p. 8


CONTINUATION THE DIAMOND QUEEN Chombus oftant here, ARE YOU COMPETING and very The Lucky Strike Word Contest. 175 GOLD IN PRIZES.
to Indies.
of aporter and a LUCKY STRIKE MR. WYNTER CONTINUES Want Every Body Pows DISKO 90 SOX60X50 6S to Know.
PACIFIC THEATRE To Refute Statements in Local Paper The British American Tobacco reply to the unwarranted attack made terminus of which should be the ancient York is conducting a series of con Me. Editor. Ia continuation of my ansceistes might open a railway the Co. of (Panama) Ltd. with Headquarters in London and New unjust Ssbly by La Defensa. bow city of Panama. In 1850, John Ste tests both educational and otherproceed to dispel the illusions and south phens, was sent to Bogota and brought wise on their various brands of ing du istions made against West bac and Indians doing so stall not be un operating a railroad, dated April 15. cigarettes, but principally on the 115. good Old Virginia Blend, popumindful of the courtesy shown hitherto 1850. It was signed by the Secretary larly known from Maine to Cali of the Great by the saber element of the Panamanian of State of New Granada, Dco Victo fornia as PIEDMONT The people; nor will forget the beneficent riano do Diego Parades. In the con Daddy of Em All.
co jsiderations shown by this Government cession granted provisions were made Mr. Piedmont is offering the Universal Serial from time to time. It is sometimes peces for the employ of West Indians. handsome sum of 200 in XX eary that impudent insults should be The work was commenced, and the prizes running from 50 to 1, contested with drastic language; shall first sation, Gatun, was reached Octo for the greatest number of pack bowever, maintain throughout this dis ber 1st, 1851 Ia the year 1877, Lieut, age fronts turned in by July 25, cus in, bar su vity of manners which Lucien Napoleoa Bonaparte Wyse of the Now is the time for you to show is characteristic of Engliela culture, French navy, a companied by Ror your mutual appreciation to the It is necessary, so that the readers of lus come from Paris to Panama for the Daddy of of Em All, your conthis journal may have a clean un batruc purpose of making survey for an stant friend. indeed and in need. id view of the subjret under discussion interoceanic canal. In Lieut that a translation of the arti le Chinko Wys obtained from the Colombiat by registering yourseli a contes and publiebed in the editorial government on the presentation of his column of La Djensa of June be survey. concession for excavating the Daddy of Em All is one of It is an indisputable fact that reproduc Canal between Colon and Panama. In the best liked men on the PaciWe published an article yesterday 1879, the lo eraational Canal Congress fic slde, particularly for his gener anent the e competiticn presented to the through the influenca of Count native lave urer by the West Indians. nope was called in Porie. company alike. Need we recall the several and we now desire to dwell on the racial was at once formed by Ferdinand de visits he has paid in prejudice that wid element is causing us. Lesseps at the head and was called Ls shine Ls shine to different 10 rain or Above all things, we mus enfess that we compagnie General du Canal Oceanique country, including Calidonia bave not been able to acertain why laws de Panama, do 1850 the work was Gauchapali and San Miguel a introduction of restric Chinese and game laws are not applic. turned his eyes to Jamaica for the labor has always awaited him with of begun, and again Count de Lesseps of the vociferous welcome that.
able to the Chombos, The fact is, that to build the Panama Canal.
Laborers unbated breath, and of his freely IN the Chinese is an element of work, a law were brought from all parts of the and promptlv distributing his abiding citizen, nət largely :clined to world, but the West Indians, chiefly the dollars and quarters indiscrimi quarrels and rows, and is always ready Jamaicans, were the only one to our nately to co opera e in anything that means vive the conditions and remained With a view of keeping abreat a progress and enterprise, As a rule they permanent resident up to this day.
are married in their fatherland and Not only did they come as lab rere, of the critical times, in which ve seldom do they inter marry with our but also as cultivators, The Jamaicans live, and with an eagle eye to women, They devote themeelves to their brought to their brought over fruits, vegetables and everything, and lastly because of own business, and amongst their mem bere very few can be considered as loafers which were awaiting exploitation, caused ful adherents, the Daddy of Em flowers with them; and the virgin lands the abiding interest he takes in the of the legion of his faithor beggire, They have the vice of gam very much from the lack of ambition of bling, to say nothing of opium, but native labor, began to blossom and yield Contest (which is attracting uni: All has resolved to stage this whenever the autborities are neither increase. The French Canal was twice con daf nor dumb, they have very litle closed down and readers of bistory will versal attention) believing that chance for temptation.
On the other hand the Chombo is a dered to West Iadian labor by count pose for his followers to obtain never forget the high comp iment ren it would serve a most useful pur true. cial plague by their habis, who deLesseps on his final visit to the Teth something substantial for any instead of presenting to our people some mus.
appreciable effort. Consequent Entrance Fee Empty Lucky Strike Packages.
race pride in charac er, they offer the Panama separated from Colombia in ly it is up to one and all to rally mit despicable examples of crime. The 1903, The United States Government thus show your gratitude in the around the Grand Old Man and CWw. Lo gultiplies hituself wonderfully secured by a treaty, a concession for the way before pointed out How Many Words can YOU Form from the Letters and be weakens our face not only phy building of the Panama Caual, and in BEGIN NOW AND SECURE Scully but morally as well. Hy is inzy, discussing the labor question, it was YOUR PACKAGES FOR THE in THE WORD talkative chatterer, drunkard, rowdy again decided that a large force would FINAL DAY OF RECKONING and superstitious. He has en born have be drawn from the West specially to wear uniform, the uniform According y a commission was sent to 15 JULY 25, 1921, a servant, He competition Jamsiva to secura the number of labor cv our native lab orer resulta not only ers needed. The commission (siled in Silver Employees.
rom the language, but also his confor beir mission, because the goverament of finity with lower wages and to submito Jamaica, refused to accept the conditions am the whm. the despotic whims, we shall offered by the Panamı Canal Commis Contintted from Page say, of the rudest masters; those masters sion. The Commissioners then went to the privilege of entering a Ask The Workman for Particulars.
who find it a pleasure to humiliate their Barbados, and under pressure of public shop or other place to acquire employees at every minute and for any opinion, the government signed a con a trade.
tract of 10 cents per hour for each labor Then there were the hardehip For these reasons and for others which er, with provisions for medical attend of parents resid! ng outside the we do not mention, we consider it an ance and repatriation at the end of two Canal Zone not being aliowed to injustice to clo e our doors to the Ch. years entinu ug service.
attend the Zone schools unless And the Carter Case. te and to open them entirely to the The government of Barbados, at the on payment of a fee of 50 per Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Commences Monday Caombo, in licu of doing the reverse tim of making the contract, was not month that i, This Theatre which has just close ou doors to the Negroes införmed fully of conditions on th: Isth The Commission gave the de Pacific Steam Navigation Co. been giving thrills nightly to and open them wide to the Chinese, or mus, and on the arrival of the laborers putations a very patient hearing crowded houses in the great in any event, if our legislators eh uld here, they disc uvered tha: 10 cents and assured them that the matter seriu Diamond Queen is prefel apprehensive about the latter, let per was unremunerativa brought to their attention would FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE paring as its next offering that them e se the doc is so buth tha Ch wage and as a result unyielding rep. e. receive all consideration possible.
brilliant famous Deze Chombos in a less bumiliating sentatio as and agitations brought the At the same time the deputation aud detective serial SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON The Carter Case featuring and more efficient manner than is being standard of wages to what it is today. was warned not to o expect results done with the Chin se at the present at the sama time it must not be for immediately as they, the com Acajutla Saturday, Juły 2nd, for Herbert Rawlinson and Mae Marsh. This wonderful facinatgotten that native labor be obtain missioners, were not yested Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, ing production will be screened In dealing with the arguments put ed in Panaths at two posetas per day. any Executive power. They were La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose de Gautemala and on Monday July 4th commencing forward by La Defensa, the words are failed, therefore to understand the orly here to investigate and Champerico.
wite the 1st 2nd and 3rd episodes very mub allied to those of persons statement made in La Defensa that make recommendations, It may Jamaica, Wednesday, July 6th, for and continuing Wednesdays and wh) pander at places of ill repute having His competition over our native laborer be days or perhaps months bePuerto Colombia and Cartagena a brief of very complimentary eulogium resulta not only from the language but fore results are known.
for the Chinese. It is a defective piece also bis conformity with lower wagee Guatemala, Thursday, July 7th, for of the game was indeed very exciting of diamond which does not scintel when it is an incontrovertible fact that National Independent Order of and kept the spectators all the tim) on Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, late.
It is therefore necessary that the standard of wag here, has been en review of the early labor situation of banoed as the result of the introduction Oddfellows, Panama District.
Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta tihs cuntry should be taken into consi of The District meeting of the of West Indian labor Britannic Defeats Cables.
Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
deration. In the year 1843, it was found It is so primitive and childlike to above mentioned Order took place At La Boca Oval tha bəy from the s. Essequibo, Saturday, July 9th, for necessary to build a railroad across the make sentimental statements, unsuppor on Thursday evening. the 23rd Cable Offi e went down to defest before Isthmus betweenthe terminal cities of Cound by facts, that pity the pleasure ultimo in the hall of the Loyal Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and the Britannic Batting first, Britlo and Panama. Preliminary surveys were of som, writers in this unpleasant mode Brilliant Star No residing and Valparaiso Annic made 100 for wickets and demade by Mr. commencing st of reasoning. Gill clared their innings closed. Tromsa the Colon fishing beach, which was Bros La Defensa states that the Chombo Oriana, Sunday, July 9th, for was top scorer with 43, Goddard 23 waist diep in water, the solid lan! multiple chinmobell wonderfully, and he day bee oficiating Clarke, GM.
Havana, Coruña, Santander, La Rochelle, Pallice, and and Edghill 16.
Cables esuld only in sight being at Hope. It is said weakens Liverpool muster 21 thanks to Beckles territia that the intrepid pioneer carried our race not only, etc. He is the business of the Quillota Tuesday, July 12th for lunch in his bat and ate it standing Amid lazy, talkative chatterer, drunkard, Guayaquil direct Surrey to hava Gala Day.
the envious alligato:s and water sake, rowdy and superstitious, etc. Wili evening was put through, de tormented by millions of insecte, breath: La Defensa say at what time his race grees were conferred on the fol Jamaica Friday, July 15th for match has been arranged to be has performed any prodigious feats of lowing brethren: John Lettman.
ing air laden with poisons, and that strength on the tothmus, physically Bowers, Thomas, SamBuenaventura and Tumaco.
played by the Surray boys on July 4th.
his attendants were half a dczen young morally or otherwise?
uels, Rival camps have been formed and we Perryman, understand there is great opposition men brought bown from Jamaica, as it Brown, For further pa ticulars apply to the Office of the Companlas being showed by one to the othar.
was imposible to find any na ives will The building of the French Canal and Bennett idge, Bogle They ing to undertake so important a work or brought to the tothmus of Pan ma The ceremony concluded, the have decided to buvo this tested CRISTOBAL the tented field. Tho rival camps are un out on with sufficient intelligence to aoviet the large number of profligate white men and brothers repaired to the ban engineers.
women of NI nations who carried on queting room where a sumptious or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company der the leadership of Cap. De Souza and Vlce Capt. Pitterson, Baer and more beer Colonel Totten was then at the head and white slave trade, their pernicious instructive speeches delivered.
with social license, all kinds of vico repast was enjoyed and several PANAMA will be in evidence that day, with the of this pioneer company of engineers, It trading, Vice flourished. Gambling of The singing of Rule Britan.
understanding that the camp that wins is said that the cost of labor had almost every kind and wickedness in all forma, nia and the National Anthem or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents, will bave the handling of same. Esch made the project a complete failure, To murder, rapine and plunder were brought the evening function carry through the work, labor was brought common day and night; the West Indians a close.
Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Panama camp is out to take the other scalp and each has vowed that the other will from Jamaica, the Spanish Msin, United Away from the restraint of home life and to buy their owa beer after the match States, Europe and Asia. The white the social laws by which they were goy advanced people. They are reprodue is over, as the winner does not intend men withered as plants in the sun, The erned, imitated the new civilization. It that the loser shall taste a drop out of Chinese fell victims almost every one to a is the debauchery and profligate life of tive. What have the Chinese done Cricket. Haynes made 41 out of the total, The en the cask that will be there. The folmania for suicide, while the colored con certain white foreigners that is sapping besides shopkeeping, which dries up the tire team was out for 104 Haynes 41, lowing is the personnel of the two campe: tingent was for the whole period hard to the physical vitatity of the womanhood commercial value of Paname, giving noth Knights 22, and Coulthrust and King 10 (8) Capt. Suss, De Sousa, secure, because, bo ng accustomed to an of this country and not the West Ioing in return for what they take away?
each. After the recea Yorkabire went Eleock. John, Husbands agricultural life in Jamaica, wherever disns, as there is a more social inter of vision are defcetive. You have de La Defensa, your reasoning and sight Yorkshire Defeats Standard. to the bat and it appeared to all that Collins. Bradford, Weatherhead, they found suitable lands, they showed course between the two races, en inolination for cultivation. But de monstrated envy; malice and prejudice. the Yorkubire defeated the stan ninth wickett fell Yorkabire was still 15 Last Sunday at the Standard Oval, Standard would have won, for when the Moore, St. Hill and Brown. b) Capt. Pitterson, Challenor, pite all these hardships the the Jamaicans La Defensa should have the mora therefore, forfeiting your claim to be dard C. in a most exciting game. Ow runs to the bad. In our humble opinion. Thomas, Hector, Blackman were the only ones who could survive courage to say where the disease lies and respected as the official mouthpiece of the conditions, enabling the successful then apply the knife for its eradication, the respectable and intelligent citizen. Irg to the state of the wicket, play did we think had the Standard exercised ony Harding, Holder, Archer, Fields conclusion of the Panama Railroad. The West Indians have demonstrated of this Republic, Dot commence until pm. Yorkebire cricket talent Yorkshire would have lost Phillips and Rowling.
did not fall won the toes and sent Standard to the was the last wicket After the survey was completed, Mr. life economic usefulness in this Games for To morrow wickets and tracks to a brilliant bit of until the seore reached 115, Brathwaite Aspinwall petitioned the government country. They have provided churches.
Clovelly vs. Standard at Isthmian P, WYNIER, Eatting by Hayles, the first wickett did made 20, Weeks 19, Phillipo 15, and of New Granada, afterwards Colombs, schools, lodges, playgrounds, and all the not fall until the tine bad registered 47. Tudor and Roach 10 each. The finish Park, or a concession under which he and his social conventionalities of civilized and Panama. June 28, 1921, La Boca y, Cable at La Boca Oval bour an petee time.
Fridays their feet, with Bro Clarke isbaner, the only solid lan!
Mount carried his and Lins After bowling have am.


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