
o ቅቦጥቦጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ training of transportaTron OELOLOLU cwing to the fact that was from said CIGARETTES months viii han be denled planchoka principles, VIGOR TONIC tomorrow THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922.
PAGE FIV: Atlantic Creditors trade in a who will the entire writino ir tradition de bir karakter van die Canal Zone Notes Field Marshal Slayers of Panama BankHAVE ing Company YOU TRIED GATUN Must Dle On Gallows Request Judge of 3rd CirAll roads will lead to the club.
house of this town on Thursday Men Who Murdered Sir cuit to Change Hour of Friends You will find night 17th ins when the girl Henry Wilson Get Meeting members of the St. Agnes Guild in connection with St. Georges es Spaedy Trial In London, if a series of Church will entertain their many To The Editor of The Workman, friends and others to one of the NO REMORSE FOR AST.
Respected Sir. On behalf of best Secular Concerts ever staged the Creditors of THE DEFUNCT you want photographs of on the Isthmus, there will be a PANAMA PANKING CO. we dramatic comedy in two parts Dunn And Sullivan Says do hereby ask you most kindly QUALITY to place on one of your valuable ruled by Sufferagettes also Flower 120 MOVING PICTURE drill, which will certainly be the They Are Proud To columns, the fol owing Petition hit of the evening to His Honor the Judge of the Die For Ireland at 3rd Circuit Court of Panama; STARS Those girls has been under the Mrs. E, Waller, wife which we hope may be present of our genial Secretary and Mrs. CALL MOTIVES PURE id to his notice a o Laurie. Wife of our one Cate Owing to the fact that the chist of St Georges High Street, majority of the editors resi and both of these ladies are lookLondon, July 18. Roginald dint on the Atlantic Side bave Reasonable in each package ing forward to see a large attend Punn and Joseph Sallivan were no other means of ance The snow will be open found guilty to day, after trial tion, than that afforded us by fron 7:30 in the Old Builey, of the murthe PR. trains, 1st of which Price When you quiet and fashionable little Wilson, who was shot der of Field Marshal Sir Henry from (Coion) is due to arrive at from wedding took place on Thursday front of his home Jun 22 Both down in Penama at llam. and the next July 27th ulto. at the Wesleyaa were sentenced to death.
Your chance at pm; we would therefore complete this cburch Color: the contracting request cur gocd frierd Mr.
This constitutes record in parties being Mr. Oscar Brooks Chardick. Secretary of the Court) through the courtesy has arrived series employee of the Commissary tbe despatch of a criminal case Cour at this towa and Miss even for England, where mor.
a: permission of the Judge; 10 Francis Stuart of Colon. The der trials are usualty rapid.
10a transfer the proposed bcur FIVE CENTS The prisoners had admitted news came as a big surprise to we give siated for the Meeting of the Creditors at Mr. Brook many friends both the killing and the prosecution the National hall an hour to Tbeatre; from 10 to 11 mor for you an Album as he is well known also having present o berwise to 30 in the afterhis father and mother residing Upon haing denied parmiasion noon of the said date already mentioned. Aug. 15:1. FIFTEEN CIGARETTES here in this towa all now join ia to read a statement for the FREE wishing the you couple a happy nrinners. which the Juiga Also time in their new sphere of life.
characterised as a political minithe majority of the said Credit festo and therefore irravelant, ors are in a great meature, or word to the Quite an enjoyable time counsel for the prisoners withignorant to the Spanish Lan spent at the Silver Clubhouse on drew from the case.
guage; we would ask His THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
Saturday night last. when Honor the Judge to oblige the the Relevant Statement Allowed champion Billiardists of this town Meeting with an interpreter. In net together so as to receive their prevent either prisoner The Judge said he would not the interim, may it please His medals for highest scores in the Honor to Oder a new publica.
tournament which was played two Bith Donn and Sullivan making any relevant statement.
tion of either of the hours on ago the which he is asked to decide.
men brought their popular young they did not wish to give aviAnd Sir, while thanking you sweethearts along with them and wie in advance, we main.
we then normitted to address Most Respectfully, Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12 2c.
after listening to encouraging the jury. He said he wished to words from our genial Secretary give an honest statement from CADOGAN, et al and other friends the wives and his own national point of view.
Bcx 895, Cristobal Pamamman mamamaaaammmmmmMANIAN MOMOANINAMAS ed a sumptous supper put up by him, he said, that takan hia sweethearts enjoy This bein their husbands and lovers. share in the European fignting Farewell to Mrs. Wade.
Baptist Church Activities.
for the principles for which ETomorrow Sunday will start gland stood. He continued When the N. Steamer Ebro The best Tonic in the World our Secretary vacation he will have weighed archor at Cristobal on The stone laying ceremony for the both his wife and self will enjoy own country and have there.
be away for fifteen days which found, were not applied to my Thursday 27th ulto. she had on New Church at Red Tank will be held on the Isthmus, we are all hoping fore, endeavoured to strika board Mrs. Wade well at 3p. The service will be that they both will enjoy a good blow for them.
known as Casele and her conduted by the Rv. Witt and Rev. time and on their return continue daughter Lady Mrs. Wade This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. Thorborn will also present and Having stated that he did not is well known on the Atlantie ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, give an address. Dr. Roberts of the Ball the same good work which they loubt the jare would and both as one of have our leading bos Heights Baptist Church will officiate this town.
been perfərming here at him and Sullivan guilty, he Sopracos. She was specially Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up at the Stone added. But your verdict will identfied in the Colon Choral a run down constitution.
Mrs. Thrift will give a lecture on the not be sufficient to denounce me and Myrtle Co, Laurie wishes it to be before the race to which second coming of the Lord on Sunday have She was also an energetic It promotes digestion, improves the appenight at the Colon Baptist Church con known all over the Isthmus and the honour to belong.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, member of the Progressive tinuing the subjeot of the Conference (especially to the Girl members Cal M tives Pure, Chamber Order of Mosaic Tem held two weeks ago of St. Paul church Panama that DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or plers of America. As a token The motives which impelled Dr. Roberts of the Balbox Heights he is not only a catechist but a me in this action were seriously of the high esteem in which she times a day.
Baptist Church will give lecture on trainer of sirl voices, and if any considered. received no money was held, her lodge presented Monday night the Colon Baptist one doubt him they can put her with an address and a sou JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
venir at the mettirg on Tuesday Chorela will spe ik on Baptist Pris their appearance at the Silver trust that a higher court ciples. All the Baptis of Colon should Clubhouse on Thursday night judge me by my actions and will consider purity of and bear Dr. berts on Wed. 17th inst my ww actions pleasant evening was also Desday night.
The Ch prillo Christisa Endeavoar An kind thoughts our old and Sullivan Many are the sympathetic and given at her bome on Wednesday declared he had when a dar se number of friends West Indians Must senti contro things on river til bey hield om die Motorond residents tender to Smilie nev summed to say. The Judge to say.
five up the case in lems confronting West Indian 21stThis society is an active vigorous Orchestra of her company dis minutes. The jury returned coursed sweet music to enliven (Uplift Themselves residents bere, would be able to one and always has enthusiastic meetings on behalf of the loss of his loving a solution We are looking for some good meeting took place on Friday last, both sad event after five minutes with a verdict of guilty the evening.
Mrs. Wade hails To the ordinary mind, without next week, from Montserrat and her hus Asked the deceased and her husband it he had anything to sufficient knowledge of the West is band now in the states where Intellectually And Other Indian, it would appear as White The Independent Again and ad house bache is not worked were suggested that the case should why sentence of death were greatly loved by all around should not be pronounced, Dunn she hopes to join him and also wise.
negroes to to place her daughter in school, time school teacher We wish them succESE.
men, and are acting as outlaws we yet have have to Lying in ambush to spring on pay respect to be arbitrated by a court of the to higher Powers of Europs. comIt is with great pleasure, that him by saying these few other people whenever a favor(Communicated)
able we welcome the re appearance words. She is gone but not for petent to deal with these matSeries of Meetings.
opportunity The time is fully ripe when This kind of doctrine, can only which after a lapse of several els of The Independent of Colon gotten by the old timers tere. which would be of tere.
Gatun who trust the West Indians residing on the the you be granted considerate of the rights and The series of meetings teld in Isthmus must choose for them the progress of years bas again made its debut sufficient fortitude to bear the wrongs of ridding the human. condolence world of a scourge.
the Baptist Church Cristobal. selves a standard of intellectual hostility from which they will in Isthmian journalism. Years bereavement. Our havir special reference to the advancement, Sullivan not be able to extricate them lished as a tri weekly in the The ago The Independent people arose and said is also extended to school teacher was pub is city Smith on behalf of the in a husky voice: second coming of Christ, have in a backward condition, because selves of been largely atter ded. All have done, my lord, the death has not been somewhat The coloredi people demand course of events was suspended? Jamaica on July 93rd last. The have done for Ingland and for of his lovtag mother at The several speakers dealt amount fot national pride, so and ask for justice and fair deal. Toners publishers mes shponded young teacher was in our midst Ireland am proud to die.
with the different phases of the common among other people. ing in the administration of Bynoe, has doubtless seen the as one of the best Junior of Herr, question in plein and unmistak: To remain in the present posi human afairs. They contend that need of a paper in the Windy teachers, during his short stay the rear of the able terme ard the congregations tion would be a reflection on the they also have a right to live. City and has again launched with image has viven rood account nouncing sentence, ended with herr, was When the Judge prohave been wuch impressed.
of. forth Tbe commenced on San is the boasted pride of to be the participators of the day and closed on Wednesday Britishers, that our system of fruits of their labour. Give the the success to which it is entitled the word, We wish the plucky sheet all and may the Lord nigbt 2nd inst.
Our cricket club under have mercy on vour soul. be the Dunn leadership of Gittens journeyed said quietly: He will, my lord.
Mr. Ihritt the Pastor interds compared with that of the most colored people what is their preaching on the subject each advanced nation or people, and and no over to Colon on Sunday last and The Judge then sentenced Attention! Jamaica Depu crossed bats with Sussex Sullivan, who at the conclusion Sunday night in the month of that all things well considered round friendliere people can be any parthe tation and met with a terrible defeat cried: You may kill my bɔdy, Those identifying themselves in many things and ought to be but we are now wondering it but my spirit you will never with the movement and who are the pioneer of progres The West Indians have no hate Wanderers will be ab e to give kill. millenumists are Revås. intelligence. The standard of for the people of other race. No Sussex the said terrible August 11, 1922, blow Wit, Thuist, Mrs. Thrift intelligence shown in this place man is regarded friend or to the Editor of the Workman they gave Cornwall last Sunday. FInstallation.
ham Surgeon wes is expected of any people or raco people wobei icine to bring about Deputation from Jamaica to the very busy during the week, lock, numericallywhat representative of the colored of leyan Methodist and Rev. Burke with a similar opportunity.
such a condition, which can be The half yearly installation of officers Christian Mission, Panama es ing through over fifty ships, of the Casswillphold Lodge No. 2804, The bulk of the people who found only among very primitive cochanut trees in to improve themselves pecially those near the sea shore. mong these were several Japanese took rlnce at the Efforte londoubtedly of peace are Yours, interest as war ships the crew of which visit. Lodge Hall more The Salvation Army on Saturday 29 July.
are to their future welfare. There is vanced than the lovers of war JAMAICAN.
ed many points of interest. The following were the officers installed to form the July. December administra.
here a spirit of antagonism to and hatred. It is unfair to enter tion: Bro. Haliburton; M; The service held in the hall at those who would put forward tain the idea that the West Notice to Correspondents Ride, M; Quallo, 8; J, Stewart, Guachapali by the three visiting the necessary efforts for the Indian people are seeking to pursuits of life, but under no and Contributors.
Baxter, MS; Evelyn, officers, Sunday and Monday improvement nights were very successful, Colonel Hipsey bad a very good and opportunity of privilegel ples of society so well founded tions of the West Indian people who did not of the unfortunates destroy the established prinel condition must misrepresenta The management of this paper Min Daxon, 85; King, RCG; With pain we are moniously for hundreds desires that all communications declares como el IP meetirg on Thursday night, education, as to advance the for publication be typewritten or GC Hondey, on LCG;H. Walcott, ID pres when he presented the Long forced to see inca pable and mise years.
people, intellectually and other it hand written must be clear The ceremony was performed By Service Medal to Commandmet chievous persons posing as the The writer does not belong to wise it is a solemn duty that and legible to facilitate publica Bro. Harvey M. Aristed by Morris.
leaders of the West Indians. that class of human beings who those who have made themselves tion. This notice is occasioned Broe, More a full account of this service These have brought about more would cringe at the feet of any sponsore for the majority must by several letters and other copy members and visitors retired to the will appear in a later issue of this confusion and unrest for which other people however much stand up for that which is right hand written not legible and bingu sting hall where an enjoyable time paper, anyone who has studied the adyanced and successiul in the and will assist the people. which. was experienced Side Stone laying e remony.
in at will 25th uito.
turn out loving mɔre presents itself.
BIC oral city Zone.
series It end world.
and all preshould try The lovers much ad Treas; Chap. Atkinson RMJ. Bourne, after which

    Death SentenceEngland

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