
After (We Word as we Satisfy They Chesterfield Book Binding!
Dew of, and ofice Golden Opportunity Book Binding Department Link up to SAVES render LIFE junior staff instead of an army WATERBURY COMPOUND of ornamental figurs with an uawiedly rank and file, a few WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL being scandalously overpaid This is going to be the cause of INDICATIONS great struggle in Grenada because the themselves of this incubus it people mustrid Coaghs La Grippe Reconstructant Grenada is to prosper at all.
Cold the great war during Anaemia Following Fevers discussion of the merits of the Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia Nary, Admiral Beatly made bold to say: Scrap the whole lot An excelent vehice for adminis ering lodides, Bromide suppress the word be used and Salicylater. Summer Complaint and Bow before 10. sufficient it is to Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate: say that, that emphatie all seasons of the Year.
was once described tbe nucleus of England native You have tried the Rest eloque: ce, so. too. atter or bitter experience in the econo Why not Use the Best mic crisis, through which we bave not yet been emerge FOR SALE BY feel that much It the way the good abould take place in the interest Turkish and American toISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON. not only of economy but of baccos are blended in Chester.
efficiency. We should call a big fields that makes them so Conference on Financial Dis WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY armament of the Government of different. That why, Do. Molneo la Grenada toa. righteous effort Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans release many thousands of pounds for the improvement and development of the Colony, Wespay the officers in Grenada pot for work; for names, not for otticiency; or titles. tot for ser vice. In in ruinou. Can we sford CIGARETTES wlaSurely not Well, what Non Wo think wober of fmest Turkish and American tobaccos blended encouraging sound of music.
What is it! It is the music of the grinding stone whereupon Why throw away your old, but no the pruning knife is being sbarp: limbo cut limbs must be cut of in doubt interesting, books when you part, and other pruned limbs scientitic grafting should take place, all, all, for the good of can have them neatly bound at the Tree of State.
LCOTT MYERS TORACCO Co. gentleman, who ought to be in the know, ba, said that Mr.
THE WORKMAN Wood promised to recommend that the Governor term of in Grenada be extended to next year. This, we underwith LIFEBUOY stand, is the result of the Gov ernor expressed desire remain in Gre ada for Health Sake.
FOR SALE o inaugu CENTRAL AVENUE rate the new legislativ. Couaca with elect more in An up to date house containing any three apartmnt; located on one and No. G Street even. We Governor, whope.
hectare of land. Securely fenerd having shown the Grenada Representative Gor.
sya pathy with with barbed wire and well plant ernment gociation, will ed with sugar cane, bananas, paltain, papaya, pineapple, etc.
signal public service by assist ing those who are determd to also suitable Mesh wire enreasonally closure for poultry, situated at Interesting West Indian News Ananieidelines of the metropolis, make the change. as and altogether succes Hatto Sabanas.
the Negro property owners of ful. It is not sufficient, notwithminutes walk from Tramway. Continned Prom Page 3)
Brooklyn standing sentiment, to be Price Reasonable.
pre The Herald of the 8th instant sent to inaugurate the new intelligence understands that the financial outlook of the Colony is states that Carrington Brothers Council. It the Governor is to much changed as compared with it might be of interest to state, be here, he should be in posithat of two years ago and, are Barbadians and are sons of tion to rejoice with all of us on as a result, that certain econom Mr. Browne Carriogton, a retir. having obtained some effectual ics must be effected if expendi ed police man; at present resi guarantees that are yet missing ture and revenue are to equate, dent in Hindsbury Road St, but which may be supplied in a But there are nevertheless Michael. Browne is a well true spirit of give and take rtain moral principles which known tigure in City life. among all concerned, YOUTH and happiness are linked must be respected by the Gov.
up with health. Link up with ernment despite altered condi.
Grenadians Selected For Lifebuoy for health and for the tions GRENADA Nigeria.
children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proLIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; The Police. Vote.
that four it protects the children from the The Pruning Knife. We understand young Grenadians have been dangers of contagious diseases.
We are hoping that some ocselected for posts as Overseers Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects The attitude adopted towards casion will bring you to our the Police vote by the Legisla From the West Indian of 14th inst. tural Department of Nigeria in connection with the Agriculas it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap store shortly. And when you ture is hardly crediteble. When In a recent issue we mad a They are Messrs Conway Steele, will safeguard the children keep them do come be assured that it will the advance was made in salaries healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them Clyne, Stanley Hagley, using it before school, after play, before meals.
be a pleasure for us to serve there was no suggestion that it few comments on the very high was a temporary measure of cost of governing Grenada, and William Hagley. Seven such you, and that our pleasure in assietance granted. The impres. we hope this matter will always overseers were advertised for.
HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH serving you will make your visit sinn created on the men of the be kept prominent in the minds The remaining three have been to our store even more enjoy. Furce was that the increase was of those who are in a position to selected in Trinidad.
able for yourself.
intet ded to be permanent. The call it up for serious treatment; tel men thought so and are now not now, to morrow FULLER saying.
It it is true that the emolu. Secretary of State Sent minds, the Legislature intended ments of Government officers in Constitution.
JEWELLER is to be so it is only now that Grenada range between 45 000 122 CENTRAL AVENUE tae prospects of revenge are less and 250, 000; and it is also true In his historic despatch to roseate, that certain of the mem that the normal, dependable ges Grenada, the Secretary of State bers of the House, who recog revenue of the offering to recommend an alnise ng honesty in politics, no between 80, 00 and 90, 000 staadard of fair play in legislat.
set about to make govern teration in the Constitution to ing, would go back on their ment, paying proposition. The provide for Elected Members on. to hted word we cannot com cost of governing Grenada is out that he had sent cocopy at the Council, stated. ad them.
Whatever terms of a proportion to hey may make for the police of the Colony, because after Mauritius Consititution for gulwe the matter.
tter. We men in. but breach of faith in their pro ernmep is bardly sufficient for oned, and we are sure the Grefor salaries, the not seen the Constitution menposal to reduce the salary now balanca is jettproyment under certain con ment Institutions and little corais Excellency the Governor it by who accepted procuring supplies for Govern nada Rupresentative Government For Association will be thankful to ditions. therefore, is to improve the social life of the peo he can see his way to give the DONE WITH NEATNESS AND ple and to develop the resources Association an opportunity to Sleressful Barbadian, of the island.
peruse the document which inDESPATCH believe, is not only to find money bject of government, we timately concerns them.
Says the Negro World of recent to pay its staff and date. Carrington Brothers, those routine things which were to do just Expenditure above Re the well known real estate own. done in the days of our grandvenue ers and operators of Brooklyn, fathers, but the object of govern have acquired a suite of beauti ment should be to make taxation, iu appointed quarters at 1779 and increased taxation, of The Legislative Fi Street, Brookln, where creasing benefit to the people perience wisdom and fact, has in throwing to the winds all ex they mendous concerned. There is one way in estimated revenge to be collectlot of business the pres. The which we may make Government able in Grenada for 1922 at Carrington Brothers as every a paying proposition, and that is 113, 812, while it is body knows, own property to to make taxation a paying propo spend 8, 659 the extent of 200, 000 in and sition.
of that amount namely Good Assortment around Brooklyo.
is true that we pay beNew York from the West Indies salaries of Government officers, only Seven years ago they came to tween 45 000 and 60, 000 bor 122, 471. We admire the mode esty in budgeting for a deficit of and did all sort of old jobs from we should be no cowards in the pect a 8, 659 confidently ex.
TO SELECT FROM AT THE New York to Boston tailoring face of a great public duty, and that amount at the end of the a deficit fully three times dry cleaning, moving pictures, that is, to see how we may re year.
stock selling and gradually in duce that figure to 30, 000 This going to be the vaded the field of real estate. under without impairing Government or case so long as the high cost of The result is they are ackaow efficiency.
stands. Grenada lelged by white and black as Wnat we want is to have a few ing called upon to Ipay what it is being bled white owing to bepowerful magnatas in the well paid officers with a select cannot afford.
LEWELRYBARGAINS Remember SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable germicide and sure disin: fectant.
LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND 100 Colony range ne should have JOB PRINTING of every description The object of Council Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards proposed excess 005 is WORKMAN PRINTERY


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