
PAGE FIVB Atlantic Side News dents.
the afternoon people to GAS INSTALLATIONS FREE For a limited time we will install ABSOLUTELY FREE Gas pipes in your kitchen provided you purchase a gas stove Gas Stoves Are Sold On Easy Monthly Payments OUR AIM IS Gas Stove In Every Kitchen PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
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In the where y disetion bo and Th ما له مما.
was of of hs and deterPe.
Graaen: for to to pirit, La Boca Missionary Service Iliustrated Correspondence Barbados Overseas Relief At Cristobal Colon Baptist Bible Lecture We do not hold ourselves responsi And Travelling Sociały Church. RICH MAN IN HELL Recognition Not Operating in the series of Missionsry services have been held at the Cristobal Colon Notoriety CITY OF COLON Baptist Church on Sunday April 23rd. Who is he?
the Rev. K Brabam of Panama proached morning and even og to larec When will he be United Bims prepared to Panama City pavo belp one another in. addresat young resurrected?
April 20h im rvice. At each of the arvio To he Editor of The Workman Sickness, the needs of, and our Frsponsibility to. Ploomperit little pea three who are still in heathen dirkBy it is mess was dealt with and Death. your valuable paper to throw a Lle estreatly hoped that there will be in thu futuro Light Rarebat vezed gmotion to breased interest in Missions EVANGELIST GEORGE YOUNG fore the publie to Origin of the Travelling Ladepot Order On Monday evening, the great publie of Toronto, Canada missionary meeting ww beld. Many for Splendid meeting on Monday widely came to the meeting early to pot comiag nigbo let good tout Portor Joseph Thrift, ning together of the colored doma presided and arociated with him on the COLORED CLUBHOUSE platforms were the Rev. MC, Surgeon and leader relor Delegates from Gatun Stephen Witt Roberts and Staff CRISTOBAL Trailer, opole lood. burada to ote. This song in the role over enthused Claptain Bar. purporting to be tried suf Captain Bar, read Palm and the sound the Lord led the congregation in prayer and then Sunday, April 30, Losyed how late cooling renlv. Branches to be formed through Pastor Thrift, extended words of wel PANAMA OFFICE. AT at 30 COLON OFFICE: the thi tho Lothmus. For particulars come to the splendid congregation and argrietimo io Iveryone, ho rend nort issue of WORKMAN.
expressed the hope that all would not Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. ben bere darles the last year, only be listeners of the word, but do no trow route bed dom, Mr.
doo, Lecture fully illustrated Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 Cetop Quan us that time Orunda Wante Retrench The Rev. Surgeon in rising to with scripture texts thrown ove to hear the Negre people ment.
speak expressed bir pleasure in being on the screen. All are wel.
would start to deve prosent and referred to the happy rela como, SEATS FREE. No ad love was a position tihip and spirit of cooperarion Colloction.
Canal Zone Notes Brooks, a resident of this place, the whio. He mid to va Ataroarita os olor of the that exists between the Baptist which sad event took place on would order of Finestore. Qovornor but G»orrm. at Wesleyan Churches. He referred to Sunday last, while he was on Prodlere Order of both. We bottoe bst this out le cou acoordiak.
want the Gospel has done in the past great opgr gation dispersed with a feel LA BOCA picnic party with other young and we could its to uplift the peple of the West Indies ing of gratitude for the success of the men and women our on Dispensation, and is intonded to be applicable and reminded the congregation of the mooting.
Shakespeare, centuries ago, pat Baptist and Wesleyen heroes who come and not The a general The est fecm England. suffer. Baptist Church Activit es, characters the query! what in into the mouth of one emplos. Very popular as an em part of the world, sad is prool principlo.
ed pete cution at the commissary time about might be dead and sono Revenue and Rependiture do brave and stend The unfortunate an unight to one of the most waiverenl not show that the coat is bois a The to vided department.
of brine about liberty and Rev.
thus wipe out the dark page of the The Colon C: Society will Curry Chairman of the Jamaica young man went to have a bath, orders in the world. From one cause or out according to check in of certain getalle peal. The paker ur edhe Sunday at the Baptist Churhat dent of the Wesleyan strong and that it was dangerous aia dicam of world wide organised others, should tak: place. Gre the bold its Anniversary service on District and General Superinten although he was warned that the model tained to autch the spark et abolition vers upirati a from the old man wu, office. and ansikantta nectarity of all christians living the current of the rivir was very Abu dant life in Christ, which will p. Pastor Thrift will Church in the West of Negro scooter, in which amung the nada must toolst on retrenchbring about a greater concern the occupy the chair.
the betet med en store ho truon misionary expects to be at Cativa on Sun people at the La Boca, Wesleyan ed the party that he could swim bioding we would bo white Brown Mad Grenada can be made out and Past Thrift brought out a large concourse of stream It is said that he iatora mauy ontho and would to onement. long list of oficials in but be in Church. water naco.
sent the The Rev. Stephen Witt was the next Service.
Colon for the Anniversary be touched on the very important when a cry of help was heard, The next heard of the movement transfer to some other Colony in subject Our Layman.
speaker. As former Pastor Mr. Witt has Mrs, Thrift will Mr. Brossard weat immediately was that the old maa bad foued scope order to relieve Grenadians of onfor ibu past eleven yours, presided over pulpit at Chorrillo on Sunday occupy the to his assistance and nearly lost to launch is in the States during bir necossary inancial burdens.
ite Puthie Mietenary neering and in rib night and will preach on the On Thursday evening last the his life Visit there last year, How this came We want just a few honest, bard.
ing to speak ooplessed baubt felt straigo Christian Endeavor On Tuesday morning his body abuut woms providential as Mr. Elion working, and well paid men to in not be ins in the chair. Pastor will second coming of Christ, memorial service for the Society was organized this Socier was found by Mr Holder, near Woodrofle who kto the locamus duriuk do what is to ba done, precious »ve a stirring and buio addr. Inte Deacon Clark will be held at ty will attract quite a number of the Spillway and brought to the the striko on bis way to the Staten slung little in this Colony of 70 000 a Alnica, Wababe of map ba the Chorrillo Baptist Church on young people, and they promise town and was buried the same with Mr vis had been working peaceful souls It is a serious be bad drawn of Africa, Le pointed at Surd y afternon, at pm. Re o make the biggest asset in the day followed by a large number social for some time and had ned to go penalty for a small Colony like of the of of sorrowing friends Mr. William dispensation from too anciens Order tais to pay over 45 000 in sala that great country that have been made churches on the Isthmus are bien made presentatives from the different community. Brooks is the father of the of Forontero hero, bad failed and too for Gvernment officers out of brigbi solely by the influence of the expected to be present and take was at low what to do, whin old Gorpeliud reffered to the work of old a normal revenue of 90 000 On Monday evening Mr. Joseph decease tO Collins our genial and well genety Societies. In The welfaro C. came along with this vision of his pounds sterling ferest Missionary The Association of Baptist beloved Secretary of La Boca Cornwall Defeats Middlesex wach eagerly sei ed upoa wat put and happiness of the people and some br ght opeto, Africa is still dark, Churches on the Isthmus will Clubhouse, will address the Pana guod us. The ladependent Order of the developent of tb. Colony for wbure ibe influence of the Gospel hold its first anniversary at the ma Baptist Christian EndeavorForesters of Lebanon Me hould be of great importance.
is established. Mr.
On Sunday Isst in a friendly Cadors reacted, bent bennem and Colon Baptist Church on May ers this probably will be the last game of cricket, played on the municated with by the Counal which Income Tax Under Discus giore re. uros to the Isthmus, 18 00 existe. The fiets and figures given con 30 It is platned to bave public meeting Mr. Collins will Cornwall grounds, Middlesez cc. bo lett thor serting the condition of Africa mil. tbree mietirge; a business ses bave the opportunity to attend was defeated by Cornwall bo let there, they soat letter to him liore were apalbng and the earnest sion at a. at 2, 30 slon.
a con before leaving for the United The former went to the bat first to be forwarded to Mr. Conway who favour of the speaker made all to feel ference on Baptist principles States.
and were all sent back to the a part in the Star Herald that the greatest Deed of Africa in led by Dr. Roberts of Balboa pavilion for 48 runs Hall and are in the State. To this Mr, Culor in March states that there are two Gospel Tae West Indian of the 24th Heights and at 30 public Quite a lively time was spent. Satimento make double higures. natura ly objooted (aka wing the wat. be The vi xt openker was the Rev, meeung, only at on eveBils a present fora tha Lºgis Ruberte Patter of the Balboa Heights. and laid ning, by the members and friends Cornwall replied with 130 runs bad played in the tive Council. 1) Bill to give pist Church, The Chairt an in intro Sacred Concert at Baptist of tue Literary Society, Mr. Franklin 31, Morris 28, Husband bis cinta ao recognition.
temporary power to Pastor berts The Council anys in eff set, B: 00 the Court Hunter acted as chairman Every 26, Earle, 17, aad Raakia 16 The Church. tette genuine interest and hearty mort.
item on the program was buvo allowed to suspaad sale of well gune Was played in a real friend Cadogan you should not the people kuow that you wire Thunder certain conditions. This or otherwise indebted executed, meriting the applause ly spirit.
West Ind aus. Pastor Roberto Preparations are beirg made which was given by the audience.
Founder gst of the Independent Order of in hoibg to purk, end destbering for the Pleasant Sunday After Co nwall to Meet Wastmore you were dissatisfied with Bro. Con loss in the lica of the inancial of Lebanon, for, say they is to afford relief to those de was egnat inepitation and he was very noon, which will take place on sarving persons who are power: pleased indeed to bave the prvilege of Sunday Tomorrow) at the land PARAISO way action your duty was to nobuty stringency. 2) Bill to amend being present. Ho gave in piring Seventh Street Baptist Church the General Sety, etc. so since you the Income Tax Ordinanca. Mr.
addrets and pointeu out the great td under the direct management of Tomorrow, Cornwall will have done it in that way we will aide Coarles Rickin. a. laco na Tu of the Ger pel to uplift mankind every Mr. Kerr, Teacher of the Paralso Community Club. journey to Colon to try conclu step you and make it appuar me if we expert, is on a visit to Teinidad in Irrgo cities, with their same school, and Mr. T.
sions with Westmoreland C at took you in and not that you puve us and is expected to arrive here tui dings and in stirutions, sin opd Smith, of Cristobal colored the Areo Park. The home team The Easter season to put us rigot in the yol 10Cantata, mivery is run Dir. bert e acdrom was school.
tobas expressed very much conf. Lo cowolusion let me my nover knew como Tus legislation. punctuated with Box apt illustratie hid programme will be very The Light of the Cross which dence in the outcome of the that notoriety was compatible with thought matters would have interesting and a. gcod treat is was rendered in our Hall on last game as all the players feel they nyebus tand and n3bte, so would sen left ant!
and will be. Rok ota a seu de Captain Box or tlie Salvation in store for all those who wa Sunday after romanas nostres ser are in fore form to give Weatmore movimento. General Secretary that the arrival, as we pravure rapeated Army wa the sex speaker Cup sin make it the! duty to. cessful wayIt was land battle of life.
be about to with kout Bex is quite a bume on the Missie vary Doors will be opened at pm. taialy pleasing to see how each child who took any part bat is intended for publication will come irritating.
platform, for be bid latoured ten years in the double program did credit Song Servica a Success to be moro Bareful with regard to the Misbietary in dis and some your TO ADVERTISERS AT CULON to himself and those who promot in MataSit ce Captain Bexhas anived ed the affair, Tu teacher Osborne Oa Sunday afternoon last the of the new m, vement, soms to not Tao atacade of the Council and others Mr. Korr Rə. noveFrom on the labous Le bus been lucturing on and the members of his Departm: nt.
choir. Song Service rendered here was the propagandisto Isthmian On and after March 1st Teacher Cragwell with the child an unqualified successo India and those who were privileged to hear the lortur, wil not be espritd to advertisers at Colon whose ren of the Red Tank Schhol; the number of residents turned out Cadogan, bean use he has proved himself large Bruck Puresters antipathy learn that bis address is the Ad. at present appear in the Spanish and French children of to cajɔy the pleasant singing of bothers. bean seal to everyone having meat of Ne. DL. Ama criticise thappiot nic nary interest. He released out the WORKMAN will make all re. Paraiso and our own in ponted children the very sweet and melodious beaten them on every count in the salary of 300. Chit Clark at Missionaries in bat Country are exposed mit tances to the Office and who have been with us during voices whose renditions were up to the terrible test, ever prevailing do all intending advertisers will our stay, we extend our hearty to the highest standard that could recent commer inl tra eraal fight, they the Public Works Department, some time, engaged we are looked at with evil eyes local choir cater, una nitary endiviets, and the please communicate direct we were glad to have the Gen of amateurs. All who attended Thanking you Mr. Editor, by some persons who now a dalt Vastuera of areas to be reached by cin with the WORKMAN Printeryeral Secretary of the Bureau of expressed that the appointment am yours truly, Was 098. of travel make the Mission Box 74 Panama City or Clubs and Playgrounds also Miss manner the programme necessary and meat a waste of ary life always being in. position of carried SYDNEY BOURNE money. Mr. Kər: bas been out, and poule oft. Stati Capta a Baz, when Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone. Geens, Secretary of the CA.
transferred to anot post od with us. am sure we shall nev ixices will do much to enhance referred to the map of Africa and the uy order, is not missed in his old office.
forget the kind words and the social standing of the young ser chef Pastor Witt and told what are Entertainment other unnecessary hearty and sympathising co ope people bere.
the MANAGEMENT the Salvation Army is posts higher up, and greater West Coast of Africa, by recently havin ration which we have received waste of money is taking places cent a bond of onsecrated West Indians from the peuple of the Paraiso Tennis Contest Next Week PARAISO CLUBHOU SE The Government Service needs and Red.
there. He esprised the hope hat some re organization one in the congregation amotgst the be accomplished than this.
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1922 cartaio otices and Next week, the tennis tourna concern.
amalgamation young people may be led to offer them of others. It is coming sooner ment will take place betweea La than 8000 deives for Africa.
The Isthmian League of Brit Grenada cannot acord to pay Buca and the team of this town persons ex pect.
The Chairman then called upon the This is to certify that Brother GATUN Scope is in excellent form, ish West Iadians will give a 45, 000 in salaries out of a Congregaticn to spend a minute in silent Charles Underwood, ex Secrebut the other members of the VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT revenue of 90, 000 prayer before God, After the expressions tary, has buen suspended from (By our Correspondent)
team do not seem to be practicand Dance, backs to the speakers and all that bad St. Joseph Friendly Society for ing to meet the giants on the Sad Death sontributed to the succes of the series the period of eighteen Ytars, for Rent Recel pt Book In SparDoors open at 30 m, other side Now it is time that of misicnary services, the meeting was violating the rules of said society It is wih regret have to we buck up if we are to expect Come and spend an enjoyable ish and Engiish for sale at The dlowed by singing the doxology, and the in various resp. cts.
chronicle the death of William lanv good results.
WORKMAN Printery: graphically lo spite of part.
اندره has bot the el or that et that all that operations the Brayton were Isado to Biged o orperation in the ptit Fork Foresters of here The adult laod Anzib be To be employe.
Court fər uld be expected from cult min Was these ser er There doing on AT To whom it may the days go by greater good may Abolition of


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