
TAB WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1822 PAGE THRER The Woman Exchange PLEATING TWEEDS SERGES LININGS American Bazaar The The acres tute Demerara Teachers Association SS SS the question of a return visit to the Trinidad teachers were disIN OUR COLON STORE ONLY cussed. It was decided to circularise the branches asking BSTABLISED BY WOMEN POR WOMEN them to consider suggestion To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we that each Head teacber contribute 83, and each Certified assis NO. TIVOLI (ROAD, PANAMA CITY have arranged tant towards a fund to be raised in connection with the visit.
VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN Stevedore and wharf labourers DRESSMAKING in British Guiana bave recently suffered a reduction of 20 in their wages. This is the second reduction within the past eight months, and a result of protest made by their representatives, the Government has promised AND to assist them by introducing a Rent Restriction Ordinance 50 as to better enable the men 10 equate revenue and expenditure. Accordion, Kaife, The Governor says. he desires Box Pleats)
it to be understood he would keep the landlords down, but carpenters would have to work for reduced wages.
Our Establishment insures a perfection of bandiSt. Lucia work which accentuates the EXCEPTIONL VALUES latest styles so pleasing to The Students of St. Mary College, St. Lucia, have been patrons invited to St Vincent to contest in a series of games and athletics with the students of the Grammar School. The visit ANN THOMAS, Proprietro takes place this month.
Voics of St. Lucia hopea later to to see a combined team of pupila COLON of Granada, Si Vincent and St.
Lucia visiting either Trinidad or Barbados for similar pur.
pose. We, too, would appreciate the fruition of any proposal. Bargains! Bargains. Bargains! West Indian News We certainly do need as much intercolonial association of the right sort as can possibly be bad SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC (Continued From Page. GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE peatants who planied cotton in Central Avenue No. 46 the coony was 965, and the BARBADOS When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. area planted by them was 720 Drs. DANIEL CHANIS. AROSEMENA acreu. In St. Vincent alone FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
2228 peasants grew this crop House of Assembly hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
amounted to 3, 533 acres, an increase over the previous sea Attorney General handed in the Ata meeting of the House the Dr. Chanis from to pm.
son of 739; cotton was grown on Report of the Select Committee Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Dr. Arosemena from to 11 a.
52 estates, consti appointed to consider Bill record, and the reason seitle the rates of incom.
to There are free consulting hours every day in the French for the increase in area planted Address. MULLER BUILDING Pharmacy from 10 to 12 a, and from to p.
was exceptionally high prices for the year 1922. Nr. Patterrespectively received for cotton during the son question re the ofice of previous season, when in some of that office was postponed Registrar and the present holder CALIDONIA instances, as much as 10s. per Ib The Use entered upon the for Jint was obtained.
further consideration in Com.
mittee of Supply of the EstiDEMERARA mates for the year 1912 1923 Reverting to the item Addi Addi pay to Civil Servants 19, 500 New Barrister at Law.
CALLE No the previous meeting been reods sterling Mr, Van Sertims, A, Mr. Patterson pointed out that duced to 10 to 10 300 pounds sterling PRIVATE ACADEMY The Public is hereby notified that the CL, Barrister at law, arrived this amont of 10. 300 pounds in Demerara from England by sterling was short by 408 the Prins der Nederlan sterling which would English Classes SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO den. After having won several to to enable the additional minor Scholarships. Mr. Van ments to be For Young Ladies 6 Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner Sertima in 1914, carried off the moyed the Wade, He therefore his reconsideration of AND FOR BOYS 7 Guians SC particularly marked ba mhem and that the amount 16th Street West.
superi (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. for he not Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
local pounds sterling. He also pro The new premises are well equipped for turning out BARTON, Barbados and in the subject in crease in the following manner. which be specialised (Classics) be which was subsequently the best class of work emwas first in every department, bodied in the Appropriation 02 to England and studied law. He 10 of 30 per cent; on all salaries way employees which had al proval. Mr. Cocks, been so 160 pounds the served during the recent war.
PHOTOGRAPHS exceeding 150 pounds sterling ready been included in the 10, 703 long and prominently associated Legislation to Regulate and not exceeding 200 pounds additional pay to Civil Servants class room and on athletic field.
with the College activities in AS sterling at the rate of 25 per granted under the head 29 MisHouse Rent. cent; on all salaries exceeding cellaneous. In like manner the and has come to be looked 200 pounds sterling and not Hospital vote of 4, 650 with such favour by parents and NEW YEAR GIFTS exceeding 250 The Demerara Argosy says that sterling sterling was reduced by it 906 scholars, seems but fair and at the 09 So rate of 20 Remember your friends with your photograph this per cent; on all since the decision of the Govern salaries exceeding 250 pounds ste, sterling to 3, 644 pounds reasonable that combining all ling the reduction being in the the qualities and he does, ment to legislate to meet cases sterling and exceeding 250 Bluded in the item Additional heaould receive the honou year and they will remember you as long as of rent profiteering proprietors at the of tenement houses have served per to Civil Servants 10, 708 that is likely to the photograph lasts.
to be conferred by the House notices on their tenants increas Fattadopted Mr. pou ads sterling About a dozen Patterson, reverting also to the the Wireless Telegraph Pote to on bim. He is a man of scholar of considerable teaching experience, a stern discip.
such cases sterling sanctioned by Bonus to Pensioners 2, 800. secutive Committee, 10 1, 890 Sport. He possesses all of the a lover Our Photographs are Permanent of clean Labour.
porter was noformed that there of 1, 100 pounds sterling be sub pounds sterling the increase be characteristics which go to make pounds Have that long delayed photo which you promised bas been a noticeable increase in stituted in the place of 2, 300 ing made to provide spare ap fences of al bead master, and we the your friend so often the sterling, and that distress and ejectment for rent allocation of this bonus be aparatus for emergency purposes feel with others that income Tax Department appointment the reputation of due since the Government deci.
eci: follows: Oa all not ex ex received its vote of 1, 110 pounds the College, in all departments MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO sion text passing the Ex. will be maintained.
case notice has been given of the The coolest in the city where you are certain of the rate of increase pounds sterling at of rent from to 85 10 per cent This was agreed to: trom which two Acts were pre: Civil Service Commissioner of piring Laws Continuance Bill best attention.
per month. This new move on on Under or total vote of 15, 279 pounds servation Act, and the Exportal the the part of some landlords Report.
their agents is intended to forestall the proposed legislation. The following other votes were 1920, and after passing the ore sterling was finally agreed to. tion of Moneys Prohibition Act Their idea is to put their Day and Night Photographs We were told in the House of Act Appropriation up to the highest figure possible passed Public Works Depart Annual Asss mbly by certain legislators so that when the reduction is ment 432 pounds sterling 108. embodying the Estimates passed SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO made it will be on an enhanced wh ch tecluded a personal allow in Committee of supply and that the Civil Service Commiss sioners Report is so much waste result to hem ance of 100 pounds sterling to aggregating 177, 439 would be as if no reduction was the Department: Public Works adjourned for a fortnight. od. the House paper, and doesn mean the 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
sim pliest thing. Juniors and.
made. This ruse will be of no the pounds sterling, bao Recurrent 7, 165 others in the Service who looked avail in view of the fact that Public Works ESCU forward with some promise the proposal of of the Government ent 425 pounds sterline an Headmaster for Harrison to the recommendations therein is to legislate to meet cases consequently, understand profiteering in rent up to 40 luzcase of 50 pounds month the rent charged in sanctions toe: Department of Agri Executive College.
that until the next war when the per next Commission is appoint1919 to be taken as a culture 3, 308 pounds sterling Under the Notes and Com. ed to report on conditions, they basis. No landlord would be any issues. S, Sphe runway state of ments the Herald writes thus will not be entitled to indulge in The proposal to appoint Mr. the luxury on hope.
between Dow and passing of Of course every reasonable legislation duced by 1, 210 pounds sterling Somers Cocks to the Headmaster to 15, 590 pounds sterling, the ship of Harrison College, on the individual and person of average reduction representing the resignation of Dr. Dalton, is one At a recent meeting of the amount of additional pay to Rail. which have met the entire ap (Continued On Page 7)
which bad at Notice of Removal be required ority being rate upon pounds gifts be pounds nds pounds rate of 10 Cent. This clu to the babe been reported item under the same The voti Stat on ship. and rents.
head was increased by pounde linarian, and pension the cand pleidlige Ladder como rents figure and the res pounds them will, by the working Advertise in the Workman being lot to get together boonumento e It pays.


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