
THE IDEAL PHARMACY Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
Items of Interest Film called The History of the Banana has been recently released and shown in Liverpool.
It illustrates the whole method of benda cultivatiou in the West Indies. In a short sequel, en sitled It we only knew, the value of the banana as means of proventing influenas depicted. modern choerlate factory it being erected at Claremont, near Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, by the English firms of Cadhory.
Frv. and Between 300, 000 and 400, 000 pounds sterl ing of capital is is being invested in it The schem includes pro vision for workmen homes shops, and public buildings with 58 seres for playgrounds and recreation purposes.
The United States takes the lead in the poepvion of motor cars, with 9211, 395 Great BriDin comes next with 420, 000.
closely followed by Canada witha 403 000. France has me Australia 78, 000, Germany 75 000 Italy 35. 000, Cu ba 31, 000 and Hol.
land 20, 000 India has only 25 550 There is one car to 11 inhabitants in the United States, as against to 12, 333 in India.
Lucy meat NO SUBSTITUTES 702 000 What must be the reeori prie of pound sterling 193. 91. was recently paid for a banana from Jamaica. This was on board Camilo, whose cargo of green fruit refused to ripen to the intenso dirappointment of the passengers, who had art enjoy the fruit greatly duriog their stay in Jamaica, When a single fine ripe specimen was found it was put up to action.
the proceeds being given to charity, TORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY able ridle, which thrown is said that can PAGE SIX THS WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 29 1922.
London Correspondence.
BRITISH FINANCE (BY LEONARD REID. No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro London. Mareb 1922 Alter a slight, the Treasury is obliged, when that (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
and tempor y lull the rise in quotations Lose stande below ime priee, to form for Government stocks and all sound depreciation fund (of maxium of invee mente reurities bu bar 30 million pounde sterling) and employ sumed, while the eagernes of the publieit in purchasing the took in the market.
ENGLISH AND AMERICAN to subscribe to powinno is unbated. Today per cent War Loma saada Experts both in the stock market and well above isue price, and the Esobe in ban.
banking sireles bircles look for a continus quer has no burden in this respect. But tion of the movement, and forecast the the the biggest mving of all is to at which is approach of another period, next month brought by the lowering of the rates of extreme monetary Another which the Treasury has to pay on purely decline in Bank rates in freely predicted, remporary borrowinge. In the.
and this, if it came to pum, would give twelve munthe important progrese he the freb impetus been made in the diresion of replacing CSDDO be fo for gotten that these leading Alat ng debt by five and even yoon features in the funcil world, namely Bonde. Something like 300 millone monetary abundance and the strength pounde sterling have lost convert of gilt edged securities, are symboms of ed in ed in this way. But there are will USED the grave industrial and commercial over 1, 100 pounds shrling difficulties of ibe nation. Both pho tions of Treasury Bills ous landing.
Domens are used mainly by the simple and as these fall due for renewal, or Only the purest and most genuine Drugs combut ointressing fact that so long as trade fresh lee bere to be made to replace and manufacture remained stagnant maturing Billa, the Government wa ww ouge quantities of money, which in obtain the money at rates pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over 24 normal umu find constant employment per cent and a per sent whereus a year in financing commerce and industry, are so they had to pay per tot or even 40 years experience compelled to employment elsewhere and as only find it in the road alot bore per cent. Hereia los largoving high to the national pure. There effect of WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor 8o it is true that loancial market movements improve the dos inveniment, the conditions of the Anaveial market in prospect of redused taxation is the London to day sro, first and foremost, Budget whieb will be introduod sex Cross constant reminder of the continued month. They con, hovire, caly se prevalence of videopread employment garded some componention for the and idle factories. They do, however, deplotable industrial and trade condi provide some elements of consolation tons of which obey are the indirou outTo some extent is in justifiable to claim come. What Lord Derby be called the that the striking improvement in British devusted areas of Britain. er ia.
credit could not have come out, if the dustrial areas ravag by unemployment British Gvernment bad followed the discreen and trade magnatie. unforta poliny of wild and recklew inflation mately remain the great prim faes of the which has been and adopted to some coonomic womition. And ebay will wustries. Futhor the obespoes of main, su progros fails to monvy and the decline in the yielde on made wine rehabilitation of Europe.
investmeot stocks, poil very consider The oficial return of the overseas trade saving to the national purse. This of the United Kingdoma in Pebruary saving is effected in three main shows il. hu eduction in importa, specially way. The Government accepte devain on raw material, is eloquent of war loan serips in payment of death the industrial inactivity. Nor, for the duties and other taxes. The wave of moment is the outlook improved by the appreciation has carried these loans great dia ute in the engineering industry above their issue prise, and the State is which has already 800, 00 work Do longer saddled with loss, when they are into idlenes. The inveeriment boor are tendered ia payment of taxes. lo and improvement of British credit are recent years the loss to the Exebequer salutary and welcome so far they go, under this head has bean considerable, but the crying need of the country is Secundly, under the terms of the revival of the purchasing power of its prospectus at the per cent War Loan, leading foreign cu tomers, BRITISH TOPICS Tribute To My Mother.
EVERY WORKMAN April, 1922. It is satisfactory Africa, General Smute, that to observe that some English first class statesman and soldier, Comes home at times with a lame back, sore muscles or bruised newspapers are at last recognis. has completely crushed the By David Morrison, Instibands Don endure it get relief and sleep soundly and comfortably.
ing and recording the evidences revolt on the Rand, which was Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC of a slow but steady revival of tute for Boys.
of demonstrably inspired by a small trade. In accordance with our gang of imported Bolshevike; and Will give you quick, permanent relief.
All You can go to work next that the my morning feeling good as new.
de patientiation, theirecent slump slump in overwhelming majority that the mother cannot be expressed in serious though Keep a bottle handy always in case of accidents. DR. TICHEugh people on the south affiche a short composition pie secin.
300 When a child who was it batmy it was, was unnecessarily ex Union will not tolerate NOR ANTISEPTIC cures, dobie itch, cuts, bruises, sprains eggerated at home, and now the open or covert, on their demo mother, who taught me to walke. Try it tendency immediate promise of India, the first began to ko to All drug stores have it.
It arrest and imprisonment times. commercial authority Gandhi. the leading native agita me in my sickness, it was my ant of was my mother who comforted in close touch with world condi tor, has had an alınost miracul. mother who encouraged me to conditions bas given the effect on his misguided ing reasons for the the stage is set for allef that followers; and at the same time make success out of life. And it wal: Wholesale prices of many pollo algorder, is not to be deflect ben was down bearted. It that British proofs was my mother who preribish pared me to go into the business raw materials cotton, wool, coal She encouraged mo etcetera have fallen consider from purpose in assisting was my mother who taught me ably, some below an an economic India for a wider level; shipping companies are scheme of self government, bare to be polite, courteous, kind and competing for freights at sur. alreads promoted spirit thoughtful of other people as And it was prisingly low rates; dock dues of mutual trust and good will. well as of mysell.
and charges are falling appreci. bave already been in very close my mother who taught me to ably; postal rates and telepnone touch with the Indian situation, needed it. For all these things rates are to be cut; wages are and think these continential she can only be halt paid by my substantially reduced in practi editors who still cally pre.
small. and every trade, large and dicting the downfall of British doing what she would like me the bank rate rule in India will not live to see care liveto ISA to do. And am going to take has BO that their fulfilled.
plentiful through tian people all but those ele to make a success of my life see care of her in her old age, give The Egyp her all she wants and do my best money the liquidation of stocks. He ments the breath is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
of whose might have added that the prose is agitation on extremist lines not only for her sake but for my pect of a a reduction of income tax also appear now to realise beam. She has two decks. tween own good and benefit. And yet the chis debt that owe my mother through large economies in the significance of the gift of consti: is only balt paid, when this part decks ft. high.
administration are also an important factor in in the of my duty towards my mother stirring of industrial life bew been conferred upon them; and is accomplished.
and General Lord Allenby, the BriHer speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric has been a marked increase in that in the past few weeks there tistas in Egypt, Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: upon to do all y basentative zne number of inquiries and de in huma erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed mands from foreiga customers date Anglo Egyptian friendship possible cunosliNOTICE water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
all over the world. After all, on this new basis of indepenit is well to remere ber that when dent sovereignity. In Ireland, We must Buy her for our Service world wo buying begins after a the Irish Free State is growing Correspondents and conperiod of stagnation it almost in stronger; and the influence variably happens that of tributors to the WORKtraders are among the first to ed his readiness to wade through that our Post Offices address British Mr. de Valera, who has announc. MAN please take notice WE NEED 60, 000:MORE experience the favourable reac a river of blood in order to ac tion The reputation which Bri complish his Republican ideal, are Box 74 Panama MONEY tish goods have enjoyed for grow weaker.
But what is City and Box 1102 Anmany years for their sterling causing anxiety at the moment con Canal Zone. Persons You may subscribe some of this by purchasing quality is as high as ever. and to the British Government is the mailing letters and etc. at some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound the British for weared integrity of bitter guerilla fighting that goes Canal Zone Post Offices are der in his every on spasmodically on the boun asked to address same to each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound day business transactions is ao dary dividing the Free State each and become part owner.
asset still universally appreciat area from that still controlled Box 1102 Ancon 80 as ed. famous Continental buyer by the Northern Government of to expedite delivery.
DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW told me yesterday that for this Ulster. Unless measures reason aloue he would rather do take by the with business with Eogland than on botn sides to stop WILKINSON Write to the rus pocsiole with any other country.
system Political Situation Im derous reprisals, it may be ne CONTRACTCR BUILDER 37 ORANGE ST, cessary to draw a cordon of im proving KINGSTON, JAMAICA perial troops between the two First Class Workmanship The political situation, like the warring factions of the North Plans and Specifications Free economic situation, in the various and South, as has been done in part of the British Empire Silesia by the Allies with great 15th Street Wes House 99 continues to improve. In South success. Box 411, Panama, Advertise in The WORKMAN. It Pays considerable number of distillers in Cuba are now manufacturing alcohol for motor purposes, and production is stated to be quite up to the market requirements. With molasses at its s recent price of cents per gallon, it a motor spirit can be proposed which be sold at 20 cents per gallon The retail price at the end of last year was 27 to 30 cent gallon, as against 45 cents for gasoline.
The Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, who recently arranged for their West Indian and Colon steamers to call at Plymouth, have decided that in future their New York liners outward and homeward bound shall call at that port to embar kor land passengers. The first homeward call will be on May 3rd, and the first outward call on May 14th. It is forty yfars since the Company New York boats called at Plymouth Dr. John Hutson, of Barba dos, has called the attention of The West India Committee to a remarkable case of delay in the delivery of a registered letter from Jamaica The letter was posted at Mandeville, On 7th, and was delivered in Barbados February 18th 42 days later.
This serves to emphasize the lack of communication between Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands, about which it is industry, any attack to school better follow ous revi the clear while firm in suppress world.
me ing its aspiration January new THIS 600 TONS STEAMER hoped that we need ward Wood come come is IS down hopes may have something to say.
Formerly, Barbados used to be reached from Jamaica in three or four days EGO national all that to There li sa puissant power Beneath hairy bopey cover, Gray matter and understanding And worthy reason notwithstanding, It guides the man to thoughts sublime And vanquishes counted space and time.
Its power is felt through the diplomat The greatest ruler tir, that ever sat. Tis Ego, tis am I, The master of the fleshly tie, The power, empires great to build Lies hidden in mane inmost, still!
When genius must itself assert, Even in humble men of lowly birth.
Its Ego guides the destiny. Tis the that posta affinity.
The self made man is vainly proud Nor cares abang who makes his shroud But if he en his bonsings ply With quca. ions, why the. oswer is, Its Ego By WILLIAMS. e are West Indian Steamship Company Ltd.
Rent Receipt Books In Spanish and English for sale at the. Workman Printery.


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