
POR TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Kingston Sailors er lig tidColing into the question death at San Fernando el Liebe QUALITY FIRST In giving you MAGNUMS as a smoke we have not permitted anything to interfere irrespective of price httle MAGNUMS are made entirely of high grade imported tobaccos; the quality of which cannot be excelled.
bow awakened in the managers are 15 Cents for 20 Cigarettes Together with a va uable cash coupon in eaoh package.
ISOOOO SOCKSXocosyss were was Been JAMAICA Liquor Control Brigadier General Ambaad 11 Smyth, He had a brilliant Army career. His death correspondent in the Gleaner was due to septie in fuerza.
Good Work of The says, among other things: understand that the Government record the of liquor control Jamaica. My Rest ndividual opinion is that Frank Berkeley of Grenada, would be an ill advised move for Chief Justice of Barbados, and of nephew of His Lordship the the Ex Executive to enter into the Suitable Place for the Boys iquor business, as is suggested Mr. Justice Berkeley of British In Blue to Get Comfort pa recent Message of His Ex Guiana. The body of the deceased was cellency the Governor to tbe honours.
and cheer. Legislative Council. think bowever, that the number of icenses sbould be curtailed, A New Barrister.
SUPPORT NEEDED. know of one street alone where he there are fully 25 drinking sa loons. This should not be the barristers at Trinidad has been The already large number of By Mr. Hopkins. case. The whole matter is sure One of the most unique and to come up at the present ses recently increased by the arriva sion of the Legislative Council, from England of Mr. Rupert interesting places in Jamaica to Trinidad Scholar vlait, is the Sailors Resi, 18 Duke and will return to the subject Archibald, who has had distinguished Street, Kingston. late Mr, Den in a subsequent article.
niston s) wbich branch of career at Gray Inn, and passed all of bis Oxaminations witb the British Foreign Sailor New Taxation, first claus bonours. Mr. Kitch Bociety of London.
Der Thorpe of the Middle The general public know Temple has also joined the Triof the patient, mostly The Governor. activity in im nidad Bar, Widden, by important work, posing taxation has gone so far done by this Instution managed that he now proposes to impose No Small Pox In Port ofby Mr. and Mrs, Smith. tex on each passenger landing Spain.
The Sailors are met on the bere! Mr. Smith was quite ships with notices of the Rost, wben be and a statement of the pilalla Legislative Conremarked in the on Thursday.
The Port of Spain Gazette best.
Shat await them in Kingston; that the Government were giv Jens to correct rumour being And some of the Sailors are very ing subsidy to the Touristerfect that there is small pox in circulated in Trinidad to the glad to avail themselves of the Association to develop the tou the Colony.
The Garette states ite place like the rest, and have. came bere ihey will find that cases which were at first viewed opportunity to visit homelike rists trade yet when tourlon is not so. There has been soem ohat with the managers, and, at they have to pay a tax, have the same time, enjoy billiards never beard of greater inconsis. suspiciously as alastrin (a mild of and other games They are teney on the part of any indivi: diagnosed as chicken pox. Every small pox) but encouraged to write letters duals, much less a Government. ore hone; and if they have money, precaution is, however, being taken to isolate the few existent they can desposit same for Body Found in River, security in the steel safe.
cases and preparations are al. ready sufficiently ready for the the middle of immediate isolation of 100 casse the The Gleaner of recent date should any prove to be alastrin.
aight by a drunken sailor, who states that on the finding of the have been turned out of the body of Mr. Birch (some shop; he remembers details of whose tragic end bas Prizes Awarded. Mother Smith at that time, already been published in the and wishes some one to care for Gleaner. floating in Rio The bim, ard, in his maudlin way he Grande River, near St. MarPort of Spain Gazette is peritent and promises many garett Bay, Co Thurday, our Society examination in June says. For the Royal Drawing Port Antonio Correspondent The patience with which these under Friday date said1921, papers were sent in by 1256 schools. 102 prizes were roor chaps are bandled at such Yesterday morning at about a Sines, is beyond praise. You nm. a report was made to the awarded by the Society, thirteen of which and have seen sea sick persons effect that the of Birch dates from Overseas, Barbados wen by candi Well orark these men must be awakened stream of the Rio Grande River. Fourth Division in which L.
floating down the sharing the honours in the in tim to catch their ships, ar Expert raft floaters among Johnson of Harrison prevent them from being stran. wbum was Leon Fuller, ore of was a prize winner.
College ded in the city the relatives of the deceased, It is the love of God, and of the went on the scene.
that makes hemen ge.
was put a bore, ST. VINCENT ment ot the Salors Rest the and it was discovered that success that it u doublediy is, Birch jacket sleeves were torn: We bave some enterprises he was still wearing his boots catering for the sailors who land Hs watch and cha n, gold frame New Dress for Police.
bore from our Battlesbivs, there eye lisses, and gold ring was are worthy of support, but we found on his person, also 38 Says the St. Vincent Sentry of certainly should not support of the Sailors Resta sterling 10s. in noten, recent datt. The St. Vincent and 163. 6d, in silver.
white which for 365 days in the year.
Police have been put in ear, The body was conveyed to suit suits, which, with a big black looks after the interests of where the post belt gives them sailors, and soldiers. and is mortem examination was held by bele the port Antonio a somewhat to Dr. Moseley, O, and it queer appearance, ready 24 in stand to their wants, meeting is understood that the Doctor is on beat on Sunday last was unit pearance at Church parade and taem individually, and in many of opinion that Birch came to his favourably critised by the man cases, keeping them out of dan: death by drowning. The body of in the surset ger and other trouble in 1act the unfortunate man was taken be the proposer of Whoever might the change giving them tbe advantage of a to Terra Nova for burial.
Christain home which is what and whatever might be the obthese men need more than any ject, the public have been SO thing else. Gleaner. accustomed to seeing our bobTRINIDAD bies dressed in smart navy blue serge pants and white tunics for Compulsory Wireless TeleUnder the provisions of the sers, especially after two days day uniform and the white trou.
of graphy.
Companies Ordinance No. 31 of wearing, are, to say the least, 1913, an application has been very poor substitute and a very made to His Excellency the Gov. unwelcome change. In these Bill was recently introduced ornor of Trinidad, for a license days when economy is being into the Jamaica Legislature, directing an association about to preached with a vengeance and providines for the compulsory in be formed under the name of the practised in stail on u wireless telegraphy The Working Girls Hostel no some departments, o one, expected the Executive on all sca fors British ships Association to be registered with would allow a change of police registered in Jamaica, of 600 limited liability without the ad unstorm, which the tons gross or for a breach aids, rds. The dition of the word Limited to long run involve increased expenditure to be incurred by the exceeding 500. or imprison The ment with or without hard lae objects for which this as police constables if they are still for a term not exceeding lishid are inter alia:sociation is proposed to be estab exoected to appear clean in the twelve months. The law applies Street. As the Station bas no to foreien snips While they are rooms and accomodation for white will never have To provide proper living laundry we hope the bus in to be within a poruta inu Island of respe Jamaic. in like manner as they respecte ble working girls in the contined in barracks when their of Portto Spain or else pants have gone to wash.
apply to British ships.
the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago at a reasonable rent.
At a recent meeting of the (b) purchase take on lease Directors and shareholders of Motor Car Burnt. or exchange hire acquire any the St. Vincent ricultural real or personal estate which Loan Bank, a dividend of 10 Highgate. The Garford pas may be deemed necessary or was declared to shareholders on senger car. the Clemeteor convenient for any of the pur the year business.
Motor Jar Co. plying betw pose of the Association, provid.
12. 01 Albany and pori Maria, caught that in case the Association shall desire to to bold more land The total area of land under tire last night at 30 o clock a. lahan the law shall for the time cotton in St. Vincent and the on the Liaurumney roadThe engine, front wheels and being permit it to hold without St. Vincent Grenadines, during seats have all bien destroyed the Governor such the past season, amounted to and the whole car is now a license shall be obtained 7, 965 acres, an increase perfect wreck. C) To construct maintain and 1, 332 acres over that planted the Mr. John Clemetson, the driv alter any houses, buildings, or previous season, which in itself er, was severely burnt and bad works necessary or convenient is a record. In the Grenadines to go to the hospital for imme for the purposes of the Associa 1, 512 acres were planted in Marie dinte attention.
and 698 acres in Sea The incident is quite a disap Island; in St. Vincent 5, 741 pointment to the general public, The death occurred recently acres were udder cotton of the as this car serves quite a useful in England of a distingu shed latter type, The number or purpose for the service, Trinidadian in the person (Continued on Page 3)
Sailor The body terlect the Their appenalty is a tine noi its name.
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