p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922 9S RENT BIG CLEARANCE SALE Receipt Walk Over Store Books Commencing To day at or In Spanish and English FOR SALE AT Jack Branch American Bazaar CENTRAL AVENUE CORNER STREET No. (Opposite Duque Hardware)
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY League of Collegians ard Prospective Collegians of Organized An enormous assortment of Men and Women Shoes From 00 to 50 per pair must be sold.
Dempsey fland that he fight between Dempleos en een tuinute, and that the taut last of this paper.
to the take urged for the racThe ceremony SEKSSSS EXCELSIOR THEATRE To night, Saturday June 24th. LOVE PRISONER To morrow, Sunday June 25th, CARMEN MYERS Rord. interesting with beld at the bomo How The English Abandonment 01 News Papers View Jack Sunday Races, Dempsey.
Keen Disappointment To Turfites and Race Fans.
Jack Dempsey, world beavy.
weight champion or, 38 the Man proposes but Jupiter London Observer puts it, white Pluvius disposed last Sunday heavy weight champion of the when the excellent race proworld, as he has no claims to gram which was scheduled to the universal title having stren be pulled off at Juan Franco wously refused to meet any track had to be abandoned owing Negro fighter. has just re to the great down pour of rain turned to New York from Lon which actually deluged Panama don after a pleasant holiday. In all day and made it impossible England, he was well received for man beast to budge a on every hand, and was the re peg.
cipient of numberless kisses and The keen disappointment of proposals from sentimental horse owners, turtites and race women who considered Dear fans generally, can be bet a most romantic figure. ter imagined than expressed: Telegrams received here from suffice it to say that every race London during the week announcing fan encountered since Sunday, that before sail wore a wrinkled brow and ing for New York, an agree cloudy expression, wbich it ment was reached between to remaia seems is destined Dempsey and Carpentier until the inauguration Managers for a retuin match after the new track is cempleted, in London or Paris before next some time in August next.
May. However if we take the But borse owners and train.
Mail opinion for it, the ers claim that they have been British public does not want to see any further boxing between unfortunate abandonment of the Carpentier 02 Dempsey arrival in En which they were put to great last two race meetings, for Daily Mail said. expense in training sey and Carpentier would be a animals have not bad the oppor scandal and it ought not to be tunity of even relaxing the tolerated, Dempsey victory muscles. While year was decisiye. It left no room for doubt, and Cart may be all true from the view point of the horse owners pentier acknowledged at once in the handsome terms that the and trainers, and possibly mang victor was the better man. No to take a financial perspective race fans who may be inclined one with any sporting instinct of the situation, the general would wish the Frenchman to public looking more another hammering merely humane side, feels that the for the purpose of providing a short intervals will greatly beneSpectacle and a profit for a fit those horses which have been speculator the past many weeks We have already expressed to keep up the status of the this opinion clearly. We repeating ing, and the general opinion is it now, on the arrival of Demp that these horses need some rest.
sey. in order that speculators and the short respite between warned. Carpentier now and August is much too manager and mentor, Descamps short.
is a practical man of business and he may be tempted boso he that all directly concerned in It is however pleasing to see offer of a large purse.
It will be wise to stipulate for the this sport of kings event to be staged out of Eng buckled down to the inevitsble tand, for we are convinced that and that trainers and owners English sportmen, who are have resolved to prepare and looking forward to Carpentier keep their horses tit to meet match the the big Inaugural meet anticiclever and capable Lewis, will pated.
not provide the gate money It is stated, and with some in paying quantities for another authority too that the Munici fight between the Frenchman pality of Panama will take some and Dempsey.
notice of racing bereafter and in the inaugural meet especially, when that body will offer prizes Clovelly vs. Britannic and possibly money purses for events at the meet. It is also intended to get the Merchants cricket match between and Clerks of Panama interested Clovelly and Britannic SO that the next race in the Sportsman cup league gram may include a Clerks pro competition will take plece at Purse and a Merchants Plate to Siandard Oval to morrow. This be competed for.
match was played at Standard Oval in the 1st Half Season and But what about the fairer ended in favour of Britannic but x? Surely they must add Clovelly protested on account of lustre and brilliancy to that the a decision of the Umpire and the inaugural Program, for League ordered the match re.
ladies of Panama and the Canal played. The game starts at 12. 15. Zɔne have been very much in evidence at past meetings. So here to the Ladies Purse and Rapid Progress of New Race may it live Track.
By the way it has just been Work on the new track is siables consisting of Sonrisas told us that the de la Plaz progressing rapidly, so rapid and Bambalina was bought out ly that this account for not by Mr. Moses Cardoze during the pulling off last Sundays pro week. This adds another unit gram tomorrow. The old track was so greatly cut up in pro to our too sparse list of local gressing with the new track that hoped this it will enthuse other race horse owners and it is it is impossible to held any more gentlemen to follow suit. There meetings until the new track is are many crack turf sports completed who it is known bave been in the suspense of watchful Life is a Funny Proposition that the new Racing Association, ing ever since.
with ali its legitimate rights bis erprent and leaves against his will. that these sports will begin to Mon comes into this world without and up to date operations, seems an asured fact, it is belieyed During his stay on earth bis time is show their kilt on the turf.
pent in ene e ntinuous round of con ries and misunderstandings by It is not unlikely that quite a the ba ance of the species. In his infancyered on to the new race track few thoroughbreds will be ushhe is an angel. in his boyt ood he is an by West Indian owners, it all imp, in his manhood he is everything goes well.
from a lizard up; in his old age he is a fool: if he raises a family be is a chump: if be raised a small check be is a thief Patronal Feast and Big and then the law plays the deuce with Missionary Drive.
If he is a poor man be manager, if he is rich he is dishonest, If Next Thursday, the 29th inst. he is in politics he is a grafter, if he is is St. Peter Day the Patronal out of politice you cant place him and Feast Day of St. Peter Parish, in an undesirable citizen.
La Boca. At a. there will be If he is in church he is hypocrite; a Choral celebration of the Holy bo is out of church he is a thief and is Communion, at which Bishop be donates to foreign Morris will be the celebrant mission be does it for show; if he does nt At 30 there will be a he is stinky. When he first come into Big Missionary Drive, when this world everybody wants to kiss him; addresses will be delivered by Lofore ho goes out they all want to kick the Rev. F. Nightengale, the him.
Ven. Archdeacon H, Carson, If he dies young there was a great and the Rt. Rev. James Craik Geture before him; if he lives to ripe old Morris, bishop of the Age he is simply living to save funeral Panama Canal Zone.
expense. most cordial invitation is Life is a funny road. but we all like given through this mediuun to all travel it just the same.
members and friends, Dewly wedded Several Attention is called to all Collegians and prospective Colle.
gians of the meeting which is to take place at the homs of Mr.
Sydney McLean, Muller Bulld ing, Calldonia Riad, on the The opportunity of a lifetime to get a pair of evening of Tuesday next (D. High Grade Shoes at a price within the reach of all.
27th instant, full text of the constitution and objects of the Leagua will COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE be published in the next issue Hymeneal. fashionable little wedding took place in New York City on the 7th inst.
the contracting parties being Mr.
Arthur Murrell, ex employee of the Century Club of this city, to Miss Svalyn Smythe, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Smytbo. of Anoon, was performed by the Emead of the Church of the Crucifixion, 41 West, 140;b Street.
Those attending being, Mr. and Mrs.
Elton Woodroff, Mr. and Mr. D, Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. E, D, Walroad, Miss Emily Hory, and Messrs.
Holder, Folks, Small and D haney. After receiving the congratu.
lations and kind advices of the parter IN the party repaired to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Woodroffo, where light CHEATED LOVE refreshments were served Then on the evening of the 11th formal reception NEXT WEEK of the pair the following being present: Mr. and Mrs. ton Commences the Universal Serial Woodroffe, Mr. and Mrs. E, D, Walrond, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson, Mr. and THE SECRET FOUR Mra, O, Holder, Mr. saj Mrs Watta Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Holder, Mr. and Mr. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Rawlipo, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson. Mra, Sterling, Mro. Wood, the Mimes Palmer, King, and Bernice, Messrs. Henry Third Circuit and Bradshow, and Masters Roy and Clyde Woodroff toasts to (Continued from page 1)
the bealth of the newly wed were propoved and tastily prepared repast all necessary assistance. This is indulged in, the function lasting till indeed a credit to one of the midnight.
courts of this Republic, It is (Jamaica papers please copy)
believed that this is the first time in the history of this coun.
try that any business of such Revds. Frank Wilkins magnitude bas been so success: and Tylerbest Salled For fully handled and with such THIS 600 TONS STEAMER dispatch and accuracy.
The States.
It is anticipated that a second paymentt will come at an early Reverends Frank Wilkins is 255 ft. gins, long and 27 ft. ins. date, and that the same energy and Tylerbest sailed for the which has been shown in settling United States on Wednesday last beam. She has two decks. tween the affairs and making the first An unfortunate circumstance payment will be continued and decks ft. high.
which caused a deal of unpless that the business will not be Antress and scandal within allowed to linger indefinitely On behalf of the depositors docks occurred as a result the precincts of the Cristobal of Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric generally we take this opportu the uncouthness of a police Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: nity of returning thanks to oficer doing duty at the dock erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Judge Vallarino and his official gate who seemed to have it up water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. statt. To Mr. Addison Ruan, against colored people going up the Receiver and his assistants to the We must Buy her for our Service who have won the admiration and States, This sh officer illmanners not respect of the people. To the only robbed Mr. Wilkins family representatives of the Banco and friends of the privileges of Nacional, the International Banks accompanying him to the boat to WE NEED 60, 000. MORE ing Corporation, and the Ameri. say, au revoir as per pass issued can Foreigo Bank, for their an by the officer superiors but MONEY selfish assistance and all that was the latter boasting of his power, done to make possible the first not only tore up the pass but also payment.
took Mr. Wilkins to the Police You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Britishers here will never for station for insisting on bis rights some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound get the interest shown by the to enjoy the privilege of the pass each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound British Legation in coming for for his friends like other people each and become part owner.
ward to the rescue of the people which nearly caused him to miss so as to have save them from any ibis boat.
DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW act of exploitation. The Legation has certainly endeared themselves into the hearts of the in Platinum Mine Found in Write to the terested parties, and it is hoped Chiriqui, that they will continve until this matter is brought to a close.
Report has come to light that a mine of platinum has been 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, discovered in the Province of JAMAICA Lecture Chiriqui Platinum is a very valuable metal and will bring a large amount of wealth to this Bro. Laurie, of the Republic, it the mine discovered Royal King Solomon Lodge will can be worked as a paying congiving a Special Lecture on cern. Panama stands very Meeting digat in July, all Sest hardships and industrial stagnaindustry to tide her over present tish Mechanics are invited.
tion Business is at standstill, Respectfully, It pays.
and there is absolutely very little LAURIE, circulation of money going on, long, Wait.
And DOW is poor he West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.
Advertise in the Workmanscod of the order on the first night in nood or some indepen


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