
PACE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1921 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands of that sugr ALBOA EST EER REWED Trinidad DE financial shares.
Toe effect these Education, wouli April 30. h:tions to salaries and wages of the advanced on account of sales Jamaica Permanent Way Branch; 306 owing to the lower prices at additions to wages to drivers, which the crop is likely to be tiremen allowances; The Government of wages for engines mainteze sold, has created consternation ance and repairs 4037; L2 622 among the crowers, and there is talk of Proposed to Aid maintenance and repairs to folle being asked to raise a joan stocktɔ cover cost growers Sugar Planters purchase and repairs of building ani to hold St. Vincent Cotton acquired for u? e as a Post Office to The Incentin at Catadu pa and 2230 for ex for per 1b Resolution and Bill to be penses in connection with the is about the only industry that expresses the opinion Submitted to the Hon. committee appointed to deal with will benefit the colony as a whole the Railway extensiom Legislative Council.
and advocates the formation of Chapelton to Cascade onwards.
a syndicate to erect a central sugar factory at Cane Grove cr FORM OF ASSISTANCE.
The cane farmers and planters Arno Vale.
of St. Thomas In The Vale bave Governor Confers with been protesting against the high rates charged by the Jamaica Dominica Gentlemen on Financial Railway for holding canes.
matters also Sugar The response to invitations for Industry, exhibits for the Tropical Products Exhibition has been mea few days ago we announced gre, and this and other difficult that a proposal has been made to Angostura Bitters (Dr. ies will prevent the Presidency the Government to aid a large B, Siegert and Sons. participating in the show, after number of the sugar plantations all.
to carry on, As newspar per The directors have drawn up Mr. William B, Robertson, of readers are aware, owing to the scheme for transferring the fall in the prices of sugar, and the compnay to Trinidad step Bath Estate, died at Barbados stringency existing which has long been desired by on April 22, from dysentery.
generally, it is known that sever the local shareholders. Substan The Dominican Chronicte learns al of the sugar planters are til inducements are to be offered that a brewery is shortly to be likely to go under unless they to the Preference shareholders, opened at Fort de France, Mar receive financial assistance from the bulk of whom resides in the tinique, The Goveryment And it is proUnited Kingdom, to obtain their posed that to enable this to be support for the proposal. The condition; bardly a dead hole better condition but are becom.
Barbados dune, a loan should be raised by Preference share are now entiSt. Lucia can be seen in any of the fields ing dry.
the Government and them atter tled to a cumulative dividend that we have come across. The Presiding at the annual meetB. 10 (12) are ratooning withing of the Chamber of Commerce regulated so far as security and of per cent. with participating Land Clearing repayment are concerned by Lor: rights to a further one per cent. Barbados and the great vigour and the bunches are on April 7th, Mr. Aus.
gislat ve enactment.
It rapidly thickening The Batin said that he thought Barba The Voice of St. Lucia sees in It is learnt that His Excellency exche farmed besee the 189000 Trade Agreement 6032 ratoons are also doing walı dos sh culd make such contribu the clearing of the waste land at capital as the present 170, 000 Many fields hiva already had a tion as she could afford mtor the Union for cultivation, a solution ference with certain gentlemen halt being in Participating Pre of nitrate of three who are wdl versed in financial ference and halt in Ordinary The weather of the begining potash, or of sulphate of am vice, not only as an earnest of and vexitions The existing concern of April was fine, but the closing matters, and few who baye all then be changed on par days of the month were praels cannot yet 8? en ade relations set up, but also trial Training and Experi.
problems thite of of the value of the visage St. Lucia today. Compul appreciation industry.
Agricultural ani The planters who apparently basis, for shares in the new con tickly dry.
require the most money, are cern, but be per cent, and the April, 1920, when only one show. ficient rain to further this. Withing regular and efficient steam mental Manaining of Seedling Compared with because there has not been suf the manifest advantage of hav.
located in the parish of West Participating rights will give an er fell, the month was more vated and manured tields can be contributed by Barbados nn. also like to see a for in atory ea.
such weather only well calti. ship com nuication. The sum to Canes. Our contemporary The moreland, and it is rumoured additional per cent. pre favourable, and the condition that a special emissary represent directors with the exception of crops during it better than at show any real signs of pro der the agreement was 5, 000 tablished whose inmates might senting the Government went of Mr. Siegert, who will be the same time last year, which gress; pianters are without any par annum. The Legislature carry on the work and at the down to that parish last week on the Board of the new com is all that can be said: The doubt tested by such existing had agreed to contribute 000, same time to make enquiries on behalt of pany, will receive 4, 000 as com Agriculturall Roporter statas, un weather conditions. Unless we and he hoped that the Canadian acientific training. The wharves the Government pensation for loss off office. der date soon get good soaking rains Government would accept that at Castries would also be rid of It can be stated that the Gov. Shareholders not assenting me to The young canes in general which we do require now pro sum, which appeared to be a the swarm of vagrants it this to come to the aid of the sugar planters, and statutory right to have theit in eine holding out nicely, and only visione a recenthe planted will be fair and equitable contribution police waronia be valoarea.
St. Philip and parts checked in the exact form of assistance will terests bought out.
of St. George and St. Peter have the earth, particularly in the red be outlined in a resolution and Rent Recept Books in Span! we so far, seen any fields of plant soils, is parched and dry; the Demerara afterwards a Bill to be submitted Heavy rains have been falling, canes have which grown badly. thin soils are chiefly affected and sh and English, for sale at the to the Legislative Council. and the Savannah has not as The ratoons are in excellent the sea board districts are in a Workman Printery sumed its usual dry season coat British Guiana Rice Financial Position of brown.
Sexes OSX SXSEX soos Situation.
of the Colony Writing on April 26th, Mr.
Tripp stated that Trinidad was ready now, as she always had The refusal of the Government The financial position of the been, to contribute liberally to a to decontrol rice, continues to Colony is causing considerable subsidy for an efficient suitable COMPOUND EXTRACT form the subject of adverse anxiety, and it has become ap transatlantic mail service, but Comment in the Press, it being parent that there is real and ur. Colony could not be expect regarded as little short of a scan.
gent need for retrenchment, ed to consider a contract which With many kinds of island pro it was dal that two and a half years believed would involve the duce almost unealeable, it is felt use of steamers in which it was after the cessa tion of hosthat development schemes in. a my sery to travel, especially as tilities an important industry volving the expenditure of pub there were indications of better FOR should still be hampered by control lic money must be suspended facilities being offered by lines It is stated that the East Inuntil conditions are more fay Other than that which held the STRENGTHENING dian farmers are beginning to get ourable, as otherwise there will last contract. In any case, Triit into their heads that there is a serious financial pidad enjoyed the service of the be danger crisis. Development Commis. Dntch Line, upon whose comfortTHE BLOOD a conspiracy between the sugar sion has been appointed to con. able vessels they could fall back, planters and the Government sider what curtailment of expen when all auxiliary British steam CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL to ruin the rice industry, and be effected, but the ers were filled up.
is causing some introduction Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, of a bill to provide of rice farmers and millers for an extension of the railway Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, from the East and West Coast, The Gordon Presentation Clock from Chapelton to Frankfield numbering about Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
300 in all.
does not indicate a held at Queen Park Royal College, real on the Governor at the ciation on the part of the Gov. has been in the limelight again, ublic Buildings, on April 11th AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR the.
to represent to him their views: situation. Meanwhile Jamaica ously muffled. The Hon. Laz PURIFYING AND ENRICHING that the Governor la told is rapidly drifting into the posi are reffered to the matter in the would not there, tive Council, asking if they then tion it was in when Sir David the bells had been mufled with Legislative proceeded to Government House, Barbour was sent out to investi. His Excellency sanction. The where informed the Private gate and report on the finances reply was to the effect that this Secretary that had come of the Colony.
had been taken without appeal to His Excellency for the authority of bis Excellency, the protection of the rice indusSome Items which Go to who had ordered that they should Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed try with Burrisongerence to Make up State Supple be demuffled.
In thls preparation.
ment that it cost at present 11 The railway goes from bad to 50 to manufacture a bag of mentary Estimates worse, and it is stated that Mr.
Javier Morain, American Pharmacy rice of 180lbs, whereas they Marwood the General Manager could not get purchasers to buy The Gleaner states that in the has asked for a commission to KSAKSS at even per bag. They subse.
course of the next few days the enquire into the circumstances quently visited their represene Legislative Council will asked to which had led to this state of tatives in the Legislature, approve of Supplementary Esti affairs being brought about. The 21. Among the militaires e expended prior to the outbreak of war Will return to the West are. 1, 800 to provide a build after which it was impossible to Indies.
ing of pise or terre construction feed it with material.
to be used as quarters for coolie Mr. Alves promised visit to the barracks; 431 for purchase of Colony never materialised, but in Spanish and English St. Vincent property at Bath for purposes that oil magnate has announced that he will return to the West of a Court House and cost of repairing the premises; 630, Indies next January for a proCentral Proposed.
longed tour, which will include cost of installing and providing a Delco Plant at Moneague Hotel Mr Popham Lobb returned a stay in British Guiana, where in connection with the visit of to the Colony on April 11th. from he is desirous of discussing imHR. the Prince of Wales; 300 Trinidad, where he attended the portant matters which inay have in connection with the Housing Intercolonial Education Conferiar reaching etfects in connection Commission; 99 15s. expenses encel The St. Vincent Races with the welfare of the colony.
in connection with the electrifi were held on the 19th when an cation of the Railway; 217 to ideal day sport was enjoyed, NOTICE complete the erection of Rav requisition by the British CotAT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY The Rose of Panama Lodge, room at the Pablic General Hos. ton Growing Association for a Order of Free Gardeners meets pital in Kingston; 6, 000 addi eturn of a portion of the money the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
DR. GEMS BLOOD ELIXIR this is diture can angry body appre waited on not be THE BLOOD core they they to action Professor RENT RECEIPT BOOKS Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE


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