p. 8


Hemstitching WIFE WHO WOULD NT QUIT lo GVOD to the VIGOR TONIC Varied Assortment of STATIONERY CAN ALWYAS BE HAD Cure that Cold in your Head WORKMAN PRINTERY matter was some Race Meeting At Pa High Class Juan Franco EXCELSIOR THEATRE On Sunday Last Was Not Crowded.
TO NIGHT TO MORROW DONE AT On Sunday last, at Juan Fran Saturday, April 29th APRIL 30th Reasonable Prices 00 do te the change in the programme, the last race of the Our famous and notable actress At House No 6, boven did not come up. 10 Another magnificent cel MI86 DUPONT schedule time. Several delays 21st Januory St eet, Guachapali IN.
feature were made in getting the horses Opposite the Market out and this accounts for the FALSE KISSES.
leteness of the last race.
FLORENCIA QUANG, With this exception the proMONDAY Proprietress fram was carried out to the Paltalactlon of everyone present.
Continuation of the interesting serial The horses were all sent away starts thanks TERROR TRAIL effort of Mr. Dave Cardezetbe official starter, who exereised 5th and 6th Episodes great patience, in getting them ca. On whole, there was The best Tonic in the World nothiog for regret on last Sun day program, and again the Panama Jockey Club scored another success for which it must be congratulated.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend The program was run oft as ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, follows:Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up The first race was qutes sur prise, as Rafia, the horse from a run down constitution.
ibo Cattle luoustry was made It promotes digestion, improves the appe primo favourite. He was well rid den and at one time it was believ tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
ad sba: he would carry home his DOSE: One small Wine glass botorscooh muols. Hald, but Cricket made a plucky timestay ahallengo, and under the whip came from the rear winning at th. Judge box. The pool paid JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
sla to Of Every Description Second rres, Wampus Kst, May. Be and In Good Time were booked. Before the start of the racu, there was some misunderBranding as to whether Wampus Kat would go, as there was a matter of dispute between the AT THB owner of May Be, promising that WITHbo would not send his horse It was sick.
This dispute NOSTROLINE hold up the starting for some Nime, but the Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene tinally INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CURE FOR led the space to the first turlong. At. then In Guod Time made When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Nasal Catarrh, Influenza obowing, but from the second Iurlong was reached it was seen Stock of clearly that May Be bad the HAY, FEVER, BORE THROAT AND DRYNESS; STUFPINESS race his own way, Pool paid AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE 24 10.
Simple! Safe! Sure!
Third raco. Delfin, As de Oro and Lord faced the starting post For sale at all up to date Drug Stores for four furlongs. Deltin was prime favourite with Lord taking second place. Lord came home winning easily, Pool paid 10.
SPORTS Fourth race was the race o!
the day. Cortez, Glorita, and Estrella, were up for tbe six furlongs. At the fall of the flag FOOTBALL CRICKET Estrella and Glorita went away followed closely by Cortez, at the three furlongs, Glorita and Estrella got into a death Match Between England Surrey Deleats Yorkshire anu struggle for position, and it was and Scotland strugrle that Cor Blackman, Thomas and John played bez made one of the finest efforts (By London Correspondent)
br lliantly for Surrey. Bradford for Sur to get even with his field, and rey und Wiltshire for Yorkshire show reaching the three furlongs Last Saturday was a specta good bowlog form from the starting point, be led tor at the most thrillingly dre lo a Sportman League Cup matub, Estrella, and it was a settled matmatic Rugby football match last Sunday, at the Standard Oval, ehe er hat estrella was beaten; but An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
have ever seen. It was the an Yorkshire ww completely out on the bome stretch when just nual match between England lowed by the Burrey cc. The viokes she winning post, Valencia, the about an hundred yards from and Scotland, and rearly 60. 000. be Britons, among whom the King hon Yorkubire won the town, tibay. ee jockey on Estrella sawan bimself was an obviously do the visitors ia to bat. Thomw and only saw an opporo read unity, and with excellent judglighted onlooker, witnessed a Holder opened for Surrey, facing the went he took it and spurred his game that will live long in the bowling of Black man and Caminho bias mountain to renewed efforts. HON. WINSTON CHURCHILL SECRETARY OF STATE annals of British sport. England the more board showed 70 Holder www and within the last stride for the won after it appeared impossible clean bowled by Willebirebo bend judge box belanded Estrella a that Scotland could lose. But relieved Blackman, Challenor Dose ahead. Pool paid 30. Vague and diplomatie are the obtained in the London market year, and the Administration is what was more interesting than Eloock had a short stay at the wickets Fifth race was won by Little Words of Mr, Winston Churchill. At present, Jamaica is in need placed in a very unenviable the result was the way in which and then Blackman joined Thom. Nell, the pool paid 30. Sixth Sacretary of State for the Colo of money for the extension of situation to meet the general the characteristic of the and the soore rose by kape and bounda. race, May Be again carried his nies. It is almost impossible her railroad and for the recon demands of the people for in to put a clear interpretation as to struction of the city of Kingston. provement and cutting down the field of play. Scottish dash and made 34 in good stylo. Victor John where the Right Honourable Her future economic stability of From the statement expressed unnecessary expenditures.
Seventh race. Delfin, As de gentleman stands, in proposing depends very much on her will irresistible though it seemed for also played a great innin ge and made his Oros, Lord and Inglateraa were up that the West Indian Islande ingness to request the necessary by the Right Honourable the three quarters of the time, had 10. in first class form. Surrey closed hos for five furlongo. Belore the start should be united in securing loans and will willingly make Secretary of State for the coloin the end to yield to English Innings for a total of 100. Of this Blacks of the race, Inglaterra threw loans for their development. At the sacrifice of pledging newnies, it stamina and that native dogged. man made 34 Thomas 20, John 10 and down his rider Mittie who re the cranke club, on June laat taxation, to carry through the opinion that he has proposals concens 79 nebs which never knows when it Holder 10, Wiltahire bowling for York celved a severe shock and was it was reported that he had works of improvement and ex which will find a solution for of is beaten. One was for 36 reminded of a Continental geneunable to ride in the race. Lord during his epeech: it tension hope this state of After the usual recere Yorkshire went came in an easy winner. Pool may be possible; do not say it ral famous dictum that Engit the several West Indian adThe Legislative Council now in will be possible ministrations land loses every battle but the to the wickets, and opened their inning paid 50.
can be brought to ing session, shows a very ugly mood and the game of Rugby foot After the fall of the first wicket, the ROOMS TO LET the two together in yolking towards the Governor, Sie Leslie conference; but he has doubts last. It is games like these very brilliantly with Smith and Gros ves 27 runs going up before wicket fell, provides the severest physical others fell and assuming responsibibest of any sport ever invented making 16, being the only man to reach rotten State of the finances of the Kties on behalf of with the lean cattle but hope Probyn, as it is believed that the boat Jamaica sitting in concors succexion, Smith it will be found possible to the smaller CALLE No fought out with a ha ferocity that could or Islands double figures, The entire team fell for It gives and expects no and or combination of credits be ernor being incapable to adminis, 51. Bradford bowled excellently for Sur.
however, a decided conister the tween many of the Crown Colon. There is a strong agitation for will have to do something to colony. clusion, that the Government affairs of APPLY ON PREMISES yet in perfect good temper, that inculcate among the youth of the rey and captured wickets for rano ies, so as to secure the neces: the reconstruction of the water satisfy the insistent cry for the nations the time honoured les. all clean bowled Elook got for 15.
loans on a wider basis and the Hermittage Water reconstruction of the city. The sons of fairplay, self restraint Surrey thus won by 58 runs. fell for 62 runs; Samuel and than is possible and generous forebearance. Games for Tomorrow.
Augustine were the only two batumen to vidually presents itself upon Iembers of the Legislative they will no longer live under have expressed Britonnic va, Standard at Standard reach double figures with 11 and 10 runs market.
The above named Society begs Oval, reepectively: Walker was in fine form As the public of Jamaica is opinion, that there should be notions, and it the Gavernor fails present unfavourable condithe to notify its members generally, Mr. s, Filatrat XI vo. Mr, gibbo gbabal. com. ecbe weled a throue bardhe already thoroughly disgusted increased taxation, policy for to remedy the situation his recals båt the Literary and Instruc Boyd XI at Isthmian Park, inning and caring out with the average with borrowing, this prospect which the present Governor has may be demanded.
tive School of the Organization of 3, 7; McIntosh bowled well, but opens on Tuesday night May the was released by Palmer who also did ought to deter the colony from a strong tendency.
The most powerful elements 2rd, when the Presiden: desires Jamaica Defeats excellent. After recess Jamaica cc. all or any participation in the The situation is being watched of the Legislative Council, such that all of the members be with was Clovelly of which is to enable the lean what recommendations the mem son, Sangster, Win, French, 144 run. Pridcipal Scorers Miller 43, present The Executive also beg to Palmer 23, Sombretot 20, Hauxbton 19. knd like British Guiana and bers wille to swarm upon their carry Nash and Young; are determined remind the weinbers that lues Jamaica defeat Clovelly 12, 407, ou, Cooke 10 Bowli laner neighbours like Jamaicals throughout hedelicveryde important that the Government inust adopt works on the which will dan bent die rol the pareniversary at the Tebimian Parkel on eric red wines for 23. Palmer for 6, MeIntola for ways a feverish fear for Taans, in hommeV. Smith, member for amongst the diferent classes et night May in a first clase (cricket match future welfare of island. satisfaction contentment ceremony, So that those imem Captain Ferguson of the Clovelly 19 runs.
Spite of the fact that she has al. Clarendon, in a very able speech the population.
bers who desire to take part won the town and decided to bat; Cooper For Clovelly, Ellis captured wickets ways kept her word and she pays has criticised uncompromisingmay be there to enlist on the and Anglin were sent to face the bowl for 27, Naeb for 39, Lemmond for regularly all her obligations in ly the estimates of revenue Advertise in ins rogram.
ing of McIntosh and Walker; Clovelly 16 runs.
respect to local loans and money and expenditure for the present MAN. It Pays Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
during this od and the runo, is always because there.
quarter of the gary propound to Jos


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