
SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 1922 London Correspondence.
3:54 Magic! illusion! Spirit Control!
THE IDEAL PHARMACY BOSS Sec th Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
NO SUBSTITUTES the purest and most pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over 103 bond, 99 years, D) you think Unless Notice of Removal dwindcountry wants about a rise tbe SSSSSSSSXXSEX SEKSEKSSS SS sexoo soos DO YOU BELIEVE IN IT?
Guachapali Chapter No. 14 No, I, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuairo SATURDAY NIGRT MARCH 11th AT 30 CLOCK (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
THE GREAT PROFESSOR (BY LEONARD REID. ASSUE Lindon, Jany, 1922 There is that the Goancial year 1921 22 would real change to report in the Dit be likely to yield much, in any will mystify with renENGLISH AND AMERICAN trade si ustion of Great Bitain. surplus of revenue for debt extinction Safying illusions and scientitie Unemployment all remains its height the Government began the daily and bition of rare occalt art.
quite unparalle since Britain became a continuous sale of Treasury Bonde Some claim that he is the industrial De 100. except possibly, in Sines July su scriptions to the boode, greatest modern disciple of the one or twn prids of great national Dave totalled about 250 millions Great Oriental Master Lamas strikes. The se no prominent labour Thanks entirely to this fact the floating and Alchymical lepts. Sce disputes iu pranjat now, but Trade debt, which would otherwise have hud him Unions report that at the beginning of to be considerably increased, has been prepare a Banquet out of the Enoty air: Civert then th Neyrol 163 per redd by some 150 mions, tents of a Garbage Can into a of its embrs we out of work, cent of Leil bail monetary eaditions have growa essier delicious fruits: See the while the same date 16. per cent of sud easier, the terms oo when these of the Enchanted Cabi all the wrker. come 12 000 000 som is Do ara buvo been been revisad ir net by FAMILIAR SPIRIT ing under the scope of the Unemploy inet) Tais week the fourib USED you know how he can be bur.
ment Insurance Act were in a familar series has been pu: on sale at the price ied alive and re ressurrected?
plizh. Unemplove. ent actually grow a He will show you. See the mysper baring int rest trifle worsa in December as a whole, in porce and running for five Only genuine Drugs comteries and wonders, of Hypnospi e of some trovement in conditio as At the same modsat the Gov notism, Mesmerism and Magne.
ino coal min and one or two least in crument is issuing 30 millises of tisin revealed dustrie Som sections of the York Der Bent Local 30 Stock at the any chains, bandeats, shackles shire woolen industry are fully employed price 57. her large issues are sho or any other contrivance can but there are notable exceptions to hold him.
before the public, the most promine He will show you 40 years experience general industrial experience Theluf wbich is the off of the that it can See him esape in Anglo thle reduction in prices proceeds, and in the Persisa Oil Company of 2, 000, 000 8 a sensational manner from the IN Troa and steel industry in WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
the po.
prticular, per cent preference shares at 21s each chains ani the These Per quotations have been cut so severely and 600, 000 ordinary shares at 65s are only few of the wonderful that a renewal of demand is confidendy eseb. Dutless the whole of these sioscooooooooooo SSKS5599 esse acts he will perform Don fail to be there or you will miss anticipated. But so fur trade revival big now issues will be quickly absorbed, remsing a wistful hupe. and the abs ce money wil ins Treasury the greatest collection of nagiof progress towards the establishment of Boads and even this great competicion cal acts ever shown in years.
stability in Europe creates discourage will not cause any serious set back to survive are so weak it is impos.
Ad nission 25 cents. Children ment. oni uatil the political and cautious of gilt edged stocks, 15 cents sible to get adequate borse now.
economie unsettlement on the continent In one sease, the improvement in the er to deliver food to the thouof Europe is cured, Bitain hope for srev. ty of prosperity. By market value of Goverament stocks and sands of snow bound. destituta the rates of which the Gov settlements far from food stu Says French Seek vigorous attenti a to other markets tions.
eramat can borrow are satisfactory fesCrisin degree of trade revival might be tures They suggest that we in The Public is hereby notified that the this Power On Conti. vod, but not normal or satisfactory ountry have processes rapidly in the activity direction of economic readjustment to Sunday in Barbados SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO nent.
The influences of long continued trade warde normal. But satisfuction stagnation in the financial markets in les, when it is realised that these move Has been Removed to 107 IIII. Ir becoming more and biore conspicius ments are directly attribu able to the. By leaves every week. Large amounts of avail terriola trade depression, which 15th Street West.
British Writer Gives Reaslvle funds which would normally find remoney competing for employment ide is only 166 square miles, but is The little Island of Barbados (s. airs Studebaker Automobile Depot. sons for France Desire muarrative employment in providing the stead of being competed for by trade for Military Alliances wants more densely populated than necessary credit for manufacture and com and industry. What this The new premises are well equipped for turning out merov, bave to seek other outlets. These is a revival of industrial demand se ivity any couatry except China and other oudets are found in purchases of and if this brought in the city of Colon.
the best class of work gilt edge stocks, subscriptions to bigh monoy rates and a set back in It is called little England, and DOMINATE EUROPE. clase new issues of capital, and heavy prices of gili edged securities, the latter its Government Representative, taking of the Goverment Treasury reut would be what one financial critic is entirely Enclish. Indsad, Bir PHOTOGRAPHS Wanted Big Fleet of SubmBnds and Treasury Bills. Last July has described as out feather weight bados is far more English thin when it became obvious to everyone in the scale of astional advantage, England, for over its fuir coral ines to Act Check on reels, the foreigner frig has Great Britain.
never bcen unfurled AS THE DEAD LIE IN HEAPS. As the clock strikes the hour of twelve, NEW cable despatch from London YEAR GIFTS states that Student of Polishops are closed. It is the last ties. in an article in The Daily day of labor and all tura is in Remember your friends with your photograph this Chronide discussing the reasons All Over Land of Russia. blissful pos, secue under year and they will remember you as long as for French dissatisfaction over the eternal vigil of the lestial guardians of the high the sil.
the photograph lasts.
the compact ofered to France ка by Premier Lloyd George, says Steppes Strewn with Skelever moon and its starry Geigh families walked is dissatisfied because of on, always bours.
tons of those who Feil in hoping that food lay over the the condition attached to the The new day breaks calm and next kooli.
compact Search for Food that British Naval and Our Photographs are Permanent peaceful; a halo of golden light would be given to But the country districts have blended with the solema bush France if soil was made no graiu or, if peasant families what pervades the atmosphre, Have that long delayed photo which you promised THE, TREK OF DEATH have a small supply, they con. broken only by the sweet chimes the object of direct and unproyour friend so often vokeri aggression.
ceal it in the effort to prolong of the bells that herald the hour The writer declares that their own lives until another of prayer North and South, East France is worried not about the Deep Snow that covers the harvested crop In the and and West for it is Sanay.
large MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO Lowas there is food for sale at invasion of her eastern frontier.
Country is their Present fabulous prices, but the starving obedience to the inand its of Man and bast are at rest in The coolest in the city where you are certain of the since it is not exected that Germany would repeat the fol Fait refugees have neither money the Supreme law giver: In IT best attention.
lies of her strategy of 1914, but nor good to exchange and can THOUSHALT DO NO MAN of circumstances that only sit down to await death or NER OF WORK, might MILLIONS ON MARCH trudge on till they sinis arise in Eastern Europe.
The exhaustion.
cattle huddle close is to together sweetly lowing for Day and Night Photographs maintain her power in The bodies which lie along the they, too, know it is the Lord by a group of military alliances cable despatch from Ufa, in railroads are collected on cars day.
SCRANTON PHOTO in Eastern Europe wnich will do the Volga. Region of Russia, and hauld to centers where they STUDIO for her what Russia did in It is emphatically noticeable thg dated January 7, states that are piled in frozen, snow coverold system. If these were atthe snows melt next 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. tacked Spring the Russian steppes wil ed heaps to await burial. Frecz that the little birds instinctively a bellicose Germany take their daily feed and are ing refugees remove all sar: absent during Divine service, with or without an alliance with be strewn with skel tons. They ments from the Russia, France their leafy would Dude, so the assist will resemble the niga prairies frozen bodies powers of country in them by in an og Germany. She scavengers bowers until it is them.
the days wben big cattle outfits he might even, it she had sea pow.
they are seen in clouds on the Families drift the meadows and er, want to transport troops to had sufficient bay to carry their lessly on to a part and aim. streets, and stockhrough a Poland or to Czechoslovakia. If hard winter.
inevitable fate pastures pickinx their evening Spain and Russia luman Instincts are were, with But among the skeletons of camels there will be they become little better than meal. Taey then retire to the beasts. The city Germany, she would want Tur and town tree tops and, with warbling key to attack her precisely as bones of hundreds own notes and hallowed lays, chant of thousands hardened to their evening praise to Him, the Germany let Turkey loos BRANDON BANK)
they are Russia.
fell exhausted in their quest for moved by the tu isery which lies Father of all creation, until the bread; who lived These are the sort of circum.
the simple lives o envelopes stances that the military party their peasant ancestors lived for moralmercitemin Death seems tne Island amids on holy in France has in mind. It SECURITY centuries and had little concep for the refugees; they sink into During the day no vehicles are is power, not the defense of her tion of the political upheaval the white covering of the end on the streets except those that SERVICE own soil, that these people are which made this famine less their pain, and, wolves strip convey occupants to terrible than that of 1891.
thinking of. Whether we should their bones.
church. Here and there a solicaur.
assist her or not in these circumThey wandered, and millions un Panama (Founded 1863)
walking horse going to visit his Colon stances would depend on wheof them are still wandering. From Perm and Ekaterinburgh ther or not we There was nothing to eat in to the Caspian Sea death is stalk family, and looked upon as a thought her marauder.
their homes, so they started on ing over the steppes. Russians, Sabbath In Our large Resources and well known the or policy had been aggressive that the soil of France was the trek for bread.
Some drifted Cossacks, Kalmucks, Kirghiz church there is a is a mottley gather in the conservative Management afford undanger.
the Volga France wants and Tartars alike are meeting ing. the organist is generally found dead in the typhus ridden their end with the hopelessness negro; the choir composed of military alliquestioned security for every dollar ance, not a compact, railway centres, or among the and patience begotten of centu. black and white folks; for in because the idea of British inde endence.
horrors of refugee camps along ries of unequal struggle against sunny Bimshire whose destinies deposited with this bank in a European quarrel of the Volga: others moved east political extortion and unfavour are legislated sy its own people for. magnitude is displeasing to her.
Our sea power would make us moved eastward toward Siberia. worse by methods of tilling the glorious parote Stack, felke of the. segregation the arbiters of justice and is unknown.
for that Which has always been so allur American corn will be too late Service being over, there are among other rea.
France wants ing to the Russian mujik who to save many of these wander greetings and hand shakes at great heard little of its vastness, its ers in the steppes, as well as the the gat Heet of submarines, not to degates, after which the fend her coasts, but to make us hardchips and its heal. hlses families who have elected to 54. bering gradually breaks up ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDOS think twice before usi our sea ness.
make their tight in the villages in little groupes, going to their President Vloe. Presiden Treasurer power on behalf of what we Tae peasants knew nothing of remote from the railways rather homes in different directions to might think was the just cause, ways.
They were than endure the hardships and partake of the mid day meal, and even against France if she unable to buy tickets on the death their neighbors have suf and a fait the evering tide, were in the wrong, railways, unable to get permits fered along the main lines o1 AN English writing of to ride on trains burdened with transportation.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanthe Red Army and food for Eatire village populations have ground for saints and angels Moscow and Petrograd. When died in the provinces east of the garden of the Lord set aside in Ish and English for sale at the their animal dropped dead the Volga and the animals wbich the seas for those who love him, IT PAYS. Workman Printery.
France of he says Europe When by out quitting over, when collect their lost, and Panama Banking Company Cartie and 01 dark curtain night ly calm more planter and this e neral Banking Business Transacted.
sons, modern author Bat badan saya de las recreation Advertise in the Workman


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