
Why roll em?
They Satisfy Chesterfield CIGARETTES When Africa Awakes build PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 25 1921 He is rather short and fleshy, with high black color, showing he is of the pure Degro strain, wide nostrils and merry alert eyes that are alive with the ready intel ligence of the man of the world. In bis Advertisements there is always a certain pomposity and graduer he is always referred to bere, at the least, a the world famed negro orator but be seems modest and dramatic enough. And answered my questions simply and cirectly.
THIS 600 TONS STEAMER He was a little suspicious of me at first, thought, but could understand thie later when he told me that Degro is 255 ft. Sins. long and 27 ft. ins. bired by a faction jealous of Garvey had come to the offices less than six months beam. She has two decks. tween before, and bad tried to assassinate him shooting him four times in the arms and decks ft. high. want to explain my activities fields are so much better.
and programme to the white people as Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric best can. Garvey said slowlv, smil Buy a package and judge for Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig ing that exuberact negro emite that is yourself. See how mild and erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed more joyful than sything in the world. The idea is thie. You white foks water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
fragrant they are! They have just finiebed a war for democracy, We must Buy her for our Service before You have spread the doctrine the Satisfy and the blend can Dations, races are equal We negroes July this year be copied.
fought in that war. Now we want to reap some of the advantages you promWE NEED 60, 000 MORE ined. Yes, this movement is the direct re MONEY buls of the war. Lots of our boys came back from the trenches determined Dot to tolerate the thing you bave done to You may subscribe some of this by purchasing some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound negroes in this country. Then the Degroes that stayed at home for the each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound first time got decent jobs and pay such each and become part owner.
as they had never got before. Now we won go back to pre war conditions, DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW We ve grown out of them. There are 12, 000, 000 negroes in this Write to the country Many white men bave tried to uplift them. but the only way is for WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. the begroes te bave a nation of their own, like the Jews, that command the 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA respect of the world with its achievments.
There are 400, 000, 000 negroes in the world. If they settled in Africa don LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
you think they could excee exceed what the Beltish people havo done with only a population of of 60, 000, 000. Perhaps, said. But it more than batter matter of numbers. Modern science technology, organizations are By MICHAEL GOLD more te important than mere numbers. We ll use them, Garvey cried. We ll In the World Magazine real modern industrial statewith the latest inventions and devices.
Walk down West 135th Street, the deliverance; and here on th street, The form of government will be demomain thoroughfare in the negro quarter where the trolley cire go by, and the cratie republican just as you have here.
of New York. President, Congress, everything.
negro seems so rooted in the American There And trusts, profiteers, paupers armies the dull, familiar brick life, they have even found them a Moser, Sre houses rettled on each side of the street. to whom thoueands of them now look to and jailo? put in, wickedly, The sun shines through the lace curtains lead them back to the promised land. It will be a modern republican demoof thousands of apartment homes. Trol Here is the Hon. Marcus Garvey, cracy; Garvey repeated, without batleys clang by; weary borsos pull their and he is a shrewd ting an eye.
rather vain hoofs from the warm asphalt, and ped and oratorical Moses, a Moses who dwells But how you will get Africa? There dlers cry their wares. There are prosaic upon no mysti oal mountain bimself topo are some ten nations owning it now.
barber shops, poolrooms, groceries and with God, but who has has surrounded with We will get it one way or another.
restaurants on each side of the of the highway, telephones, men steall as familiar to the American eye as nographere all the Publicity man. We will buy the nations out, or we will paraphernalia of a going There are any number of ways.
hand de negotiate, when we are strong enough the columns of a daily newspaper concern. It is the modern necessity; the Black folk lounge about the doorways. original Moses himself would be forced Do you think the white nations of ed way, exuberant, vivid and interesting manner if he were launching his creat Garvey looking me on the eye. But of or move along in their calm, locse limb. into frock coat and happy business e world will tolerate a negro empire. We are 400, 000, 000 strong, replied They are dressed in ordinary clothes exodus they are by dibary folk, longshoremen, began. Garyey is a journalist, editing course, that is all in the fulure. Our Catholic newspaper waiters, lubcrers, barbers, ministers, in Jamaica when he was fifteen years old. first task is to unify the race conscious.
nary routine of American life. They Watchman there, then ho edited daily wed this steamohip line, owned and run shopkeepers, moving about in the ordi then for five years be edited Garvey Dess of the negres in this country.
We ve made a good start. We ve organ Eeem permanent figures here and this for two years in Costa Rica. For street seems their permanent home.
wa be travelled through Europe, speaking, by negroes for negroes. We hold nightly Now look again at this commonplace observing, feeling his way toward the meeting here at Liberty Hall, and lay ICE CREAM FACTORY soene with the eyes of imagination with philosophy he now holds. He came to before the members new plans every.
the eyes of a dreamer of the negro race. the United States ab ut four years ago. Rories next, where negroes can work night. We re Roing ahead building facThe palms wave, the monkeys chatter, and instantly things began to hum.
35 Calidonia Road the crocodiles sun themselves in a botter man is undoubtedly remarkable We re thinking of starting our banks sun on the banks of golden African rivers. Organizer.
When he came here he was and we re working up the negroes into Strange fruits and flowers paint the dark practically unknown. He sort of independent negro, political now, and the black, drifting men and lecture platform, and with filteen persons cold of the old parties.
movement, that ll take them out of the women are back in the jungle. They as a nucleus founded in WHOLESALE 914, the de felling the trees they are battling Universal Negros Improvember 1914, Garvey can outline endlessly plans of the python and lion, they are building tion and African Communities League, thie sort. great practical schemes that AND RETAIL in the primeval chaos again that Songs The Association now claims mem seem incongruous as yet with this small. hi and sank into docay forgotten and ob. in 600 branches. The New York branch spoke to him.
empire of theirs that flourished onco bership of 2000, 000 negroes, organised old fashioned office where eat and He is as conffdent as any scure to all but themselves. owns two buildings on 13th Street, owne Napoleon. The venture is still in the Africal The dark, dangerous conti. three steamships, organized in the Black first flush of succes; it has gone beyond nent, the evil heart of the world, the Star Line, and is going in for factories, his modest dreams of a few years ago, place of mysterious poisons and strango co operative laundries and 2, 000, 000 and 00. 000 and now there seems no flights that the fevers and deaths that rise and smite fund to be raised for the purpose of sup wings of his imagination will not dare.
silently in the night. The white man port ng a High Potentate of the negro The most grandiose scheme in his im.
wees horror caught in that name; and race in his imperial labors. It has been a mediate platform, thought that althe black man sees his home, his heart, most amusing and significant progress. most took my breath away wa Gar his freedom and full statured manhood went to see this businesslike Mosel vey call for the convention of the negro in it, of the Negroo, at the offices of the asso race whome proceedings have filled the For they are dreaming of Africa along ciati ɔn. found him in a hive of desks papers recently.
135. Street. These drab figures, in books, clerks and efficiect activity. He Delegates were here from all over the OWNED BY this dull, sloomy city of their exile led me into an office where three young would deter thou om te delen od thing: The National City Bank of New York. and convention of thirty Sud brood barbaric glories and colored girls in summer dresses build imperial hopes of Africa, They bending over ledgers. tall, pale, min Highness, the Potentate of the negro are restless the land of lynching and isterial negro took him wide for few race, who will be their spokeman hereHead Office: 55, Wall Street social ostracism; they are yearning for moments, and then Garvey sat down near the exodus, they are longing for theme for the promised interview. But is not the President of the brinu Republic. sort of spokesman Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 14, 000, 000 for the negro roe now? asked. We will not interfere with his Official Deposltory of the Republic of Panama rights. said Garvey, grandly. Our THE Potentate position may be compared Depository of the Panama Canal to that of the Pope. He will take up his residence in Liberia ss the Pope has Through its Agencies in the Interior and in the Vitican in Italy. We will try to its Foreign Branches this Institution offers secure for our Potentate the same diplo exceptional banking facilities.
matic rights that the Pope now enjoys, NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Thus be will be our official spokesman, Is it clear!
Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indlan Islands was clear. And could not belp wondering if Garvey would not be Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent DRESSMAKERS proininent candidate at the convention for the very comfortable job of Poten.
Per Annum tate. wandered about the rest of the building and found negro ministers who The development of a personal mode for each handed me tracts, and quoted Ethiopia shall stretch forth ber hands unto God patron is the special function of our Establishment found a most learned negro who was an authority on the ancient negro civilisaIT PAYS ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Moses around ledgers, BIJOU from her soil.
The pire all in the vent on on the tion and could make out a wonde:ful case for the superiorities of the negro kultur read an editorial in the paper of Garvey Association, as sat there, and it boasted of Balala Gwai. deadly natural poison used by the black medicine men in the jungle, which can be and will be called in requisition when AFRICA AWAKES to drive the invader Politica Polition, God, kultur, voodooism, termbosts, factories, and dreams of em in this old ramshackle building.
converted into busy offices. It was drab, amall. humble, this placa, like the simple folk passing in the streets, with their simple needs and their hugo wrongs.
But did not seer at it and this mighty dream encased in such a sord. was seeing it with the eyes of the imagination, simple, enthusiastic agitators and then ambitions faded aws away. and saw Africa.
The palms were waving, the golden rivers flowing. Th, negres were happy in their home. They were building on.
And then saw even further, and saw And then them send out their great armies against the white world, to redeem in blood the Ancient crime.
Impossible? hope and pray so. But the white race is still cutting its own throat, and there are 490, 000, 000 negroes in the world, according to Garvay.
After. WILKINSON CONTRACTOR BUILDER First Classs Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free 15th Street West House90 Box 3411, Panama, WOMAN EXCHANGE The Park View Auditorium 25 BOLIVAR ST. COR, 3rd ST.
Upstairs Universal Grocery Store The best hall in Town cool, clean, comfortable and airy. Suitable for dances, Iparties rallies etc. etc.
Prloos Moderato Give us a call before going elsewhere BURTON BROS, Props.
Universal Grocery Sto Advertise in the Workman


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