz. regimental sergt. testing and treating er en in houses around major Charles, staff sergeant Hall and the cities. except in case where the pa drum major Hurris and forty boys of the tient must be kept in bod or by call, league, witb a number of interested or special appointment. So please do not friends from Coloc. wbo om who accumpanied scept such a person a Dr. BUCHANAN, the company to Gatun, and took part in 10 or his rapresentative.
the functions of the afternoon pertaio 6. organizing a branch of the league in BUCHANAN gets the praise, and it sat: If good work is done by them, Dr.
section, among whom were Messee. Jobs Neverson Allen. infactory service is not given he gets the was invited but other matters of prior wish to get the benefit of his profesional Kelly and Ne son, Mr. Pilgrim Wilkino blame also to both of these cases jus tice would not be done to him. If you importance occupying his attention in the Windy City, he sent a letter for the glase work, then see to it that you get skill, and years of experience in the eyemeeting which was very appropriate.
the RIGHT MAN, and NO ONE else.
Landing at the New Gatun section and led away by the brigade band playDr. BUCHANAN wishes to expreso ing long, long trail the company his highest appreciation and gratitude for marching by was acclaimed by groups of the largo practice he has had from the Infantry stationed in this sec. folks who have come to him from all tion over the Republic of Panama, Costa large concourse of people having Rica, Colombia, and Nicaragua, presented themeelves on the sene the Dr. BUCHANAN occupies offices upcommanding officer of the brfgade, Gen. Claire at No. 182 Bolivar Street (in front eral Watson, delivered an address, tell of Msonic Temple Building. Colon, ing of the object of the visit to Gatun Phone No. 409. When you wish to hava and announcing a meeting for later in sound, honest reliable advice about your the afternon eyesight, consult him at his offi.
Arriving at the place of meeting, the HE IS RELIABLE, boys paraded while the band discoursed patriotic airs. They were then dismissed and committed to the care of the local friends who provided refreshments wnich the company enjoyed back with the evening train amidst loud ramble about town.
cheers and well wishss which of course In the Clubhouse, the meeting of the were well rolished by our city folks, who boys of the district with those.
already planning for a big time with Colon and numerous friends took place all the boys for the glorious Fourth.
about 30 o clock. The object The commanding officer begs to make and purpose of the League having been public acknowledgement of the kind supset forth by the commanding officer, port he has already received from perwho also showed where funds were sons of note at the Atlantic end, chief Decessay for the upkeep of the league among whom he names the popular of in profitable condition, supported by Governor our city, Don Reubon, Mr.
other speakers, the Gatun auxillary of B. Lawrance, Mr. Cambridge the league was duly organized with 29 and many others, boys who there and then made them.
selves financial members, After a very enjoyable afternoon with Rent Receipt Books In Span.
the Gatuo folks the Colon company ish and English, for sale at the took leave of the former and were sent Workman Printery: as follows: after HEADQUARTERS For Men Clothing also large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
TIE EDITOR, Sir, knowing as do your fairmindedness on important subjects, will you please publish the enclose, not to start any dis.
cussion of, but to shed some light on the Probibition movement in America am, etc. ESSON Witc ficll Manse, 26th May, 1921.
ats Effects Upon Industry Some time ago the Secretary of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce addressed a letter to the British Empire Chamber of Commerce in the United States, asking for the views of that Chamber upon the laws of Prohi bition aud its true effect upon 299 Commerce and Industry, This new Chamber, which only held its first meeting on January, 26th to the Chaminst. replied to ber. letter 28 Det With reference to your en: quiry rece:ved when this Chan ber was in process of organizz tion regarding the economic effect upon industry of the passage of Prohibition laws. may say that we are now able to cite conclusions as the as the result of ex.
perience and observation, which are believed dependable. There is is of course, a great mass of matter published by the Prohibition journal, and, while trustworthy estimates and statistics are often given, there is more or less bias or exaggera.
tion; at all events, the published matter is one sided. We shall not attempt to draw conservative conclusions from such sources, but will confine our references to the economic effects of Prohi bition upon industry From all the greater manu facturing centres come reports of increased efficiency; absentee.
ism is notably lessened, time workers work longer, and there is more thrift and steadiness.
There are fewer accidents and a better working atmosphere. striking effect, which illus trates the improved temper of labour, is found in the orderly con duct of recent strikes and in the more peaceable settlement of dis putes between emplɔyers and labour unions.
There is an ab sence of vicious influences. Retail mercantile establish ments all over the country re port large increases in the aggre gabe of pay cheques presented cashed by them, an in.
creased purchasing capacity and an improvement in the payment of accounts. Savings banks show a greatly increased aggregate of reports and fewer withdrawals in the industrial sections. The bank reports show an increase both in the classes of depositors and in those sections not bitherio well represented in the list of savings depositors.
The standard of sobriety and dependability among the railway operatives of the country have been higher than any other class, yet: a marked improvement in ef.
ficiency has been noted among those cccupied in maintenance and construction work There are many indirect benefits that have followed the closing of the salopps. among is the healthier social con dition in and betterment of notorioas sections, in many land and housing trans formations de congested areas.
industrial and economic situation at this is high degoted that there is no of unemployment, it is to be of penal over Institut emosynary and com parative absence of soup houses places for feeding the un employed may be attributed in no small degree to the condi tions that have resulted from Prohibition. Taking the situation as a whole in the United States and gauging it from trustworthy reports by the greater industrial Centres, from banks, railways, mines and merchandising establishments, it is beyond dispute that Prohibition has proven to American Bazaar Stores DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH. Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon SEKS SXSXSXoxoc Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshIng beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks CALL AT THE Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lano and Secure same for your Xmas Drink to NILE QUEEN The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oils imported from India and Japan WHITENER AND CLEANSER (BLEACH) ROUGE COLD CREAM. LIQUID POWDER HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFIER CREAN DALA VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
DANDRUFF RENEDY Springfield, tu.
Kashmir Chemlon! Co.
Chioago, III.
Gentlenen Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin, tried Dearly every thing to clear my complexion of pimples, liver spots and black heads without suocess, until found Kashmir. Nile Queen. Now my skin is as smooth and lovely as can be and my hair has growA so long and glossy, my friends all admire it. wish all our women would try Queen.
Very truly yours. Sgd. SALLIE REID, SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS 106 Broadway and 8th Street, Colon.
Box 736. Cristobal, be an economic factor. If your committee, having this matter under consideration, desires any further or more specific information, we shall be happy to pursue this enquiry for you.
The address of the Chamber is 165 Broadway, New York City, and the Hon. Secretary is Mr.
George Massey GET LISTED IN WORSHAM NE GR BU SINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Get together Medium for our Progressive Business Men EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE ITS BENEFIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT Write for further particulars to REID, Drawor Ancon Nile Panama Banking Company De WITT PILLS these is (BRANDON BANK)
resulting THE HOME DOCTOR SECURITY SERVICE ty when there Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon Cuban Quarantine.
Commenting on the quarantine condition at Cuba the Jamaica Gleaner of the 6th inst. observes the following. With reference to Govern mont ment notice, dated the 18th April relative to the quarantine restrictions imposed in Cuba on passengers from Jamaica, it is hereby notified for general in formation, that the Governor has been advised by His Majes that there are Consul at Santiago de Cube are very few beds for women at the quarantine station at that port and none at all tor men, who have to sleep on the cement floor. The Consul sug gests that, in order to avoid the detention at the quarantine sta tion of a considerable number of Jamacians, as at present. with consequent discomforts each prospective emigrant should be vaccinated for at least 12 days before embarking, which would ensure his or her being allowed to land.
NOTICE The Rose of Panama Lodge Order of Free Gardeners meet, the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank and Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of their presence in various physical disorders noticeable among which are: TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS HEADACHES, BACKACHES. SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOMETIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OF BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND SEDIMENTS, As no other Medicine is as good as DeWitt Pills, start with it right now and watch results Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle purchased CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave.
General Banking Business Transacted LBBANDOB ISAAO BRANDOV Proaldent ONATHANIEL BRANDOS Vloe President Tresorer


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