
PAGT TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian slands and may, with Paper of the It was ALBOA EST: EER REWED means so much DI offered money re.
a conference Rive and after an their the At the Six of pas drafted homes.
were same Mr.
ce badly aro Circular, Barbados House is asked to relieved the Vispree as president of the situation by placing 2, 000 at Association was accepted by the the disposal of the Water Committee and it was decided expenses towards the erecting until the next election of the Bill for Regulating of ens pamping station new Department to meet preliminary that the office Association office bearers the Loaf Rouen Railway Station. We which will take place in March have little fear of this request next year. In the meantime the being ignored.
chairman at all future meet In keeping with the extensions ings will be the Mr. Abdool Rey Under the headline Notes and recently carried out at the Post mond.
Comments, the Herald states that Office, the entire Department The present situation of the the long neglected Bill for regu is undergoing a cleaning up rice industry provi led a good lating the weight of the loat is painters being busily at work. deal of discussion. It was decidSamsoning more creeping up to a We compliment the Public ed to write the Government on the Order Works Department on having immediately asking that it.
of Assembly paid some attention to the coun councreased facilities be given to than ordinary luck, atten tilated in a state of accu growers by abandoning the uncleanliness hardy hardly interest charged on the advances tion before the Session closes creditable to a Government also by accepting one bag of later this month. It is is surprising Office, and the vigorous scraping paddy in security for each dol.
to observe how little real inter and other attentions paid it have lar loaned.
est is taken in a measure which once more made it fit to lean on to the communi. and to touch without being soiled British Guiana Sea Dety as a whole. For many months in return. On behalf of the public indignation has been public wo renew our congratu.
fence Bill.
expressed at the poor value in lations.
bread, lur At a meeting of the British ceived. And the Government The schooner Nueva Alta Gra Guiana Sugar Planters Associa to Bill drafted and dispatched to a Captain Barnes arrived here sio on September 9th, the new in 15 days from Romano, San Sea Defence proposals of the the Legislature. Many meetings Domingo, with 236 immigrants Government were considered.
have taken found inclusion in the Age path place since it first best trom Cuba on board of whom As a result of 188 were Barbadians, These between the Officer Administer yet It has been ignored a consistency which eloquently wenk were among those ship ing the Government, the Hon: wrecked sometime in Hector Joseph, the Hon reflects uninterest. Had frivolous favour been asked of coiling wa their homes from Auid, Mr. Shepherd Cuba, and for whose mainte. and the Hon. Browa, the House by a commercial mag nance at that port, the House of the two latter acting on nate or moneyed planter, the Assembly recently voted the behalf of the Association, NOTICE.
legislative machinery would sum of 500 con arrival at this have been readily oiled and set some of the Barbadians were agreed to by the Govern Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. in motion to were werable modifications have Wanted it known that have acquiesence to calore an examination ment, removing some of the reduced the prices to pre war the desire expressed. But the by the Port Health Authorities more objectionable features of prices an all classes of repair people bread is a matter of so 182 were allowed to go to the Bill as the work; ask to see my price list little importance that another them time, writes before taking your work else. 60JTOJTHE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE year might easily be allowed to detained and sent to Pelican Pelican Fitzpatrick, on September 15th where, have also on hand in enier before justice is secured Island for observation in the opinion of them by a legal statute.
nion of the planters, purposcer the 1913 Ordinance with its class ladies, gents, and children they new shoe department, high showing symptoms of my rever When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit(complete. For Repairing Wharf. On Monday, one of the men, various worked Share the Holida el Small Town or smoothily and successories shoesuppe reasot hole prices, bice fine and shoe hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth, resolution for a sum of 5, St. John, died and on Tuesday and they see no reason why the materials for le.
The Gobelinment for the purpose River, St. Joseph, also expired now seek to have a new cordis Pan American Shoe Repair Also cheap, Cots for the weary Traveller 500 is being brought forward by Pitsherbert Mayers, of Joes Director of Sea Defences should of making urgent repairs to the There was one death on board nance passed increasing wharf with walls. Apart from during voyage, the victim doing regular wear and tear suffered being Joseph Cummins, Bar the rights of these sites with Corner of East 12th Street and estates proby water erosion, the wharf walls badian.
prietors. In particular they Plaza de Arango were, at many points, dam.
object to any alteration in the Address: MULLER BUILDING aged during the September bad existing Sea Defence Districts, FICE Prop.
weather, To prevent bad beDemerara and to the proposal to extend coming worse, the House CALIDONIA the districte back to a depth of asked to move at once, and JUAN ILLUEGA 10 miles. West Indian Committee the interests of the Public Tres sury it would be as well that Demerara Rice Attorney. at. Law they did so by paying early at: No. 44 Central Avenue Crisis.
tention to the resolution.
Grenada TRY AXA FORM LINIMENT TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 For Treatment of Inmates For Any Kind of External Pains Practices in all Courts of At Lazaratto.
Government als Disbursed Survivors of the Sloop Panama.
Among the many resolutions Your money refunded if you are not by all means Cinderilla. English Spoken Fluently which at present find Five Dollars for Every Acre.
place on la Satisfied the Agenda of the House is one asking for a sum of 100 to meet survivors SOLDAT THE FOLLOWING DRUGSTORES: The Demerara Argosy of the from the loop cinderillau Which Advertise in The Workcost of importing three thou: 26th ultimo, says that in keeping sank of Trinidad last Friday arthe sand man it pays.
of Ethyl with its assurance to the deputaand cubic cena sulmoogra acid tion of rice growers from the Pavama, Modern, Spanish. American, Nationa three ringe Union, Pharmacy, and other Pharmacies syringes and six West Coast of Berbice some needles for the special treatment weeks ago, the Government is We advancing the of 150, 000 shall lend our bharti moogera oil is colony in the present crisis.
support to through the loan bank of the The best Tonic in the World rived here by sailing opportunity the Boards. The sum given the latest scientific discovery.
They report that the ship was them for distribution is far be.
Mr. Shankland, Director of heavily laden with cargo for this low the estimate and it is felt for the treatment of there are published records of to disburse the aid through some nd Loan Banks, has already began port. She was sailing nicely and that some persons will receive sight of the Bocas was just being very little help. 15s, is regarded its successful employment both the elementary and chronic vance loans to the rice farmers in of the loan banks which will ad This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend when suddenly she struck as perhaps the largest amount ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, something in the ocean. For a that will be given each individual an penditure of a reasonable sum of land under rice cultivation it was thought she was it is thought preferable to make Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up no: damaged, but the obstacle the gift in materials, but even it is possible to leve interest being charged at the a run down constitution.
had done its deadly work. Soon that will be insignificant. Perthe suffering of those unfortu. rate of nates who are afflicted with the will be secured on the basis of she began to leak, and the men haps the money gift may be discent. The loans It promotes digestion, improves the appe to save their lives, took to the covered to be more advisable as most dire and loathsome scourge eight tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It was not long before the after it is given the recipients of the ages, we are sure that advances of paddy to every there will be few in the colony to not derive any revenue or profit The unfortunate will be at liberty to do just what craft disappeared DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or came the trying work for they please with it.
utter a protest.
by the measure which is intend times a day.
the men to reach land in salety: The Water Supply.
ed to assist the rice tide over their present difficulties They pulled hard going without to food and water for over twenty The following report on the The water supply of the The per cent interest charged JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
seven hours before they reached progress of a Grenada Scholar Colony is still in a very precari. includes the per cent ordinary Port of Spain where they repor: in England will be read with ous condition, and the stringent interest with an an additional ted the misfortune which had interest. safeguards imposed by the per cent to help to defray inciovertaken them.
Government for its conservation dental expenses in connection Mr. SLINGER is a most are not likely to be removed for with the disbursements of the The Service of a Bacteri dent, who is not only conscienexemplary and satisfactory stuThe of paddy and Manager of Waterworks ologist.
tions and consistent in his studies Department continues in and attendances at lectures, but pessimistic mood, and althon produce will be held as collateral has evidenced considerable It is thought that it will the ty. He has passed abil.
security. If the borrower IT the lay mind has succeeded in to PAYS to repay his loan from the bank, all quite a while again before this inations at the earliest possible his exam satisfying itself the rains the paddy will be realised and colony will be able to engage the opp that have fallen during the past after the amount of the loan and and in Part services of a Bacteriologist. It opportunity month, Mr. Lingwood yet con the interest is deducted, the rewith take fally 1, 000 to pay a Degrees of the University of second examination for Medical siders that if there is not rain mainder of the proceeds will go doctor and run the establish. London, which he passed in July.
Department will be resoon, the to the borrower!
ment, and the local government 1920, he gained a mark of disin a greater CALLE No is not disposed to expend such tinction a mark which is given flx than it has been during the One of the chief difficulties conan amount. The question now but rarely.
first six months of the current fronting the peasant rice growers resolves, what is the Government year. It is only the decreased in the reaping of the present prepared to do with the outfit demand, PRIVATE ACADEMY tion of the sugar crop, that has porting their paddy.
on the cessa. barvest is the inability to secure resultant bags for the purpose of transthey provided at a fair cost? We have already advised sale. II We learn that there is an idea possibly saved Barbados from they are really no prospects ofi, should organize for contracting English Classes about producers the likelihood of The loan banks are going to of water control continuing the lab then we the new crop their assistance in this respect should not fail to realise to ad for the sale their sesson, in the face of conditions and in a large number of cases For Young Ladies 6 cocao existent, is not a mat the supply of vantage.
bags will be the this is in furtherance of the idea ter AND FOR BOYS 7 needed.
given out recently by a local Rellet to the Poor.
be thrown out by the Department meeting of the East Indian Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
gentleman that a scheme should be devised for the purpose of to planters some months ago, to Association among the matters We understand that the distri selling cocoa to better advantage.
prepare for contingencies by discassed were the president J. BURTON, bution of relief to the poor and Apparently the scheme did not opening wells on thelr lands are resignation and the rice situaneedy who suffered in the storm met with favour by Ithe Agriculbeing complied with. The tion. The resignation of Mr.
is presenting a real problem to tural and Commercial Society Esters of the three of inmates at the Lazaretto. We sum VIGOR TONIC L!
1036 relieve per boat.
Now orov ice growers one es longe er blevet bo Briner here te eight bage til hende Advertise in the Workman have to with the of the cocoa of The coming of at present uberant joy; and it is next crop.
Perhaps help


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