
Try a Chesterfield and see the difference They Satisfy Createplen Chesterfield Book Binding!
Home Batere the serveres Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department ENTRAL AVENUE and No. G Street SAVES THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH25; 1922 PAGE SEVEN Tateresting West In tin NHS WATERBURY COMPOUND (Continued from page 3)
St. Georg: Dr Boxill WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL and Mr. Robinson.
St. Philip: Messrs. B. Skeete INDICATIONS and Bovell.
St. John: Mr. Pile and Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Dr. Brig, Clarke Cold Anaemia Following Fevers St Thomas: Messrs. Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia Thorne und CH Wright St Jims: Mr. B Austin An excelent whice for administering lodides, Ermides You know what you ve always and Dr EG Pilgrim and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowi wanted a cigarette to do.
St. tr: HC. Clarke, Irregularities among Children. All ages, all cimate Chesterfields do it.
KO. Atur ey General) and Mr J, Chandler.
all seasons of the Year.
They not only please your taste St. Loes: Mr. HW. Reece, You have tried the Rest but they do more they give such a KC (3 licitor General) and Dr.
new and different enjoyment to your WH. Massian.
Why not Use the Best smoking that there only one way St. Joseph: Messrs. to describe it Yearwod and GC. Wiliams.
FOR SALE BY St. Andrew: Messrs. B:31 and Skeete West ISAL JUIN 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COJ.
India Commitke Circular.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Dos Molna la, Weather and Crops.
Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Feburs, 1922 has so far ben ar op tious month for the ar iealu ist The frequent slowers bave revived the crois and the you canes are ki ga line sbow while the. id uns have put op op more owth within the past month.
ovisions are also plentiful and CIGARETTES thus the prices bave been much not getting full advantage of th lower rates; as with potities being sold by the carts «t 60 cents per 1001 by the Luckters are retailing them at only 10lbs for cents, and yans which were ferenog 20 per LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
1001bs are only being retailed at 41b3 for 10 cents, and this with god erop in the Island Mount Horeb Past Master Link up with LIFEBUOY Lodge.
High Price of Fresh Milk.
for Health Sake.
Jamaica District 110 LO. AS. the General Hospital when con observe that the Director of sidering teoders for supplies regular meeting of the sb we their last meeting commented netned Lodre held its session in the attre abnormally big prices Manchester Unity Hall, cwner of D) which fresh milk was being and 10th Strets on Sunday, 10 kert up. cents per pint, March for the purpose of general bsi the price to which it was raised ness and the conferring of the some three years ago when degree. After the sun formali ice fodder was then being retarted tivation for the manufacture of ST. VINCENT were gone through the hall were pre at three times the price it is pulp for paper is likely to be a pared for the said degre, when the fetehing at the present and prominent feature among the following were initiated in the Sublime food studs were about twice the coming agricultural industries of the Colony. The poor crop of There wa4 a meeting of the Dorr se: Bros, Ju. Lo. of the Prince price they are to day.
of Wales Lodge, No. 2632; Wilem, li nee wa due largely to attacks Lislative Council of St Vincent of the Loyal Victor Lodge, No. 282, by the wither tlp disease. Tae on January 3) last when cousiand sister Richards, of the Eusebius TRINIDAD Cultivatwu is, however, being derasion of the Estimates took dg, No. 2008, by the Bro.
extended, particularly in Tobaya place. The Sentry Bays: The The latter Island continues to a Uoticial section used all the Foulk, asisted by! Bro. Waru, at their others. Among present were mare. the value her Bro. arki, pomaly, of the Lange Debono Trinidad Trade ut lies agriculturales en porwal to command to reduce the ameti cunt YOUTH and happiness are linked than Lodge, Panama, The gave Trinidad in 1920 being 147 572 on the pay sheet of the local civit up with health. Link up with a besity welcome, who in ture Annual Report for 1920 Live stock comes third in value to the necessity of passing the more than ten times that of 1897. service, with the object of obyis Lifebuoy for health and for the replied in befi ting manner.
Tols in its list of exports.
dinances children sake. Lifebuoy Soap probrought the conferring of degress to introduced; but the over ruling recently LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; cle. All the members in his General Report The production of in 1920 power of official vote belox on Trinidao and Tobago to 1920 was 12. 905 017 gallons as con las rinse that ex vedi neyse being it protects the children from the banuting ball, where an ej tim was opent. fo B. Walcott, Aci cing pared with 000 gallons in 1912. reluctantis Bu bitted to the dangers of contagious diseases.
bivaat by th Brothers on behaf of the Colonial Secretary, states that Practically at the patrola in Puwers that be. Tw) rezoluLifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects Lole and der, also to the news the opening of the year found produced in Prinidad has been uens enved by Mr. Sproti as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where ini ed Bros. and sister, We take the Government in a sound obtained from strata of Te tiary the meeting foll Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will sateguard the children keep them th pleasure in recommending them as financial position with a surplus age. The specific gravities of Tiat sat at thu retirement of the The the crude oil vary on the durfer, present Gwera or the necessary healthy as well as clean. fasist upon them emal ond ful fledged and Mis am unting 10 206 740.
using it before school, after play, before meals.
nd that all ikhs and privileges be re enug in 192) was 1, 917. 713. ent sields from an average of steps be taken to exclude St.
given them. Afur the siging of the exceeding the preceding, yar 09553 to 8015 At the end of Vincent and its dependencies Doxology the event function was tigues by 574 859.
1920 Dali there were twenty two from the Government of brought to a close at am.
Dealing with the Colony companies actively envased in Windward Ish and Egricultural industries, the re the exploitation of oil in the powers be given to the the Osieer port states that the stoppage of Colony, holding approximately administering the Government ROOMS TO LET Indian immigration has helped 200, 000 acres under lease and of Sc. Viaceni pending the acto concentrate more attention having a sbare capital of over complishment of the movement MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
CALLE No on implemental tillage, and 10, 000 000 pounds sterling Wells towards a Unised 8t In dieser animal drawn implements were drilled number over 520, of The resolution was carried: APPLY ON PREMISES much more extensively which 313 ate and the cour Unsificials being in preparing the land It is land It is computed that the industry favour th: Atcorsey Gineral Mosaic disease of the cane, 80 men. The area of Crown Land whilst the in strator and the. Trors a well spread in sugar countries made its appearance but was 31 st was unsold on Decembar lontal Surgeja Guined from 596, 222 acres, of which voting the proclaimed under Plant 16 946 are in Tobago, but a great Protection Ordinance and action Deal of the above total is in Toat in view of die alt prompilatie to prevent ita forest reserve or under licence mean cal position of the ana At close of year oil companies. and as the salaries of Public Oficers were spesia! Pete was granted to.
eliable the Deparunent of Agri The general health conditions increased by 20 por cent in deler culture to eradicate it as coin of the Colony were xceptionally ence to th» wish of the suces: ly as pos ble during the campaign for the eradication of owing to the high cost of living as com good. The continuation of the tary of State for the Colonies dry stason of 1921 The acount acount Hookworm of Cacounts and their equivalent antimalaria and whereas such as of livin in copra exported represented rural districts, the successtul of opioioa tn at there oted measures carried out in the is new ceduced, this about 000, 000 cuts on the pre treatinent of yaws by salvarsar, a reduction of salaries as ta. ws year shipments. This DESPATCH was partly due to their being and the good work done by the per cent of salaries in excess mure largely used locally Tuberculosis Association and the in of the biga cost of imported fats. Mothers and Infants Clinic all of 48) per annum ad not exceed.
ing 150 per annum New areas are being put under bearing fruit.
10 per cent of salaries exceed Cocoanuts, and there is promise ing 150 per annum of a rap increase in in the course of a few years. Mr. that Mr, Powler, a coad grade animously by the Unodicis output The Port of Sprin Gazette states the The motion was suppu rds and Ball Gards Nowell, the Assistant Direc. officer in the Nigerian Railway, and bains solidly opposed by 102 tor of Agriculture, has discover has been appointed to til ed that the so called root disease vacant post of General Manager, casting yote of the Administra the otaer side was loss through tha which has been a cause of loss and Chief Resident Engineer. tor.
e districts for many years, Mr. Puwler salary was 300is due to a 19 Good Assortment a nemalode worm, and 40J a year, rising by increments it may now be possible to dis of 10. The Trinidad post is cover some means of cure or pre 1, 000 a year. Toe unoticial WILKINSON vention. The rubber exports members, it is said, have enter TO SELECT FROM AT THE (29, 759 lbs) sbowed decrease ed a upanimous protest against CO TRACTOR BUILDER of 11, 280) Ibs. over those of 1919. Mr, Powler appointment. The Most of it is now Hevea (Pora) last appointment by the Colonial First Class Workmanship robber. The leaf disease which office to the Management of the Pla 13 and Specifications Free bus caused such havoc in the Jamaica Railway in the person 15 th Street West mainland, bas not done serious of a Mr. Thomas, bas also been a House 93 aamuge in Trinidad, Fibre cul subj. ct of protest in that Colony 1, Bus 411, Panama, LIFE the Brus a bevitoma Tais in Remember retired to the fp eches were de SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable permicide and sure disin lectant de Mr.
the extended LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. ORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND used ate on Crowu Land both for.
JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND plet tha vious view Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday in some dist WORKMAN PRINTERY


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