
The American Foreign Banking Corporation Banks, Dext BO Bolema The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA US says.
annul power. Too. hu nel President of the Board of ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY millions unde to the ministry showed to in audience that for other for the production triod stood LONDON CORRESPONDENCE Ordination Service.
British Trade and (Cmmunicated. On Thursday night, June 8th. at 30 Finance.
the regular wekly meeting of the Chistian workers Campaign wat Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY ferred from the Salvarion Army Hall to (By Leonard Reid. Abe Nazarene Church of which the Rev London. May 1922. Two Tylerboot is Pos or. This moet weighty pronour cements have ing ww convened at the above church been made during the past few DEPOSITORY OF for the object of laying wide twomen days on the present position and. Elders in the persons of Bron outlook of trade and industry in Artimu Odle and Hamlin Neil, There this country oue by Mr. Bienwe not even ading room in the wy Baldwin, the President of abureh. all the churches belonging to the Board of Trade, and the ibe Campaign were fairly represented, other by Mr. McKenna, who is members and friends of other an ex Chancellor of the Ex cauche. From the Sankey hymn book chequer and now Chairman of be 203 hymn was sung, followed by the largest of our great prayer by Commandant Morria (Salve These two men are possibly betuon Army) Rev. Wilkins then her placed than anyone else in road Acta 14h followed by byma 606 the whole country for the pur.
Ro. Burke was the Dose of judging and reviewing bire the gospel mewage for the the trade outlook, and their two occasion which he did he did one filled with statements are closely similar in the spirit, and gave the gaiosayer tone. Both deprecate exaggeratcaugh to ed bopes; but both find evidence to take away, especially thome ace who seem to think Gou cannot that trade in general is slowly unle he has been to Thoelogical Improving. Mr. McKenna. look tem bary. He subject wwe Seperate ing through the spectacles of Barnaba aad Saul for the work Kaniser, finds evidence of great.
whereunto bave called, and when er trade activity in an increase in they bad fasted and prayed and laid the volume of internal trade bills and bankers advances and their bands on them they sent them acceptances. It is here, way. Ae 13th, and he The Rev. Gentleman took his bearers that the earliest signs of trade back to be call 26 years ago and showed improvement show themselves abut when the Divine Leader boe his as a rule and are showing themeyes upon a man to perform service for selves to day. But he WAS at bim, no earthly fores however strong an pains to add that the evidence He also cited the affords no indication of a coming trade boom. The most that quality of men God wants in bis service and without these qualities it is impose can be said is that there is some sible to movement and, though the pace seen it stated. said Mr. Mcken.
to perform the Masters duties to his honour and glory. Three of the may disappoint us, it is in the na, that it would be possible right direction. These words of to make up for the decline ebiet qualities are those Morally, in our leading Banker are almost foreign trade by an increase in Spirituslity and Sociability, and he indentical in purport to the views our domestic trade. do not empossied them with all his God given Too much ibat ventured to express in a think that this would be possible cannot be said of the sermon but those who were esent want article.
recepti We are too far from being th away blessed, all feeling that the Holy in Spiri. Power was felt there Trade in his speech in the House either in regard to food or raw Hymn 228 was next aung (The of Commons gaye evidence of a materials. Our population bas Church one foundation) after which rather more tangible nature. grown to 47 con the Candidates were asked to give brief Calculations made by his ditions in which foreign trade experts showed that the volume and shipping bave become factestimonio ef their call to Both mea spöke and the of exports of British manufactors of the first importance that they might have desires tares was now about 65 per cent the of national duties life for of the volume recorded in 1913, wealth. In saying this Mr.
even though they to shift shift the last pre war year. That McKenna states the fundamenthis solemn bour the Good Lord said tal truth of mine eyes are upon you both so that encouraging; but it becomes 80, position. Our fortunes are ir.
this is God hour and not theire? They an view of the further informa: retrievably wrapped up with the also asked the balievers to pray for tion that during the worst prosperity of other countries, them that the good work begua may be period of last year the volume of particularly on the Continent of contious to their journoy ead. Rev.
such exports was only 48 per Europe. Therefore the disap.
Wilkins theo gave the regular soriptural cent of the pre war level. pointment over Genoa dificulties Interesting News charge to the brothran they According, then, to this official is shared by the whole industrial Creoline Hair Preparations before bim, and with comcalculation the export demand financial and trading community About the Navy Positively Superior to all others on Earth.
manding Voice gave stries charge to disap them to Preach the word Try them and be convinced.
He Isid increased in a very important pointment over the slow pace of And Army They are the Master Preparations of the World.
stress on this part which not only went manner since the worst period European re settlement, hope on home to the candidato bat to all prosent of last year; and, although last this score en ba finds 20 reason Changes Which have Lately by no means dead.
Different from all Others ou.
bext part of the programme wa Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. be nce the the laying on of abnormal disturbance on of hands on the candibair about the ultimate Taken Place in the East all Foreign Countries, 60c.
parison affords at least some restoration of the foreign mar dates by the ministero present. The Creoline Halr Producer candidates kneeling on the cushion, the slight reason for satisfaction.
he Lancashire Regiment.
Straightens rough, barsh, kinky hair with or without hot oombs, bands of the Revo, Tylerbost, Burke, show that in the first four of the world is gravely impaired SURVEY SHIP MUTINE The latest published details the former and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 Wilkins and Barclay were laid upon percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation months of their heads. Each minister exports of for laying his of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevents baldness.
many countries such heading manufactures as time being even shattered, the In ounce tins.
hands on both candidate the same Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy cotton yarn, cotton piece goods, condition is not irremediable. Lieutenant Commander Silk time. Rev. Birclay led in prayer; iron and steel, and woollen For the morent statesmen followed by Rev Burke for special are Has Been Posted to Vessel very good scalp treatment, positively removes Dandruff, Tetter This was a and worsted tissues were very still groping for the avenue that blowings on the brothren.
and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair, keeps the scalp healthy In ounce bottles.
Now in These Waters solemn hour, all felt the power of the much in excess of the volume willy stability and Holy Ghort as it seem as though all Jackson Manufacturing Co.
ing the ery. In were of one mind in bas sscred edifice.
455 West Tenth St.
the period of last year. We have enou technicia search the work of lase London despatch states at Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind.
been traversing a very long lane Genoa is helpful, and it is also that some changes have just All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
Those who wituessed the ceremony of Industrial depression, but Mr. hoped in London financial circles taken place in the East Lan just at that bour could not but agree that it was the Lord doing and Baldwin stated his coa that be opened up by the delibes cashire Regiment the 1st. Bat that the sought for avenue that this is truly the time of the Latter that a turning is coming and talior (the old 30th) is at Bersrode would continue to show tions of the Committee appoint muda and Jamaica and the 2nd Reiga when God is pouring His Spirit the slow and gradual improve ed to investigate the possibility Battalion (the old upon all flool, and He is choosing the at The best Tonic in the World foolish ment which he believed had of external loans to Germany. donderry. Captain to things of the world Neeson.
are Aitbough it the visdom of the wise. Those it is not in their strict late of the 2nd Battalion has the days when true believers ought to In looking forward into the terms of reference, this Commit been seconded for service under for the trade future, the coal industry tee is bound, unofficially, to pass the colonial Office; and this God Kingdom. Coase.
vital brings in on the establishment This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. erate me now to thy Service Lord) was hope Coal exports are points in Europe financial Captain and Bre ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, sung while the Representatives from the ereeping back towards the pre difficulties, and it is very much James attached to war level and are as high in to the good that America will the 1st Battalion, Major James various church in the campaiga also Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up the Deacons of the Naz. rene Churoh rolume as could be expected in be represented on that Commit who was a supernumerary officer a run down constitution.
the newly ordained view of the low level of indus tee by one of her most powerful whilst on special service at the Elders. The Ministers after taking trial consumption the world over; financiers, Mr.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe8. Pierpont War Ofice where he completed their hands frog the candidate heads and as regards the foreign bunk Morgan.
his tenure in last September tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. raised them to their feet and kissed business, this country won the little cross for valour them.
has entirely re captured its Court Pacific Elects Gallipoli in June 1915, when a DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Many sick ones were brought to be war position. With a caution born Officers.
subaltern of tbe 4th Battalion times a day.
prayed for. This was done by the Worcestershire Regiment.
of responsibility Mr. Baldwin laying on of hande the Bible say, followclaimed for the coal industry ABOUT THE NAVY.
od by special prayers fron the ministers The election of Officers for the alone that it had got book to an also brother Wilson of the Cariscian basis. He would have ensuing term took place at the Lieut Commander Silk Mission La Boan, Commandant Mor been justified, perhaps, in mak above named Court on Monday has been posted to the surveying rie gave a suort talk which was pointed ing a similar claim for the Brit June 15th 1922. The following ship Mutine. on relief. now and showed to all how it was navessary ish iron and steel industry, were elected to form the ad doing duty in West Indian Mutual Life Assurance ental tice.
that all present dedicate their lives now.
whose prices and wages have ministration for the termsThe doxology brought the meeting to been fully re adjusted to meet Bros, John Eastmond, W. Society Although the Admiralty that close, bleweed evening was tho conditions of international com Leon Boyce is, the Government is bent on Members of the above named All those persons who were them, of all who felt is in their souls E, Sqniros, and Trusten. every kind of economy, there is Society are hereby reminded being worked on by Dentist Both Mr. Baldwin and Mr Te asurer, Reid, Secretary; A, no intention, at present anyway, the assessment fee due by the Hilton Howell, are asked to call WANTED.
Mc Kenna laid stress also on the Bostick, Todd, of reducing the strength of the death of Alexander Brown, will at House 1072, La Boca, next obstacles in the path of really Burgas, B, Dickson, North American and West terminate on the 25th of the door the Salvation Army Hall great trade revival Albert Henry of Bocas del Ot these Those and have same completed.
bstacles the continued untettle named oficers will take place on that this Squadron should be are The installation of the above Indies Squadron. In fact, it is present month June.
most paramount necessity members who have not yet paid Toro would like to know the HOWELL a ked to be governed ment of Europe is paramount. Monday July 3rd, 1922, wbereabouts of Louisina CheeseThe European continent is Bri: 30 at kept not only at its present accordingly.
Dentist man, Joseph Watson and Joseph tain chief customer.
British strength but even augmented as Brown who formerly resided at WM. DESOUSA, it has now to do the entire duty trade cannot thrive so long as Chorrillo in Panama. These Secretary Continental trade, production on both sides of the Pacific Genaral Notice.
To Whom it may Concern persons are requested to comand exchange remain unsatiscoastline wbereits municate with Albert Brown ships factory. We cannot make per iodically cruise to.
whose address is Catarina Farm up British Consulate Notice.
This is to certify that Bro. Costa Rica Division, Bocas del elsewdere for the loss of trade All publications of Births, Joseph Earle, Member of the Toro. with Deaths and Marriages are of the economics of Europe may charged for according to the ROOMS TO LET at Panama would appreciate any 11, 1. 0. is suspended Royal King Solomon Lodge No.
be taken as being directly amount of space taken up. No informa ion concerning CALLE No Creoline Hair Produc is the for 99 years for continuous bad the World best hair proresponsible for the existence exceptions will be made to this whereabouts of Mrs. Amelia behaviour and atter disregard of 1, 700. 000 unemployed work notice.
ors in Great Britain. Bryan, formerly of 39. Martin for the Chair and Laws of the ducer and will not soil or stain have The MANAGEMENT APPLY ON PREMISES Street, Spanish Town, Jamaica Torder. 17 24 1st.
The best year the great coal to despair ket. Although added, of and will lead to passing 59th)
NE Lonconfound begun.
VIGOR TONIC pull together up building of Toe byma of the Brevet major. Congratulated.
er coal preJAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
sconomic petition


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