
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands THE END IS NEARING The Our steam das The Bog Walk give tha tice.
JUICY LUCKY STRIKE Cash Prizes order that Rht win.
increase for The 1st PRIZE 250. 00 Gold warned off.
pounds We are Panama Hardware JAMAICA the company for their servioe, unnecessary waste of water for but they are not to blame. domestic or other household Yesterday the service was purposes.
Jockey Club Deals suspended between it com, and noon and a representative of the DEMERARA With Some Vital Gleaner called on the manager, Mr. to a Matters.
ment as to the exact cause of the Demerara Official manner Mr. Barr received the Salaries Complaint Against Alex Pressman and made a statement He said: ander Others For Alshortage of water at Bog Travelling Allowances.
loged Corrupt Practice. Walk is responsible for our bay.
ing to make a break in our ser ELECTIVES ECONOMICAL TWO ARE WARNED OFF. We have been carrying on under vloe for about an hour to day.
MOOD EVERYONE GOING STRONG very difficult conditions for the Warning Off Against Ex Jockey Beet using our steam station forwarded the following letter months, and we have The Hon. E Brassington has MacMillan Revoked And Ho since December As a matter to the Colonial Secretary of May Ride Agaln As Jockey. of fact we have been running Demerara:station nineteen 26th June, 1922 DRAX HALL RACES.
How Do You Feel About Winning One Of Those hours River which should 900 Sir, With respect to your Saturday, the stewards of the 200, and the rest is made up in Bectives to conference with The Gleaner learns that on Horse Power is only giving latter of May last, inviting the Jamaica Jockey Club held an the steam station at Gold Street His Excellency the Governor enquiry into complaint made As a result of this, we have not te Government Officers salaries Alexander and been able to shut down the stear we bave honour to advise against Lewelly corrupt prac Station to clean the boilers. The that pursuant to otbers for the pledge to His Excellency the given The allegation was that result is that the tubes Allexander pald Jockey Barton on Alled with lime and are burning Electives met on the 23rd instant bribe for pulling Water Rock in And unanimously decided to ad.
the Second Galloway race at the am afraid it will will be considered vise His Excellency that it was recent Kingston any per that his horse City Bride cars for a couple of weeks. in imanent scale for public ofãoers meeting rido necessary to withdraw all extra janetdeed de oportunes at dels migbt order to allow us to get the boil on both sides, and at the conclu back for some time boping for the Better tor 1928 tawala cont The Stewards beard evidence ers cleaner. We bave held this salaries for the future.
so far as the farming of ed that getting now until OctoSion of the bearing it was decid rain but am straid he won be cerned, it was decided to recom bis, tred or Johan Dawy should be ber season. We have purchased and dois Excellenes that the wa. of all race courses, a boiler, we will Esti Estimates be on docks and present basis and that the enclosures under arrive here within the next two ltion of temporalt over until the queslicense of the Jamaica Jockey weeks. We have advertized in Clob.
this morning Gleaner for 1923 The Stewards also took a seri tenders for the work of erecting 4000al session when ous view in respect to Malcolm this new boller but it will take what the colony could then afford be better able to say members Barton, the jockey who received at least three months to get it in the Electives also desire to brlbep and he was also working order.
convey to His Excellency their With to Edmund We have spared no expense respectfal request that the Estiper the trainer of Water Rock, in reading to marto spending about ances for 1923 should be tramed Lopez maintain our service. local.
the Stewards were of opinion that he should have reported the our steam station and we must airement of the Demerara the 300 pounds sterling per week on on a much less liberal iberal scale than 1922 incident when the circumstances especially in view of the were disclosed to him, and for till we get our boiier to good Railway which service and of the public to bear with us this he was fined 10 sterling. One Granville Gaynair shape again, or till the water im ficers should be compelled to who also had some knowledge of proves in the Rio Cobre. We are use, except in cases of emer Notice.
the affair was fined pounds line sterling this nature will be avoided, for motor car allowance bould The Stewards also considered in search of other be made exclusively on the milepetition from ex Jockey Mac. sources of power, which we age run on official business, and Midwife and Sick Nurse holding Mrs. Brown Certified Millan for re instatement. About Bog Walk, and thus baving a lodge the necessary vouchers of Department of the Republic of Main Store: Plaza Catedral a year ago he was warned in conuection larger capacity we will be better certificates to that efect before Panama and the Canal Zone.
the death of Onyx at Maverley. After going demands of our business.
able to meet the growing payments are made to them.
Branch: 125, Central Avenue Prompt attention day and carefully into all the circum. have, etc. night. Address: 19th Street stances, the Stewards decided THE WHITE RIVER. 8gd. BRASSINGTON East on Central Avenue, House to revoke the warning oft order We have purcbased certain No. 9, GENERAL STOCK OF and to allow him to ride once properties and water rights on Mr. Cressalls Departure more as a Jockey on the race the White River in St. Ann. The From Demerara Dental Notice.
course under their license.
18 not yet completed.
OTHER MATTERS however, but if it goes through All those persons who were Jockey Gale was granted all we expect to be able to give a PERPETUATING HIS NAME IN being worked on by Dentist REALM OF SPORT, cense to ride at the Knutsford better service both for tramway Hilton Howell, are asked to call Park meeting; the Marvellie and lighting. In fact we are at Bouse 1072, Le Boca, next meeting and the Arcadia races aiming at being able with the Mr. Paul Cressall, one of Deme door the Slvation Army Bland all to be run during next month.
new development, to to supply light Jockey license was grant and power to our customers at pbati, oldest sportsmen, will have same completed.
sbortly leave for balf the HOWELL, etc, etc.
ed Dentist.
Prendergast. This can only be done, of course England to enjoy a well earned whilot e Palmer. his Gilmore were each granted kept within the limits on which not die with bis departure.
Не trainer license.
Rent Recelpt Books In Span we calculated.
Give us a call and be satisfied racing license was granted to Drax Hall for the 18th of for his statement, which is cer: Cricket Club and the BG Foot: Workman Printery.
The reporter thanked Mr. Barr cups, one each to the Georgetown ish and English for sale at the August. and the license which tain to be read with interest by will be procured by Mr Oressall ball to Nonsuch has been changed to the public who will no doubt bear. trophies the 18th of September next.
with the company in tiding over on his arrival in England. It is the difficulties occasioned by proposed that the cup to be pre sented to the GOC shonld be SKSSKO Drought Has Bane drought.
competed for among the mem.
bers of the ful Effect On to become the Another burning question of absolute property of the batsMetropolis the day is the present shortage man who secures three liens not of the water supply in the press doing the best batting he realet he necessarily Andrew.
No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro Car Service Seri uusly In called in rowvin Walker, Bace: tor three years. The Committee noun after leaving Barr, of club (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
terfered with, And May Be ing Managing Commissioner, ot the club will arrange the Even More Restricted. with a view of ascertaining how details such as the number of the situation stood.
necessary to qualify Mr. Walker frankly assured. Oress all generous offer is player to compete for the cup.
THE RIO COBRE FAILS she presa man that the situation is toaded as an incentive to the ENGLISH AND AMERICAN was serious. At present they sier individual rivalry among Weg And Hope Rivers Dry. And to the fullest extent, and the vure pumping from the Ferry the members of Тое ooh Kingston Depends On The which will be water was being used in King placed in the trophy the Ferry.
BG Football Association is The rivers in St. Andrew, intended for competition The long continued drought said Mr. Walker, are shrinking amongst the senior football clubs now being seriously felt in every day. Even the Ferry River the cup to become the absolute Kingston and lower St. Andrew there was no immediate danger it three times.
has shrunk considerably, but property of the club which wins especially as it affects two great of a shortage from pub.
this source.
NO SUBSTITUTES USED our tram car service. Both the Hope and Wag Water One might complain and kick rivers are at their lowest as far Demerara Fruit about the poor service of either as as the records show, which Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comin times, but it is when emphasizes the need normal Industry.
for extra both services are oft that accomodation feel the real pinch. The Commissioners are cart pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over For some time pass the car out a rigid Inspection to prevenu Prospect Of Establishment service has been maintained with 49 much waste as possible. but Trial shipment to Canada.
great difficulty, and at some loss unless ratepayers co operate by 40 years experience At times the service has had to using as little water as possible There is every likelihood of be suspended for a bour or more the Commissioners will have to Canadian intereste becoming WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
in order to get up power to institute further restriction. The interested in the develooment of carry on. The public, not real The public in general are asked fruit industry in Demerara ing the difficulty, have criticised to help in the matter by avoiding (Continued on Page with the scheme Hardware Material Electrical Supplies etc. etc.
has to present two silver club, THE IDEAL PHARMACY Consecutive by ob ble Inge the club.
custody of Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
HO and we storage


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