
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 24 1922, Anniversary Celebration.
THE WORKMAN One Society Mr.
MA objects and was mon, mentioned Smoke Magnums Under very favourable auspi Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica ces and during and abundant WALROND, st the office Central Avetlon. Correspondence on all matters downpour of rain wbich the Que and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
way is generally considered de blessing, the Life and All copy for publication must be a Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Law Benevolent Society in this TBS OF SUBSCRIPTIO: must be accompanied by the name of city celebrated its first anniver: Oce Year. 40 US. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publics sary on Sunday last in the Liber ty Hall of No 14 Chapter, Six Months 20 tlon but as a mark of good faith.
Three 80e.
We do not undertake to return A, at Guachapali.
The function was impressively 250. erejected orrespondence.
opened by the President of the. Gittens, with a e Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS stirring address briefly outlining the SATURDA. JUNE 24, 1922 achievements of operations, activities and the Society since it was established a year ago. He then introduced Mr.
MALARIAL MENACE ON THE Charles Alvarez Vice President of No. 14 Chapter, who acted as chairman for the evening ISTHMUS.
Alvarez in his usual forceful and terse manner gave a e a very interest ing talk of the aims and of Friendly Societies the by For some weeks past the residents of the Canal Zone, good to to be accomplished 09 in every town between Panama and Colon have been com lines which he felt sure them if operated along legitimate plaining of the invasion of mosquitos, which threatened to being adhered to by the Life and throw that strip of territory into the meshes of a serious Law Society and congratulated malarial epidemic. Old and young, American and foreign its members for the improveer, rich and poor alike, felt the positive evidence of the ments made during its first year.
societies were bad enough, but whose ways of complimenting and messages of congratulation.
presence of mosquitos, whose unwelcome incantations are also well represented and sent CHURCH SERVICE making acquaintanceships are far from being appreciable. prepared program was (American Episcopal Church)
When the Department of the Canal Zone dis then rendered and consisted of St. Paul Church, Panama.
organized the mosquito brigade, which had dove so much songs, solos, recitations etc, etc, LOOK s. Holy Communion, FOR THE to put the dreaded anopheles into oblivion, it should which were all well rendered have used the same gang to build a couple more wards in these the recitations on Lite and heartily applauded. Among 10 am, Litany.
10:30 am. Holy Eucharist and serthe Ancon Hospital grounds, for it should have known, for and Law by YELLOW PACKAGE certainty, that as soon as vigilance against the mosquito must be specially The functioned was brought Holy Baptism, peril was relaxed just as soon the disease of malaria and p. Sunday School.
to a pleasant close with an apother kindred ailments would make their appearances. 30 Evensong and sermon.
peal The Workman did not fail to sound a note of warning the membePresident Gitens to F, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge mark and when the public was made to know that the sanitary inwardly digest all that was told St. Al ban s, Paraiso.
and salubrious conditions of the Canal Zone were in them.
11 am, Matins and address We take pleasure in congratu p. Suaday School, Confirmation danger of being relegaied to the past. It was foreseen Class that the disbanding of the sanitary forces, the discontinu lating this society on its achieve ments for the first Anniversary. 30 Evensong and address.
ance by the government to cut the grass on the Canal Zone NIGHTONGA LE. Vicar around the residences of employees and the cessation of oil spraying of pools and swamps within and beyond the Welcome Service for St. Pater Church La Boca.
limits of town sites meant the return of pre Gorgasian Mr. Denniston 11 am. Mərsing Prayer and address, days when the death toll from malaria was a scientific p. Sunds y School, scandal On Tuesday last the CE 7, 39 p, m, Ev ensong, sermon.
Economically, Panama and the Canal Zone are Society of the Chorillo Baptist MULCARE Rretor held a welcome service for Mr.
already prostrate and an epidemic of malaria will bring o Denniston, who has just St. Barnaba Church, Empire about a collapse. While hospitals and graveyards will be returned from a thirty days filled, hotels and stores will go empty, for the coming vacation spent at his home 11 sm, Morning prayer and address Sunday School at pm.
winter will bring no visitors to these shores while the (Jamaica)
The 30 Erening Prayer and address, disease, if not checked, will claim victims by the hundreds.
at 45 p, by the acting St. Bartholomew Church, The bones of the late General Gorgas, the champion order meeting was called to of medical science, must shuffle like a pack of cards in the Balent, and after the opening Las Cascadas the Pastor of the grave to hear of the malaria menace on the Canal Zone. Church Rev. Witt 10. 45 am, Litany and Holy Commuion.
It was the great Gorgas who swept the Isthmus clean of the programme for the occasion the malaria menace, but it seems as though it remained who presided. Many beautiful Confirm »tion Class 1, 30 30 Sunday School, for others to destroy the sanitary institution which he had items were rendered by the choir and the visiting friends 30 pm Erening Prayer and address built up here.
wbo were invited. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
of joke.
rendered SAVE THE CASH COUPONS Bible Truth Churches.
for the parts they malaria from the doors of Isthmian residents. It is an mended San Miguel easy matter for some officials to say that the sanitary work played. welcome address from the juniors by Miss Murill 5:30. Morning Prayer on the Zone has not been neglected, of late, but it is Reid. and a song and address 10 a. Children Sorvios.
another thing to explain satisfactorilly, the presence of from the Nazarene Society.
11: a. Preaching Service Seventh Day Adventist Church Bible Study on the Harp of malaria and its general outbreak all over the Zone.
Mr. Denniston, has been 30 Sunday School 7:30 Gospel Servico.
God For the Public faithful worker in the Everybody who is able to think knows that a malarial very epidemic is inevitable on the heels of neglected sanitation. to the Isthmus fire vears ago Church since the time he came Calidonia Sabbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sab5:30 a. Morning Prayer bath School; 11. 15 m, General Worship The number of persons who are inter12 noon Ordnance of the Lord ested in the Harp Bible study increapes Clearing away garbage and dried leaves are as essential as He is exex presiden of the E. 10 am, Children Service.
street cleaning and grass cutting, but depressions which Society and by his faithfulness Supper and Reception of those candidates every Tuesday at pm, at the Bible 11 a. Preaching Service who were baptised Sunday night. All Students class room 156, Anon Avenus remain unfilled, except by water, need as much or more and earnestness he has endeared 2:30 pm Sunday School attention than anything else.
bimself to nearly every one and 7:30 Gospel Service.
members from other Uhureber in good near De Lossep park.
all were in the best of spirit in BARCLAY Pastor in charge standing are asked to partake in the The late General Gorgas was the man who put the welcoming him back to his place Communion Service, The subject matter which raised th quit in the mosquito, but the greatest monument of his agai. He has come back with Wesleyan Methodist. 30 Spanish Class; 30 bigh tension of enthusiasm last Tuesday skill, humanityand scientific insight as well as the monu renewed energy and vigor to his Young People Meeting; 30 night wu the scriptural quotation from The meeticg came to a Panama 11 am Mr. Walters Vespero.
ment of his scientific achievement is falling into decay on work. 30 pm, Rev. Rev. Brsham lea, 45 showing that God created the Sunday evening at p. Reading earth for me to dwell in for etor, and the very scene where he had triumphed. In his days the case good time spent feeling Colonzo a Williamson Clase, All are welcome both young and further that mun is a nout, and do not a 30). Mr. Hugh Isthmus of Panama was rid of malaria fever, and visitors old. 30 m, Preaching Service La Book 11 a. Mr. Wolters poses soul this Istter thought we came here with the proverbial closed eyes and without New Providence 11 a. Rev, Baptist Church. brought out by making refer noe to tho fear of contracting any malignant fever on the world wide If you like bear tiful bair Sorgen: Coloa, 11 and 7:15 Pastor corroborative scriptures.
Genesis account of creation and other reputation of the Isthmus of Panama as a vacation health use Čreoline Hair Producer. Empire p. Rev, M, Surgeon. Thrift, Chorillo, 11 am, Mr. Yearwood 15 Surely Bible study is proper to the spot.
Miss M, Barnbouse understanding of God plan for humann There is a change, and the attraction is changingʻinto The cutting of grass around the quarters on the Canal Corozal Ro 11 a. Deacon Smith salvation and deliverance from the repulsion. Added to the physical distress and suffering Zone is an unusual experience to the employees and quite 7:15 Pastor Witt ignorance of the dark ago which an epidemic of malaria brings to a country there is out of consideration. This system lacks two things, effici Empire, 11 a. 15 Descon Lin The Bible Studente wishes it known ton, the general loss of business to stores and hotels as well as ency and regularity. With the work under the Health, that, irr spective of claw color or creed, Pueblo Nuevo, 11 am. Pastor Witt to the traffic fraternity. And in this case Panama and Departmeni efficicy and regularity must mark its all are welcome to join in this study, 7:15 Mr. Gallimore Colon will always be harder hit than the Canal Zone.
Regular attendants specially requested Now Providence Doncon Broom This is because the stores and other business houses execution, but when left to private individuals neither is that the time be increased over an hour Caiiva, Deacon Foster.
o keen is the appreciation and so are in the republic and not on the Zone. And yet the The genius of the American residents on the Zone is not Gatun, Thursday Pastor Thrift refreshing are the studies, Prove all malaria is on the Zone and not so much in Panama at amenable to the rocedure of cutting grass at their own things, hold fast that which is good.
present. Advertisers will not take the neeessary steps to is one of those ex actions that fail to receive Mr. Robert Smith Returns Remember! everv Tuesady at p.
explain the difference and for that reason the tourist trade general complis The responsibility for public health during next winter will suffer severely if the epidemic is with the Heal, Department not with the communiWe are pleased to state Public Lecture, does not abate before that time or if the Isthmus were to ty. The part to be played o com munity is co opera Mr. Robert Smith, of street be subjected to a protracted rainfall.
tion, but execution and direciullare in the hands of that Tailoring establishment has It will speak unfavourably for Panama if the compary portion of the administration charged with the preserva acation of two months in the 30 pm. there will be delivered returned after On June 25th (To morrow) at of medical men who will soon travel to these shores and to tion and protection of public health.
Isle of the West Indies to establish scientific relations and to It would be just as well for a school board to decide Indoren Spring his native bome Bible Lecture at Chorrillo study tropical diseases arrive here to find malarial fever that the children shall keep the schools and premises in a reports that to the Lodge. The subject Why was bigh price now being paid for man created. must of necesprevailing to bananas, to. spiritual. and tunity to study malaria without the use of books. They of the Zone. However the officials may look at it, they The only draw back, there is a itone thing is certain, they will have ample oppor the employees of the Canal to see to the sanitary upkeet wing and Jamaica appears to morate interesant, as it effects the be in a prosperous condition, welfare of mankind.
Evangelist Louis St. Hill is will see the evident effects of the historic anopheles and will always have a monstrous proposition on their hands drought from which the crops fully prepared to give his will learn something more than mere theory concerning if they are determined to pursue their policy of community have suffered terribly. All audience the answer to the ques. this scourge of the swamps. They will have sentimental grass cutting. If the insistance on an executive policy efforts are being put forward to tion from the scriptures, and all demonstration and, perhaps, emotional experience. If that jeopardizes the health of the public is more im stabilise the economic condition are invited to attend.
they are not pachyderms they will enjoy. practical ex portant than the preservation of health conditions the politicans there are brimtul of welcomed. Come early and se of the This lecture is free All are perience, and, after all it is practical experience in medicine authorities may be right in their position, but the reverse expectations as to the future cure a seat.
that counts, is the opinion of the Isthmus.
success of Jamaica, 20 Good Cigarettes for 15c.
Was handed takes time, money, brains, and aggressiveness to keep tollowing the items migdige do the expense and that.


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