
DAGE TWO WORDLAN FATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands One Lucky Strike ir he гераA LIFETIME OF SAVING Police committee Rsed.
Ltd. LUCKY STRIKE 250 of cable Was asked seemed him the Was also by Sook JAMAICA on the West Coast of Africa Archor and Brown also assisted manager. The proprietors were when in the Gambia Expedition ably in the defence. At the however, disappointed at the be placed himself in front of his close of the day play Pickwick volume of business done and With the Clarendon received the bullet that was Major Maddes, ad were 253 for wickets. soon Mr. Pomeroy became its lessand, later, its owner.
Parish Board coming for that officer. He also showed gallantry in walking Mr. Pierce, Manager and Under his proprietorship the 11 Secretary of the Barbados Pub hotel prospered and by bis miles to the base stter he was lishing Company Ltd. publishers judicious advertisement The Water Supply Ques shot, giving up the hammock that of the Standard newspaper bas America and Canada became. was tlon Considered. officer who was sufferlog from a succeeded by Mr. Norman to an resigned his office, and has been popular resort for winter visi tors and other moneyed persons severo wound. He had been on Bascon.
It was not he, alone, who beneClarendon The Parochial pension for 19 years.
Atted, from however.
the canPercy Leverick Declared peligroso e perbal boliger be wornice locales Board, in the matter of a 5, 000 IS WORTH ceaselessly Joan to cultivate in the parish BARBADOS Insane waged in the her who suffered loss by the recent and the Colony gvined the hotels shared of the good fortune fre, decided to inform the Gov.
ernor of Board willingness Mr. Percy well tation it always deserved or the people, but that the Chamber of Commerce snown local Cartooalet them, on health resort in keeping with TO the Board has not the machinery to Monday laat declared insane by the growth wth of patronage be recarry out the terms of the loan, Tackle Bank Exchange which would be better adminis Board of Lunacy, comprised of ceived, structural improvements Drs. Williams and Lowere always taking place at the tered by the Loan Board.
Hutson, Mr. H, Seon, Acting hotel and amongst the fine addiOn the water supply question, Maristes sad Captained was the completion of fine tions which later years witness6.
of the Board recom mended (1) that tanks of Inspector of TOO HIGH NOW WAR IS OVER Police. The information was dancing theatre 80 feet square, a capacity of 150. 000 gallons each sworn to by Mr, Valence Gale be built for the districts of Matter Brought To Governor of the Advocate Co.
who he Mocho, Rock and New Road at Natico.
is allegad to bave threatened TRINIDAD an approximate cost of per with violence. Mr. Leverick bas thousand gallons to cost 1, 350 At a recent meeting of the kinsville for detention.
accordingly, been sent to Jen.
the 2, 000 That Chamber of CoinSangre Grande asked for tanks be used to pro Barbados vide and aermoter and a 500 merce, correspondence received from the Trinidad and Demerara Dr. Gibbs Graduates In gallon tank for the Hays Well.
Dining Guest Hangs IT TOASTED That the Government be Chambers of Commerce teOral Surgery Himself.
requested to send Dr. Niatley to garding the diference charged the Four Paths district to see if by the Banks on the buying and Among the graduates of the Wells can be established in that selling rate of exchange was At the Police Court on Tuesand Oral brought up by the Vice Preeleent College of Dental district That the Government be He said that during the war the Surgery. New York, on June 16, day an inquest was held into the asked to vote 1000 of the 10, 000 charge was as high as five der was Dr. Gibba. Dr. Gibbs cause of the death of Rampaui tor water supplies to provide cent with a subsequent drop of has as his Alma Mater, Howard a resident of Tunapuna, and one of the guests invited to a dlaner three was alright GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF Four Paths with an adequate during the war because when the years and took the degree at Coalmine Road Sangre Grande supply broken there was a about three That the Government be certain amount of risk attached. entered the ears ago. Later he on the 9th June, Dr. Inniss yote 7000 to extend an viewed the body of East up post Now that the war was over it of Oral se New York College Manzanilla. Said be the intake of the May Pen supto that the ply and to carry out other Ira too high. That evidently was the rate was graduata work, having had Indian man about 38 years old considerable e experience in and on the 9th Juae at Belle Vue proyements. That the proposal to extend position taken up by Trinidad It was suspended from treating of deseases of the Oral Estate.
con the branch of a cocos tree by a the main of the Chapelton sup and Demerara for they had pro cavity. Dr. Gibbs is the ply works be deferred until the tested against it. so far as of Mr. Cristopher Gibbs, ex piece of cloth which the Head Teacher of St. Anns and lastened about his loins, The LEE SANG BROTHERS new Superintendent takes up Barbados was concerned St. Bernards, St. Josepb, his appointment grievance but body which was clothed in was even greater because he had found that in now of Surirame, St. Joseph, meri merino was identified He Trinidad the difference in the and well known as an exhibitor ram.
Beg to notify their patrons and the general HANGED FOR MURDER held a charge was less there than bere at Agricultural exhibitionsibitae temporary hospitalmaved to the public that they have removed their store to post mortem examination next Trinidad had been placed in bine was here about 14 years ago. day about 17 hours after the more commodious premises in John Bennett Pays Death better position than Barbados.
death. There were no SuffocaPenalty should write to the three local last. The subject of the sub the left side of the neck but the He suggested that the Chamber Says the Globe of Wednesday tion, There was a pressure on THE ST. HELENA BUILDING On Tuesday morning at the St. Banks drawing their attention joining notice, which we call spinal cord was not fractured.
117 BOLIVAR STREET Catherine District Prison, John to the matters and then forward from the Boston Chronicle of July The body must ot had a drop of Bennett was executed for the the correspoudance to the 8th, is a son of the late Hall to feet which could (Opposite The Imperial Hotel)
not Governor in Executive Committee head teacher of St. Marys Boys break the spinal cord. It might Raphael Nugent in st. Thomas klong with ideale correspondence School, and of Mrs. Hall of have been possible to put the In April last. He expressed re from Trinidad and Demerara Tudor Street;body Where there are on display gret that he had chopped up the becaust he thought it was a Daath was caused from shock by and brutally assaulted the matter which after all the an Excellent Assortment of woman, Thomasine Brown. But Government should take up in Dr. Hall Recelves Degree hanging. Having regards to the his action bad resulted from his asmuch as it increased the cost of C, P, lon the body o of brale CAMPHOR WOOD AND ving fallen into bad of food of the people.
struggling about ene, be The suggestion Boene, he had been drinking on a empty was adopted Dr. Hall of 288 North thought it was a case of suicide SEA GRASS FURNITURE stomach and indulging in the hampton Street, a graduate of Sookhoo said deceased asked which. who has a settlement ot hemma bos become winflo Infuriated Cricket At Barbados. been practicing medicine in this board blonde by his father in to ho In by panchite and the prison be 10 told bim it must be settled in ALSO LARGE STOCK OF Ristened to the words of the just received the degree of CP. law. Some hours after, KowHe ate heartily and Splendid weather and sound from University and lossur said deceased was found CHINESE AND JAPANESE the condemned cell. His last on Saturday August 5th. At Technology.
Lakraneah, the wife of deGOODS wish was for some kola wine and Queen the Spartan The Doctor intent is to devote ceased said Sookhoo was her he drank nearly half of the bot.
Empire first eleven match was his time to the betterment of brother. Deceased called her tle with some milk continued and con Health among his people and and said he had asked her cluded the result an plans an extensive trip through brother for her share of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CITY TRAGEDY, father property. He then held tan an innings and 66 runs. Dr. Hall is a man of detail and her by her hair. About p. It will be remembered that minutae and is one of the most she heard he was found dead Man Found Dead With Bullet Empire were put in first on a studious medicos of color in this He used to complain of bodily visit to our spacious and commodious store Hold in His Head. bad wicket on the previous country He ranked high as pains and once went to a doctor will be worth your while Saturday and went under for health student in Harvard at Tunapuna. Oace he tried to Bryndulph Tvedt, Tung. Spartan in their first University. We wish the doctor kill himself by eating ground aged about 40 years, was found en under conditions that all the success in life.
glass, and on another occasion dead in his office in Church improved rapidly aggregated he attempted to set fire to his Street on Tuesday morning. It by the close of the day 187 alothing.
ANNOUNCEMENT British Consulate Nottce is believed to have been a case of runs for wickets. Consequent Death of Mr.
suicide and that financial worries ly on Saturday last they complet drove him to commit the act of ed their inning for 237, Empire Pomeroy ACCIDENT AT ST. ANNS.
The British Consulat Colon Campbell of Santo Tomas would be glad of information as shooting himself with a revolver. faced with a first inning lead of He was well known in com: over 170 runs appeared dismay.
The Herald of the 12th August Woodman Seriously In Public that his wife is not con Chesterfield Yearwood, a native Hospital, begs to inform the to the present whereabouts of mercial circles, having been ed and collopsed under quite states that information of the Jured.
engaged in the dairy busines, attractice conditions for 111.
nected in the Lottery ticket of Barbados, who and as a ships chandler, a death of Mr. George Pome emigrated Muddle neither does she know to Panama in 1908, and whose keeper, and also followed other At Kensington Wanderers Pomeroy, at Hastings, in roy. Proprietor of the Hotel Shortly after eight o clock the said (Mrs. Campbell con last address He in Blumente yesterday morning, was Balboa Post involved and coald not meet bis total standing at 300 for Thursday morning last, from was admitted to the. some.
bad ed him hard. He failed to obtain batted first compiled 101. Ben New York. Death ensued on the Hospital by Dr. Martin Boncaud on Monday, and it is for the close of play Pickwick 5th instant and was resultant and detained for treatment in believed that driven to despera. had lost wickets (including on injuries received ugh the motor No. Ward, as the result of went up to his office on Tarilton s) for 87 runs, car collision, Although Monday night and there shot unlegs draw can be effected dent in the Uolony, Mr. Pome his occupation in the heights of many years, a permanent resi from a huge log while pur redit a severe blow which pursuing himself. The dead body was seem destined to suffer a heavy roy spent each winter season at Ho lo lo St. Anns. Baptiste, SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR found on wire cot; on the floor defeat.
was a lot of blood, and clenched the popular hotel which now from information we have been Infants, Invalids and the Aged in the right hand was a revolver bears his name, and is his able able to obtain was employed The bullet penetrated the right Saturday August 12th. The monument. By bis industry, with some other men in the temple, and death must Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the have result of the Pickwlek Wand courteous, tack knowledge of cat and removal of some been instaneous. od erers marvellous use of this great Food, Kensington to day was not free knowledge of hotel The Burial of V, C, Gordon from surprise, for quite a nume ment he built an institution for of Dr McShine. While for hauling a cypo log ineasuring ber of persons had pre conclud. the colony hand fortune for about 14 14 down an incline, Purely An English Preparation.
Ex Sergeant Williams Gordon, inevitable. It is, however, much Barbados, in 1856, his financial The other men who were at first he came from who died on Tuesday, was to the credit MANUFACTURED BY of buried at Up Park Camp on they were able to dogged play it became in later years. He was reach of the log as it slide down work managed to get out of the BENGER FOOD, LTD.
Wednesday, military to stave off a defeat, which dis. When an employee and MANCHESTER, ENGLAND honours, Rev. David Davis close that the ability to surmount ployer, and the Marine Hotel as the hill not so with Baptiste performed the burial service and difficulties is yet a characteristic it them was, was not tho magni. head near the temple. So severe however, who was struck FOR SALE AT a large number of officers and of the Fontabelle team. Kidney ficent structure it now is In was the blow that he became civilians attended.
84 and Hutchinson 62 played a 1887, its reconstruction was comThe American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN Gordon won the C, in 1892 sound and patient game, and pleted and Mr, Pomecoy became (Continued on Page 8)
found, and no an absence of having company: the for a Priest.
Park, unexpectedline ber 60 Dane, ventured pename bis wood cerned)
Jotice a loan BENGER FOOD received be and with


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