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PRICE Cts. Cy Silver Emyloyees Given Hearing SUFFERINGS OF JAMAICANS COLORED IN CUBA NOW KEEN MORATORIUM OF BANKS IN CUBA NOW ENDED ma bearing, acte nine o clock a group of of wages, referforce in the near 300 per point YOUTHFUL DEPUTATION BURGLAR Presents Grievances to In Again on the Inside Lookvestigation Commission.
Ing Out Said to Work for Months on Sugar at the request of the Chair Rudolph Wilson, the youth of Debtors and Creditors Likely to man of the Investigation Com 17 summers, who is striving his Estates and Cannot Get Any Pay mission now enquiring into labor utmost to outshine the record of Harmonize Interests in Crisis conditions on Pan ama Canal that a deputation re who is already responsible for that presenting the silver ovar two robberies, The Havana Post of the 15th June, just to hand the story of a recent uprising on an estate in Cuba, known of the Panama Canal and Plana de agradna behind the bars after bis comments thus on the financial crisis which has ustvershad.
Rallroad second attempt away from as Puri. in the Santa Clara province of the republic, has just been received in Kingston. It is told by a well known tog rom man als Son. mittere consiste punishment for his nefarious owed that country since the latter part of last year::st citizen who has returned from Cuba, and he got the story Harris from the Pa The circumstances in connec Today marks the ending of the moratorium.
first hand. Necessary conferences were held yesterday in the cific end, and Parker tion with the capture of this in Cuba have been experiencing great difficulty in obtain given a hearing at o clock yes bar doings at beadquarters, was ferred with the Cominission for the Liquidation of Banks, It appears that for some months past the labourers tic end, representing labyr, was and Martin from the Atlan youthful lawbreaker runs thus. Palace between President Zayas and the Congressional While Lieutenant Buendia, who Banking Commissioners.
to know Wilson froin ing money wherewith to purchase foodstuffs. They work terday morningat Biboa bis It was reported later that the President had also confor months and all they receive in return are pieces of paper Heights.
doing his best about nine goods for were long. Mr. S, Whyte was the on Monday night, he ob of which Oscar Wells is an American representative.
this padricular estate, Purio, the Wbourers seemed tỳ have arabasing en rad re sredeti southese on the edge of a day and was reported among the callers at the National served a West made a demand for their money, with the result that some of pericians apresented by the sidewalk in 23rd street, Guacha Palace ditions disturbance followed. How it actually originated is not late Silver Employees Associa pali, among whom was the escapdefinitely known, but in a riot which developed, it is as tion to former Governor Harding ed RETURN TO NORMAL bero. Before attacking hin, serted that the administrator and five others were killed.
The question however, be sought commis the aid of a The participants in the disturbance were Haytians and ties, were strongly emphasiz. across a mamber of sary privileges. Financial Secretary Gelabert in referring to the endhospital facili. comrade and was lucky to come the detective ing of the moratorium explained that business conditions other West Indian labourers. In nearly every province It was pointed out with vicinity. Mak would return to the state which existed prior to the praof Cuba there is some trouble or other over the labourers ence to hospital facilities that a ing a detour, the detective ca ne mulgation of the first moratorium decrea.
getting their pay. Many of the big centrals have been silver employee earning 50 per up iu rear of the place so as to last and Shut down owing to the fact that they have no money to day was charged the im aunt of cui sono un attempts to retreat by merchants would harmonize their interests with cerita:3, Wilson, while Lieutenant operate the mills and hundreds of proprietors of colones modation for a member of his proached the ging, apparently in order to pass the crisis due to the scarcity of cu reacy (properties) which supplied the centrals with canes, have family. Another importen point not noticing them. During the after woon the Secretaries of Justice and been closed down.
brought up was that of mar When well within distance, he Finance held interviews with President Zayas It was later Dire hardship is being experienced by a large number ried employee falling sick, he was made a dash for his prey who at reported that the general bunking situatiön had been reof Jamaicans in the Republic, and the British Consul at allowed bio per cent of his tempted to reta away we de bois viewed and consideration given to requisite legislation to Santiago de Cuba has been sending home a number of na family resided on the Isthmus, ed by the detective in the rear. relieve the general economie depression.
will if not, he was only allowed 25 He immediately stood up, and be carried on on a more extensive scale; and the Govern per cent, the same as a bachelor, whipped ment have now got under consideration some proposal in despite the fact that the mar aimed point blank at the police Panama Wesleyans 4th of JulyAthletics this connection.
ried employee had to maintain man, but unfortunately missed his family abroad.
and in Welcome New Meet.
Оа the of wages, it was enunt was upon him. Wilson Neverson Robbed Fire in Colon. strongly presented that the wage then cominenced a fierce strug: Pastor.
paid the siver employee was gle to get away bat the copprov.
The Isthmian Park will be the of 1, 000 greatly inadequate to meet the ed too much for him and in al. on July 4th, where IsthColon, June 23. fire of un present high cost of living which short time had him safely landed Standing room was at a premlum mian Athletes will demonstratio known origin today broke out at has been existing for some There he confesed that the revol: Wesleyan Methodist Church in representatives of what is best in the Central Police Station. last Thursday evening in the their claim THREE ARRESTED for selection as the warehouse of Mr. Pascal.
time and strongly recom Colon, June 30. The resid Canavaggio, on Front street mended that conditions general ver be carried was stolen by him this city cith their friends and with the Jamaica Athletes in athletics here to compete ence of Mr. John Neferson, Man but was promptly attacked ly for the silver employees should from the show window of Chiari that body be improved hardware store on Central Ave. sympathizers assembled to ex: the big event to be held in ager of the Universal Trading by the Colon and Cristobal fireCom parket wassende red because og von andere verhout houtet og bland ry privileged it was stated among glass with a stone. He also took the new Superintendent of the Besides athletics, in the question of after hearty Isle Springs November inst, and cash and values to the work. It was a short time after many other things that the arti: away from the same place a Circuit and the Pastor of the there will be a grand jazz com amount of 000 dollars stolen.
and business in the cles of merchandise sold in the guantity of ammunition, which church Rav. Kissock Braham petition in which prizos It given to the two couples whì when Mr. Neverson awoku and luncheon when the policeman on much iaferior to those sold in revolver and thus the narrow es was about a. on Monday, warehouse was suspended for silver commissaries were very however. was not suited to the Arrangements had been made impress the judge as being the discovered that his apartments auty discovered the smoke issu the gold commissaries. cape of the lieutenant, for a representative from each most artistic juzzers. The Silver were visited while he sle In ing from the building. The The next point dwelt on was Wilson when arrested, was of the Protestant Churches in City Band has been engaged to the pockets of the pants he took fire departments were at once the community toilets in several prepared for a quick transform and around the city being pres discourse music both day and retiring, All and the firemen ware of the Silver settlements on the one of grey tweed oyer another following could make it possible diversion ers of sports and as he had on two pairs of pants, ent at the meeting, but only the night. cash, which along With following immediately on the scene, while Canal Zone. Sit should not fail to be was stated that were carried of Five filty do a large crowd gathered to wit these tollets were a danger to of khaki, as weil as two shirts to attend. Rev. Thorbourne of there. The track is in 1. conLars Liberty bonds; two watches mees the conflagration. The fire morals and two chains; one watch and mittance by breaking the glass cency of not ad conducive one an olive drab wollen, and the Baptist Church, Command. dition and the dancing space in respect and the other a de white cloth negligee shirt Morris of the Salvation the pavilion has been enlarged to two necklaces, the property of his wife; une serge suit, one pair windows, but it was not until those settlements. It would be black cloth with black stripes. Army, Rev. Wilkins of the nearly twice its original siz pocket.
Dascribing snoes; one Panama hat; one pair about o clock that the flames more economic to install Lath. in bis 90 mask was also found Methodist Episcopal and Rev. with a well prepared floor.
his Tylerbest of the Nazarene slippers; bank book and keys, enventually extinguished. rooms and toilets in all the last escape from Monte Oscuro, Chuch.
The matter was quickly com The damage is estimated at houses thereby preserving the the Panamanian prison camp The meeting was opened by Eat Bijou Ice Cream.
municated to the Detective Bu about 10, 000 good record which the govern near to the village of Juan Diaz, the Rav. o. Surgeon, acting reau, with the result that on Tuesday, the 28th, a Chilean was sanitation down here. regard to the absence of his guard who payer being offered by the Rama po dhenay united. cofortishea che Wilson said he took advantage of Superintendent who presided, arrested, which led to the fur members of the Detective Force had stepped out to deputation of colored schoolt to a neighbor choir the chairman gave quite this important and needy part ther arrest yesterday of two on Saturday night, June 11, in teachers consisting of Messrs. water and beat It get drink of Wilkins. After an anthem by the good may be accomplished in wood where he remained con a descriptive sketch of the of the Master Vineyard.
some of the stolen articles, llibero bake convenient sterling qualities of the new 101, Central Avenue, immediate Walters representing education for him to return to this city incumbent and strongly recom just returned from a visit to his The Rev. Braham who had Our Detective department is ly opposite the Cecilia Theatre was also given a hearing.
to be complimented on the quick being satisfied of their which he did by traveling along mended him to the unstinted family in Canada. during which round up that has been made on pronounced the following see the disadvantages under which that he was seen by no one Au comme unitáress of welcome from calm manner tothe many express These gentlemen in pointingout the main road, making sure alway support of the church and he underwent a serious opera a case of this nature. This orga tences: Chris Lory, a fine of schoolteachers labor stated that his nights were spent in the city tion, replied in an exceptionally a two months imprison of high efficiency, of which any ment, this being his second of of the maximum of 960, 00 per and in the daytime he slept in the officers and members of the sions of welcome and good will community should be proud, fence; Burry, Jos. Mitchell year allowed a teacher as salary different places on the outskirts church was read by the veteran extended to him by the various and can be favorably compared and Chas. Vine, 200 each. he only drew 77 50 per month for local preacher Harris, and speakers. He was here, he said with the best in other arts. To Thomas Gray. the west the nine school months of the contained many beautiful senti for one purpose and that to save Indian, who was acting as watch year, being compell 3d to take Must Pay Death Penalty. ments of welcome and expres souls and was going to rely on man at the Gambiers Given Hot Sen fine of 100. while on Rosendo found it hard to exist for a whole ng has refused to commute the by Rev. Thorbourne, Command three months vacation without the many promises to which he was attached den, sions of unflinching deyotion remuneration that Washington. President Hard Addresses were then delivered tonces Diaz, the owner of the house and The addresses were interwho violently resisted the en year on a month salary.
death sentence of the Negro ant Morris, Revds. Wikins and spersed with special items from trance of the police and the det They also pointed out that in sentenced to be hanged on Fri Tylerbest in the order mention the cholr, whose renditions The present presiding Judge tectives, was imposed a fine to many cases teachers had to live day 24 inst.
of the Santa Ana District, whose the tune of 150 and 15 days on tenement buildings where the State penitentiary at Rich their sect and following a hearty the chair. After the singing He is now held in ed, all expressing on behalf of were specially commended from duty it was to enquire into the imprisonment.
charges of gambling preferred Mr. Aatonio Valdes, attor hindered them from preparing for Moore Jr. near Alexander.
noise and confusion greatly mond for the murder of Morgan welcome to Mr. Braham, con of the Hymn Ooward Christain gratulating the members of the Soldiers and the pronouncement against Americans who were ney for the defence, has given duty: Agaln no provision was church on securing such a of the benediction by the Supercaught in the very act by Lieu notịca of appeal to the Mayor of made for bigger boys leaving reputable leader as outlined by intendent, the meeting came to tenant Gutierez and certain the district.
school that they be allowed Eat Bijou Ice Cream, the chairman and hoping that a close.
when the members of the the a 20th boon will be hour Bl: pt called and time gaining adobom the ot ant Mo were.
guilt, nization has had listened

    Death Sentence

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