
them Black cause, rom to Mr.
the were: The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
BUSINESS MEN never to those critics ADVERTISE of recitation, THE WORKMAN, SATURD TY, JULY 2, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Leaders Again Speak in Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pall Ward Theatre NO CAMOUFLAGE appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: Mr. Garvey, Miss HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES Davis Mr. de Bourg Addressed Gathering on IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM We want your patronage, West Indians Sunday For sale at all Drug Stores in this City THEIR AIMS OBJECTS and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez We want you to purchase our remaining shares Sole Agent for the Rooublie of Panama Despite Obstacles they say GERVASIO GARCIA, We have made good and can make better if you help they will Fight Until We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices Ends are Achieved.
We can do all kinds of woɔd work The Ward Theatre was packed serve. Even if he died in the Thousands Purchasing pertars and later some of be fron end to end on Sunday nigh cause the others of the execu Tickets for Demsey Car best aliddleweights wil be calid last, when Mr. Marcus Garvey, tive council would carry on the We can build and repa your house and furniture in.
President General of the Uni movement until their ultimate pentier Fight.
versal Negro Improvement Asso goal was reached. He thanked ciation, and President of the urged them to rally to for their attendance and Mew York Tex Rickards has Briton will not Act against Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us Star Line held another the se estimated that between thirty America.
meeting in connection with his Bain Alves made a few and thirty five thousand persons Don tell the other fellow London. Austin Chamberlain, propaganda have already purchased tickets Mr. Jones President of who interrupting Mr. for the Dempsey. Carpentier fight Goveroment Leader in the House local branch, presided, and explained that the time on July 2nd making an advance of Commons, stated today in the among others on the platform desired to say was that he was when completed will have seal to prescribə the action of the was getting on What Mr. Alve sale of 400, 000. The big ball House, Although do not wish Silory remaks to Mr Sidney deBourg, leader of the Association for the coming forward at the coming ing capacity for 60, 000 West Indies. Miss Henrietta municipal election and be asked one third of which has been sold. Imperial Conference, it is right Vinton Davis, International Or them all to give Mr. Alves their again his chiet object will be to be a party to any alliance direcWith Dempsey back in training to say at once that we shall Dt ganizer; sident of the Jamaica Federation The meeting concluded with Carpentier who is very crafty, which we may be called upon to develop speed to match that of ed against America or under of Labcur, and several others. the singing of the Doxology, No. 47 CALIDONIA The inosting began with the Ho is using lighter and faster at against America.
singing of the hymn: From PHONE 830 SOOXSEXSOK Greenland lcy Mountain, and XONSES after prayer by the chairman, the The Church one foundation was sung.
The chairman, in the course of Gen. Smuts Speaks FASTEST RACE HORSE an eloquent address, extended hearty welcome to Mr. Marc on Union of the New York. June When Man War set a new American reGarvey who through certam mishaps to the Kanawah, was still Empire cord for a mile of 35 5 in cap.
with them. After dealing with with turing the Whitbers Stakes last werd the aims and objects of the AsMiera Bonds of Race Does Not year it was predicted that presociation. Mr. Jones referred to Suche sent day race goers would GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST ome which had been see the mark lowered. It 33 Appeal to Him as Being the welcome Sufficient.
given to the deputation which boken at Belmont Park yester had gone cut to Monovia day by the Forgo Sable warm reception given them was CECIL RHODES EFFORT Aura ous, liinaltera remark best answer to able exibition of speed won the who were Mineola Handicap in Feels Sure that Idea of Great cipping a tifth were suggesting that they in 35 23, were not wanted in Liberia.
of a from a second appealed to his hearers to think Empire Builder is the the time made by the three year of home. All nationalities thought Correct One.
cld champion of last year.
home. Why not the negroes?
In setting this record Audac. reci Africa was IN THB UNION OF WHITE RACES lous carried 118 pounds, the given by one of the members, same weight ag carried by Man and Mr. McCormack followed War in his record mile journey with a song which delighted the WORKMAN London, June 11. Speaking at though Audacious is now a five audience.
a Rhodes Scholarship Trust Din year old. He won by a length from the Levington Stable ner given at Oxford last night, Eternal which had just recently Mr. De Bourg Speech General Smuts, Prime Minister come back to After another recitation Mr races with an de Bourg addressed the meeting.
of South Africa, said that the easy victory at Jamaica. The He pointed out that the white mere bonds of race which were margin of victory was slightly man wherever bis interests were supposed to hold the Empire more than a length bat Aud?
Veto concerned, was not with the together did not appeal to him. cious won bandily black man. It was therefore the a Pelarger view that there thaveland Thunderclap. the earls duty of the black man look for bimself, and the only way tɔ do were greater forces working, pacemaker, and on that platform of great horses which started that was by united action.
ideals or great conceptions of that not only the fastest mile read extracts from Sir Sydney human service, it was possible hat has ever been run in com.
reivier book: White Capital fous of whatever nationaliiy to run under such terrific pace that to petition in this country, but was Coloured Labour, and urg ed the men of the race to co op to bring together not only the records for intermediate diserate for their interest and for Whitish people but also America tances were eclipsed. The track their own advancement.
which was the first British Dom: 5 and Audacious and Thunder. der Mrs. McCormack then render.
ed bead song.
Miss Vieton Davis then gave a as one of iemselves. Whatever and head at that point in the race short address. She said perbaps was the human destiny at stake covered the six furlongs in 10 in the years to come we felt that 5. Some idea of the territic the purpose was in the plan of God that Mr. Garvey was still America, no matter what her speed at which the horses trav.
hre in Jamaica Difficulties ordinary politics, would be with elled can be had from the fractio.
hd been set up which were not us. Some of Rhodes ideas were 5, 1:10 5, 35 5, tonal time, which was 22 5, 0:16 unexpected and which would be said, temporarily submerged, not deter them from going up but the day was coming when ward and onward in the march men wou say his was the for liberty.
negro did not idea of union, and in the union WEST INDIAN EMPORIknow his strength or his power.
of the great white races and UM OF FASHION forces alone could be found a When he did, he would go forth despite any obstacles that true guarantee of western civili Mrs. Wilson begs to in his path, on me zation.
inform her various patrons and difficulties, no Rt. Hon. F, Massey, Prime that she has re opened her by whom engendered, would Minister of New Zealand, reiterstrengthen him to go forth with ated that he was strongly in fav Fashion Emporium at No.
33 renewed strength and renewed or of a partnership of the nations Calidonia Road, and that she power. Negroes were going to the but part. will be pleased to serve them reclaim the motherland of Africa Advertision Medium which nership had duties as well as one and all again.
and nothing would prevent them. Applause. be able to improve the present on Since The President General the War Cabinet had ceased, the Dr. LORD Dominions had no definite repre and HOWELL collection was after which Mr. Garvey address Bentation in the Government of ed the audience on The New the Empire, which was not satisDentists factory to overseas loyalists.
Negro. He said that despite all 143 CENTRAL AVE the critics, they were going to march on and upward till their Rent Recelpt Books in Span(Late Dr. Bailey Office)
goal was achieved.
Obstacles ish and English for sale at The The Latest in Crown and were being put in th: Workman. Printery, Bridge Work.
the more obstacles that were the more they would fight.
When they joined the Negro As.
sociation they joined an associa: FOR SALE of fighters, and not until tion Africa was freed would they conferred with thele: He had and they hoped to deal success kolex with their enemies. They The Proprietor being in failing health desires to rewho had sold them or were tire from business and will dispose of the entire trying to sell them for a few hunPlant at a Sacrifice.
dred dollars. They would deal with them in time. The dollars The Office is equipped for Job Work would soon be spent, and when as well as for a Newspaper.
they were left without a nickel that was the time the Association (Size of matter x 15 inches. Anyone wishes to enter would have its innings.
WORKMAN PRINTERY They the Printing arena will surely meet a splendid bargin.
need have no fear of the scheme The office can be inspected at any time.
not going through. or listen to critics who had some purpose to the oooooo was which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
man to It was furlongs is 10 inion whom they were rochain clap, which Were The next The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
Therefore THE WORKMAN is an must bring good results.
put matter taken up, ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonabl. way, but put BOOK BINDING Isthmian Organ Printing Ohice Why allow your Books to go to pieces.
when you can have them neatly oound at the


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