
Different Win ch This TCARDITES UGGETTA Street Lancashire They Satisfy Book Binding!
Chesterfield Uniou Co.
Book Binding Department been con Water, ice to SAVES risk)
Ltd. from com which close on THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND Continued from page 3)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL quality fruit more readily a ecessible to those requiring it.
You know The development of an INDICATIONS export trade in citrus fruits and what you ve bananas. West India Committee Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant always wanted Circular. Cold Anaemia Following Fevers a cigarette to do.
Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia Chesterfields Saturday Night An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromide do it.
and Salicylatee. Summer omplaint and Bowl They not only Fire.
Irregularities among hildren. All ages, all climates, please your taste all seasons of the Year. other cigarettes Burnt Premisos Insured For do that) but they You havo Tried the Rest 10, 000; Stock For 45, 000.
do more.
Why not Use the Best They give ORIGIN MYSTERY to your smoking FOR SALE BY an enjoyment Supplementing our account in Sunday issue of the ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
so complete fire which completely des.
so full troyed Messrs. Murphy. Moge so entirely different and Coy Dry Goors Em WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY that there only porium in Frederick Do. Molnos la, 00 on one way Saturday night, wo ere Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans be to describe itDow in a position to state thst the entire stock was insured for 45. 000 pounds sterling made up as follows 25, 000 pounds sterling with the Fire Assurance Company repre sented locally by Messrs.
Hope Ross Ltd. and 20. 000 pounds sterling with the Norwich Union Fire Company whose local agent is Major Randolph Rust.
The building is owned by Mr.
Why throw away your old, but no Grant McIntosh and covered CIGARETTES by two polices of 000 pounds doubt interesting, books when you sterling each with the Phoenix of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Fire Assurance Co, whose local Agent is Mr. Wilson and can have them neatly bound at the Assurance for LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. whom Messrs. Thomas Boyd Co. are local agents. The only THE WORKMAN cher Stephens damage was NOTICE nother side of the root of the building being fairly well burnt Link ир with LIFEBUOY while the stock has In for Health Sake.
Mrs. Maynard, Certified siderably damaged by Midwife. of La Boca begs to this connection it is not out of CENTRAL AVENUE notify her friends and patrons plec o repeat our earlier state.
that she has returned to her ment, that the excellent work (carried out at Briga1 and No. G Street House 1029, St. Thomas of the Sne. La Boca, and is mu saved is Messrs. Stephens any entrusted to her, she spent six plete destruction by fire. in event 350 weeks in during that hones acted for a week as na ked employees would have been sum observation for the purpose of telephone and motor car. Sare Cross Nurse at the Free Clinic marily thrown out of the employ ascertaining the extent of his ly some serious effort should be with satisfaction for one who is ment. This firm is covered by injuries which may turn out made to reduce our already DIRGALJ. Black of Miller on vacation policies, in five companies, viz: to be internal and serious. Dur enormous Medical vote.
LAW Union and Rock; Laucasbing yesterday morning he re Following the usual track of ire; Insurance; London Lan gained consciousness Dennis medical promotion, Dr. Allas Phoenix Assurance; and who is about 26 years old, is a Lewis comes from St. Vincent fitter, to fill the long vacant post at Victoria He leaves his father Stores Ltd. and Mr. Taurel. Death of Young (Denis birth place for his own, and will Manufacturers Representatives, be welcomed with the cordiality have been appointed to assess Scipio Pollard.
which the home coming of the damage done.
The Port of Spain Gazetto worthy young countryman de YOUTH and happiness are linked Up to the present the origin of of the 21st May states that a serves. The difficulty of a suit up with health. Link up with the fire remains a mystery. telegram was received the day able residence, however, where Lifebuoy for health and for the before announcing the death in sents Air: which children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proLondon of Mr. Denis Scipio has been suggested, is open to to motes health happy, smiling health; City Council and Tram. Pollard who left Trinidad at the the weighty objection levelled at beginning of April for the bene way Company. Endon in your parish. maxiit protects the children from the We are hoping that some or fit of bis health dangers of contagious diseases.
mum limit on medical fees and the advent of the motor car have Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects casion will bring you to our Consequent on the extension to minimise the pre one much to as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where store shortly. And when you by the Trinidad Electric Com.
blem of medical visite. But the Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap GRENADA will safeguard the children. keep them do come be assured that it willpany of their tram lines beyond choice of medical officers rosithe Goyernment Quarry, certain healthy as well as clean. Insist in them dences seems to have been some be a pleasure for us to serve representations were made to using it before school, after play, before meals.
by hat perversely deemed the Government a negligible factor you, and that our pleasure in the Government by the City Things Medical.
Council, as to the use of the in this complex problem. The IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
serving you will make your visit bridge over the Dry River, by (From The West Indian. of to our store even more enjoy she Tramway Coy in reply to Mr. Lucas wires: the residence is one that should be able for yourself.
the Government infirm an has given the assurance that the people of St. Andrew deeply measured by the fact that many FULLER debilitated Company have been reminded of repeate the chupo paslin Sharp to as the mother of the usually people MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER make of Dr Chive Justin 122 CENTRAL AVENUE any interferonoby them with West Africa. During his three Large number of infant patients, foot the on a rainage sys Sharp has earned general ap: road way to the hoine surgery of years service in Grenada Dr. have to negotiate on tem. On the other hand how ever, the Corporation bas been preciation through that quick the District Medical Officer.
that the of does not consider that Governor any packy, with buman suffering by this journey should deficer heroically proportions of o. com: handicap to medical pactitioners. as toilsome ascent divine.
tion in the Town Clerk to read dis pareigaa tela et sont cruel to (namely that if should the Cogne ability and energy hearts by bill should to larger make him climbing. The shadow of darkeer (tor het toeir briage, the company quickly achieve that propea eines in stil on hand when WS will take down or alter the advancement to which be de the analogy appears sjast) alleged witches servedly The vacancy tram bridge as may be required. trussed sad should be composed on meie com thus created ađords sa opportu. uncler dame big chance for the thrown into the river. If pany.
nity she Government should be ready to she was burned as a witch; ic seize.
LCNE WITH NEATNESS AND Major Wood solution of she drowned her death SUDDEN FALL bloated adminis tested her innocence The water ordeal has disappeared with the trative to be found in amalgamation of offices, progress of civilisation, Bat DESK TCH Into the East Dry River. In these days of rapid motor present day Grenada oficial do devised the transport the principle can While young man named applied in extending the area of ordeal to retard that progress te Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, iron standard of the East Dry klad of Claud Dennis was sitting on the medical districts where that good health of which the sick of conveyance can be gen. River bridge at Duke Street enjoyed to reach the soliloquizing, he lost his balance bouses of patitens, and fell backward into the bed so long ago since Dr. McLeod Important to Lodges.
of the river. The was an elderly man had charge of an 40 feet, and hops severe are comprising nowadays two was the shock he received can medical districts Nos. and All notices for publication Adbe better imagined when it is believe. In addition, the inmates vertising dates of meeting nights Good Assortment stated that he nas picked up in of the Richmond Hiu Institution are charged for at the rate 00 an unconscious condition. He were under his supervision. What per month payable in advance.
was conveyed to the Colonial ever argument may be drawn Publications notifying suspere TO SELECT FROM AT THE Hospital where upon examina from the comparatively small sion or exp members tion by Dr. Milne, he was ad increase of population since Dr. are charged for per inch of mitted as a patient in No. McLeod time. is more than epace taken Ward. Apart from the many balanced by the facility of Lodges and other local Friend bruises and the shock received summoning medical aid, and the ly Societies are hereby requested nothing more has yet been dis means of prompt response to be governed accordingls.
covered, and Dennis is under thereto, provided to day by The MANAGEMENT LIFE. CBOO itself.
Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it in a reputable germicide and a sure disis.
the road levels Why cannot darumos JOB PRINTING aspires were of every description at the probleem penditure is be It is not Birthday Cards and Ball Cards About 40 rexpulsion of WORKMAN PRINTERY


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