
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922, PAGE FIVT Atlantic Side News YOU DO was anDO YOU All such ment YOU DO NOT Church has of were very another made, and that neces a There ough the agency Mass Meeting At more central place in the city of Colon, when Canal Zone Notes Notice to Creditors Cristobal Club Hall proposed Committee could be selectedA arose LA BOCA over the proposal; but it was of the Panama Banking finally decided that another Was Poorly Attended. meeting be held, and well ad Panama Baptist Church Chris Company, Colon.
vertised by sending out hand. employ modern methods in your business by tian Endeavour Society bills, using Typewriters, Telephones, Automobiles. Cmmunicated. Colon claimants are hereby 09 Sunday 25th inst. Toand Newspaper Advertisements, all of On Wednerday evening pre advised that it will not be necesOn Thursday night last the morrow) a mass meeting will be held at the Universal Negro Imwhich save you time, labor and worry cisely at 30 pm the Liter sary to come over to Panama mass meeting which ary will meet, Subject VISION to receive their cheques for the provement Association (Liberty nounced to take place at IN LIFE will be an address first dividend decided upon at the Hall) Chapter 18, under the Cristobal Colored Club ball was was auspices of this Association delivered by Mr. Walters, the General Creditors Meeting very poorly attended. It is true als that the rain fell throughout the made for a bumper crowd. The Principal Colored school, La held on May 30th.
are being Boca. Music by the San Miguel cheques will be sent during the greater portion of the day, but, meeting will be opened at 30 African Choir. Comodt. George coming week by some one desigcarry out these methods in your home? Mºrris of the Salvation Army nated for the purpose, who will and was indeed splendid op nyited to attend.
will be the Chairman for the deliver them to the interested portunity for those who had any occasion, all are cordially invited parties.
interest in an important move.
to attend this meeting Due notice will be given later of the kind to had put in Boys Week.
of the date, bour and place their appearance.
This demonstrated that there La Boca Literary Society, where delivery will be made.
EDWIN CHANDECK, is a lack of public matters per Boys Week ended up with a if you are not using GAS for cooking taining to our island homes, or grand parade on Saturday morn Secty. 3rd Circuit Court.
to some objection in connection ing 17th instant and Athletic At last Tuesday night meet Panama, June 16, 1922.
with the movement. which it sports in the afternoon. The ing of the Society a very lively discussion followed Mr. Clan would have been more manly Cristobal Boys did not turn up Song by Mr. McDonald.
and patriotic to have attended for the procession, but were McKenzie declination to debate PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Song by Mr, Mitchell and let the objection or grie the subject: Resolved That the andre represented in the afternoon on PANAMA OFFICE. vances has done more for the known. The branch of pier No at the Athletic Sports AT Song by Mrs. Blanchard.
COLON OFFICE: the Association in Panama is The contests were keen and Advancement Civilization Song by Mro. Catwell.
Cathedral Plaza approaching this inatter with prizes were taken off by both YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
than the School in favor of the Church, Reading story of his Physical Culture care and broadmindedness, and sides against Mr. Geo. Roberts Life by Mr. Da Bourg.
and is therefore willing to listen The members of the Rotary Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 for the School, Mr. McKenzie All ar invited to the Literary meetings to any proposals which will tend Club, and the Military and Naval declared it is an accepted ortho which take plece overy Thureday even to make the movement a success. men who directed, dox belief that the church is the ing. commencing at 7:30 It is felt that nothing should be pronounced in their eadeavours foundation upon which civiliza to mar tion is built and therefore assum What must be a vital issue to all seemed to have enjoyed them. Presentation Cere. Death Of Don Fabio ed that unisa would be opponent PARAISO West Indians on the Isthmus.
unable to advance logical con selves.
Il in the opinion of the majori.
Toe suggestion of a colour line Bravo. clusions in favour of the school, to be able to compete in the Billiard Contest.
ty of the West Indians bere was made during all the exercises selection ought to be of the week debate. Considering the subject. presentation and address to The Billiará tournament which for this matter Chaplain Putman of Coco Solo was lish the death of Don Fabio members decided to open it for at fever heat. man may raise to I: Is with sad regret we pub to be a very important one, the started on Monday is now raging the co operation that is Mr, BP, Wynter and Dr. Ander: made to him on Sunday me com Bravored Bocane 16th of the pro. from this discussion were iater, champion for a day simply to sary will not be forthcoming, son of Panama convened a meet at the a. service of Bocas del Toro which discussion. The result obtained the pinnacles of giory and be The then there is an opportunity to occurred rectify this at once; and it caning in the interest of the Panama iunion Service was fully choral, sent mooth at 6:30 pm. Almost song and furnished much food loose bis crowa by total defeat Oneting. The Association is not tion at the Silvsr Clubhouse, turned out in full force so as to confined to his residence quite a favour of the church. He was this time who will be decorated in be done by attending the sentative Government Associa: choir (boys men and acolytes) for although the deceased a one man affair.
fol necessity for to be bo any any last.
special expected wearers of these preinvitation, it the Westlast.
Merbeck setting of Com and who Indians here are alive to their In consequence of the incle Munion series was thsed, Canding bis demise so early.
Don. cious jewels are having troubles well great moral influence the church of their own.
civic obligations. This should ment weather the attendance was over 200 communicants were known in the Republic.
He was has over civilization but thought bave the first place in all our exceedingly poor. It was suggest present.
head of the Liberal Party Paraiso will be over on Saturat that for the especial purpose of arrangements, so that it can be ed that another meetins be called missed when he is gone for in Governor of the Province, and on the school has done and is doing will unite in making their medals The Chaplain, will be much Bocas del Toro for several years the advancement of civilization hade enighet 17th looking for demonstrated to those at home, for during the ensuing week.
that we in this republic apprethe absence of the Rector on many occasions was the Mayor more good, Messrs Eagleston and ciate the consideration given us hard to wear.
of McKenzie also spoke giving due many occasions he is always in of the city: Administrator Heroic Performance.
to identify ourselves in one of place to render the necessaryGovernment lands; and at the credit to the quota contributed to the most historical movement in Cristobal, service which has been fully and time of his death, he was the civilization by the school but held the history of Jamaica faithfully done, and which has principal Deputy to the National that the church June 20th. 1922.
is GATUN that Although the audience at the To the Editor of the Workman, endeared him to us. After Assembly, and was the Alcalde clears the way and make the The parents and adults meeting the Cristobal Club hall of the was not close service of that place.
introduction of the school pos which took place at this Club one, it must Sir, should like to bring the organist, Mr. Fred Sam large be said that To his fellow citizens and sible and therefore believe that house on Tuesday night June the herein matter the uels the gentlemen the address who went from uels and foreigners he was always the the church has done more and 20th, and promoted by the teach the Panams were Notice of the Public namely, made compensated presentation to same in administering the func the school is of secondary impor ers of the Gatun School and the Heroic for the intelligent manner performance of him of beautiful French. tions of of the Civil and Municipal tance with regard to the advance Clubhouse Secretary may be con meeting was conducted, and for Pedro G, Victor of Colon, a plain Morocco Covered Bible, which Government. He very ment of civilization.
sidered a real community night.
on the cover, the very commendable interest clothes Police Officer, at the re was inscribed and was the friend of MOCK COURT AND ELOCUTION on School system was very in The talk by Teacher Webster shown. The audience was occurred near the as follows: all irrespective of nationality, representative one, and it is felt Canal Zone bounda 1922. after S, Patman, by the Officers and Bravo was very much respected line on the Presented to the Rev John race, class or colour. Dən Fabio CONTEST structive, while teachers, June 17th Brown. The Society is perfecting for a mock Court Pande Enscation accounts of their dealing with ing will bring forth very good a woman and two children whose the Sea, Colon, P. June 18 th him either with money or by Contest to be held at the Club Children in schoolMrs. Waller results.
The chair was taken by Mr. Dames are unknown to me were 1922.
in the burning house. He any special favour. He served house in the near future. It is paper on Mothers responsibility Vivian Winter, a member cik tibo without delay climbed up into the Christ Chureb by the Ses all alike. His demise has left a expected that several societies in the bo was an item of Cristobal Literary Association vacant place in the political and will be invited to take part in the much comment. The Clubhouse He introduced in Wynter building, rescued the two childColon, June 18, 1922 social lite of Bocas del Toro, Contest in on the principal speaker for the ren, landed them safely to others which it will be Reverend and dear Sir: beingecret ration, made it very plain and below Next Tuesday night night, ana Dr. Anderson, rescued the woman by climbing that the undersigned officers, on the citizens and foreiga residents anticipated It is with a feeling of deep regret At his internment, nearly all Ladies Night a fiae program is that the acts of children whether who had come from Panama for beer the balcony with her bold ble one congregation of Christ at Bocas del Toro, and the adjoin election of officers for the ensu training as they had received at good or or bad reflected upon such the purpose be por boyater, in his addressing on to him until he was assist Church by the sea, now find ourselves ing places came out to pay their ing term will also take place and home.
outlined the rims and objects of of bier landing here sted be some facing the painful smak of so ing svd last respect to one in whose lite all members are requested to be upon the audience the necessity association, others who standing by. to one learned to lovo.
uprightness to present of co operation by all people what will be the plans of the think that such courageous and for the betterment of their own Your genuine spirit of enthusiasm and the community. The stores and brave deeds should come to the other business places were condition in the community.
cnmpaign should be accompany to England, The Notice of the Public. for were it good will in all your efforts have enclosed on that day. Several Women Life Problem Club The Educational pictures which address not for the prompt and daring deared you to us. In a funeral orations were delivered Plans Outing at Taboga were run by the Bureau of Clals strong West action of Victor, both the woman you will be to us but memory and we funer and Playgrounds Were also an Indians heir mural and children might bave been are loathe to admit it; but of one thing at the grave side, extolling the item of interest Anancial support.
burnt to death. It is therefore are certain, whether you go your merits of the deceased, and for The Women Life Problem Blo. jar Tournament Dr. Anderson, made a very desired that this man be given vital influence will also be conveyed to some days the entire Province due in interesting address, dealing consideration and such th one who may be entrusted to your was throwa into mourning for Club of La Boca Clubhouse is spiritual sare, and this, we feel, will the irreparable loss to the com planning for an outing at Taboga The Bllliard tournament which all its ramifications with what recognition as may be possible.
Island on July 4th All who are munity, douoly compensate our loss.
are wanted in Jamaics and Respectively, To the bereaved relatives this interested in this connection started a week ago is now raging several other West Iudian isEYE WITNESS. We shall miss you when you sromne paper otters its condolence in should call on either Mrs. Jump at fever heat. Each contestant is lands to bring them up to the from use are upy in the cowledge this sad hour of their loss, and or Mrs. King members of the having his own troubles with the standard of modern democracy, SILVER CITY BAND other fellow. It is hard to tell at that you will at all times be carrying out expresses the hope that the Club, for further information, and to enhance the economical the commands of Him whese love is not Great Architect of the Universe this time who will wear the precondition. y much satisfac At Cristobal Clubhouse bounded by time and space It cious jewels which are stored in is, there will comfort them in their tion was e Sseu the manfore, with these feelings uppermost the Secretary olba To night in us RED TANK us sorrow, per the Luico stated what he that we ask to be permitted to to hand very ine Social is being considered the wants and necesyou this small of our appreciation.
sities of the various colonies. All arrangements have been We hope that when you are safely COME, WITHOUT MONEY MacFadden Health Club. arranged for all the players and their wives and lady friend Mr. Cole, resident of Colon, completed for the big dance at erooned in the hearts of thow to whom AND WITHOUT PRICE when the contest is over.
we The Macladden Health and Eduontio hope by that tia empha the Cristobal Clubhouse to night, you go it may ever convey to you ond addresse, the chose de Phad by the Silver City Band of La memories of the land and people you are Mrs.
that be nal Club scored a success on Thu raday Smith OOP Clubhouse known Mr. for upwards Boca. This will be a grand night leaving behind.
To the lecture on the subject night 15 instant when it rendered employees ome from the of twenty year this republic! those who will like to trip the Yours in Christ. Millions Now Living Will Never literaty program in conjuaction with the Hospital.
and he ventured to express. hr sht fantastic toe.
FRED SAMUELS. Organist) Die, at the Golden Green showing of reels of Educational filme opinion that a more competens Sey wew Hits will be on ROWE. Catechist) Schoolhouse on Sunday June 25, free to the community of Red Tank man than he cou. not be foubu, the program, such pieces as The following are the title of the The La Boca Suimer RUDOLPH MeLEAN Mr. Wynter, said Mr. Cole, Moonlight, Bla, bla, Blues, We should certainly acquaint pictures that were shown: Blazing the School.
knows the sufferings of our The Shiek of Araby, and others JAMES FACEY ourselyes with the establish: Trail, by Willys Overland Co. Pyrene poeple. and be is fearless and too numerous to mention. Don H. CAMBRIDGE ment and blessings of the by Pyreno Mig. Co. Fine knows what to say and how fail to hear Professor Thomas on ADRIAN POULKE Messiah Kingdom for which Mechaniale Tools and Hacksaws by The usual Summer School will Starrett Co.
to say it to secure consideration the SAX, he will give you the fun have been long praying. HUMBER conducted in the La Boca that he felt sure that of your life, if you will try to be Thy Kingdom come, Thy will Their motto is SERVICE and they Schoolhouse during the coming when the people in Jamaica present.
Revd. Putman, S, N, be done on earth as it is in done are leaving no stone unturned in vacation, under the management selected Mr. Wynter, they must Colon, R, in Heaven.
order to live up to the principles of of Messrs Walters, Princi know what they are about. Genaral Notice.
The Chaplain suitably replied Seats Free No Collection.
Kho pal. And that the Bridgett and Reed, movement has his thanking the organist and memAll publications of Births, bers of the committee and the The cooperation of the community Special attention will be support in all that may be done to Arithmetic, and to bring about success. Deaths, and Marriages are members of the Church for their Advertise in The Work in requested in order to continue the lowe22 to Suodess of this Club, the address and grades.
Mr, Ricketts, President of the charged for according presentation to man it pays.
The following literary program was Parents will please see the Colon Mutual Benefit Corpora amount of space taken up. No him.
rendered teachers before purchasing readtion delivered a short address, exceptions will be made to this After which the hymn Blest ing books. All children of five and proposed that there should notice.
Opening address by Mr. Palmer years of age and upwards will be the tie that bind our heart sung, thus bringing to a close be another meeting held at a The MANAGEMENT in Christian love was heartily a most impressive service. Pisco Selection by Mise Catwell, be eligible of enrollment.
to read fully the the w28 impartial acent fire which speaking hard to fill.
Went back and over all the gation closed with very short time appeal to and well. token LA sising the at pm Peril Vs we be and this motto.
giren the writing in


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