
LOOK OUT FOR Christmas New Year Cards Which is Expected soon of the any beneficial WORKMAN PRINTERY which the memorial have never tinerer, attended any of the Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
Tu carried on.
human pro because no te All ve always is given TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921, PAGE THREE An Appeal to Jamaicans.
Dear Sir:President of the Panama Branch, Jamaica Repre am pleased inform you that an at anOur Large and varied Assortment of sentative Government nual general meeting of the shareholders of the Association. West Indian Steamship Company held at this Office on the 1st inst. a large gathering of It is unfortunate, that up to the members of the organization were present and present time, a large number of Jamaicans on the Isthmus have enthusiastic speeches were made in support of not realized, nor have they been the furtherance and development of the Comconvinced of the importance of pany. The members in a body voted confidence the movement in Jamaica for a change in the political constitu in the administration, and pledged their wholetion of Island It is not in hearted support my plans to to discuss in this arti AT THE cle why this change is needed, It was also unanimously agreed that each as it would be improper to do so, shareholder will advance his shares by purchasand it would not be conducive of results. It it be ing more stock so as to enable us at once to made possible for the Delegate procure and put afloat our large steamer conof the Jamaica Representative appointed by the templated for the conveyance of freight and Government passengers to the ports agreed upon in our bent Association to visit ove Jamaica at the conference, at prospectus al will be draft When passing drop in and inspect our yaried ed, then, the discussion of the You are therefore, respectfully requested Stock of change needed will have the uc relenting attention and discus.
not only to act in conformity with the decision sion of the delegation.
of the shareholders who were present by It is surprising to see the doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but cowardice and want of manly that you will Induce every man, woman and courage demonstrated by some Jamaicans in this matter. These child in your locality to come forward and join with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
meetings, but they have formed themselves into small groups remain, and petty malicious cliques at street corners, discussing the Yours truly, plans; and by such selfish and underhand methode, their unman SMITH, Secretary.
Actions have impeded the pro gress of a work which is being unselfishly for the development of the country in Prominent on the bis professional colleagues.
jections and they were born. The ob by To state, even a few of the and protests made Isthmus. many humanitarian acts of this wese these obstacles of good Samaritan to suffering gress; disloyal to their race and West Indians in Panama, whetb.
country, goes down as an un Leader in Activities on er professionally or otherwise, written law, no one who the Isthmus would very many pages of no An Assortment that will meet your Taste. is capable and conversant with small volume. He has the true state of affairs is identified himself with any an opportunity of contesting HELPS WEST INDIANS. movement that tends to the their useless and nonsensical verbiage; nor of destroying their educational progress or betterment of West Indians. He was malicious Under the above headlines, first to convene a successful There A Good Time statements.
and a well set haif tone picture interscholastic meet for the Coming.
Jamaicans are very apt to of Dr. Lowe, the Jamaica school children of Panama and FOOT EASE underate themselves, and in do Gleaner of the 7th inst. contains the Canal Zone in July of this ing so, we generally underate the following :year and donated many prizes, Walk a great deal and be happy and healthy.
Arrangements are being made others. We have always laid it Dr. Felix Lowe, a native of of which the most important was for the holding of a Grand Pink down as a rule if we are not Adelphi, St. James, and brother a large silver Cup: The Doctor But you can if your feet trouble you.
Tea Party in Geddes Hall, East appointed to do something which of Mr. Arthur Lowe member of has been very active in the interDR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Both 27th, under the auspices of others are incapable of doing it. ish began his early studies un ment; as will be remembered the Panama Wesleyan Church and that it is best left in the der Dr. McCatty of Montego Bay, during the he Fall directions with every package. It gives quick relief to cuts The ladies of the choir, with hands of our oppressors to do for He later proceeded to Canada, busy for many days, very often doble iteh, bruises and burns.
their usual ability to do things us. fail to understand the where he spent many years in journeying from Panama to Used internally, Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC is certain relief are leaving nothing undone in sounddess of such logic.
for cramps, colie and diarrhoea. It saves doctors bills.
one of the leading Medical Uni Colon, examining hundreds of their endeavour to satisfy their Our minds are like certain versities completing his course tree of charge and without fee.
recruits for for When in a drug store, don forget to buy patrons.
vehicles, when they have little to in medicine Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic tea will be served free, while about it, but when heavily loaded Edinburgh and Glasgow Scot pointed by Sir Claude Mallet, Refreshing English breakfast carry they make much noise full honors in the Universities of He has often times been ap!
delicious home made cakes and they run quietly. No man is land. In the interest of his and West Indians a ice cream, extra special sand without some quality, by the due profession, Dr. Lowe has travel ber of as memwiches and cool drinks will be linton special Commissions to on sale. There will also be al application of which he might led in many countries, such as Interview the Governor of the. a he has England. labour and SUCCESS GROCERY STORE post office and other attractions in this power should be in haste Ireland, visiting hospitals and other troubles with West IndiChristmas. comes but once to do little less he be confounded other institutions, and has been ans and was appointed member CORNER 3rd STREET AND HUDSON LANE year and the coxmittee is de with him that can do nothing. for the past few years located in of a Special Commission, of which termined to provide lots of good Pride the never failing vice of the city of Panama, where he the Hon. Bertram was sent from Jamaica, as Head to invis.
chera, for all those who may fools is the most dangerous ele enjoys a lucrative practice.
An Exquisite Line of Groceries attend.
vigate labour conditions existing The well equipped surgery of on the Canal Zone and Panama, ho The ever popular Silver Cityment in the make ap of some inunder the leadership of 10 individuals. vice which so the distinguished Medico on At Prices to Defy Competition te still more popular director of the heir judgements to err. in sanitation, bir modern meth: often misguide their minds, and Central Avenue his experience regarding West Indians.
Doctor Lowe is founder of the Mr. Alfred Rouget, will be We have always a selfish antiods of treating diseases, of which Isthmian League of British West TRY US AND BE CONVINCED kion. The proceeds are to go patby to the progress of others, results are generally as favour Indians and was President for to to occatowards the purchase of a new and for such reasons we see the able as could be desired, has three consecutive terms. He leading organizer of the West DANIEL GERALD, Proprietor pipe organ for the church.
man and not the measure; the establisbed for him in Panama, effect and not the cause. The record second to none and Indian Committee, The patronage of tbe general law of the harvest is to reap ranks him among the leading of aseful West Indian Organization public is respectfully solicited, more than we sow. Sow an act, chairand you reap three consecutive terms, habit, and you (resp a character shrines, their native home. And habit; sow a that most sacred and holy of all onthou dich, many of his midsow a character and you reap a to me, it would be disgrace and hours were and are still.
destiny. Think for yourself a reflection to the largest and in the night courts, SANCHEZ FARRUGIA be most important of all the colonies listening to West Indian griev one good idea and let it known as coming from you, and represented on the Isthmus ances, very assisting them that one idea will be of higher (Jamaica) if we fail to provide for exonerated; for financially and getting them value to you. than a thousand sending the delegate to Jamaica, Prisons en the district others gathered from other no matter who he is it he be ia alter the interest of West Indi ando and seeing men thoughts.
man. It in the No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET It is to me. privilege to be of the people the man selected is ans incarcerated there.
associated with this distinguisb. not capable, then get together These are but a few of the ed movement. It should be a and send a man better many prominent positions filled Silver Prices privilege to every loyal and well. able to discharge the responsible by Dr. Lowe during his period thinking Jamaican. It sbould and duty committed to his care. of practice on the Isthmus of distinguished honour to Panama, and we feel assured GENERAL MERCHANDISE Jamaicans, buck up. This op that we voice the sentiments of every man, not given away to portunity is the salvation of your thousands when we state that fanaticism, rabid agitations, nor country. We desire to destroy China, Glass Enamel ware, Etc.
mad lust oi assuming power for to remove the hands of Lowe in the of which we not we have this name tage clatepared oppressora. We want to destroy JAMAICA, and interessores with IS FIRST in Paname.
this glorious and Imperishable remove forever the influence of We want To day we find him as Chairmovement, and to contribute his the privileged few, the class that man of the Panama Charity Specia to our Customers quota, and do all in his power. keep all others down. Tell me Organization. take the pleasure of emphas not that it cannot be done, we Cups and Saucers in Various Patterns. for 00 izing my admiration and respect to make a a bold assault for the smallest colony of against it. Democracy for the Dr. LORD Plates, Assorted Sizes 30, 40 50c. each.
Indians residing on the Isthto common people, now or never.
and HOWELL Glasses, Plain and Fancy 20, 25, 30 40c.
sacit you believe you have any rifice made by these self respect duties to perform, this is one of Dentists OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN ing sons of their native golli the the most important; do it now. It 143 CENTRAL manliness, loyalty, and pejde is no begging, send in your Pay us a Visit and you will be onvinced shown in the manner they had donation, do what you can, and (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
contributed to the funds for in this way earn your country The Latest in Crown and gratitude, praise, and honour for representative government in having done your duty.
Is the best treatment.
war heas kept was Band the most on the Isthmus, being man for the police often STORES capable who is it is a are going Bons are fully aware of the perWe want measures, not men, and that AVE


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