
NO CAMOUFLAGE ett scored his branches, through The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
dent ber BUSINESS MEN ADVERTISE coxoxoxoen THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Banks to Fight Cuban Journals Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pall Americans and Canadians appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: to act Together Against Newspaper Campaign.
HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES WASHINGTON WATCHES IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM We want your patronage, West Indians For sale at all Drug Stores in this City Cabinet is kept Informed and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez We want you to purchase our remaining shares of Attacks Almed at ForSole Agent for the Republic of Pansms.
eign Financial Intereste GERVASIO GARCIA, We have made good and can make better if you help Havana. The five stronges We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices foreign banks here arrived at a definite understanding to day on measures of sele defener Olympic Hall. London, on May War Criminal is sent to pelling sick prisoner, to work, We can do all kinds of wood work against scurrilous newspaper tenth for a side stake of five attacks. It is belived that Prest thousand dollars and part of the Prison by German Court months, ordinary imprisonment.
asked for sentence of fifteen dent Zayas will be asked for a gate receipts. Beckett has twice We can build and repa your house and furniture definite announcement concera knocked out Weils, but the latter On the other hand Mueller ing sups he will advise his Goy Lees knot seems to be convinced ler, the second German Oficer confinement in a fortress would Leipzle, May 30 Captain Muel Counsel pleaded that six months Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us ettacolo in futurto priemer banks that Beckett is his master. Beck. to be placed on trial, charged be ample punishment.
ernment to take prevent such concerned are the Royal Bank wells inedi ve round kundene over wat, was to day sentencad to first with Don tell the other fellow of Canada, with forty five bran ord in three Beckett had arrang six months imprisonment, He National City Bank, with 25 ed to visit the United States for was tried on the charge of havches throughout the island; the Dr. LOWE Banco Mercantile with tur under the management of ing practiced cruelties on pris.
brand branches all Latin Charles Harvey, but his match oners at the Flavyle Martel L, edin America: Bank of Nova Scotia with Weils and others with Dick Prison Camp in Aisne Depart. Office Hoursi 30 am, Ip.
and the American Foreign Bank Smith and Joe Goddard will pre cutors, declaring that Mueller ment of France, The State prose. p.
ing Corporation Major General Enoch Crow rent his going for at least three was to blame for kicking and Box 798 Office 844 months.
Phones: der will have a conference with striking prisoners and for com Ancon, Resido 1002 President Zayas No. 47 CALIDONIA to morrow which is expected to have an important bearing on the whole SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSseX50: 50ASSISES:6 PHONE 830 banking situation.
Roger Farnham, Vice Presi: of the National City Bank of New York is here studying the situation, nation, but no word has Court Awards Negro Wo Solar Eruption may Mean escaped from him outside the more Sunshine for the official conferer ces. But every man Vast Fortune Earth.
Cuban interested in the negotia has his eye on Mr. Farn DECLARES HER OWNER OF London despatch dated June balceneral Manager Beatty o GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST RICH OIL LANDS 3rd states that recent solar erup.
the Royal Bank Canada, ai tions which caused brilliant Au.
American, a eures every one that roras and disorganized cible and he has no eficial telephone into Lilie Taylor is pribably the world may result in the earth re: telegraph serves the 20th Washirglon but it is generally wealthiest negro woman in the believed here that Presiden Uaited States as the result of a Subcreased quota of sun.
Harding and Secretaries Hughes decision handed down in the the year, says Sir Oliver Lodge, 662 and Mellon have a very close ur view of the entire Cuban proState Supreme Court last mon the noted Scientist. He dec ares in the suit of Lillie Ty it blem.
it is probable the moon soon will Cuba would be bankrupt overnight if the American banks IN THE lor vs. Angelina Allen, State of be strengthened, and that in con Louisiana and George West, de be improved. He evən ventured sequence the Indian harvest will that is those from the United States and Canada, should close creeing her to be the rightful the opinion that the electrified their business here, said one WORKMAN owner of a big tract of land in the particles thro mne ofis by pathe banking authority But there southwest section of Claiborne during the disturbance is no intention of abandoning elementine this field, Whatever ever drasand gas deposits, and the value vegetation and tic action is taken will be in self of which runs into the millions.
amount of dust held suspended defence and will only last until question of her ownership in the atmosphere. Sir Oliver the wicked ked newspapers are effec hinged on whether or not an ille says the Magnet disturbances tually curbed gitimate child can inherit from that attended the Solar eruption Dr Zayas told his new Cablits parente, article 238 of the civil were a torrent of electrior ayus fied net yesterday, according to but reliable infor children belong to no family a code declaring that illegitimate de particles which consthe a gigantic electric current and have no relatives.
is also held by mation, that living costs must be reduced before the coun ille Flammarion, the Inherits from Mother veteran re try could hope to carry into effect French Astronomer, who has The District Court in Claiborne expressed surprise at a storm establish the proper equilibrium.
parish recognizes Lillie Taylor as of such unusual violence occurr: He struck first at the roots in the heir of her mother, Lona Mcing at this time acd pointed out demanding the elimination of Gee, however, and as such order that the Sun is every useless employee upon ed her sent into ownership of the tions on the surface of the lumi.
of deminishing activity, the erup.
the payrolls. His second recom tract of land which her mother tior is the new tariff sche inherited from her father. Isom nary recurring at intervals of dule to be based upon a new 11 years. Sir Frank Dyson the reciprocity treaty with the Uni The State of Louisiana tried to Astronomer Royal declares that get into the matter by interven the disturbances caused by the British trade with Cuba is ing in the suit of Lillie Taylor sun spots were the worst ever growing rapidly, and during the against Angelina Allen, an action experienced in England.
first fiscal year it increased brought merely in order to have about 40 per cent. The overseas Lillie formally and legally declar.
travellers, as the Engliste boere com ed owner, the Attorney General mercial and financial agents contending that the land was the are styled, are alert, keen for property of the State because RADIUM business, sympathetic with the Lillie Taylor, beldg an illegiti mate child not could inberlt.
Sub Will cure you or it will ronize the Cubans than Amerisequenty George West also inter make such a change in your cans. Under the recent tariff vened, contending that he was feelings and appearance revision proposal Britain would the owner of and occupied tho that you will be perfectly gain in every way, having reland cently cut off 50 per cent, surtax Therefore satisfied with results.
Fabulous Fortune on tobacco.
While the suit was dragging in And it costs you nothing the courts the value of the land To try it SPORT and los products steadily grew up WE TAKE ALL THE RISK into the millions, until now, when per Tex Rickard has submitted to owner of the lands, of address on postal card and the Jersey City building commis the oil within them and of tanks, mail it to sion his plans for the arena for and pipelines that has been the Dempsey Carpentier bout.
pumped from them, it has attain. ALEXANDER BROWN, Agent, He estimates the seating capaed a fabulous figure.
Radium Appliance Co. city at about 50, 000. The arena It is rumored that attorneys Box 896, Anoon, will measure 460 feet across. The for Lillie Taylor are to receive a or Box 1731, Cristobal, seat farthest removed from either fee of upward of 450, 000 for He will do the rest.
side of the ring will be about 35 services rendered. Exchange)
feet high. There will be field seats leading away from the four sides of the ring to the point where the arena begins to unfold YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT itself in the air. At the base of the inclined arena will be two rows of boxes extending over the entire lower level of the seats.
That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
Back of these boxes the arena seats will We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisThe Ecale of prices includes factory service in the interest of our customers is our eight grades, starting at the low constant aim and purpose.
est priced ticket for and ranging up to 50 for the ringside For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry seats. The intermediate prices are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and and expert repairing. Call and visit. 40.
Joe Beckett, the heavy weight WORKMAN PRINTERY FULLER JEWELRY STORE, champion of England, and Bom.
bardier Wells, formerly holder of 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
the title were matched to do battle for twenty rounds at the The due to a which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
semi official, 500xos opinion is also che Can.
is now at a a period mendation McGee ted States.
The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
THE WORKMAN is and Advertision Medium which must bring good results.
clared ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonabl BOOK BINDING begin.
Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly oound at the


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