
S6 London Correspondence.
Boots For West Indians.
BRITISH TOPICS An Opportunity for English Firms.
AMERICAN BAZAAR Big Bargains FOR THE Overseas NEW YEAR The handed out, scores surprising and consequence Shoes. Shirts. Suits. Hats Underwear Neckwear AT PRICES BELOW COST ha The 09:36 two imports 15 shall be bava For Notice of Removal and 014 The Public is hereby notified that the proposed SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner 16th Street West. Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. The new premises are well equipped for turning out the best class of work Instant was they indeed PHOTOGRAPHS AS Present criminal cerin amount of Dited the BY RIHARD BLOUNT.
December, 1921. The Irish pesca Minister, though of exurse in the earlier settlement One of the tast scheme, which he rejected, Sir James dramatic events that bave ever Craig was taken fully into the confiBritish Cabinet Ism taken placa in British bjetory Oa Tusdene of the day the British Cabinet Committee and inclined to think that, when the pres the irish delegations of plenipotentisriesent excitements have had time to cool, Strusgled together for hour alter hour Ulster will perceive that it is to to ber to find a from of agreement that would aterest to co operate with Sinn Fein be compatible with the British Coastitu nestablishing the political and econom.
tion and would at the same time satisi e unity of both parts of Ireland. Duil the aspirations of the representatives of Eireann is meeting immediately to dis.
the Irish majority. In the early hours cuss the treaty document and the Britd the prospect of agreement seemed re ish Parliament rated at a special mote, and the early editions of the session of Parliamsa: Called for the 146 morting new papere were full of editorial of Decembr.
kloom. Gradually, however as the bours Tae settlemen of the greatest prob een wore on, those who were waiting out which bas afflicted the British Empire side the council chamber realised that for seven bundred years auguras well for this protraced final session was not for the saticfocory disposal of the difficult nothing; sod when, at half past two quution of self determination in Egypt.
o clock in the mornin, the brief mes The Bricis occupation in Egypt has sage that success had been achieved was achieved remarkable results in developing soores pf delighted Pressmen the the prosperity and raising the status of darted of in taxis to give the glad and the Egyptian people, and the natural news to every newspaper of all these moral, office in London. The result has been material improvemente is that Egypt received with a remarkable outburst of demands its sovereigoty, without, it enthusiasm in all parts of the civilised declares, desiring to jeopardise British world, and in this country the impres interest in the East in the negotiations sion one received is that an immense waich have been proceeding between the in London and the load of depression, has suddenly been British Government, the Egyptian delegates in latter removed from the public mind. agreed to acknowledge expressly the The main terms of agreement have sovereignty of Egypt upon main been universally published, and will conditions. The first is that British only say that the creation of an Irish troops shall be granted adequate facilities Free Sate upon a status of equality for the protecti of the Suez Canal Clean Slate with the great self goveroing domin Britain vita channel of communication iu of the Empire has been beknow. Will with her Eastern Empire aud the ledged everywhere as an act of courago second is that British troops lives upreme Court of Rinerosity which reflects the the right to safeguard the Die eredit on British statesmanship. tion in Egypt. There are other ques.
the liberties of the large European populaBritish Honduras, is safe to say that at the present on tuomet the credit of the British Gov. tions on which agreement bas not been ernmeat at home and abroad and reached, but it is but it is chiefly the The Independent of Beliz? Bri.
higher than at any time since the 1918 military provisions which the represen tish Honduras comments tous on is tatives of the Egyptian General Election, My information is the absence of criminal charges Goveroment that the Treaty signed by the Irish ve not so far been able to accept. from the docket of the Supreme delegation is simt certain to be hon happen to know at the British Foreign ter of the Sapreme Court Court sessions. The last quar oured by those whom they repres nt; Office ass assumed a very reasonable Sess and as for the North of Ireland, the and even mag animus attitude to for the 6th.
Sessions for the year scheduled interest of Ulster Unionists are honour wards Egyptian aspirations, and hope adjourned to March Session ably safe guarded by the option given be existing difficulues may before long 1922 by then either of negotiating with the be overcone with the good will of both tar as there were no cases on the Deputy Regis.
South for the creation of a Central Irish side. This country has done great thing the calender. If our memory parliament, and thus establishing a for Egipt. The administrative genius of united Ireland, or of remaining as they British statesmen and their officials has surves us right it is n)w some 10 are at present as a separate self govern given Egypt its nationbood. Ia or more years ago that the Court the ing entity within the provisions of the return for that gift and for never sac a quarter owing to a liberal Irish Self Governing Act of 1920 proposals contained in tac British draft a clean calender sheet.
similar existing state namely Tatra is, it would be idle to deny, a agreement granting Egyptian indepenTo absence of irritation among denceGreat Britain is certainly charges in the Northern dis Ulstermen on the ground That final titled to some responsive consideration tricts wbich compris a large arttlement bas been reached without of the safeguards which are vital to bar per ceat of sonsultation of the Northern Prime imperial security.
eterate people of unrestrained passions, anger and teinptations BRITISH FINANCE especially among the Indians of the interior when they overstep (which they frequently do the limits of the Aguardiente rum BY LEONARD REID wnich is to be had in abundance London: Dember 1921. The signs. vel the national exehequr ta to peed bing the center of me muutas. ure, ture of an Irish agreement has greatly video is thin 45, 00, 00) pounds speaks well indeed for the ba of the increased confidenes in the financial mar sterling. Government Laviour of control inhabitants of and these parts, especially so at a kets. By the time these words are guarantee is now ovar; it was rem wed print it will be known whether Sion Fein on August 15 last. S) for the last time nearing the mirry festive ratify the traty, which tour and a hall maths of 1921, the period of an Xwas season is ioproposes to set up an irish Free State. companies have been standing on their deed a credit 10 any community At the moment of writing ten only owa legs. Not suflicient figures sre at consisting of over tive thousands hun habitants.
be said that the bigbest hops are enter present available to show how they have taided that at last, by a bid and gen fared, But, alth ugh the results since croue stroke, a satisfactory solution has decontrol have probable been poor, New Officers of Mystic Star been found to the probles which hs owing, chiefly to the Lodge, Installed.
89 persistently brought Ireland to trouble pression, exchange the stock and distress and British statesmen to tolerably confident that failure. Immensely welcome for its serious and general reductions in divi The installation of officers of the own cake, the Irish agreemºnt has esusep dends are likely in the forthcoming Mystic Star Lodge No. 11, 10. B. the more satisfaetion because it has of announcements One reason for this for the present term came off on the late become increasingiy evident that the confidence is that of the 60 million, inst. when the following officers continuance of the Anglo Irish feud was agreed to be paid to the companies by were installed respective formidable to Anglo American the Government as compensation for offices. Sir Lamos, Comdr. Sir 00 operation in tion ir matters of world finance, undue wear and tear etc. during the Underwood, Vice Comer. Sir Contidence is also growing here that a war period, 24, 500, 000 is due to be As, Seribe; Sir H, George, pravical and concerted policy by France paid on Dcember 31st. The com Acc; Wor, Sir Geo. Newton, Treas.
and Britain will soon agreed upon panies have agreed po to the allocation Lady Watt, Marshal; Sin Palm with regard fo the Reparations problem of this sum among them; and in the er, s. Sir Huntar, 08. Lady Also there are evidences here and there case of most companies the sum receiv Montague, Asst. Mar. Wor, Sir that ed at last to some extent from this source will be trade is ba large enough Drummond, Ladies Williams, Amon and the mead. The incidence of these to cover at least the whole ordinary Woode, Aider, Sir Smith, P, favourable eveats and signs has produe dividend.
Of course directors might The ceremony was ably performed ed in the financial world a more cheerful well be chary about di tributing in by Wor. Sir Glover, Legate, assited by spirit than has been possible for many dividends anything like the whole of Emt, Sir Archer and Sir Turner of long months. 3t any rate the the compensacion money received, for luthmian Star No.
the great coal strike of the early spring this in this money is intended Other visitors present were Sir Weeks came to destroy hopes of tr de recovery for other purposes. But, when it is of Empire Star, No. 2, Sir Hamilton of The financial position of British rail rom mbered that the Government Gorgons Star, 3, and Sur Carter, a ways is attracting considerable attention guarantee held good for the first seven former member of the Lodge now residjust now, the more so because the season and a half months, it seems by no og in Panams.
for the declaration of dividends is spreal justified in drawing upon compens lodge were highly commended for the means unlikely that directors might The officers and members of the proaching: Official figures of railway working in 1920, recently published, sation money sufficiently to make up for lodge progress to date by the visiting show that if the Guvernment control the defisiencies of the last few months, Knights, who also promised their coand guarantee had not been in force and so to maintain the level of divi operation in case of a change of real during that year, railway stockholders dendeMany of the companles will dence, Addresses of welcome and have had a disastrous time. Gross find it necessary shortly to raise new thanks were tendered the visitors by receipts in 1920 were 267, 414, 000 and capital. For this reason also directors the members of Mystic Star, who expenditure 281, 755, 000. The result e are likely to strive to maintain dividend extended to them an uolimited invitation ant balance was 5, 659, 000, which, with rates, in order to support the credit of both in and out of the lodge whilst at the addition of 4, 264, 000 from mis their companies in the eyes of the inves this end of the Isthmus.
cellaneous receipts brought the total ting public.
Owing to illness the Chaplain elect, available surplus of the railways for the British railways are facing the dificul. Lady Newton was unable to be year up to 9, 923, 0001. This sum would ties of transition stage. By recint present for ber installation, The lodge not have sufficed in itself even to pay legislation they ate to ba amalgamated wishes ber a speedy recovery.
full interest on the debenturce stocks, into four groups, and negotiations while had there been no Government that end are to train. Fates and transition stage is over it will last guarantee, holders of preference and freights are too high. They will bave to some years, the companies, grouped and guaranteed stocks as well as ordinary be brought down. But of course the amalgamated as they will then be, ookholders would obviously have to wage bills are also coming down as tho find themselves in a position certainly as ceived no distribution. In order to bring cost of living falls. It is the considered favourable as that which they vocupiou 1920 net receipts up to thy guaran. ro opinion of experts that when the present before the war.
the colony illThe spectacle of West Indians walking to church and carrying hir 00018 in their hands 18 familiar to all visitors of the Antilles It is, no doubt, cu to the footwear not tisting sulticienly well and to the high West Indian instep, which the Acting Trade Commissioner in Trinidad has discovered to ex st.
The Departmect of Tradenas recently circulated the Chamber of Comme caii the United Kingdown regarding the opportunities tow affordel by the Preferentiat Tarit in the British West Indies for increasing the sale of English boots and shoes in those Colo Acting Trade Commissioner in Trinidad painted out that the annual consump11 of boots shoes, and oher forms of footwear in the British West Indies is probably to the neighbourhood of 100 000 002 pairs. The imports Cana.
da are almost entirely canvas and rubber shoes, which are also obtained in large quantities frown the ited Sales, from Venezuels are comparatively large Tois is due to the large crade do ae in alpargalas, a form or slipps consisting of a stout les her sule with a wide canvas band across the instep and a narrow cne behind the heel As the import statistics show, the United Kingdom improved its position considerably in the year 1920, bot nav ing regard to the advantages offered by the high American exchange rate and the parter ential duties, there appears to be no reason why the home country should not supply all the British West Iodies. It is esti0 mated that it costs between 60 70 per cent of the value of a pair of American shoes to land them in Trinidad, while the landing charges from London are a little more than 15 per cunt As to shapes, there is little to be said, but it may be remarked that although the United States has, for the last six years sup.
of the footwear, there is no pronounced feeling in favour of American models.
In ladies footwear, plain rather than fancy models are preferred Tum height (semi Cuban and the toes not too pointed. As the West Indian instep is usually rather high, the Derby shape is preferred by men. While there is a steady demand for a good medium From enquiries made in various quarters, it appears that large quantities of British boots and suces are at present on or der for delivery during the next few months, says the Acting Commissioner. There is little doubt that American firms will attempt to maintain their position by cutting prices, and this can, perhaps, best be countered by the organisation of an expen.
sive advertising campaign in the British West Indies. was recentis visiting one of the local stores when a large packing case from an Anerican shos manu.
facturer was being opened.
This case contained nothing but plaster large and in artistic deprinted a number of blocks for advertisements in local Press.
who cha are also the sole retailers Trinidad of a certain mark of of British boots and shoes, and im.
port from a number of other firms, were thus encouraged to devote a whole window to special display of the manufac.
tures of the American firm. It is.
however, not suggested that in a comparatively small market.
where boots and says are generally retailed by departmntal stores, a large sum of money should be appropriated for this form of advertisement It would appear to be much more efecuve, aud certainly more economical, if firms interested in this market reserved a cull page ia ea shot the principal West Indian papers for say, a weekevery six months in order to call attentioa, to the superior quality of British footwear.
the bulk NEW YEAR GIFTS Remember your friends with your photograph this year ard they will remember you as long as the photograph lasts.
be מר Our Photographs are Permanent Have that long delayed photo which you promised your friend so often MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO The coolest in the city where you are certain of the best attention.
was agreed trade de is no Day and Night Photographs SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO 107 entral Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
in their obstacie B08 material on well Fiskaistribution, and a This pamphlets Panama Banking Company the arm in in since primarily (BRANDON BANK. SECURITY SERVICE Panama (Founded 1883)
Colon Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for levery dollar deposited with this bank General Banking Business Transacted in IBAAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDOS Treasurer Provident Vloe President lent Receipt Book In Sparish and Enlish, for sale at the Workman Printery.


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