
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News bian Turkey Oyster Dressing. 7, 052 Employees Less Waters.
Scotch kindly R5 The People Grocery and Dry Goods Store York was not railing for any The Anglo Japanese ings has been the Best Xmas New Year Cards in) Colon Bros CRICKET Fire at Coco Solo Mashed Potatoes in Cream, Do You Want French Petit Puis, Combination Something cheap, but beautiful and lasting for a Christmas, Sklad. Hot Minea Pie, Fancy Atlantic Side Crick Three Buildings Destroyed Birthday, or Wedding Present?
Cakes. Mixed Nuts, Aerated Old Jamaica et Season Opens DO YOU WANT TO Damage Said To Be About Whisky, Champagne. Cigars and On Panama Canal Rolls Economize in these depressing times? If so, then come to and Cigarettes Balboa Best 70, 000.
At End of 1921.
the cheapest asd best Jewelry Store in Colon Justice was done on all sides, First Match of Sinclair Cup and all commented on the king Call and sex our novel assortment of The Star and Herald says that Competition hospitality of the Fidelity Lodge Colon, Jan. 10. Aconfiagra tion, the cause of which up to the EP. SILVER TEA SETS, EGG SETS, ETC. ETC. in providing such sumptuous fcon figures obtained from al present unknown, broke out last Mrs.
JOHN WILLIAMSON. Watchmaker Jeweler.
repast. U Binnam, boa Heights thera ware 052 WON BY CHAMPIONS Misses Alice Dennis and Mat fewer employees working for night at the Oficers, bachelor quarters, Sub base, Coco Solo, 109 Bollvar Street tis Colon. P.
dunated their services the Panama Canal and Panama totally destroying two buildings REPAIRS NEATLY DONE as waitresss, which was highly Railroad on November 10 1021 Colon, Jan. The initial a rendering another almost date on appreciated by all Bro. George than on the same match of the season on the Mount inhabitable.
Hope baseball park was played At about 30 the inhabitants tary was depu. eu toastmaster for Our contemporay sets out th between Wanderers and Lily of Colon were startled by the the evening and he performed matter as follows: Whites in the presence of an un un alarm and the blaze, seen from his duties in an able and credit Oa November 16, 1921, there usually large crowd, and resulted the direction of Broadway. led MUSICIANS WANTED able manner.
was a total of 906 gold emin a win for the former by 26 was Several toasts were proposed yees and 8, 312 silver em runs. Lily Whites were the first many to believe that the fire was hrst in that vicinity or new Cristobal to take their stand at the wicket, Prompt response was All musicians are invited to get satisfaction in buying their and fittingly responded to. ployees comprising an aggregate made Strings and accessories at the The gathering then broke up of 11. 248 in November 1920 and were severely harrassed by by the Cristobal and Colon Fire and all departed to their respec the gold employees on the Canal Spencer, Thomas and Brigades and the Tug Porto NW DRUG STORE bowling, ably assisted by Hamil. Bello, which at the time was ly tive homes after an enjiyable Zone numbered 4, 285, and the 5th Streets. Colon ton and Wentt, who did excellent ing at pier Cristobal, evening with the best wishes silver employees were 14. 013.
making for the new administration.
and wicket We have a big assortment of Strings for belding, and Clarke aggregate of 18, 300 Scarcity of water bampered The drop from 18. 300 to keep Lily Whites were quickly the situation, but the supply in VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, BANJOS, VIOLINCELLOS 11, 348 is 7, 052, an approximate disposed of for 44, Downes head creased, and after an Also DRUM BANJO HEADS, CHIN RESTS, TAIL PIECES, decrease of 38 per cent.
ing the list with 11 Wanderers hard work the blaze was brought PATENT SCREWS, TUNERS, BOW HAIR, ETC, ETC.
Miss Maud Russeii Dead This means that in the year replied with 70 of which Johns under control.
1921 the force employed by the and Spencer as top scorers con large number of officers EP VAN KWARTEL, Prop.
tributed 30 and 26 respectively, Colon, Jan. 12 The death of road Company decreased by Panama Canal and Panama Railand men were absent at the time Miss Maud Russell of Falmouth, about three eights, or of the alarm and the loss, includ that GAMES FOR TOMORROW lug personal belongings is estiJamaica, also well known in these where eight mon were employed parts, has just been communicat at the begining of the year; five Fixtures for tomorrow in con mated at 70, 000.
ed to her sister Mrs. A, Finlay only were employed at the end.
section with the Sinclair Cup son in this city da Competition are as follows: Deceased, who up to the time Cornwall vs. Victoria, Victoria Cristobal Literary Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 98 resided in New Oval.
West End vs. Westmoreland Association The most modern and up to date house in Colon.
length of time, but after a brief Fusses Oval.
The Leading house for illness passed away on the 31st Alliance.
Royal Scarlet, Cereals and Hawalan Canned Goods of December last LODGE NOTES The members of the Cristobal RAISINS, CURRANTS, OTHER CAKE MAKINS REQUISITES Literary Association are very en SPECIALTY London, Dec. 1921 History thusiastic in the despatch of their SILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, SCHOOL Tour Of His Royal bs been made the last few days Eusibius Lodge No. 2608, programs.
ACCESSORIES, ETC, ETC The series of interesting meet the distinctive All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone Highness, rupie Treaty in the Pacite for the Anul Japanese Arancais feature of the Association and SMALL Proprietor CAVE, Manager, benevol achievement which Coton. Jan very pleasant those who, were privileged to and profitable time was spent attend are convinced that the Prince of Wales In India. ranks with the sette bent of the Irish problem Alone last night by the members and existence of a Literary Associa agreement bitwen Britain, officers of the Eusibius Lodge tion is a valuable asset in the lite America, Japan and Pance woud Direct West India Cable have been enough to bave made NOW ON SALE No. 2608, LO. S. working in the of a community, St. Josephs Lodge room, 8th Quite an enjoyable time was from London dated December 8, the Washington states that according to Reuter tremendously worth whlie, and Conferenc Street and Broadway, when the spent last Tuesday night by the Administration of the January members and visitors attending cable from Bikanir, the Prince of the limitation of naval arina.
June term was installed. the meeting Wales who yesterday said good ments has, of course, added con TOYS STORY BOOKS Bro Ward, assisted by recitation by Mr. Dave Will.
bye to that State achieved won siderably to its value. Although Jarrett and Brown of the iams commenced the evening for children and grown ups derful popularity there largely it is regrettable that more nas Prince of Wales Lodge acted as program, followed by an address Electrical Treatment attributable according to a court not been done to limit the sub.
ling master. and following by Mr. Morgan Od his official, to his gracious courtesy, marine, the Conference can be during the names of tohse were experiences in FACE MASSAGEETC.
FOR HAIR BEAUTIFYING, installed. Sissel.
Wilsom om ons terece mais esperando in dress The of regarded have El Dorados Variety Store and Beauty Parlour ably salute persons of High rank mese moved the immediate Carby M: Wallin, was intensely interesting and three successivo times and of a Pacific armaments race and Jenkins (re elected) S; instructvei. depicting all the hor 110 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON Europeans commonly respond of fatal friction and jealousies Jones. Oldfield, M; rors of war as was witnessed.
only once. The fact that the in China, while at the same time with the MADAM de WEEVER Watts, Barnett, c, and his associations Prince never fails to return each it has placed salutation has made profound upon a Pacific affairs Wilson, Crooks, S: Egyptians; It is indeed inte est pression on a most satisfactory footing Hazlett. OG:L. Trotman, ing to listen to one relating the the people with of mutual consultation, recogniwhom G. Pierre, CGL Her conditions under which such apparent triflestion and guarantee. count far more than is generally fought for the world freedom, realized, Washington seemed to have Among those present was Bro, and all who heard Mr. Morgan Oldfield, a faithful member will not soon forget bow great a BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS marked a clear change in inter Rangoon, Burma, Dec. national psychology and it has who recently returned from Cuba, debt we owe to those who risked Speaking to the Legislature to certainly strengthened the op.
on a short vacation to whom a their lives to make this world a PO The Canal Jewelry Store day Lieut. Governor Sir H. timists who believe that th: hearty welcome was given.
Craddock condemned the efforts word is now really beginning to fit place to live in, Mr Morgan will continue his address in the 167 BOLIVAR STREET.
of what he termed a dissatisfied settle down. It is no mean thinx near future.
clique. to organise a boycott on that Japan and America, who a Colon, Jan 11. The lodges and recitation by Mr Parker. mammoth Assortment of ladies and gents watches the occasion of the visit of the few short weeks ago eyed one friendly societies on this stde are closed the evening program.
rings and jewelry of all description, bed room clocks muned Prince of Wales by in mahogany, mantel clocks, shavin accessories, ever sharp of another with grave suspicion, all busy installing their officers steady progress of the Asso: intimidation pencils etc. etc.
should have frankly reached for the prescut term ciation is noticeable by the in The Lieut. Governor announc agreement. Perhaps some day Ceremonies have recently been crease of membership, the estab 25 per cent discount on Siiver ware, cut glass, ed that in order to prevent a re we shall know how much is performed in connection with crea lish of a Library stocked with and silver deposit ware currence of the violence whichowed to the tact and skill and the following: New Pocket series selected from occurred during the stay of the honesty of Mr. Balfour in effect Mystic Star Lodge No. 11. The Appeal Publishing Library REPAIR WORK DONE WHILE YOU WAIT Prince in Bombay it had Jan 5, Sis, Lamos of 218 volumes. contalning such been ing this reconciliation.
decided to intern the leaders of Com. Underwood, Com books as How to be an Orator. John Ash, Scribe; Newton. Doch Elution, Shake sed contidence that a majority of Chagres Challenged Ladies Watts, Marshal. Montague, Psycho Analysis.
Treas: George, Accountant Lectures of in English. Asst. Marshal; Newton. Chaplain, Lincoln. Eighteen short Essays Speeches Prince as cordially as he had of been welcomed in other commu Jan. 12. 1921 Sirs. Palmer, Hunter, Education, nities; Christianity, ConSir. Drummonds, and Lady stitution To the Editor The WORK MAN of the Leapae of Na.
NILE QUEEN Williams, Aides, to com. Ladies Dear Sir: am the owner of Amon and Woods Aides to tions, Capitalism vs. Socialism. Lambs and Bacon Essays, and The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Funds Voted for Relief of Suf the game little horse, known as com, other books too numerous Made of oils imported from India and Japan Chagres. am taking thls ferers by Recent Storm mention, certainly makes an ex opportunity of returning thanks WHITENER AND CLEANSER (BLEACH) ROUGE. COLD CREAM.
notable to the Reporter who reported in Armistice Lodge No. 28, cellent addition, and DANDRUFF REMEDY The Legislative Council the columns of the Star Herald Jan. 10, Bros, Llewelyn, improvement of the Association, Grenada has sanctioned a vote of named horse owned by of the race between the above. Eversing, DM; 2, 500 pounds sterling on account and the horse known as Sibarimyself.
Gayle, Sécty. Ellis, Asst. Secty.
Gentlenen. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hairaal skia. Creary tried nearly every think to clear my complexion of pimples, liver spots and of stora damages. One tbou ta which took place on the sth heads without success, until found Kashmir Nile Queen. Now my skin is as L. Richards, Hall, Fidelity Installasmooth and lovely as can be and my hair has grown so long and clossy, my friends sand pounds will be allocated to inst at Juan Franco Race Track. Creamer, Chaplain; help those whose shelters have In been blown down; 000 pounds reference to the comment, tion. Simpson, SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS sterling to repairs of roads; and am not offering any apology 500 pounds sterling to re erection for the loss of the race but Fidelity 9, OS Jan of telegraph posts.
want the reneral public to de 10. Bros, d, Samuels cide whi the owners of the The bi annual installation of Spen. DM. Joseph horses in. race is the better Walcott, Duncan, Officers to serve for the ensuing British Consulate Notice. Sport.
Je che spedes, 1, Pitt, Tyler. lits Lodge No. Branch of the Walter Slowly, Tyler (Pcc monies were carried out, and on Secty. Levei Lauriner, Treasurer, term, January June of the Fide Joseph Cespedes. and and creditable way the cere Mr. Arias, has promised Mr.
Independent United Order of tem. Bro Pitt who was behalf of this Fidelity Lodge The Acting British Consul Phillips, my trainer and manScotish Mechanics, Friendly elected as Tyler was unable to No. 29, he wished to extend to at Colon would be glad of infor. ager 20 lbs. difference in weight Knights of St. John. Jan. 10 was held on Tuesday, January cumstances. After the installa and sincerely hope they will Charles Whorms, a native of Arias through the bet of 500, one to Chagres. am asking Mr.
St. Josephs Commandary 253. Society, of Edinburgh, Scotland. attend through unavoidable cir. them their heartfelt appreciation mation regarding as to this medium if he Thompson, President. re 15th at the St Lodge hall tion ceremony which was beauti always visit them at future St. Ann s, Jamaica, who is said will consider a elected) Riley, 1st. J, 8th Street and Hudson Lane, fully rendered in the real ritual functions, Tae Lydge was them to have arrived on the Isthmus to 1000 over the same distance.
Williams, 2nd Japal, Colon, and was a brilliant istic manner by Bro. Clarke, closed and all repaired to the about eleven yeaas ago. will ask also ask the Jockey and Secty. A. Steer.
Fin. success while it lasted. The of the Royal King Solo. banqueting hall. to sit dowa to a Club, whether they will give a Secty. re elected) Peters, newly elected officers were then mon Lodge No assisted by well decorated table, which was reasonable purse would like to Treas. Sylvester Messenger installed about 14 days notice and if the get their respective the brethren assembled, the elaborately arranged in la Wash. ROOMS TO LET Bradford, Sgt. at Arms; L, chairs as follows: Fernand owner of Sibarita will agree Creary, Lashley. Samuels, Benjamin newly installed Worshipful Mas ington style. The printed menu will accept the proposed chalthanks to the cards read as follows: Iced CALLE No lenge. Gaston, Williams, Spencer, Joseph Walcutt, ter returned Martin, Uneerwood, Law. George L, Duncan, Oficers of the Grand Lodge and QueenOlives, Clear Julienne Yours truly, APPLY ON PREMISES Secty. Levi Laurier, Treas. the visitors present for the able Soup, Hot Rolls Roast Colom.
Board of Trystees. EDWARDS.
installing prospect he ns the to HAIR GROW CREAN PO CREAM BALM.
Springfield, Kashmir Chemical Co.
all admire it. wish all our women would try Nlle Queen.
Very truly yours. Sd. SALLIE RED 106 Broadway and sth Street, Colon Box 738, Cristobal, in


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