
THE FORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side ews GAS STOVES FREE OUR AIM IS Bermuda AN per man for a molests aii returu from England, and illness.
man he Cure that Cold in your Head the stroke Srvice.
Nigh voke me West Indian Barrett what d Por cara have JEWELRYBARGAINS that he had be Bocas Del Tora PARAISO Cleveland Mitchell Sent For Trial On News.
By special request delegatre of the Gets Desert. Charge of Murder Guschspali Cher No. 14 will hold monster mass mreting in this district To th? Editor of the Workman, tomorrow at pm. Residents of Paraino For Molesting Lady on the (Continned Fron Pane 1)
Sit. As the Workman is widely a ked to attend en me to hear the Red Tank sul the surrounding districts Street.
road tristiwn and the sectio od tidings which 14 will soad the prisoners. creted myself and mide a sudden rush upos along Chinguinola Riway, please th:a.
On Friday night, the d inst. and deterive Harris esm to any him and held im Mr. Forret Krant me lite pwe in rur valuable cuts to correct eers in syror Cleveland Mitchell, Jamaican existance an assisted me to In other lock ity relative to rent GATUN 20 hold Hwas violant Isi reste!
Scient in the Anglies Church ays in the Clon jail for molest.
For a limited time we will give away here.
ng Miss Branch who was on her nun and chiged him with aron Young Barrington Dies July 1917, Rev. Thor John way to visit a sick She stand nd shooting with intent to mur limited number of Gas Stoves that Tribman. Arrived here from der Icsu ioned in while passing through in that way. He said, Lord Corporal Judeteneur of Mir Chume Master Barri gton Rose, whereever Ryes Alley, hehid the Americ Johnson, don care chit hy the Gas Pipes are in 26 ente sie in Purce in to year oli sa of Mr and Mrs Theatre, the young war accost a want to do with me thive my th Rw Wite Suitb, Jawican, Frederick Ruse of Parais ber in very filter terms and revance to up there On me 29, 1920 Mr. Johnson left died in icon Hospital Saturday the house.
she spoke to him about his twelve monte vention March 4t, and was interesat Bee on impertinence. Not handed it to the Sergh being satisi hat he was the nepies or aid Rented by he RR Artur the cemetery at Paraso, Sunday and had Dunn, Lord Bishop of British in afternoon The barial rite was Sura whatsal Areries, and here in cases bourne and Brath Cross eximined by Mr. Open no lawfalightsee beim did not hear accused Rev impressively molest woman on performed by streets Trott, he assulted her and she was say he came d car wat from Germania in ste Rica waite of St. Albin Chare, Gas Stove in every Kitchen roughly handled by this vere fendant was always a sportive Cross examined by the Court: course and in prudent young priest in temporary charge. This Paraiso, with the Sunday School Semporary apporo ment Bihop Duon forming the procession man. The magistrate after hear character Priser: Warere told us in the ccasin of his petoral ing all the circumstances in the ased a very short tim before PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
visitation before Mr Johnson departed; cale, séatenced Mitchell to fort)
be entire bu lains was in flames days without a fine Constable All in Lawrence and of this Mr. Troit was fully awar Rector of St Peter III.
prior to his leaving th country mus PANAMA OFFICE. AT With this COLUN OFFICE: nten e we beartils Gordon Wright card: am concurred. Our women must 100ed at Savole Mar, rememsong under his care in Costa Rica For the last nine days the Ray Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. protected Bi bop as it is is the highes ver Sund iy 12 inst. was at In November 1921 Asst JT Mulcare, Rector of S, indication of a people civiliva he police station. Acrused was Jackson. bo huo jurisdiction in the Peter La has been con Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 South of th: Dico. visited Bestined to his home, through bodily tion. If a mai here our beds adjota. He man is a man that, and be Unethically was busy up dovo.
не 00 bis informed the congrega in a lady on the street, said ones. froun was a child of St.
and sb Mary Church that by the authority shows no inclination to appreci vas praying, and no God ever my prayers; ale bis admiration; as a gentle answered vested in him he bid oppiated a priest LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE and lo then in Scotland to this eh nga where is the pint put here.
he should make an apologs due course the Rev. Lumbe for bis disc urtesy and allow her This was ab ut p in. He look Something extraordinary. inAthil, of Cambridge, who is to go on To assault her is an distressed and excited indication of a savage instinct his clothes box oven before him.
an Anglo Catholic, arrived here inspiring and informing on Sunday. WITHIt has creader 30 30 ana asumed bie daties March 12. 1922. at 30 m. Me!
has always been the proud to se med to have been looking on of 1922. the watch James Shaw will deliver a lec boast of West Indians in their bus his beloninus. He was NOSTROLINE tare: Lesson train Lincolo.
homeland that a lady can pass fell asleep, the report of a gun be transferred xt day, The public is cordially invited Bishop Duun visited this Church o Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene through the streets at any hou of the day or night without fea saw cened at the JT 16 of the current vest sod to come out and hear this inspir.
INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CURS FOR fred Mc. Tot plece si Pearling lecture on less as fron the of any rude molestation This is recolheres toutes truly a After rtl head Taxon, Niestasus; bu Coenplay the life of one of the world great Nasal Catarrh, Influenza men qua fiction of Kolny Il rid You will enjoy hearing Mr other people as we see it be Samuels call out Merey Helo. and one that nason also called out ing Thomas 13 cke) as the urbal HAY, FEVER, SORE THROAT AND DRYNEST; STUFEINESS sud do everything in the ja. ni pret sh wid disinton to Shaw, he is recently from Chiteof procedure the Bible timbers que circuit in midale West, a la vyer power to preserve with jatou and wn AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE ant prominent roarina three moths Comporary assis: oldinse havu forte lanter the lines Dit him AdmisSimple!
Lo Pater Alibil, Safe!
Dost cea sure!
sioa FREE: FREE: and Pote. Wnie Now a reliably informed For sale at all up to date Drag Stores wnie Corp. Semers probal knowledge that ver side it Sailing for helomardir. Heard another sho. never saw came koown that price CRICKET Samuels that event at all.
appuined for this Pin Trott Paris wad neard Samuels voice in the hput on a hostile atti udel, Sports Defeats Corn be on exhibition between Lily may be awarded to mer tori bus ub oficers quatrs talking, als. Eriber info aw the station on tire before Roing around making preren Whites of the Windy City and the cases As a coatest of this kind wall C, at Gatun ations above named tean. The Lockcity would, withou aay daot, prove left, saw accused in the rema regarding him it and the spintment position with the carbine to this Churc; 90 Ning Proclus sed, After much speculation, on the boys are blied with determina attractive to tocatalsats as well And in termons stit inx up co our ques. part of the Gatanites, after hav. tion, they will not allow the Lillies as those of other sections of the Tiger quarters their remember sweet swelling Isthma, members of the society Samuels and tio died, which in woorbre ing just a week previsus ad to take ceusd had a quarrel the same avo bas biguato humor the work ministered a severe trouaciag to es seace back to Colon as they loi are requeste to come prepared one of the last week to Sports Tae line at the next meeting to handle the day, accused painting his finger desire to dir et the attentin of be the West End focal public to bere poius (1) lis leading teams of Colon in the up which Coptaia Renkia have, subject At this mseting curreat Sanu is a saying. As to zaid tunt ft in Cuto Isund Nie mogu, Sinclair Competition, the Corn will make any Cricket captain go happenings of iaterest to the We are hoping that some oc you. Johnson was with Samuels wh. ro Rev Trott was toe ted some wall ce met with a crushing to Barbados. Play begins at 12 30 Society will be givea by Mrs. casion will bring you to our the time. Accused was in a temper. It was jas after Corp years ago be had to beat it because deteat from the Sports cc. of have als)
Many are the happy wang ratu been selected for discussion, one store shorty. And when you Samuels tad wld am te was The people there found him impossible colon on Sunday March 2) The Res, whence Le came bere, no loner Matiss the coin correctly, Ritions tendered the Walthurt will bo to determine wether do come be assured that it will to report him.
people at at Gerrosti Cota eiptuning the sports family on behalf of the newly the mdern womea makes a bet Coss eximination be a pleasure for us to serve by the. quired his vices. Truth is that team for the day, elected to bat. their daughter last presente boty ter wife than the woman of you, and that our pleasura in Court: The door was about his ionings wih mother and babe are getting along cordially invited.
centuries past.
Rev. E, Trot (B. bidin wo er and FMyers Pouder nicely.
The public is serving you will mak your visit leet from where Samuels was.
Geo Williams. Wrn, sud, id the vineyaslayman De hers on to our store even more enjoy va empl yed to the polic.
was dispatched with the score at at Truite exit was only mide able for yourself.
Sanda 12. bint ablut 5, 30 p, duscon und is is proving biens its suces, Brett partnering Myers and Sirs Roberts Batcher, beda gun fir hard (3) since his stay bere, ir 0. yielded 30 before they were small and their fellow Brother RESOLUTION OF SYMS. FULLER Orpl. Johnson called out Bar.
1020, MF Trot too but shown house ported the next two wickets along wih sisters of the new PATHY retu what hav Id in you that est uret brethren, wud gave only runs more, the Star wf Betulehem Lodge, wishes JEWELLER you want to shoot in at least 90 per cent of the Atlet Gay jined 181 taking the score to invite their Dany friends along Sed vit feel it werd tim to 12 Ras playing a splendid wit them as the new Lodge will The Panama Baptist Church 122 CENTRAL AVENUE in the sur olf ears qarters, wre Uprale 23 do he puple of Cond and game although scoring slowly soon be installed.
Samu is and not whilst Guy and Johnson ad ted run after Wet (1) Falur 1. Dr.
scare vieling the top score od a door oa de venta bVIES WHEREIS, it has plowed the ini ed and subsequently access up of 20 before being dismissed the La Boca Literary Society nite ani an wisa God and Father of the and sav Con Bretinding the busicers appointment, le cid not koy di succeeding wi kets gave 17 more Universe to take it mus, one of our Correspondents and con. quartars with a cucu pointing Troti, the people or yes this place (5) runs and the Sports ended their Lest men, our most staanch and true tributors to Assistant Biobip ekson is not at fut inoing with 89 ruas registered on The ladies of the Society are member and effic in the person of Deathe WORK ato the sub orice quarters.
the boards Where MAN please take notic was ei her; for Mr. Trott be given unmis could see torou zb fast advancing to occupy first on wyers. Crevice between the boards takable evidence that he wil not submit The Cornwall opened place in its activities. their posithat our Post Offices address to the sub ufficer, qurters, to bian (6) The Anglican pople of this their inn inning with Messrs WHEREAS, by his death the church tion being more evidenced on 10 Garaps to build up this Jones and Franklinthe first heard corporal by esi neigu to fit and pho wicket falling for Fun, bearsel say night when the male mem in die he was colles de cery great la are PO Box 74 Panama. hoson eft, audieron la pers true and fai bul member con Canal Zone. Person, Christ, wirect shoot me. Ba.
Sar els called out Lord sus Le no (7) eo be o stion of er at ne joining Franklin and taking the bership would seem to be dwind jenthat he werela devout Christian gent. City and Box 1102 Ar retain liog Tot plain y and Mr. score up to 13 when before they In the absence of the Presi and efficer of the Coureb, ever bolding mailing letters and etc. a Chei Core then heard gun Trout and Bishop Dana. were paid. The next wicket dent. Mrs Florence Snith, Vice at betale dhe bighest and best interests of Canal one Post Ofices are bau Iran Thanking you for this in yielded 11 4th. b 11 runs more with the President took charge of last the church and be asked to a idress same to down the bacon suw and 6th falling for 28 and Thursday night wys ealous, ardent and unwervin meeting and ister of 35 ciusing their with the aid of her able secre and rich and see ed «hing bu to expedite delivery.
uzha the rester in the suo ri of what he des ned just Box i102 Ancon so as Corpl nu. is com You, etc. 35 tiers the wiod ot the ioning, o Exle being top scorer with the displayed JONATHAN RANKINE.
tary with 13 run to his credit much ability 10 the ulin truth and warminall. acts fans handling the different quarters, holding on to a gutier subjects. Peoples Warden)
leading to in any discussion Bowling for Cornwall Es Ran With the exception of a to the step. Hidropped Bocne del Toro, kin cap ured Wickets for runs by of a recitation by Mr. Geo Roberts on the ground for. H: wis 811 Earle tr 25 For Spuris co solo by ne R, Risky, the pro un exempluy one, full of good deeds and a VHERS 45, his whole life has been Golden Opportunity Feb. 27, 1922, over in blood, and could not Guy Guy starred walk, drauged him to the will.
red again beating gram was covered by the ladies and high cud noile flores so the men for ruosbowling two Vhen ve it to tha wall. saw Canal Zone Notes in FORSALE Birrett coming on maiden Wickets 14 aveverithing on what should really con: berst the Bune church who movimento stitute LAS CASCADAS perfect vica a carbin Oudulier, womanhood was are living testim atals of his life lone Myers had for 10 to his credit listened to with rāpt attention fill, inngrity, and christian piy, was frightenei atid sa and hid and Muttoo for 14 and Her theref re; highly appreciated An up to date house containing ayself in the stable. When Mr. Muttoo is to be compli reading supported the fact that Reviyal Meeting three apartments; cated on one was dragging in saw that one mented on the manner in whick skin deep beauty as possessed and every member of the church is very with barbed wire and well plant saw accused he looked quce RESOLVEDThough each his broken.
he the revival will be held and prized by some in the bowl of the Las Care dis xil fight that Sports bad been putting in thorough disregard of the of our duar bestber, while all mrekly and plantain, papaya, pineapple, etc. the Corporal.
Women: deply tov und sincera ym vura the lossed with sugar cane, bananas, vexed. saw nothing more of liary of the Guachupati Chupt No. against supposedly estremecer cultivation of the more genuine bun yly vox in willing cubmission to the also suitable Mesh wire ep. To be continued in next isme)
bt o clock tomorr when present or the since to commencein cat beauties of character, is a retard will of the At se and infinite Fatåer, closure for poultry, Situated at e bine well for Gadeby and members of his factor ia their making up for confident of the fe hat Bo Sawy ore Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 Seventh Day Adventist Church their subs will grace the meting with their pron would now seem as if they have ful places with the mem. Among whi th sus Carist bas prepared for bim Price Reasonable. matches as it the purpose of taking their right for been transplanted in that place minunes walk from Tramway.
ence. This meeting will be bigbly in re at least got together a team 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA pending questions re President second to none on the Atlantiother items Mrs Louis rendered in His Faber missions above, where Sabbath (Situriy) 45 am, Sabquiring the presence of the vocal solo which was also well there is no more death, n) parting. Well ro stives the most sincero condolence in bath School; 11 15 a, m, General Worebi and one of whom great received will to finally seitled should make it convenient to attend results are to be expected in the Suggestions were entertained don, good and faith ul servanto enter tt is time of great afl otion; and that 30 m. Spanish Class: 30 near future.
to and delinquent members are urged and will be continued at the thou into the jɔye of thy Lord.
these resolutions be placed on the record Young People Meetingi. 30 make themselves fully entitled to the All roads will lead to the Corp next meeting for the holding of al BE IT ALSO RESOLVED: that the of the surch, that a copy be sent to be Vespers, benefits to be accrued from their mem wall oval to morrow. Sunday) Singing Contest in the near Pastor and mam Jars of the Panama reaved relatives, and a copy to the daily Sunday night 30 pm. Service. All berabip in this Chapter When the rivalry of cricket will future a contest in which medals. Baptist Churoa ex and to his bereaved and weekly pred for publications, are welcome, ng to the sub ottice point TW 19 there run to be ined the door of te thau Biely between AG 834 roci slw. yo Im vocal wickets for Steps of teres ing, as all All members Side


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