
THE IDEAL PHARMACY Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
SUBSTITUTES oses 50 tenent had Govern are with supposed to be mem Enpire, more demon the Notice of Removal be ald al all before mentioned pact devise lec ual and The net sell or political The Incomparable Trade Agreement SKS66ssssssssss: Summons taken out Fundamentals of with West Indies.
Against British Liberty.
Bottomley GUARANTEED BY BRIT No. 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cua ro The Most Democratic Con ISH GOVERNMENT The Application is Made ssitutional Rights Kown FOR TEN YEARS (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
by Sir Archib Id Budain Among Nations.
The Fubic Frosecutor, Is Decision Reached By The Liberty of the Subjects ENGLISH AND AMERICAN British Cabinet BOW ST. MAGISTRATE Safr guarded.
The West India Committee Cir Cha ge of Cavarti 13 to By cular states that the announceOwn Use Property of Persons having a very super nent made by Mr. Elward od Victory Bon Club ficial knowlge, or those who are at a meeting of the Associated tot conversant with the brond West Indian Chambers of Com HIS LEGAL BATTLES princiles on which the British merce in Trinidad on January Epite is frunded very often 29. h, that the British to that our ment decided Larden, Fivery 23. The system of government is less Trade Agreem nt with the West Tule piccoleras o and a democratic than those under Indies guaranteeing the existing evended. tate of preference for ten yea NO USED un mes, paint Horatio Butwhich they. years, ply MP 100 citer Another regrettable phase of was naturally received hn Bull, in ite charge of this most unpl asant discussion much enthusiasm, since it maks Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comconverting to his own use 5000 is, that individuals who are ad are a distinct step towards bringin pounds sterling part of 69 members of the about that restoration of conti property, of the Victory Bind pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over more so, the very largo dence which is so essential it Club, on September 16, 19 numbers with whom we come the British West Indies are to The case will come up in Bio into social relationship in this prosper. It will be recalled that 40 years experience Street Police Court on arch 8, place, knows absolutely nothing in our issue of cember 23rd The Victory Bood Club is ve of the fundamentals under 1920, under the bading Inpeof the ventures run by John which they are governed. They rial eference. a. Suggestion. WILLIAM e OUSA, Proprietor.
Bull when Bottomley was lis exponatrate pitiable ignorance course, and the Associated Cham we urged the adoption of this editor. It grew out of a war in making various forms of comparsons of stock combination and its affairs sesso Sisses government bers of Commerce, at the invita Kome have become so involved that These persons holding such tion of their President, tock up they are now under investigation contentions does not matter very actively. We in the court of Chancery strate an Application for the summons intelligent under unde sand that the form of Who will the Prince was made to the Bow Street standing of the essentials; nor guarantee which the Guvern.
the dir of Wales Marry?
Magistrate by Sir Archiba ference of a stable from a Mob an undertaking wh. ch will, we Bodkir, the Public Proscutor, Government, or government presume, mutatis andis, in prson After the ums of outlaws ur developed similar to that which was given had been served Bytomly people. They base their con t) the signatories to the Brussels Feeling in Britain that he The Public is hereby notified that the made st. tement claring nimclusions on the questionable Convention, when Grrat Britain Should Take an English self disappointed that it was mises, that monarchial pledg charself not to give preconfined to a siogle charge and Girl For His Bride SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO ora of gover. nt is undesir ferent treatment to colonial did not cover the allegations able and und mocratic. Toat suga during the continuance made against him by uber the peopleconstituting of albei agreement. And ia con.
Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue Corner Big and last Saturday his what form it may DAUGHTER OF DUKE 16:h Street West.
trial thu the nation should be given an sidering Shropshire Kecutives actually tak pportunity to be the Executives re Ass. Hemen no doubt tha Luw o the government. and that Oficers of the Crown will (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. culars a fraudulen ly to Biglaad charges that he had this state of political power is some means of securig borit Would not Attend Dance more désirables, irrespective of bioding force. There is, however, Where a certain Young The new premises are well equipped for turning out the third priz: in th war stock all considerations as to the intel ally in the diniment is that Mr.
the best class of work combination and had arranged Lady was not Invised moral responsibili Woid said that it was the exist that a conclusion lol shu tics of those who may be called ing rate of preference ona should be brought against bimupon to governor dova to o administer the value of the preference the functions of government. which would be guaranteed for London. buary 26 EveryPHOTOGRAPHS Bottomley also askd why the It is on these same unprin ten years. What is really teedeabody in society is now gossiping Pub. ic Prosecutor had not asked cipled sentiments that the fall to the situation is the continuabut the reasons that restrain for the return of the Euroos the Russian Empire was ance of preference on sugar at a the Prince of Wales trou marry.
AS for a fortnight and announcert brought about. which dowo tipure not lets than that of its ing His subjects, or those who that until a tearing had beea Jall, has brought upon the Rus piesent value iu ss ile tarit a ill be bis subjets, declare ti, NEW YEAR GIFTS held he would suspend both his sion people such bardstips, bewestrus, the on. ount on the his duty to set about providing and jurnalistic 8Ctivities. He would be said, autlerings and an alarming state prelerence would be reduced for the succession and to take Remember your friends with your photograph this sugar for that purpose one of the conduct his ow case of miscrits and death; and it when the lowered and ilough poimme several charu. young English is feared, hai ul le 88, he other diate reduction in the sugar men from am ng whom it is year and they will remember you as long as The Duily Mirror says: the photograph lasts.
Informacion gleaned from a Iations go to their rescue that all of thim will tinaliy be exter dues is probable, it is certain the obvious desire of the King well informed sourcs suggests wo undoubtedly that it must come about within sud Queen he should select as that the proceediogs now peo.
minated. It was ing herald the greatest legal an insa iable lust for power, of un years. Altcuotin to even his wile.
bolt the prosent uboormal Lady Rachel Cavendish, the battle Our Photographs are Permanent of Bottomley few discounts who brought at Crear to beautiul daughter of the Duke Although the summons about this calamity and sad state figura o 252 13. 4a, per would uen corres of punding of Devoushte, is now spoken of tined to one simple and clarly Have that long delayed photo which you promised duction of 2. 9d the detined issu, it is anticipat desirable, it a govertValue of the But there is no evidene your friend so often that the Bow reet proceeul 88 ment is bad, weak and Oppres which would Pieleretcost as the future Princess o al a that he Prince has ever take will be extret mely protracter. be more than the most polit e author y gives an estimate necessary; but it is a dangerous de quate MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO We ther. interest in ber of two months, conclusion to have it chang di unless the new government will undertking my take the form formed a tre, 03 in strongly urge that the The assertion that he ha The coolest in the city where you are certain of the Bottomley, who has been desbe more saus acto y and pro of a gua ance of the continuance offered as the truest explanatio.
a secret attachment best attention.
o as the greatest lay lawyer of modern times, has bad an gressive to the requirements of ct the preference sta figure not of his reluctance to select a extensive experience of lengthy the nation, and that its form or less than that of its present bride. well authenticated litigation. In toe Guildhall case system will be an improvement value on that which it bas sought 10 story runs that before bis ot 1909, when Bottomley defence parcure for ludia he acknow Day and Night Photographs ed himself against Caarges remove, It is to a great ext nt the form the man, or to the young fashion, his attachment for a misrepresentation in connectien in rather self willed with SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO Australian gold change of government in France men who are to constitute the cert certain there were thirty nine bearings, after the tallion of the Bastile, Bages, of the next generation, invited to a private ball given young lady. He during which two magistrates ihat brought about Germany There is perhaps scarcely any by a titled lady very friend 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. broke down in health Bottomfear and watchfulness. Bismarck typic on which there is more ly with the Royal Family ley won after and or at order of things. He knew, that rect id as are formed than that Bua accepted the invitation speech plecextraordinary skills with with France of of when can of 1902 occupied the attel wear the boundaries of his coun phrase Britishis conso tutionenshte submited for his approval, as is Quel Lue of the Court for nearly try, that the sovereignity of the meaniog, comprebends usual on these occasions, rethe seven days, and at the terminaRoyal House vould be threateo whole body of laws by which the his household that the name of the quested through an official of tion of the case in which toere ed and would be untenable. and British peo le are governed this that the German people might and to which it was an acqui. ltal, justice is young lady should be added presump ively to the list.
kios presented Bottomley with one day become affected and fol beld, that every individual bas tbe wig be wore the trial and low the example of France. For assested, as, constituting the reasons for tot including this The hostess, who had her own (BRANDON BANK)
the notes he made use of for his these and other considerations social compact between him and suming up. Toese are still as a measure of safety, it was all the other individuals of which body thalied through her husSECURITY among Bottomley most treasur.
necessary to plan the destruction the community is composed. In band that the list was full and ed possessions.
of or reduce to impotence Repub this view, the code of laws, could nut add any name to it. SERVICE Another lengthy gal ordeal the Germ empire was to be moraciog every one that is thereupon the Prince of Wales enacted and unrepealed, is the told his equerry that he would through which Buit. mley pas and sed was his five days uxamina preserved. gal constitution of the country, not attend tne ball. He was ad.
Whether France has prospered and the whole community, not vised quietly that the hostess.
Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon tion in bankruptcy in 1912. He acquired the bisis of bis legal under this chsage and has been excepting an individual is the depeuding on his acceptance of knowledge while working in the a more progressive nation, it is corporate constitution.
her invitation, had invited other Our large Resources and well known courts as a But the constitution of the not the purpose of the writer to professional short Land writer British Empire as exhibited he guests to meet him and that bis conservative Management afford unButtorley has resigned bis In the dispute as tº the various the preceding interpretation and ausence under the circumstan would be grave upon questioned security for every dollar Chairmanship of the indepen forms of government and as to definition, is perpetually under her. The Prince insisted dent group of members of Par that form obtains gotyk alteration, a great num would not go to the party less deposited with this bank liament.
throughout the British Empire bers of new laws are enacted his dancing partner was in constituionally, it is my purpose every session in Parliament, and cluded.
Lodge Notice.
to deal only with its bistory and som old ones repealed In this the outstanding leatures of its sense the British constitution traditions the succes, consists of thos: essentials and 117 ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
achieved in its exércise of juris leading prisciples of diction over the Euxlish people which declared the authority by JUAN ILLUECA 8150.
and those of alien race. The whica the liw is established, NATHANIEL BRANDON BBANDOS The meeting nights of this rur national define the several orders of th Attorney at. Law lodge are held o the 1st 3rd a story are by an easy trading state, mark the privileges and Presiden Vier Presiden Treasurer No. 44 Central Avenue Mondays and the 3rd Taursday led to an inquiry in those great duties of each, and consequently of each month. The next meeting principles of government by is the foundation on which our takes plac on Monday the 6th which the Empire has been social order 18 established, ch TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 inst. at 30 m. sharp in the rain to the proud emiaence she and every individual is respon Practices in all Courts of Loyal Progress hill Parama.
attained in the scale uf balloos. sible to obty and to see that Al officers and are Toys inquiry is at the preseaulthon laws are executed and Panama mment. cularly interesurg obeyed.
To be Continued)
IT eitber to the youth who are to English Spoken Fluently Wm. MAYNARD, PAYS.
Gutes are for Cor.
It is Wales. Ở tu not, cribed deledged, to miner Was two days Panama Banking Company decide.
he and of British Banking Business. Transacted ISAAO BRANDON Drineipal facta in rur Advertise in the Workman requested to be on time.
Per. Secretarya


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