
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1921, THE WORKMAN FOR SALE CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program TO. NIGHT Isthmian Organ Printing Olfice Action. ek The Valley of Doubt at the free outd or li Wesleyan School career Tiger Cub DO tun. Starring Olive Themas trrats Teated, iniintativi The Flapper. Selznic u e Full of Rates for Advertisement on applies rublished on Saturdays by ALROND, the office Cental Avotion Correspondence on all matters 20 sd corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited The Proprietor being in failing health desires to re(SATURDAY)
RP All copy for publication must be tire from business and will dispose of the entire The Cecilia that effts ar PO Box 74. Panama RP written on one side of paper only, and Plant at a Sacrifice.
atraction tagit. ut LEWIS SELZNICK Slanick pietu, RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIO. must be accompanied by the Dame of The Office is equipped for Job Work and Thurston estus Do Year 12 40 Cy. the writer, bol necessarily for publics as well as for a Newspaper.
PRESENTS It is discuibed as an Six Monib on but as a mark of good faith. most of the sciou is da: oui Three We do not vindertake to return (Szo matter x 13 inches. Anyone wishes to enter WILLARD MACK Dadian sn. Marin Illyr. de Ro One 23 rejeckd correspondence the Printing arena will surely me ta e di bargin.
wib her bro ber, Tma, The office can be ip cd at any time.
to their father lumber cm, byping Liuorty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. UNITS that ke man of bim. There Meriva me Jules SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1921, Story you have wanted to see Bo nivat and they fall in lov Cuct other. This does not please Romance in the Student le ALIEN LABOR IN BONDAGE ON Northland stager of the lu abircim cim)
design on Marin, and bad el he CANAL ZONE can to discredit Jules. The proin.
ises much in the way of of in and unsul plot divelopement. Buro GoAmong the many things which will burn their way rge D into the judgment of the official Commission which has THE VERY BEST TO MORROW the retu is said to be a vivid picture life and conditions in the far North just arrived here to investigate the operation of the Pan(SUNDAY)
Here She Comes canal and the necessity of increased appropriations for the English Elementary Private School successful performance of the work. The Commission bas WILLIAM FOX before it a splendid opportunity to learn, by observation, IN PANAMA CITY PEARL WHITE. the most popular. PRESENTS star of every bemisphere the screon the real facte that govern the economic questions in the createst set in TIGER CUB the canal arena, aud in a few weeks they will be able to gain for preparing boys and girls, white or black PEARL WHITE culminating point of ber astoundingly much more information in connection with the work than to take their proper stand in life or to enter successful picture IN Doubtless o hos of motlon eture follthey could ever gather from the cumbersome reports offiowers who have worsbepped at shrine of cially transmitted from Balboa Heights to Washington.
Secondary or High Grade School Pearl White as queen of the serial form That the whole executive and administrative system of fi entertainment have mourned is in need of a radical change is felt by every section of through training and character building their loss because she absedoned serial labor on the Canal Zone. It is certain that Washington Tale of daring and a rhrill stunts and perils in favour of featis in a quandary concerning the doings on the Canal or ing Romance. in far away ure dramı whou she became a Willism Fox star. To all such, who have not seen else this important commission would not have been sent Alaska ber since that time, we can offer Do down here to look into matters as they really are on the NO FOOLING NOR CRAMMING friendlier counsel than to see her in friendlier Isthmus; and it is also certain that when the commission Tiger Cub, a thrilling Alaskan rom shall bave had a full vision of the operations the whole Undesirables are not admitted if known ance and a Fox production, which open question will look much different from how it was pictured at the Cecilia tha re to morrow Matince nor retained when proven unfit to MONDAY Eveig Mise White as an actress o in the States in official dispatches.
be moulded the highest order in straight emotions The gold employees have been submitting one drams og the best st grievance after another to Washington through elected Selznick Pictures labor delegates and through Congressional representatives, Misguided Inocence and in most cases they have been successful in having The Co operation of parents is solícited LEWIS SELZNICK THE FLAPPER Selznick pietheir grievances righted. West Indians and other aliens, PRESENTS amusingly and ent rtainly with the who could not get a hearing in Washington because they adventures of it was in her JE WALKER, Principal.
were side tracked in every attempt, talked through petiOLIVE THOMAS tamarau und sophis.
tions and interviews to the executive authorities at Balboa Trained, Certificated, Experienced.
ties of probirlars.
IN Many amsios incidents occur, with Heights, without profitable results in any form.
the sebe shifting rapidly from Sunny Since the black days of tyrrany which indelibly stain. Florida to the shows North, and the ed the administration of ex Governor Harding, when that pight life of New York. Many wonderfulpicturesque settings have been probaughty autocrat threw mothering women and suckling vided for this picture, which was writ infants out of their homes on the Canal Zone and dumped is considered it will readily be seen that the salaries paid Comedy Drama with lots tea by Francis Marion and directed their beds on the grass, and finally re employed men of the cannot maintain, in a proper state of physical health, the of fun by Alan Crosland Silver strike, which was authorized from Detroit, at worker or the members of his family dependent upon him.
Hope Hampton Lionized reduced wages, alien labor (wainly West Indian) has been West Indians have never made unreasonable claims while Filming thrills for Tourneur 7hBait in a deprecatory state of economic bondage.
These days of human outrage will ever remain fresh on the Canal Zone Government, nor do they wish to do so now They have only been seeking living wages with TUESDAY That motion pictura players from in the minds of all classes of Isthmian residents who wit which to maintain themselves and their families in a resquently undergo real risks in provid.
Dessed them as the shameful reminiscences of savagery, pectable and human way. In the past, they have not been WEDNESDAY ing the screen fan with his daily fara of this is proven anew by the exwhen the then Goverpor Harding out Neroed the royal receiving this consideration, and now that the Commisprience of pretty Hope Hampton durmaniac of ancient civilization, thereby earning for himself sion is here they would like this claim to be presented to ing the making of Maurie Tourneur the unenviable sobriquet of Negro hater through his it in the hope that something helpful might eventuate. MAURICE TOURNEUR new piet TUE BAITS One of the big scenes in this prochurlish abuse of executive power and utter disregard of When Sec. of War, Baker, visited the Isthmus a year duction is lald in the Follies Bergang, Production the famout Parisian theatre Miss the dignity which was attached to his office as governor of ago he said to a body of West Indian representatives that Hampton the heroine is occupying a the Canal Zone.
box with hor guardian, who is really The Bait From that time on, the ecomómic condition of the so the United States was too big and great a nation to oppress tral tigure is a ferocious lion, is talk ing place on the stage. At the critical called silver employees has been of the hardest lot. Pre any people, promising at the same time that he would recommend improvements in the conditions and wages in WITH moment, the front of the cage suddenceding the strike, life was one dull, dreary problem for connection with West Indian labor, and it is generally bely falls down, and the lion bounds the West Indian who complained that his wages on the lieved that the Secretary of War did make favourable reHOPE HAMPTON into the box occupied by Miss Klampton. She is rescued in the nick oiuino Canal Zone could not meet bis ordinary necessities. Inves: commendations to our local administration which elected BY by a young man in an adjacent box.
tigations proved that the condition of the silver employees to ignore and defy even the suggestions from such a high When this scene was filmed out at was worse than even they had stated, and if the files of the official dignitary as Mr. Baker himself.
SIDNEY TOLER the Tourneur studio, the lion took his role too seriously. While he did not Canal Zone Silver Investigating Committee which poked attack Miss Hampton with his teeth, This was very poor treatment to the West Indians its nose into the fleshless pots of the colored people on the who had just completed the beautiful roads which are the Paramount Picture he clawed her severely around the arms, and the actress was forced to Zone and Panama are not mutilated, destroyed or pride of the Canal Zone government, and which present so stop work for a few days.
THE BAIT will be shown at the shunted out of sight, they will speak for themselves and attractive an appearance to visitors from the States. These Cecilia Theatre Tuesday and Wednes.
present a correct aspect of a situation which fifty or even roads represent the fitness and ability of West Indians day.
sixty dollars per month could not meet.
An investigating committee resultant on the distress ment to engage their services when all other classes of as laborers, and amply justify the decision of the governNoviet Jail Seen in Romance THURSDAY Film ful situation among the British West Indian employees of labor had failed.
of Some of the conditions of chaos and the canal was appointed by the representative of the BritSome time, subsequent to and respectably remote cruelty which are prevailing at preish crown here, and while this committee findings have from Mr. Baker visit to the canal an increase of two Tha Stoll Film Corporation sent in Russia are vividly presented in The Flame, Stoll film producnot been made known to the public, it is felt sure that the cents per hour was given the Silver employees, and at tion of the pepular novel by ive gentlemen serving on the committee must have concluded the same time the commissary prices jumped farther out PRESENTS Wadsely The picture has settings that the West Indian laborer on the Panama Canal was in of range from the pocket books of the people. This soin four countries England, France. Italy and Russia and in each case the need of better wages and improved conditions. The Flame company travelled to the actual place called increase made conditions worse than they had been for the filming It would be a good thing if the Washington Commis before. Laborers who had been receiving nineteen cents, sion now sitting here could have the committee on Silver per hour were then given twenty one cents, but when they she had everything that life being met with the prod of a bayonet The story of a girl who thought indescribeable conditions, his protests There is allowed to langaish under Wage which was appointed by the British Legation meet went to the commissaries they found out to their horror could give until she fell in love. in the hands of brutal soldier them in a conference over the situation of West Indian that the cost of necessary commodities had soared tanta The culmination of that love guardi labor. The questions affecting alien labɔr ought not to be lizingly beyond their reach.
eluded her and burned her soul. tual experiences of foreigners enjoyAll the scenes were taken from acpolitical, and if they are kept within the logical bounds Let it be remembered that the West Indians were the Picture you won Forget ing Russian hospitality since the soviet regime. The Flame, telling a of economics there should be no reason wby this or an people who did the most dangerous and dirtiest part of real and moving picture story of ro.
other group of men from the countries interested in the the work during the construction of the canal. They were mance and adventure, will po the feath ure attraction at the Cecilia Theatre matter could not discuss the problems arising out of the the people who waded through the slush at the bottom of on Thursday next.
labor situation.
the canal and dug away till the proper depth was reached; It will be almost impossible to get any number of it was they who stuck the dynamite into the sides of Gold FRIDAY Toby Bow Makes One More Cigarette Smoker West Indians together before the Commission for the pur bill and sent the rock crushing down into the canal to be Violet Schram smoked her first pose of representing alien labor, for the simple reason taken away on dump cars upon temporary and insecure SANUEL GOLDWYN cigarette in the Goldwyn Picture that they are all afraid to act in the matter for fear of track lines in the canal prism; it was they who sacrificed Toby Bow staring Tom Moore Previously she has always beeu an losing their jobs. While it is not certain that the present their lives when dynamite explosions and derailing dirt PRESENTS innocent ingenue or unspoiled country Canal Administration is as autocratic and tyrannical as trains sent them violently to premature deaths, and it is TOM MOORE maiden. To be a sophisticated devilmay care boulevard chicken was a new the last one, the colored employees still feel that in the they who are now doing the rough class of work on the IN experience. Now in cafe sets in the interest of their work they should maintain a suffering canal. movies, one can drink a pink water substitude for sparkling burgundy all silence when their best opportunities confront them.
of the Investigating Commission such day without harm, but a cigarette must be the real thimg. few days later when she appeared employees are underpaid. The average silver employee gentlemen composing the commission have given out that ready for the scene in a Greenwich does not get more than sixty dollars per month, and out they are open minded and are willing to meet any one who Village poker game, she astonished of this house rent is deducted on the Canal Zone in ad would like to present the labor situation to them, and is JOHN TAINTOR FOOTE Digesed olid boaument ba moking with abandon, inhaling blowing vance. Many of the colored families number not less than alone is an announcement which must commend thej at sizzling Comedy Drama of she explained, and you see how readsmoke rings. ve been practicing, five, and when the requirements for each member titude as being the wisest and most promising.
Now York life and Southern love ily ve learned my first vice!
a crook. An animal act, in which cen.
But the Commissione suglPort know that the hilwer as will ensure an impartial name or mindings side Toby Bow BY


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