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of 00 were He shot and aallas as and a om. They eded and come lightsbip was RANGE to overin to ottice among they entire track on the Zone Henry READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT THE WORKMAN HAPPENINGS IN WEEK YOUR BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEST) INDIAN WEEK AND HOME ES VOL. No 51 PANAMA, SATURDAY, JULY 29 1922, PRICE Cts. Cy.
Field Mershal Sir Henry Wilson para representative of this paper. During the present week; bike Only One Body Recovered, Gove paid to Juan Franco a thunder bolt a sky Murdered On His Door Steps race track during the past weeks came the announcement, that and expresses himself very CHA gold employees ant MA ernment Held Culpable the representamuch ple used with the energy tive of the From the London Daily Expres of Seaman, the plucky road monder showo by the oworkersia tibe Canal Zone who had recently Considerable gloom was who was within twelve yards of improvement of the new rac shere he went to fight against last says the Daily Argosy when in the latter connection is very June 23rd. Washington, over Gorgetowa on Monday is felt tant the need for action cast went by an unattended one. It Field Marshal Sir Henry Wil Struck down, fieldmarshal when he was track now in construction.
There were quite a large num: the findings of the special commit it became known that drown argent one. This question was son, P, was assassinated was doing my ordinary ber of artisans and laboureray of tee, on various items of interesting fatality had occurred of the raised by the pilots themselves, step in Eston place, yesterday alternoon on his door work, he said to a Daily Express and from the information gained employees, was given an ultima. Mittelbolzer, the well known last year sont petition to. the His murderers were two mem. nothing in particular, when alt is representative. thinking the stated that the West Ladians fun to either reeiga or he would pulot, and Mr. Joseph Orntiias Shipping Companies stating that bers of the Irish Republican soldier who knew from his and Panamanians are working bo discharged.
Army named James Obrien and uniform was some one big and amicablo the captain of his boat, they that up to the had James Connelly. They Guvernor Morrow circular Mittelbolzor bired from important manus to any arrangements for the present, nothing has happened arrested after a sensational pur: house. Then drove up suit and struggle, in which they of pistolero was the blaze ich has been going on rapidl. parently showed no room for boat which he used in the dis. ships, it having been decided to to delay the progress of the world strong and forceful, and ap named Sa nuon, a small sating housing them whilst awaiting almost of his daties wounded a policeman, a faco. Although was across the and satisfactorily. The wire in no uncertain term as to his detective and a chauffeur.
his employed bed svet ss it was at Sir Henry bad just returned water in France during the fight fencing on the outer circle of the attitude. Admitted some of the Biles as sailor. Me. Mittelnolese very rough it would be suicidal for them.
all 80 sudden and track is about hall way comple allegati ing, it was allegations made young man named Charles addd from unveiling a war times by Governor a war memorial th: grading of the track Moreow, bus expressed himself was la the bast of heal for them to go out in opon small at Liverpool street Station. His The shots must have missed the according to the dirst plan surprising that fairly in public were soldierfor was clearly that what he wrote to apparently and had brought in boats, as they have to do sad lie weeks ago, The Now York line from pling Recessio bald turned around. The other but on the comunicament of the most probada manera cool animeberetto chat morning the HLS Logi out there until the arrival nal, and the last music he heard sbots followed right away, and erection of the grand stand, it it justifiable cian came consigaed to which did not always Messre Booker discovered that Bros, and moor on tim. As result the pilots was the notes of the Last Post the soldier woom now know travelling over the distance be o consequence of the strong ed her alongside the Company suggested that the old borses In con was Sir Henry Shots were tred at him at on his face on the pavement tween the two and four furlongs and not having demonstrated a with bie men in the small bɔst for housing them oithar in her ba: comment made by Mr. Hashing waart. At about o clock be left should be retained. a station point blank range as he stepped GOING OFF QUICKLY WITH should not be easily seen it was therefore deci pirit of reconciliation nor any bich bad taken him out to the then position or somewhere from a taxicab. His assassins REVOLVERS.
galerate that part of the be was requested to hand belirlacto estabele To commandeered a victoria in their swung round on my heel: track from centimetras attempt to escape, and fred to bring in the fu ies took u tha mitter and to his to his successor, This Maraval which was due at about wards the end of 1921 wrote the further shots to intimidate the and siw the two men who had 3 metres.
alarm was heard about darbour Board asking last view of the caused some that people who followed them. They feed going off quickly with their shall give a and file of the white em mothing was revolvers still in their hands, horses around the wortion of the forth much adverse comment on icket sad shirt apps red at the their lives as they did. Nothing.
until at about 9:30 a something be done whereby the were turning ployees on and called almost lynched by the infuriated The taxicab which had dropped work is a big job in itself, and This pilots would not have to inperil whua Ridley wasring only pilo crowd when they had been Sir Wilson did nt notice the opinion of our representa, discharging their leade the Metallod. According to Ridley tho and it the action of the Governor by Port Guard and reported that however, has been done up tocornered and caugbt.
Me Mittalho zee had been drown date.
London was horror stricken much, but it must have driven tive that the undertaking of or straight away along Belgrave this work will delay the official tmdas Council was called st little but was making a lair special when news of the crime aprera: place. The sounds of the shoot opening of the track at an early, which a mation was passed that progress and had covered Protection Noglected.
adjourn In the course of inquiry by a ed after a tense scene, and the log had brought all sorts of date.
fall employees submit their resig distance of abɔut two miles be Daily Argosy representative the of Lords passed a special people to their doors, and they The concrete pillows on nation to the Legislative Commit resolution.
were sbouting the alarm, way stesriax when sudden was revealed. It is stated any It was too late to murder, and we have got to get it is anticipated that the carpan deem necessary. At the same love turned it. The boat saak to have an unattended Ligbb social functions were ought to myself. This is which the Grand Stand willi tee of the su acil to be used food the Fort. Me Mittelholzer following interesting situation be erected are all completed, and for whatever purpose it may gust of wind struck the boat and in connection with the propal cancel the Court at Buckingham those fellows, and so set oftere will be making head way meeting it unanimously nadiately. Ridley swam away she idea wag promulgated.
Palace, but the dinner party In that matter was the hot with the construction agreed to retain the servicas of trun the boat but did not observe a view to affording some protecThe which page to the Palace on night tooted chase of the two armed up to date ture when completed, representative in the pay of the bowever, knew that Mc Donale should be bu uyed and that ships track will b3 a very Mr. Hashing as the workers Mr Mittelholzer swimming. Ha tion to the pilots that tha channel the King at toin bonour of the return of the assassins by civilians, and will favourably compare Metal Trades Council until such las by the come uɔ to Prince of Wales was cancelled Meanwhile the field marshal with Knutsford Park at Kings time as it was advisable for his washing tide having kicked about The Duchess of Devonshire lay dying One bullet bad en: con Jam vics. The venture is a return to Washington to continue off his trousers Ralay swan sbore, where thy wald by or three miles from ball. to which the princas was to tered bia back and pierced the bold attempt at the investmeat his work before Congres. back to the Fort grouads and was was boarded by the pilot and brought one after the dinner, was heart. Another bad struck him of capital, considering the in This paper has adopted the thus saved launch from th: into port, the pilot belag taken ale also abandoned.
in leg, the third of commercial pursuits attitude au di alteram partem there Pable Works out The murder is the most sen. the Dupartment and left buoy by a fast motor he but it is hoped that tore will not express any opinion the River Polica bat wara seat launch kept at the shore station, sational political crime since the in the tracks to face his assaid the present demoralising stage on this vital issue for the pres, found a search was made but thereby relieving him of the in the house riek Cavendish haylor any nothing was seen of the men or consequent and Mr. Burke seen their master fall. They length of time and that very travelling in the Phoenix Park. Dublin, in rushed out to carry him, still soon prosperity will return to the bɔat Me Mittelholzar was sveral miles PERSONAL out to sea the son of the late Mr Alexander and remaining there in an open May 1882. That crime had pro braathing. across the threshold shola this city The Panama Jockey found political consequeuces of his home. There, in the hall, Club deserves the support and Mittelholzər who was many boat several hours the victim e kamay also have far rouching are de em Last Thursday we had the years a clerk at Messrs Bjoker of the gumbols of wind and sen.
he breathed his last, without a patronage of the public in their effects.
pleasare of a visit from mr PM Bros. He was ungaged for a while awaiting the arrival of There is every ground for the an attempt that was startled, said Mr. Kings.
It all happened to suddenly race track for the Sports of who is on a visit to his brother a pilot and enjoyed a large circle bours over date This idea has following the sweeping defeat of Ane Chapmany or nother road that all arrangements will be Mount Hope Printing Plantes e deply regrettedrale deares pilota sul brave the perils of the It is sincerely hoped A de Weever employed at the of friends by whom his demise is not been put into exact, hence tions, to wreck the prospects of the house when the tragedy bringing racing up to a model versatile and expresses himself the irreconciliables in the elec man, who was working outside made for cleaa competition in de Weever is quite a genial and widow and several children. sea in a manner in no way cala them best settlement, standard at the opening of the as being greatly impressed with years old, was well known in the wa Mr, Ornellas, who was 57 ctection. At the present of Sir Henry Wilson, since relintwo men, he added reconstructed track, the cities of Panama and Colon city and pursued for many years ment the barbour is operating Imperial General Statt bad be When sit doary Wilson left the wall provided for in the arection and well kept condition. He also small boats. He leave five child them even the February 1918arb AD: post of Chief of the only few feet away The ladies, comforto have been for their cleanliness, sanitation the work of Captain of these under an Ordinance prased on adviser to the and was making towards Ulster Government in connection his an anomaly with the defence of the border over my head arst shot passed of the new Grand Stand, and in expresses himself as greatly re four sons and a daughter Barency controlled by a Harbour exists in this missed Sir Henry reaching the Parl Mutuel office, struck with our architectural. to mourn his loss.
He and the restoration of order, and went through the door. there will be no necessity to 80 take in conditions on the Isth. the boat was continued and inte stated is in the position of lawa The search for the bodies and respect and the Government it is WITNESS OF THE ASSASSINATION seemed to bend down. His keys out in the enclosures when it mus and may be able on his in the afternoon the spar of the he the One man, James. Seaman, em could reach the door two more ralos. All modern arrange return to Demerora, to say or black buoy. The ployed by Westminster City shots were fired, and Sir Henry ments for starting the horses, write much that may result in bost Was been northwest of the Fale that bas met Pilot Mittelboat was reholzer.
Council. was working on the fell back. We rushed to his and quick communication with relieving the Isthmus of much covered when it was found that He was an actual witness of the away down Eaton place.
Toad, outside Sir Henry house. assistance, and his assailants got the city will be installed, so that lation, for British Guiana is a of its surplus West Indian popu. Mc. Ornellas had.
become no inconvenience nor unpleasante buge yn developed area assassination. He noticed just Big Cycle Meet.
entangled in a rope attached to before the An eye witness of the affair ness shall be suffered by those the boat and been drowoed. two idlers sbooting from who were apparently standing George Jared to end was Mr. attending the racing.
beginning post examination Off To Jamaica a chauffeur, whose Look out awaiting was made by Dr. do Wisnow boys for the a companion, in the car was standing within twenty usual way, with nothing special yards of the spot where Sir on the body of Mr. Big Meet to come of on Sept to attract attention to Bible Truth Church Among the passengers that Ornellas, and the funeral atter. 4th, Labour Day st tho Isthmian movements. These two idlers When heard the first shot, Henry Wilson was shot.
left for Jamaica on the Elder wards took place, the interment Park under the auspices o: the were the murderers. When Sie said Mr. Jared. looked Fyfo steamer Camito were being made at Le Repentir Uaique Cycle Association. This Henry drove to bis front door through the window at the back Mrs. Parker, wife of Mr. Cemetery Up to the time of will be their one of the men was standing on of the car. The first shot must there will be a Baptismal Service School and the corner On Sanday morning July 30th, Parker of Cristobal Colored writing the body of Pilot Mittel they intend to make it a banner Basil their son holzer had not been recovered, one. The prizes will be in Class the roads, against the railings of have missed Sir Henry, Then, as diferente above churches Service Mrs. Parker goes home for Government Hold Culpablo A1, and will be on display at No, 36, in the he appeared to duck, bis jasaail. Bellavista beach, when reyen school vacation, taking Basil least a week before the meet.
shots in The tragedy, says our contem. The track will be in perfect con protection rapid succession. Sir Henry candidates to join his brother Horrace at placed to keep vehicles body seem be emersed.
porary has aroused considerable dition and from the events listed off the newly tarred surface.
to crumple up and he interest in the community. First on the program one can expect They. gave no warning they steps of his house.
fell across the pavement and the che Isthmus, and it is expected for this new work on Genaral Notice.
of all because it has further that this meet will eclipso all demand an already small num others. The program conprises spoke no no word one to the other. Roadmen ware working just that quite an large crowd will be but simultaneously they drew ber of men in this line of en 220 yds Handicap. 440 yds blautheir revolyers when the sol the shots passed over their heads most solen scene.
in front of the house, and some of in attendance to withers this All publications of Births deavour, and secondly, because dicap. 850 yds Scratch, Mile dier back was towards them jumped down from from my in both Churches. TSahe Miguel Sancraind of space taken up. No the safety of the pilote conse our flat men, and Cycle Eveuts At will be service charged according to Deaths and Marriages are it reopens the vex questions Scratch, Mile Walking Aandi.
the of better provision for ensuring cap. ad 5: Mile Marathon for The actual happenings is tola ar aud gave chasa and Calidonia) and from thence excepions will be made to this quent upon the removal of the best in the vivid words of James (Continued on Page 8) to the appointed placeTold lightship and her replace(Continued On Page 8)
House of Was after them. could about two or have to the arm.
in activity hall. turned as for for belief that an Irish The 88 mma door. The will doubtless were mortem bart The other was roadway trestle near III mal service for the second baptis school.
after the notice


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