
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 12, 192 The American Foreign Banking Corporation.
The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional Ansembly of the sole ope should The 30 viz, ford Russel.
went then later DA DI JAMAICA TRINIDAD John Bennett To Glad Tidings Shouters.
Forfeit Life On The Convicted.
Gallows Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Says the Port of Spain Gasalle Trinidad) of June 6th: No fewer than 25 members of the Man To Be Executed For Glad Tidinge Assembly were The Cruel Murder of DEPOSITORY OF charged with taking part in shouters meeting. They all Small Boy.
pleaded not guilty and evidence was led before.
His Worshlp: Any qupution?
One defendant: Do you know what happened to Ananias the Man First Malmed His Victim High Priest Mother With Cutlass.
Complaint: don Defendant: He was amitten on DATE OF EXECUTION, the mouth for Lelllọg a lie by the Great God of Hervon.
Brother Mill (alias Thunderbolt)
The Gleaner understands that Io the name of the Lord Jesus, the case of John Bennett, who The remainder Halilujahi Was sentenced to death at the Praise the Lordi recent session of the St. Thomas Feliz Brawne, alder of the Circuit Court, on a charge of evidence labor murdering a little boy named Raphael Nugentwas consider the Lord was a good ono ho ed by His Excellency the Govdeclared, and by no means it bad Acco ernor and the Members of the He was practicing big mem Privy Couacil a few days ago, bers in Nono Dew places on the and it was decided that the law night in question when the take its course.
condemned man will be executed Spirit of the Lord came dod alighted on the dock. The Spirit within the walls of the St.
of the Lord came upon John the Catherine District Prison on Baptist in the same way.
Tuesday 8th of August, at CRISTOBAL PANAMA His Worshlpy It that no, kopt qulet.
The crime for wbich Bennett Defendant: You don know will pay the extreme penalty you weren share.
was a brutal one. It appeared Other defendanta, Tuaternity that he lived in concubinage ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
VI tell it. Praise Abo Lord with a woman nained Thom. In the Name of Jerus.
asina Browo, at Stokes Hall, in 8150 Defendant scoatlaring. St. Thomas. The woman bad don care if go to gaol or if two children.
Raphael The meeting nights of this am banished.
Nugent, the deceased, and Ralp lodge are the 1st And 8rd His Worship convicted the On Saturday Mondays and the 3rd Thursday defendant night 15th of April. Bennett of each mouth. in the Loyal P:o to the woman room gress Hall Parama.
The next cursing She told him to go meeting takes place on Thursday ST. VINCENT away and not to come back night August 17th.
តមក there. quarrel ensued, and he All officers and membsrs are struck the woman a blow. He requested bu on time.
Reguiations For Dlarlos ran off, threw stones at the WM. MAYNARD, And Bakerlos.
are woman, and went away, About Per. Secretary.
halt an hour he held the woman in her that the building was insured.
In the St. Vincent Legislatire Ice Factory. It is understood drew a cutlass from his Council last week there were are started to chop her. He The complete loss is estimated passed in Committee populations hand and at fully 1, 000.
made by the General Health 2000 ber her on her head. He An accidens fatal in its result subsequently Authority with respect toate set and for the upon the little occurred on Barnett Street boy and chopped him on the this when George The St. Vincent Sentry common head and other portions of the Cunningham district constable on the menduras staten inter body with the cutlass. The met his death. The allegations alia The Regulations with me youngster was found lying in a are that the deceased was prospect to Bread which also refer pool of blood. He was in a dazed ceeding towards the town on a to calos etc. are made by the condition motor truck when his hat blew neral Helth Authoriw under Dr. R, Evans, M. for. He attempted to recover the powers contained in the the Plantain Garden River dis nis hat by alighung from the Puplic Healih Ordinance 1010 trict, who attended the deceased ruck while it was in motion and ana 19. for the stated that the wound on the without the knowledge of the damage arising to public bealth head cut through the skull. He driver. He came He came in contact with from tbe proparation of brand attended him on the 16th of back wheel of the truck and for sale and the control April and he died on the follow was crushed to death. The bakeries and previuds regalo tions Ing morning. Death was due to uck which was carrying lond shock and fracture of the skull, of sugar was driven by Ebeneser point of particular onde in 1913 Impor AT THE TRIAL Hemming who was subsequently ance is that, whilst requiring arrested on a charge of man.
saoltary object the amendment of the tes, the regulation maken Bennett was tried at the Cir laughter and granted bail in arrangemente in, baker: Rallway Act 1917 (1917 38) solas that health and cuit Court at Morant Bay before the sum of 50.
His Honour Mr. Justice Brown EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE permit the Board to grant cleanliness of the bakers and on the ult. Mr. Kaye gratuities not exceeding in any employeen on one of twenty five be Ryan conducted the prosecution, BARBADOS whilst Mr, Lincoln Reed conHEMSTITCHING pounds to retired employees of be the Board or the widows or be free of charge, by any Sloured by ducted the case for the defence.
He submitted that the prisoner Cricket At Barbados.
DRESSMAKING trict was not in his right senses when in Ployees wbetber dying while are to be obtained by all och he committed the act.
service of the or employees, and the Medical He bad Board At Queen Park, Wanderers been under the influence of first eleven won the HAND EMBROIDERY toss and after retirement therefrom; and Certificates held by any licensed drink.
pensions to such employees who person is to be renewed a very batted against Spartan. The The Crown Prosecutor, bow wicket was slow, but not CRIMPING have been in in the of the six bad.
of the Board for a perlod of not less regulation is to ensura ever, pointed out to the jury that and undoubtedly favourable to a far when Bennett entered Brown batsmen. Challenor lost his than ten consecutive years, or possible the non employment es room he was bent on committing wicket without scoring, but deshave attained the age of sixty a baker of anyone who to uues murder and there was no doubt pite the shock which his Experience and painstaking care years and have become perina ing from any intenons or ean.
nently incapacitated whilst disagious dis ase the prisoner was of sound downfall must the The Regulamind.
Wanderers backers, the other ensure perfection of our handiwork charging their duties, dons with respect to Detries are. 10 The evidence for the prosecu. faced tion was overwhelming, and the the Spartan attack were not in of siosuu jury returned a verdict of wilful any way dismayed and perform. The Woman Exchange Need Of Enforce nent (tuhat the sarved in the murder against the prisoner. ed gloriously. Ince, the Health Regula:ions. star left hander, in the The rest of Public learned judge then proDRESSMAKERS played a brilliant innings despite nounced sentence of death.
Health. During the discussion hos desco and his the fact that it was not al.
advisers have No. Tivoli Road, Panama Laultless.
Bareful atasider together for 190 not Mang months ago certain on Council. On tacial de embara informed that the exiting ed the case of Bennett, regulations with th obj act of langerous habit of vending ANN THOMAS, Proprietress No out, and Challenor 74 and Collymore ore extenuating circumstances for were also of protecting the public aging pread, cakes and other food in the crime could be found, and it great assistance to their side.
careless and promiscuous rend pen trays and vessels in the was decided that he should be B. Austin, the ever green, of cakes, sweets etc. were streets and public places wil WAS executed The Governor has is partnering Ince, and showed FOR SALE also approved of here, but up to also be given attentiou WANTED alan signed the condemned man on Saturday last he still knows the present no serious attempt arly date with the obj ci of death warrant, and as stated how to wield his willow with has been made to see that the correcting that evil.
carried out his lite for correctness effect. The a brutal murder, in the cards wanderers total stood ite 842 Top One Stuvessant Piano Reliable Salesman no possibility of tracing morning on Tuesday the 8th of four wickets at the drawing of directly the amount of illness that has resulted DEMERARA In 1 Condition the August from atumps.
FOR HANDLING TOILET zealous observance of these Harrison College proved some No reasonable offer turned PREPARATIONS wbat of a surprise to cricket unhygienic methods of malen The Demerars Argosy of the Crushed To Death.
followers compiling 264 on and, is concluded 22nd. Saturday against the Pickwick For particulars apply at Ho ro co Tonics that custom must have the way, making every effort to put their the colony ground a Bourde into excellent Montego Bay July 28 There variety of bowling Mr. Walcott dat WORKMAN PRINTERY etc. etc.
claim to be was a fire this morning which and Barlett were the principal conservatives in order for the intercalentai methods and thoughts. The Cricket Tournament contributors to the score. the completely destroyed a building Central Ave Street claim is a most unprofitable ono ber.
For paticulars apply to in Boptom of Mr. Ivan Salmon. The former obtaining 111 and the Panama City that they ALEX. SANCHEZ alarm was made about A. matter 57. Pickwick odtained 50 and not infrequently show acquired an un to date motor stupid adherence to antiquity. mower and roller there can be and within an hour the building for the loss of wicket before JUAN ILLUEGA House No. 24 St. Guachapalli We have always persisted in our doubt and stock of a Chinese trader the call of time. Tarrilton is 24 support of measures which tend the ground will be la perfect that weather, permitting or mail to Box 879 who occupied the premises were not out. Hutchinson lost bis in ruins.
wicket for 18.
Attorney. at. Law Ancon, to guard the bealth of the com order for the Tournament. It is Clarke, Sergt.
No. 44 Central Avenue munity and would hero advoonto also proposed to repaint the Major Hay, Mr. Brownlow Proposed Pensions For number of others gave TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 ROOMS TO LET that the regulations be seriously Pavilion and make general able assistance Railway Employees.
enforced, despite age old cu overhaal of the ground.
to the fire Practices in all Courts of CALLE No tom. Enforcement of health GOOD JOB PRINTING brigade in, controlling the flames Panama.
regulations is cheaper than the which threatened the Montego Another draft Bill publlabed APPLY ON PREMISES DONE AT English Spoken Fluently Bay store and buildings Lof thel in the same organ bas for its fighting of epidemics)
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY ALBOA EST EER REWED conduct of ing on prevention of to be medical 03031 which Loop Service wwwwwwwwww early given have It talle te 88 Wanderers Wpirit, in interest Sir Leslie ing for berlations are ber. Now share Mr, 0, with

    Death SentenceSpain

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